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So Rare a Gift (Daughters of His Kingdom Book 3)

Page 29

by Amber Lynn Perry

  Anna neared, alarm pricking her center. “Are you not concerned you may be ill? If these discomforts you speak of are something—”

  “I am with child.”

  Anna flung her hands to her mouth as an excited chirp pierced the air. She threw her arms around Kitty. “Oh, Kitty, I am so pleased. Nathaniel will be beside himself, I’m sure.” She released her hold and tugged the unoccupied chair near Kitty’s and sat with their knees touching. “But how do you know? Can you be sure—you have spoken to Eliza, of course.”

  Kitty nodded. “I spoke with her this morning and she confirmed my suspicions.”

  With child.

  “I could not be more pleased for you, Kitty.” Anna pressed her teeth together. Battling the hurt that charged its way through her spirit, she displayed the years of polished pretend—not a hint of grief would she show, though the pain of it stabbed like a dagger. Such a truth could not mar the happiness of one who had become like a sister to her.

  Beaming, Kitty gripped Anna’s hand and rose to her feet. “I cannot wait to see his face. I plan to tell him this evening, though I have not determined the best time. I shall know it when it is upon us, I suppose.” Her expression softened as a day-dreaminess took ownership of her eyes, as if inwardly she imagined her husband’s face, the bewilderment and happy surprise that would brighten his countenance, and how he would take her in his arms, kiss her mouth and whisper low in her ear that he would love her—and their child—always.

  Anna stilled, her throat swelling. Though worn soft after so many years of stroking, the silver treasure of her own dreams refused to be forgotten, no matter how deep in the corridors of her heart she secured it. Hope carried it forward, where she, never willing to tarnish such beauty with the pain of truth, would polish the vain wishes ’til they all but breathed. Releasing a pained sigh, Anna once more abandoned the dream in the dark inner halls of her spirit where her grief and pains refused to perish.

  Pushing forward, Anna pressed a kiss to Kitty’s cheek. “Well, you shall remain seated then, as determined.” Removing the lamb from the basket, Anna unwrapped the large leg and rested it on the table. With a huff, she placed her hands on her hips. “I should think William will be heartily surprised to learn I have attempted such a meal.”

  “All the more reason for him to be pleased he chose you as his wife.”

  Anna shook her head, staring at the pink mound on the table, trying to focus her attentions on the meat and not the man with whom she shared a bed, and little more. “William didn’t choose me. We needed each other for our different reasons…” Reaching for the knife, she sighed. “But I do hope that he will be pleased with me…more than I can say.”

  Kitty rested her hands in her lap, her head inclined. “Do you not believe he cares for you?”

  After a quick shrug, Anna started into the lamb. “I have no way to be sure.”

  Only that one sacred time, that moment when…She shook her head when an inner voice chimed. How many looks and touches of his hand, how many smiles has he gifted you? They cannot mean nothing.

  Kitty raised a single brow, a serious slant to her mouth. “I have known your husband for some time. I can say with all honestly I have never seen his smile so warm or his eyes so bright as when he looks at you. A man cannot bestow such devotions without harboring feelings of love.”

  Anna continued to cut into the lamb, as if her friend’s words didn’t echo through her silly, hopeful heart. “William is a good man. He offers the same kind smiles to everyone.”

  “I can assure you he does not.” Kitty giggled. She looked off, her mouth pinching for a moment before her gaze went to Anna. “I have known few people as kind and as brave—and as sincere—as your husband.” She paused again, that intensity in the back of her blue-green eyes growing deep. “He loves you, Anna. Of that I am certain.”

  The knife nearly slipped from Anna’s fingers. Loves me? Curling like smoke from a candle, the words washed over her, but she refused to allow the longing to imprint on her soul. Quickly regaining herself, Anna took the knife once again, feigning indifference. “How do you know such a thing?”

  “’Tis hardly a secret.” Kitty’s expression bowed into a playful scowl. “Do not tell me you cannot see it?”

  Anna continued to cut, wishing she could finish the infernal task so the conversation could at least turn to the meal. “He has…he has been more than good to me. If he looked at me as only his helpmeet, a sister even, I should be happy.”

  A laugh burst through the room and Anna turned.

  Kitty shook her head. “Sisterly feelings are what he carries for me, dear friend. A man who sees a woman as a sisterly figure would not kiss her—not the way he has kissed you.”

  Heat burned through Anna’s cheeks. “Well, I suppose a man does have…urges, does he not?”

  “Your husband is hardly the kind of man to exercise his rights as a husband simply to ease some natural need.”

  Anna stared at the half-prepared lamb leg when the truth started fumbling from her lips. “I love him, Kitty, so desperately that I fear I cannot even allow myself to believe he cares for me as well. For if I ever learn that he does not, it shall pain me more than I can endure.”

  “I promise you, he does care for you. Deeply.” Kitty stood and rested a hand on her shoulder. “He would give his life for you, Anna.”

  Anna shook her head with a quiet laugh. “Such a romantic thing to say.”

  Kitty pulled back, as if she were struck by the words. “Aye, romantic indeed, and equally true.”

  By now the heated longing Anna had fought singed upon the fleshy center of her soul, and she was helpless to remove the scars. She groaned, resting the knife upon the table. “I wish it were so. He kissed me once…” Her mind caressed the tender memory, yearning to relive the pleasures of all they had shared. “Though he continues his kindness, he hasn’t appeared at all interested in revisiting such intimacies.”

  Kitty rested her palms on the table and leaned forward. “Then we must assure him of what he is missing.”

  “I fear a meager dish will do little to entice him.” A soft laugh breathed from Anna’s chest. “Nay, Kitty, let us forget we ever spoke of it and—”

  “What gown will you be wearing?”

  Anna frowned. “You mean this evening? I planned to wear the gown you gifted to me for our wedding.”

  “You mean the one you wore when speaking vows? ’Tis lovely indeed, but…” Kitty’s mouth twisted to the side, before the spark in her eye lit her face like a bonfire. “I have another you must wear. A gown so striking he shall not be able to take his eyes from you.” Kitty rested one elbow on the table, the other at her hip. “Awaken his yearning for you until he can no longer resist.” Her voice trailed off as she lowered her chin.

  The room suddenly heated. “I do not wish him to think I’m enticing him for something I shouldn’t.”

  “You are his wife are you not?” Leaning closer still, Kitty’s voice lowered so not even the chopped lamb could bear witness. “Why should you not entice him? Let him ache for you by night’s end.”

  A delightful spray of flutters tickled Anna’s chest.

  Kitty’s eyes sparkled. “A brush of the hand, a whispered word, a look of longing.” She moved nearer. “Make him know you want him, and he will be helpless against his need for you. He already feels it. ’Tis your turn now to let him know you do as well.”

  Like the fire that sparked behind her, tiny bursts of excitement popped within her chest, but her heart refused to allow the sparks to flame. “You believe so?”

  Straightening, Kitty grinned. “I know it, dear Anna. I know it.”


  The sun had gone to rest an hour past. William looked back to the bedchamber door, still closed with Anna inside. The clock struck six and he looked to the fire where savory aromas drifted from the pot hovering over the embers, making his stomach growl and mouth water.

  He tapped his fingers against h
is leg. She wasn’t one to be late. Was she ill again? William fought the temptation to trespass against her privacy. She’d eaten so little of late. And knowing she’d cast up the small portion of her mid-day meal forced worry up his spine.

  The Watsons had expected them by now, but he wouldn’t rush her. If she didn’t appear in another five minutes, he would enter whether she was dressed or not. The tempting thought brought a pleasant heat to his chest. Privacy. He huffed at his foolishness. Why he still allowed her to dress alone he didn’t know. He tapped his fingers again. Nay, he did know, but refused to admit the truth of it. Seeing her shape beneath her chemise, watching her remove her dress and stays was too much for him. He needed to keep a safe distance, which he had done remarkably well—and would continue to do, as long as he had strength. Which he must do even more now than he had before. Until tomorrow has passed…

  He rubbed his forehead, recalling the meeting he’d had with Warren not five hours past. God had known indeed who to trust, and why. Samuel was Anna’s brother indeed—and Warren her true father. The dust of such a revelation still floated in the air, catching the light as it drifted ever so slowly to the ground. She needed to know of this, both for herself and for Warren. And what better man to trust with her care than the one who had always wished to protect her. He exhaled slow, remembering again Warren’s humble vow. I will not let Paul come within her reach. When you are safe, find me, and I will return her to you.

  Covering his mouth, William let out a muffled growl. But would she even want him when his past was revealed? Would he even live past tomorrow’s battle?


  He turned at the sound of Anna’s ethereal voice, breathless as she floated across the small room to stand before him. Combing her with his eyes, William swallowed, attempting to moisten his parched throat.

  “I began to worry over you.” His words came out even, a remarkable feat, considering how his pulse raced with the sudden need for her.

  “You did?” She lowered her lashes then raised them again, her crystal blue eyes baiting him closer.

  Had he not seen this pink gown before? He traced her with his gaze. Perfection. The alluring color enhanced the subtle shade of her cheeks and complimented the ivory color of her skin, tempting him to touch. Her raven hair curled and stacked atop her head, waist impossibly small, breasts pressed and mounded from her stays. He cleared his throat and reminded himself of the need to take in air.

  She neared, a kind of whimsical smile on her full lips as she lifted a string of pearls toward him. “Will you assist me?”

  He cleared his throat. “Aye, certainly.”

  She neared, stopping only inches from him and tickled her fingers against his as she rested the necklace in his hand. “Kitty is letting me borrow these. Are they not lovely?” She turned, a soft lavender scent wafting from her hair.

  After a second clearing of his throat, he reached around, securing the article, desperate that his fingers not brush against her skin. Another drifting scent lured him closer and he ignored the previous warning, allowing his thumb to caress her neck as he rested the fastened string along her back. Her shoulders adjusted and she raised her head then looked behind.

  “Thank you,” she cooed. “I must take the lamb. It should be ready.” She looked to the clock and gasped. “Oh, heavens, we’re late!”

  She rushed to the fire and lowered to retrieve the cast iron, but William followed and halted her with a hand on her shoulder.

  “Let me carry it.” He winked. “Wouldn’t want to spoil your lovely gown.”

  Straightening, her features went soft. “You think it is lovely?”

  Did she not know?

  He traced her once more, his insides whirling. “Of course I do. Pink is my favorite color.”

  “Is it?” She neared, a coy tilt to her smile.

  “Aye.” His pulse thumped as he took another sweeping glance of his wife. “My sister Julia loved pink, and…I learned to love it because of her.”

  Anna’s full lips rounded into a smile that caressed his heart. “You have spoken little of your family.” She neared. “I should like to know more of them. For I believe…by knowing more of them, I will know more of you.”

  I would tell you everything. If only I could.

  He cleared his throat. “Should we not be going?”

  That flirtatious grin returned. “Aye, we should, but your shirt…” Reaching for his collar, she tugged and straightened. “I have not seen you wear this before tonight. ’Tis a handsome waistcoat and jacket.” Another step closer and she combed her fingers through the side of his hair, her fingers lingering behind his ear, her eyes on his mouth. His pulse doubled.

  Her gaze lifted to marry his as her hand trailed down his shoulders and rested on his chest, her voice low and beguiling. “How handsome you are.”

  Have mercy. He tried to breathe. What was she doing? Whatever it was, he liked it, despite the danger that lurked behind the unopened doors. The need for her clawed at him. And from the way she toyed with him, he knew she must desire him as well.

  With a smile she stepped away, removing her hands from their perch on his chest, leaving an empty spot both without and within. The urge to pull her back and test the texture of her skin with his lips consumed him and he reached for her, but she whirled away, a playful spark in her gaze.

  “We must leave or we shall be even later than we already are.”

  Hang the party. He would much rather stay and experiment on the desires that roared inside him.

  She walked to the door and took both of their cloaks, extending his toward him. “Come now, we must hurry. Here is your cloak. Will you take the lamb?”

  Snatching a towel from the table he grabbed the handle of the pot and stopped in front of her, failing to keep his mind or his eyes away from her. “Shall we?”

  “One moment.” She reached around him, lifting on the tips of her toes to put the cloak around his shoulders, her chest brushing up against his.

  Lord help him. This was too much. In a swift move, he set the pot away from them and pulled her to him, covering her warm lips with his. A small mewing sound escaped her throat and she leaned her head back to accept him as a surge of masculine need heated his blood.

  Their friends had waited this long, they could wait another moment. Or longer.


  Hands cupping his head, fingers in his hair, Anna raised to her toes and pressed into him, answering her husband’s passion with her own. He tempted her lips apart and she submitted, savoring the feel of his mouth against hers. Slowly, as his kisses deepened, she trailed her hands across the breadth of his shoulders and rested them against his chest.

  “I must have you,” he whispered, trailing hungry kisses along her ear and down her neck.

  Her heart throbbed and she tipped her head, allowing him greater access to her skin. “We shall be late.” Her voice quivered.

  “They can wait. I cannot.”

  She couldn’t help the petite moan that escaped when he returned his mouth to hers. Anna’s knees began to weaken, as did her memory. Where had they been going? Why couldn’t they spend the evening hours in each other’s arms? Unbidden, the scent of the lamb caressed what she’d forgotten. The party.

  She found a way to speak between kisses. “We must go.”

  He hummed his protest and dusted his lips up her jawbone and into her hair, his hands molding her ever more intimate against him. “A moment longer.”

  He descended, nipping at her collarbone and she struggled for breath as his warm mouth heated her skin. “I feared after our first time…I feared somehow—”

  “I was a fool to stay away so long.” He pressed a full kiss to her lips and lingered, pulling away slowly as if the action might temper the fire between them. Resting his forehead against hers, Anna savored the warmth of his breath dusting her still-damp lips.

  William nudged his nose to her ear and whispered so low, the sound barely passed his lips. “When we return
, I shall remind you of all the heated secrets of our love.”


  “Welcome, dear friends.”

  “Forgive us for our tardiness. ’Twas my fault.” Anna smiled as Eliza ushered them in, William just behind her. “I do hope the lamb has not been overcooked.”

  Thomas appeared from the stairway and took the heavy pot from William, the two men sharing slaps on shoulders and heading straight for the kitchen.

  Anna pointed where the men had gone, speaking to Eliza. “Should not we be doing that? The lamb I mean.”

  Eliza gave a brief shake of the head. “Ah, nay. Thomas enjoys helping me and I certainly don’t disapprove.” She chuckled lightly and motioned to the parlor. “I will follow him momentarily, once I know you are settled.”

  “Do not worry over me. I should like to help as well. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Nay, everything is well prepared.” Eliza stopped, a pensive twist to her mouth. “There is one thing—you stay here, I shall not be a moment.”

  Anna nodded, watching as Eliza escaped into the kitchen. A movement out the front window snatched her attention and she whirled to see the cause of the commotion.

  ’Twas Kitty and Nathaniel. She giggled to herself. Thank heaven she was not the only one to arrive later than planned. She reached for the door but hesitated when Kitty tugged on Nathaniel’s arm, stopping him.

  Curious, Anna continued to watch, wondering if perhaps she should usher them in or leave them to their privacy. The purple shadows of twilight crept ‘round them, snow just beginning to fall. Kitty lowered her head as she spoke, then peeked back up. Nathaniel’s forehead scrunched then melted, his entire face drooping in bewilderment. He bent slightly forward and cupped her elbows, mouthing something Anna could not determine. Kitty’s face brightened and she answered, placing her hands on her stomach. Nathaniel pulled back, celestial joy lighting his face. He grabbed her at the waist and twirled her once, setting her on her feet before kissing her on the mouth.


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