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Dragon's Melody

Page 6

by Bell, Ophelia

  “Your aura turns blue whenever you sense me near, did you know that?” Skye’s deep voice spoke, about a foot behind Garen’s chair.

  “It’s because I’m attuned to your needs. Which, I might add, is my job.”

  The short hairs stood up on the back of his neck when Skye’s hand rested on his shoulder, thumb grazing across the sensitive skin beneath Garen’s ear. His heart pounded at even that small contact, and his aura seemed distinctly fuller when Skye’s began to mingle with it.

  Sweet Mother, all it took was a simple touch now for him to give in with that tacit submission.

  Skye sighed and shifted close, sliding his hands down Garen’s bare chest from behind. “You can say no to me once in a while. At least go find a few humans to dilute what I give you. Or say yes next time I invite you to share.”

  In spite of his words, Skye’s hands didn’t seem inclined to be denied. They slid further down, fingertips teasing at the skin of Garen’s chest. Skye’s warm, soft lips rested against the side of Garen’s throat, tongue sweeping lightly over his pulse point.

  Garen had no intention of refusing, particularly not when Skye tugged open his fly to reveal Garen’s erection. Garen groaned, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.

  “I like what you provide just fine,” he said gruffly and let his hands fall away from the laptop finally, moving one to wrap around Skye’s hand on his cock, just to feel the deft movements of Skye’s grip on him.

  “Tell me what you think of Melody,” Skye said. “Would she make a good mate? Someone Mother would have approved of?”

  Garen let out a soft grunt when Skye’s hand squeezed him a little tighter, hinting that he shouldn’t avoid the question. “She might be perfect, but I won’t know until I meet her. She wants something human men can’t … oh, sweet Jesus, that feels amazing.”

  Skye chuckled and continued with rougher, faster strokes. “So now you’re invoking the human messiah? Do you know some humans still believe in a second coming?”

  “I think they lack imagination. Or they’ve never met one of us,” Garen said. He was fully prepared to make a night of it now, if Skye was in the mood.

  “You need more, Garen. Share with me, please.”

  Skye’s comment confused him for a second, until he heard the click of the suite’s door closing followed by the distinctive swishing sounds of someone undressing behind him. The scent of salt and citrus reached his nostrils at the same moment the aura of the waitress bled through Skye’s, bright with her arousal.

  “I made him ready for you,” Skye said in Spanish over his shoulder.

  Her scent grew stronger as she came into view. She’d let her hair down and it draped glossy black over her shoulders, wisps of it curved in perfect parentheticals around her dark-tipped breasts. The pink tip of her tongue darted out to lick her lips when her gaze fell to Garen’s cock with Skye’s hand still holding it in a loose unmoving grip. She began to kneel beside him, but he shot out a hand to stop her.

  “No,” he said. He released her wrist and reached up to grip the back of her neck, forcing her to stand still. Her eyes widened slightly, and her nipples hardened into cinnamon-colored peaks. Garen abstractly wondered if they would taste as spicy.

  “What are you playing at, Skye?” he shot mentally to his friend.

  “You need more variety, and she’s more than willing, just look how vivid her aura is.”

  Garen couldn’t deny that he needed more energy. Skye’s would be enough if he were available when Garen needed. They were apart for a week at a time or more, but Garen generally avoided looking for humans to replenish with. Considering he’d originally planned to spend the night alone, he supposed he’d compromise.

  “Look at me, Lucita,” he said in a low voice to the girl.

  She inhaled sharply at the sound of her name, but her eyes settled, dark and intent, on his face.

  “Yes, I remember your name. I’m sure you don’t know mine, though. Are you sure you want this?”

  Her mouth curled into a mischievous smile. “Si, Señor Garen,” she said and reached up to peel his fingers off her neck. She held onto his hand, pulling it down over her full breast, then kept going. She kept his palm pressed against her smooth, tan skin all the way until she stopped, his fingertips flush against the apex of her hot slit.

  “Someone pays attention,” Skye murmured behind him.

  “Did he tell you my name?” Garen asked, taking over control of his hand to press his fingertips further between her legs. They slid easily into the wet heat between her folds and he stroked lightly.

  “No,” she said, the word coming out on a small sigh. “I pay attention.”

  “Then pay attention to this,” Garen said. “I’m going to make you come right now. And then I’m going to fuck you until you come again.” As he spoke, he sank two fingers deep into her, finding her tiny throbbing clit with his thumb. Her eyes fluttered closed and she tilted her head back, looking almost as if she might faint from pleasure.

  Skye released Garen’s cock and moved behind her, supporting her weight.

  Without pausing in his stroking of her tight, wet pussy, Garen shifted his chair around to face her. He glanced up at Skye once, irritated by his friend’s sardonic look.

  “Fine,” he shot back in response. “You win, but let’s make this good for her at least.”

  “I always make it good,” Skye replied, shifting his embrace of her to cup both breasts and flick his thumbs over her nipples.

  His erection all but forgotten, Garen shifted forward, pushing his knees between her legs to spread her wider. He leaned in, intent on tasting her nipples. Skye moved his hands just enough to push her breasts together and hold them up for Garen’s eager lips to latch onto.

  Not cinnamon, but the hum of her arousal was even more pronounced when he sucked, leaving his tongue tingling as though he’d tasted something hot.

  She let out a plaintive moan and tilted her hips toward him, undulating in time with the thrusts of his fingers. He pressed a third into her tight depths and fucked into her with increased frequency, acutely conscious of the hot throbbing bundle beneath his thumb. He had the sense of stoking a fire and hoped she wouldn’t burn out entirely once she climaxed, because he had plans for her afterward.

  A series of harsh cries erupted from her throat and she threw her head back against Skye’s chest. Garen met his friend’s gaze again and held it while he fingered her harder, rubbing his fingertips against the tiny spot he’d found inside that set her writhing in ecstasy. One more hard stroke of her clit and she bucked against him, her energy abruptly releasing itself and sinking through him. Skye’s eyes flashed with blue light as he took his share through his contact with her skin.

  She collapsed in Skye’s arms when it was over, her eyes low-lidded and her lips turned up into a satisfied smile.

  “Now for you?” She pulled away from Skye and he released her, letting his hands slide down her sides as he did. Her eyes fell again to Garen’s erection, which pulsed and twitched to remind him of its existence. She placed her legs on either side of his, but before she could lower herself onto him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and stood.

  She gasped in surprise when he threw her onto the bed, then laughed and wrapped herself around him when he crawled over to her and hovered above her. Having a woman beneath him, holding him and calling his name when she came, was an ongoing fantasy, yet every time he tried this something was lacking. He looked down into her smiling face, watching for a sign of some connection. He abruptly sank his cock into her, thinking perhaps it would be there when he was fucking her. Perhaps Skye had seen something in her that Garen had missed, and that’s why he’d brought her to their suite.

  Her legs clamped tightly around him, her fingernails clawed lightly at his back and she bit and bucked at him while he fucked her. He hovered right at the edge the entire ti
me, but as hard and aroused as he was, he still couldn’t reach his Nirvana. He clenched his eyes shut and fucked her harder, shivering for a moment when her climax hit and sank through his skin, hoping it would happen then, but it still eluded him.

  He kept fucking, less concerned with a connection than simply getting there now. He thought he understood why Skye didn’t go this far with human women, yet for some reason Garen needed to prove to himself it was at least possible.

  She made a sound of dismay beneath him that forced him back to reality. He stopped mid-stroke and opened his eyes. She was frowning up at him, her aura only a dim glow. “Don’t stop,” she said. “You haven’t finished. It’s okay.” She brushed a tender hand down his cheek and tilted her head up to kiss him.

  He shook his head, cursing silently to himself.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, pulling out and resting back on his heels.

  He was still ferociously hard, but stopped her before she could dip her head to take him in her mouth. She looked up at him, confused. “If fucking you didn’t work, that won’t, either. It isn’t your fault. I’m just … broken, I guess.” He shrugged and gave her a dismal smile.

  She nodded and graciously left the bed.

  Garen buried his face in his hands. Fuck! He shouldn’t have bothered trying. Feeding his own need for energy was good enough. If he couldn’t find Nirvana with a human woman how would could he ever conceivably keep a mate?

  When he glanced up again, she was dressed and tucking a wad of cash into her pocket while Skye held the door for her. His friend shut it gently behind her and leaned his back against it.

  “You aren’t broken. She just isn’t the one,” Skye said.

  “Most dragons can come with any partner. You can, but you won’t. Since we left hibernation, I can’t.”

  “Except with me.”

  “Except with you.”

  Skye stepped away from the door and walked toward the bed, tugging his t-shirt off over his head as he walked. When he reached the bed he pushed his swim trunks down his legs. He paused long enough to stroke himself once. Garen’s gaze followed Skye’s hand up the thick, curved length of his cock, as enthralled as he’d been when his friend had been stroking his own cock earlier.

  “We can’t keep solving each other’s ‘problem’, Skye. We have an obligation to our race to breed. You have an obligation to your bloodline.”

  Skye shrugged. “I know, but in the meantime, we’re all we’ve got.” He climbed onto the bed and moved to Garen. With the same familiar, possessive grip, Skye clutched the back of Garen’s neck and kissed him.

  This was his problem, he knew. Skye. Without even being asked, he’d submitted so thoroughly he was trapped now, bonded through a power exchange to a dragon he couldn’t hope to mate, but who he knew he’d never leave.

  The understanding of his predicament tortured him, yet he still gave in. Even now, as he turned and the reason for his psychological resistance stroked his cock from behind, he ignored the tiny voice of reason and gave in again. He relented, bending over and relishing the wet swirl of Skye’s tongue at his ass. A moment later, he cried out in ecstasy as the sweet, rough plunge of Skye’s shaft penetrated him.

  He clutched at the sheets, pushing back into Skye’s pulsing cock when his own jerked and spasmed in Skye’s deft grip, his semen coating Skye’s knuckles as he came and their energy intermingled in blue-white eddies around them both.

  Chapter Seven

  Melody took the next week off, but found it difficult to relax in the heat. Kol hadn’t precisely snubbed her. He’d been sweet, and that hadn’t helped a bit to distract her from thoughts of him. Who in the world could help her realize her potential? What potential did he mean, anyway? During the next few nights she dreamed about his dark eyes, such a deep blue that they seemed almost black, like the night sky. Stars seemed to travel around his pupils like tiny satellites being gradually sucked into a black hole. In her dream he darted out a tongue that swelled and grew into something inhuman, but that she craved to have between her thighs again. And he complied, sinking the agile length of it into her wet pussy.

  She awoke writhing with the pleasure of her orgasm and drenched in sweat. Once the delirium of the dream faded, she went to the bathroom, filled the tub, and sank down into the deliciously cool water. Her body temperature settled, but her mind ran rampant. The sensation of the tongue in her dream was precisely what she’d felt that day in the plane with Kol.

  The tongue he’d shoved into her couldn’t have been human. He couldn’t be human.

  She grasped the medallion at her throat and it burned against her palm, the heat of it only reminding her more of him and what she would do for him if he’d only ask. While she held the pendant, she pressed her fingers against her clit and rubbed the tight little bundle rapidly. It took only a few seconds before she was thrashing in the water and crying out, her entire body quivering with her orgasm.


  The summons didn’t come for several days. She spent as much time as possible outside her stifling apartment, sitting in the library or any other local public spot that had air conditioning. She kept her phone handy wherever she went, looking at it periodically like an overeager lover.

  She was sitting in the darkest, coolest corner of the library reading when an impossibly handsome man in a sharp suit found her.

  “Melody Proust?”

  She hesitated to answer until she spied the emblem pinned to the man’s silk tie. It looked similar to the one strung around her neck, only with a blue inlay rather than black.

  “I’m Melody …”

  “Mr. Magnus would like to speak with you.”

  Her skin tingled at the mention of him. She stood, smoothing down her sundress and then the silken waves of her hair. “Do I look okay?” she asked the man.

  He was beautiful beyond belief, so tall she had to crane her neck to see his face, with broad shoulders and perfectly proportioned features. His hair was trimmed above his collar and draped in a soft, pale blond cowlick high over his forehead, and his cheeks looked smoother than a baby’s bottom. His gaze was all over her, the palest of blue eyes glowing inhumanly for a moment the way Kol’s tended to in rare moments when she caught him studying her. The effect startled her, inciting her curiosity in him even more. So far he was the fourth person she’d encountered in her entire life that could do that. It couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? Either way, she was immediately eager to find out more.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said. His gaze turned hungry as it passed down her body, the glow in them flickering brighter for a second. The way he lingered at her hips made her acutely aware of the press of her thighs against the desk she was leaning on and of every other point of contact below her waist.

  He looked like he wanted her, eyes rapidly skimming over every inch of her like he couldn’t get enough. As if his rapt expression wasn’t enough, he was obviously sporting a spectacular erection inside his trousers and not the least bit embarrassed about it, either.

  That realization sent Melody into a spin. After more than a month of craving a man who repeatedly ignored her, now here was another, every bit as attractive, who clearly did want her.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Melody took a deep breath, unbuttoned the first few buttons of her dress and let the sheer fabric fall open. She hadn’t worn a bra, foregoing the irritating garment due to the heat. Her breasts pressed heavily against the bodice of her dress, her cleavage bright and creamy and glistening with perspiration in spite of the cool air in the dark corner cubicle where she’d chosen to hide. It only briefly occurred to her to wonder how he’d found her there without calling first.

  “Gorgeous enough for Mr. Magnus’s approval?” she asked, hoping her question would invite his gaze to sweep over her again. The only thing she’d like more would be for him to actually touch her. She only abstractly wondered why she was so l
it up by his mere presence. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he’d drugged her.

  “Even better,” he said, “but it isn’t Kol you need to impress today. It’s me, and then my boss.”

  “What’s your name?” she asked, sliding her legs together and enjoying the way his gaze fixated on the bare skin of her thighs just below the short hem of her dress. His hands clenched at his sides and his tongue darted out to sweep along his bottom lip. He seemed almost as mesmerized by her as she was by him.

  “Garen.” He seemed disinclined to raise his eyes back to hers, but did, his posture relaxing again when he met her gaze.

  “Who do you work for if it isn’t Kol?”

  Garen stepped closer to her. “His name is Skye,” he said in an almost off-handed tone. With the most delicate touch he brushed her hair back, hooking it behind her ear. The fingertip continued in a light trail down the side of her neck and his eyes followed, leaving a delicious tingle in their wake that spread through her like wildfire until the flesh between her thighs ached with arousal.

  “Tell me, Melody, do you always go braless like this?” His touch continued across her collarbone to the tiny dip at the base of her throat, then headed south, down her sternum, his eyes following the path just as slowly.

  The combination of his electric fingertips and the path his eyes took made her wish for a bolder touch, but she was paralyzed to react. She merely said, “Only in the heat. The dampness gets uncomfortable.”

  “Oh?” His gaze rose to meet hers, but his hand kept moving southward.

  Melody gasped when his other hand brushed up her inner thigh. She’d wished for bold, and it didn’t get bolder than a finger tugging her panties aside and giving her slick pussy a stroke, inciting a shuddering sigh from the exquisite contact. He dipped a little deeper into the wet heat that had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with his proximity. Retrieving his finger, he raised his hand to his mouth, slid the glistening digit between his lips, and sucked with no more fanfare than if he’d been testing the flavor of a sauce on the stove.


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