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Dragon's Melody

Page 28

by Bell, Ophelia

  Skye’s hand covered hers on his cock for a moment, following her light exploration before sliding up along her arm. He shifted slightly in front of her, moving to the side while still allowing her hand to remain in contact with him. She heard a soft rustle and paused stroking him long enough to slide her hand up his stomach and find bare skin now that he’d removed his shirt.

  Garen pulled away from their kiss, his face flushed and eyes flashing wildly with lust. He was so beautiful in that moment, perfectly engrossed the way he’d been when they’d made love and she’d learned how much she really could please him. She wished she could spend the rest of her life pleasing them both, but they’d forced her hand.

  She would have them both today and then leave them together. She realized that she would have to be the one to leave. Where she would go, she had no idea, but she forced the thought from her mind. Tomorrow she would decide.

  Today she would simply love them.

  Skye took over making love to her mouth with his, the sweet velvet wetness of his tongue demanding entry and sliding between her lips with urgency. Both his hands drifted under her shirt, fingertips grazing her sides and tracing the undersides of her breasts.

  “Sweet Mother, Melody, how I’ve missed you. Your aura is fit to explode right now—more beautiful than any moment after Garen readied you for me. Is it because you truly wanted us both?” He murmured the words in her ear as he cupped her breasts, teasing both thumbs over her already achingly hard nipples.

  She couldn’t answer, only managing a low hum which he consumed with another kiss before breaking away and tugging her shirt over her head.

  The chilly morning breeze made goosebumps rise up on her exposed skin, but soon enough their hands warmed her. The sharp contrast between the chill air and the heat of their roaming caresses made her feel deliciously alive. She obliged Garen when he tugged at her waistband, raising her hips to let him divest her of her pajamas. The worn wood surface of the table pressed into her backside, hard and cool.

  With a swift kiss, Skye urged her to lie back, bending over to follow her down to the surface where he let his tongue dart out to tease wetly at the tip of each breast, then suck her nipples tightly between his lips.

  Her attention was split between her aching need for physical contact and an even deeper yearning to tell them how much she loved them and never wanted to let them go.

  Skye murmured words in her ear, as thick and honey-sweet as syrup, promising her pleasure like she’d never experienced. He let his hand roam over her naked torso from pelvis to neck, never ceasing contact. The touch made her core ache unbelievably and she nearly cried out her objection and her wish to have him touch her, lick her, anything. Before she could voice her wish Garen’s hands gripped her thighs and pushed them apart and he sank down between, pressing his lips against her soaked cunt in a slow, languorous kiss.

  “That’s right, love,” Skye whispered. “Let him taste you the way I did that first day. Give yourself to him. This is how we should have begun, the three of us, isn’t it?”

  Coherent thought was beyond her capability and she could only grope for Skye to pull him back down into a desperate kiss while Garen’s deft tongue flicked over her throbbing clit, teasing her in just the way that only he knew how. He knew precisely what her limit was and took her there so slowly, pushing her right up against the edge of that precipice and letting her dangle, weightless.

  When he paused, with his thumbs still holding her spread open, she glanced down and their eyes met over the brush of gold hair that adorned her mons. His eyes narrowed slightly and his lips moved again, tongue tracing a tortuous circuit around, deliberately avoiding giving her that release, but causing the wire she perched on to shiver.

  It was a challenge, she realized. A fucking game—a silent wager—and it almost made her laugh, but the exquisite torture of it brought a tear to her eye instead.

  And she relished every second of being held right there at the edge by him. Even more, she loved Skye for holding back and letting Garen have this moment. Even the night she and Garen had made love, they’d indulged each other too quickly for either of them to experience the breathless need of holding back. The feeling like the entire world and even time itself had halted for a moment, waiting for them to come together and take that plunge as one.

  Garen pulled back from devouring her, his eyes filled with fevered desperation. Skye shifted out of the way as his pale-haired friend rose up between her thighs, cock in hand. Excitement and raw need were plain on his face as he pressed his tip at her entrance.

  She struggled to hold herself at the edge a moment longer, but she need not have waited. Garen’s face hovered over hers, hands braced on either side of her head. He slid slowly into her, his brows clenching, teeth digging into his lower lip.

  “… love you …” he managed to whisper just before his face contorted into the most beautiful pleasure she could imagine. The sharp pulse of his orgasm deep inside her was the final push she needed, though the smallest gust of wind could have sent her over by then.

  She wrapped herself around him, holding on as though her life depended on it, but reaching out with one hand to find the other half of her heart. Skye found her and held on, resting a hand at the side of her head and smoothing down her sweat-soaked hair. With Garen’s face buried in her shoulder, she turned to gaze up at Skye who only smiled and bent to kiss her.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” he said.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  The first time he’d made love to her was the best moment of his life. At least that’s what Garen believed until just now.

  Having Melody’s legs wrapped around him, his cock still throbbing inside her, and Skye’s rough hands holding him tight while they kissed, might have very well exceeded that by tenfold.

  Twice now, he’d found Nirvana with a woman he’d fallen in love with the second he’d touched her but never believed he could find completion with, even if he’d been allowed to.

  “See, she is for you,” Skye’s deep tone bored into his brain, but Garen rejected the underlying message. Skye wanted to give Melody up, and Garen wanted Skye to have her. He knew better than to argue because they’d both agreed to abide by her choice.

  “Maybe I’ll be the lucky one she chooses, maybe not,” Garen sent back, smirking into the luscious kiss Skye gave him.

  One orgasm wasn’t enough. He hoisted Melody up, ignoring her protests, and carried her into the house, leaving their clothes on the deck.

  She laughed delightedly at his nuzzled promises. “I’m going to make you come five more times just like that,” he said while he carried her up the stairs. He held her against him with one arm while he held Skye’s hand behind him, pulling the Blue along in their wake.

  “I have one rule,” Melody said when he set her down inside her the airy master bathroom. “No messing up Mom’s house. No breaking things … all right?”

  “Do you have the urge for destruction, Melody?” Skye asked coyly. He slunk toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her and shoving her ass into the row of cosmetics atop her mother’s built-in vanity. Bottles crashed to the floor and Melody gasped and wrapped her legs around Skye’s hips. Her blue eyes met Garen’s over Skye’s shoulder, seeming to ask for help but unable to articulate it.

  Garen didn’t have the will to help. He’d had a taste of her. More than one, and all he wanted was to taste more now. He closed in and found her lips—the only part of her body that wasn’t monopolized by his friend. Skye’s cock was buried in her now and she grasped at both of them, turning her head between them to kiss them each in turn.

  Her hand went between his legs and found his cock, tugged at it, her brows creased like she wished she could do more but hadn’t the facilities to. Then her head went back against the mirror and she cried out with another orgasm, the sweet rush of energy flooding out of her—fl
ooding into him in such a rush that he came again with a hot rush over her stroking hand.

  He stared down at the creamy streaks of his own spend in astonishment. Since when had a woman’s simple tug of his cock reduced him to this kind of exquisite humiliation?

  “Sweetie, you look embarrassed,” Melody said, raising her hand and licking his fluids off it. As if that would help. All it did was humiliate him further and make him unbearably hard again.

  And to make matters worse, Skye grabbed her hand and used his true tongue to finish the job, humming in appreciation with every sweep of that glorious appendage over Melody’s knuckles. She gasped when Skye pulled two of her fingers deep into his mouth and sucked, closing his eyes as though savoring.

  “He has a lovely flavor, doesn’t he?” Skye said. He pulled out of Melody and turned toward Garen, placing both hands solidly on his shoulders. He pushed Garen toward the shower, pressing hot kisses against his lips at every step and making it difficult to maintain his balance as he was urged backward through the door. Melody laughed and sidled around to move ahead of them, turning on the water while Skye teased him with playful kisses.

  Yet in Skye’s eyes, Garen saw the same wistful, tortured look he knew he held in his own. One of them would lose her at the end of this. One of them would lose the other, too.

  How could he reconcile that loss? Melody or Skye? And was this revelry enough to balance out the pain he would feel tomorrow?

  Because regardless of her choice, he would be heartbroken.

  Hot water beat down on the back of his neck and Melody’s arms slid around him from behind. Her lips pressed gently between his shoulder blades as her hands roamed over his torso, her caresses just as arousing as the press of Skye’s hips from the front. Even though he had no more need for energy after two rounds with them, his body was still hungry for more. With every touch, he wished for the next, and the next, but at the same time wished to slow things down, make this day last.

  He pulled away from Skye’s tender kisses and turned, wrapping Melody in his arms and peering down at her. Either he would always have her or he would always miss her. He cupped her face in his hands and just looked, committing every curve and line of her face to memory. She blinked up at him with wet lashes framing her blue eyes.

  “Garen,” she whispered, her eyes searching his. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what, Melody?” he asked. “Don’t love you?”

  “Don’t look at me like today’s already over, please. We’re just getting started.” In spite of the determination in her tone, he heard a slight quaver and loved her even more for it. Skye still held him tightly from behind, unmoving. His friend was pressed against him from shoulder to hips, lips grazing the back of Garen’s neck.

  “If I could die at any moment of my choosing, I would choose this moment,” Garen whispered. He released Melody’s face and laughed out loud. “But I do love a challenge, so let’s see if we can find more moments worth dying for.”

  Skye squeezed him tighter and Melody smacked him hard in the chest. “Nobody’s dying! Don’t even say that!”

  Garen hoisted her up and pressed her hard against the tile wall, murmuring in her ear. “Dying would be a better fate than losing you and Skye, Melody.” He bent to her breast, capturing a nipple and sucking until she gasped and tugged at his hair. He looked at her, amazed yet again at how strongly her aura pulsed just from his attention.

  Behind him, Skye moved a step back and then he returned, hands slick with soap rubbing over Garen’s shoulders.

  “It is said that the moment of a dragon’s death is akin to the greatest moment of Nirvana he or she had during life,” Skye said. His blue eyes met hers, flashing with their inner light, over Garen’s shoulder. “Every moment of bliss with you is worth dying for, Melody.”

  Garen would die right now if it meant ensuring her lifelong happiness, but he knew from her look that she was every bit as frantic to find what pleasure they could together before they were split apart finally.

  “Let me give you another moment,” he said, whispering the words in her ear just as her ankles locked around his hips and she urged him closer. Her hand guided his cock into her and she rested her head back on the wet tiled wall with a sigh as he buried himself deeper.

  Her wet sheath hugged him, searing his sensitive skin. His pulse raced as he looked down into her eyes. Her fingers clung to his shoulders and she gasped, eyelids fluttering when he tilted his hips so slowly into her.

  He’d have been lost in her eyes except for the way they flicked behind him, reminding him of the person he’d never have forgotten. His focus on Skye had receded today, however. He turned his head and spat shower water from his mouth to look at Skye.

  “Stop looking at me. Make her come again. I’ll be right here …” Skye’s voice grew rough in his ear as his hand slid with soapy slickness over Garen’s back. His fingers clutched Garen’s ass and squeezed, slipping in between his cheeks.

  He looked back down at Melody, her eyes wide with need, and moved his hips in one long, slow stroke.

  Melody’s breath stuttered and her head fell back against the tiles again. Her breasts heaved with an inhaled breath that she held for the length of time it took him to pull his cock out of her again.

  Was she holding it for him? His tip throbbed at her hot center for a second before he slammed back into her. She let the breath out in a beautiful cry, her wet lips opening up and drinking in the water that streamed down on them.

  Skye’s movements around him were thankfully familiar enough for him to push to his periphery. Skye’s lovemaking was intense, but predictable. Melody’s was new and glorious. Having her clinging to him now, with all four wet limbs, was more than he’d imagined he’d find with any woman.

  The fact of Skye’s thick cock sinking into his ass while he did so was just expected. And made it even harder for him to keep the moment solidly in the “fantasy” realm.

  He could’ve believed making love to Melody for a day had all been a dream. He could have walked away happy that he’d had a chance to know what loving a woman so much should feel like. But Skye’s presence forced his mind to shift from living out a fantasy to experiencing reality. The reality Garen would do anything to keep if he could.

  But he couldn’t, and he was helpless to change anything but this moment.

  His throat constricted just as the sob threatened to come forth. Melody’s eyes were closed, for which he was grateful. Skye knew, though. Skye always knew. But he didn’t say anything at least. Instead, Skye simply slowed his pace, slid his hands down along Melody’s thighs to cover Garen’s hands where they still clutched Melody’s ass to hold her up.

  Skye’s lips teased at Garen’s ear. “I’m of a mind to break laws today, brother.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  The more Skye worked over their options, the more he hated them.

  Maybe it had been a mistake to give in to Melody’s wish to have a day with them both, but now that the three of them were together, he never wanted it to end.

  Only a week of her being passed between himself and Garen had made her more of a treasure. She’d held herself back the first time today, her aura pluming up around the three of them, with her need to hold back her climax until they were all ready.

  The implosion of its sweet power at the moment of their mutual destruction was the thing that decided it for him.

  Rebellion never felt so good.

  He only wished he’d had more time to plan.

  Garen didn’t register his comment when he suggested they break laws. Of course, being fucked while your cock was buried in the woman you loved might make it hard to see reason.

  Skye lost himself a second later, his hands tight on Garen’s shower-slick ass cheeks, his cock slamming in as hard as he dared.

  Having your cock buried in the man you loved made it hard to see reason, too.

  His lovers both cried out. The sound may have been the sweetest thing he’d ever heard, as hard as his heart beat to hear it, but it was the hard clench of Garen’s ass around his cock that made him come.

  For the first time in his life, the sweet surge of energy that swept through him from his lovers felt dull compared to their reactions after the fact.

  Melody clung to him desperately for a few seconds, slipping in the shower once and forcing him to catch her and lift her up. She let Skye hold her while Garen rubbed soapy hands all over her. Once they were all clean and the water ceased running, she was the first out, wrapping a towel around her body and heading to the bed.

  She stopped a foot away and stared at it.

  “We should go to my room,” she said.

  “Alec crafted the bed,” Garen said, pragmatic as always. “It’ll hold us.”

  The giant, welded iron work of art would hold them, but not if Melody balked at it.

  “We’ll go to your room,” Skye said, caressing Melody’s naked hip.

  “No … Garen’s right.” She turned and looked at the two of them, her face weirdly placid. “You two won’t fit in my bed. And I like that bed, so … no.” She released her hold on the towel and let it slide to the floor.

  Skye found himself mesmerized by her absolute ownership of the moment. This was her space, and he was suddenly out of his element, waiting for her to tell him where to be. What was worse was that he desperately wanted to touch her. She stood there, her hair still wet from the shower. Water droplets trailed over her breasts from the wet tendrils of her hair, and he would have licked them off if he’d been given the chance.

  One in particular gleamed at the tip of her left nipple, reflecting the light from the window. Why in hell did he feel so damn thirsty just now?

  “What is it?” she asked, staring at him with concern.

  Betraying his more polite options he swept in, darted his tongue out, and captured the droplet before it could disappear. Her nipple was the next thing to fall into his mouth, accompanied by her own gasp of pleasure.


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