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The Blood That Drives Us: The Devils Dust MC Legacy

Page 9

by M. N. Forgy

  “Uh, yeah. He was bringing me some papers,” I lie. She looks down at my hands, and I am caught in my lie. Maybe I should tell her about Mr. Thad. I wonder if he’s come on to her.

  Crossing my arms, I pop my hip out and go for it.

  “Has Mr. Thad ever been… out of line with you?”

  She snorts, tossing her hand at me.

  “That old perv. He’s just having harmless fun.” Her light demeanor has me believe she’s either oblivious to Mr. Thad’s behavior or maybe she’s sleeping with him. She is a big flirt.

  “No, I was just curious. He flirted with me and it made me feel a little weird.” I twist my lip. She giggles and tosses her hair over her shoulder.

  “He’s nothing to worry about.” She laughs.

  I nod, swallowing hard.

  “Right, well I better get back to class.”

  She turns, heading back down the hall, and I race into my room.

  That was a close one.

  They are all quiet and watching TV. Slipping into my chair, I exhale a large breath.

  Jesus that was risky.

  Dropping my head into my hands, I try and steady my racing heart.

  It was for the better of the school.

  I did this for them.

  * * *

  Two hours crawl by, and every passing minute I become more and more paranoid. I’ve been to the bathroom fifteen times because of the coffee, which doesn’t help with the anxious toxicity running through me right now. Maybe I should go get the weed back and call this whole thing off. I am the worst outlaw.

  A bark makes the hairs on my neck stand, and I rise from my desk. Too late to back out.

  The sheriff is here. Trying to remain calm, I peek outside the door and see Mr. Thad, the sheriff, and a German Shepard walking past lockers and toward the office.

  I jump back into my room. This is it. The bastard is going down.

  Laughing has me frowning and looking back out the doorway. They’re leaving his office!

  What the fuck?

  My heart begins to pound so hard I think I may faint.

  Something is wrong. Did he find it?

  I snap straight, and my eyes widen.

  Fuck, what if he found it? Does he know it was me?

  Quickly, I hustle over to my desk and begin to open drawers. Nothing there. I shuffle papers and still find nothing. Hands trembling, I jerk my purse out of my bottom drawer and there is the baggy of weed.

  That motherfucker!

  Fisting it, I hear the dog getting closer.

  Turning on my heel, I panic. Do I stick it down my pants?

  A breeze flips my hair over my face and I run to the window and throw the baggy out.

  “Mrs. Addington!” Mr. Thad show-tunes as the sheriff enters.

  “Hi!” I try and smile, but really, I want to punch this asshole.

  “Standard procedure.” He shrugs as the dog sniffs around the room.

  “Of course!” I wave my hand over the desks.

  The dog makes his way to my desk and I tense. Please don’t smell it.

  He sniffs and gruffs around my purse and I hold my breath.

  Finally, he moves on, and Mr. Thad and I connect eyes.

  Nice try asshole.

  “Very good.” Mr. Thad never breaks eye contact, his beady eyes confirming I’m in deep shit. Just as they leave the room, I slump to the floor and hold my head in my hands.

  I’m so fucked.

  * * *

  Leaving school early to avoid Mr. Thad I lock my classroom up, and try and beat the kids out of the school. My eyes wide and heart thudding, I keep my eyes open for Thad while making my way to my Jeep. His car is missing. Is he even at the school? I contemplate if I should tell Zane things went badly.

  No, he is just waiting for me to call and tell him he was right.

  I can’t quit, I need this job. I love my job.

  Finally making it home, I place my keys in between my fingers and dart across the lawn to get to my apartment. The door is open, the doorknob loose, and drywall cracked. Someone broke into my house. Was it Mr. Thad or the guys after the club. This is not good. I don’t go inside, I begin to back up slowly.

  Shaking my head, fear whispering up my back like a ghost, I run back to my Jeep and lock the doors. Dumping my purse out on my seat I grab my phone and call Bobby.

  “Someone broke into my house!” I breathe heavily. I’m so scared, my hand is shaking like a crack addict.

  “Get away from there. We’re on our way.”

  * * *


  Sitting at the bar nursing a beer, I watch Bobby answer his phone animatedly. Smoke dances near the ceiling, and it’s hot inside. My fingers shake as the urge to hurt someone is becoming unbearable. So many voices and anger running through my veins, it’s coming to the point I can’t sort them out. Every time someone annoys me, it crosses my mind how many ways I could kill them before they get the next word out of their mundane mouth.

  Bobby hangs up his phone, and looks at us with wide eyes.

  “Bull, a word.”

  Bull sighs, pushing himself up off the couch on the other side of the room. He’s so tall he has to un-slinky himself from the cushions. His dark hair that matches mine sweeping into his scary as fuck eyes. I don’t fear a lot of people, but my pops is a hard ass.

  He marches into another room, and Bobby goes in right behind him, shutting the door.

  “What do you think that was about?” Rad asks, flipping a beer top like a bored teenager. His face is red from being out at the beach all day, and his hair is even more tangled than usual.

  “Fuck if I know.” I shrug, taking my eyes back to the TV.

  Seconds don’t even pass before the church doors open and Bull is standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.

  “We’re on lockdown.”

  We all straighten. Lockdown is where every close member and family member live within the club for safety.

  “Why?” Saint asks, his tongue dashing out to wet his bottom lip. He always licks his bottom lip, it’s annoying to me, but he says the chicks love it.

  Bull looks at me, and I know he’s about to say something bad.

  “The man that shot me, the one you tried to kill, Zane. The president of the Lost Wolves; Bender. He got out of prison and sent a message a few days ago.” He gives Bobby a look, and everything around me loses color.

  Swallowing hard, my eyes fall to the ground. I knew this day would come. I’ve been waiting for it.

  “Why are we just finding out now?” Rad scoffs.

  “You’re fucking prospects.” Bull raises his voice, putting him in his place. Maybe I am a prospect, but I should have known if someone is out there looking for me.

  “Addie’s house was just broken into, and we don’t know who did it, but it’s the second time she’s been targeted, and she was at the beach the day of the drive-by,” Bobby informs.

  Sliding off the stool, I don’t wait to hear any more. Panic rushes in my ears, and my trigger finger feels heavy.

  I need to get Addie and drag her ass back here. I can keep an eye on her, and she can’t keep running away from me when she’s trapped within the walls of the club.

  Besides, with the shit she’s doing lately, I need to keep her close.

  She won’t like it, but I don’t give two shits.

  * * *


  Sitting in my Jeep at the gas station, I hear an army of motorcycles pull up. I feel safe instantly and open my door to get out. The night is warm, the smog in the air from the ash thicker than today.

  Bobby leads the pack and stops his motorcycle first, pulling his helmet off. Quickly I run to him, scared and feeling vulnerable. I hug him hard. What I did today was so stupid. I am not like Piper and Delilah, I don’t think like an outlaw and got myself in a really bad place. These are all the things I want to tell him. But don’t.

  Wrapping his arms around me, I inhale the leather smell.

u alright?” his rough voice asks.

  I nod, but don’t say anything as the feeling deep in the back of my throat tells me I might cry.

  Pulling away, I try and gather myself.

  “Did you find anyone?”

  “No, but your house was definitely broken into. It’s trashed, whoever was in there was looking for something,” Bobby tells me, and my stomach sinks farther into the pit of fear than it already was.

  “Your file cabinet full of school documents was dumped over, and it looks like they took a computer or laptop from a desk,” Zane explains, and my eyes shoot to his. I want to run in his arms and ask him if I’m safe. Ask him if it was the Lost Wolves or the prick from my school.

  Breaking eye contact, I remember I haven’t told him the scheme I had planned out today went south though. He’ll be pissed for sure.

  Bobby turns talking to some of the guys about what they found around the house, and Zane takes the opportunity to talk to me one on one.

  Rubbing his chin, one hand in his jean pocket, he glances behind him at Bobby, his dark hair flipping against his forehead before looking back at me with those mossy green eyes.

  “Look, you need to come to the club for a while,” Zane tells rather than asks.

  Folding my arms, uncertainty ties itself around my chest. I knew lockdown was coming.

  “I need to tell you something.” I nibble on my bottom lip. “The principal knows I tried to set him up. This could just be him trying to scare me.”

  Zane’s face flushes with red, his body suddenly hard.

  “I’ll take care of it.” He turns, declaring the conversation over. Reaching out, I grasp his cut and attempt to pull him back.

  “Zane, wait!”

  He stops, but only because I risk ripping his leather cut. His green eyes reminding me of the calm before a hurricane.

  “You can’t just go around taking everyone out that might be a threat, Zane,” I high whisper. “I should have taken this to the school board,” I tell myself more than him.

  He shakes his head. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you get in the mix with that shit,” he scolds himself. I flinch, my brows narrowing in.

  “Zane, I’m not yours. You don’t own me, I’m an adult and can do what I want.”

  “Right, and that’s exactly why you’re in this position, aren’t you,” he scolds.

  God, he is such an asshole, but the way he cares and wants to protect me… does something to me.

  Bobby finishes up his conversation and directs his attention back on me.

  “The club is on lockdown, I’ll have someone go get your things, but you need to stay at the club until we settle this,” Bobby states, cracking his knuckles.

  Zane’s eyes meet mine in knowing, knowing I want to argue.

  “What about my job, I just can’t not show up.” I’ve spent half my life to get this job.

  “I’ll take you and pick you up,” Zane offers. Bobby gives him a sideways look, and my heart stills. If I trust anybody to drive me around on a motorcycle, it would be Zane.

  “Okay,” I mutter, knowing I won’t win with them all siding with each other and if I have to have a babysitter, I want Zane.



  Parking my Jeep at the club, it’s packed with family and close friends of the members. It looks like I’m the last to show up, so I’ll get a cot on the floor I’m sure. This isn’t my first time being here on lockdown. It happens more often than you think.

  Pulling my keys out of the ignition, I climb out and Piper comes running out of the club in heels and a skimpy dress, her hands in the air like she hasn’t seen me in years.

  “Addie!” she screams, throwing herself into me. The smell of perfume and tequila strong. I want to tell her how their idea backfired, but knowing Piper, she will want to sneak out and show me how it’s done.

  “Are you drunk?” I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back.

  “No, I mean I’ve had a few, but I need it with this place.” She giggles, taking a step back. She knows the stress lockdown can bring. No personal space and everyone is in everyone’s face.

  “Yeah, can’t wait.” Sarcasm deep in my voice. This is one thing I do miss about living in Texas. No lockdowns.

  “Your mom is helping the other old ladies get dinner ready.” She places her hands on her hips. “It’s no five-course meal, but it fills your belly if you’re hungry.” She thumbs my cheek where Baby hit me, and I wince.

  “Yeah, I’ll go find her.” Walking to the club, Piper follows right beside me.

  Going on and on about some guy she has the hots for, but all I can seem to focus on is where is Zane? He hasn’t pulled up with the other motorcycles yet.

  Inside the club, it’s as packed as I thought. Zane’s mom, Dani, is rolling out cots and handing out rolled up sleeping bags, and some of the guys are fighting over a bag of chips over near the bar.

  Slipping through the crowd, I make my way toward the kitchen.

  “Excuse me,” I politely say, weaving through bodies of leather and tattoos.

  Finally reaching the kitchen, I push the doors open, and an empty bottle of mustard is thrown at me.

  “We said get out! When it’s ready, it’s ready!” Cherry yells, tossing more crap at me.

  Ducking just in time, my hair falling in my face, I laugh, gaining all the old ladies to look in my direction.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry!” Cherry covers her mouth in surprise. Her daughter Piper looks so much like her you’d think they were twins. Red silky hair, freckles, and skinny bodies that could get away with murder.

  “Grab a knife and start smothering sandwiches, babe.” My mom tosses me a loaf of bread. Heading to the island, I start smothering mayonnaise on bread.

  The double doors to the kitchen open and Maverick slips in. He’s Bull and Anahi’s son. He’s in his teenage years, his acne taking over his face.

  “Hey, can you sneak me another sandwich?” he whispers to me. His dark hair reminding me of Zane and Dani. He looks just like them.

  “Sure, bud.” I grab two sandwiches and top it with chips before handing it to him.

  “Sweet. Thanks!” He takes the plate and turns around to sneak back out.

  “You know he’s going to be as big as a linebacker if you keep feeding him!” Dani scolds me, catching me giving him more. I can’t help it. He’s like a little brother to me. If he wants more food, I’m going to give it to him. It’s not like he’s overweight. He’s growing.

  “Well, when he’s a famous football player he can fly me around the world.” I laugh, and that gets the women chatting.

  Sandwich after sandwich, glob after glob until finally nobody else comes in for dinner. I’m so stressed the thought of food makes me sick, so I don’t eat. Not tonight.

  Washing my hands, I head back into the main area of the club. It’s a madhouse. So many bodies in such a small space. Some of the guys are playing cards, the old ladies are nearly yelling at each other laughing, and I don’t even know what Piper and Delilah are doing with Saint and Rad. They have cards stuck to their foreheads. Nibbling on my lip I decide to look over some essays outside, I can’t think in here. If I try and pull papers out in here, I’ll have boot marks and pot smoke all over them.

  * * *

  I grab my bag out of my Jeep and pop a squat on the pavement before spreading out papers and markers. The ground is warm and hard. But it’s quiet out here. I can think.

  Deep into a student’s work, I chew on my red pen trying to understand their comparison of atoms and food. Their minds can be very confusing sometimes.

  “You could have done this in my room, you know.” A gravelly voice has my body tense and head snap up.

  Zane is leaning against my Jeep, his arms crossed and head lowered. Dropping my pen from my hand, I smile and shake my head.

  “No, I’m fine. I needed some air,” I justify. Today has been a lot to handle.

  “Hmm.” He grunts. “So, what are we doing about
this principal?”

  I knew he wasn’t going to let that go.

  “I don’t know. I’ve crossed a line.” I sigh. Mr. Thad knows I framed him, and I am definitely a target now.

  “Well, I’m going to be with you at all times, and if he so much as looks at you wrong. I’ll be handling the situation, Sunny.”

  My heart beats against my chest like I’ve been running instead of sitting down. He called me Sunny. He hasn’t called me that since we were kids.

  Turning on his boot, he heads back to the club leaving me in a pool of memories.

  * * *

  Sitting on a picnic table that has seen better days, I’m leaned back on my hands, my foot tapping to the base thumping through the speakers of Piper’s car.

  The sun is shining harder than ever today, and my cheeks feel warm and pink. Feeling as if someone is watching me, I roll my head to the side and find Zane standing in the doorway of the club, staring at me. His arms are crossed, his ankles too. His hair sways in his eyes with the fan blowing behind him, and he’s shirtless, only his low slung jeans on his body.

  Forcing myself to look away before someone notices our staring game, I sit up.

  “I’m going to get some water. Want anything?” I ask Piper.

  Dancing like nobody is watching, she shakes her head.

  “Okay,” I laugh. Taking the back door into the club, I enter the kitchen and grab a glass from the drainer. I fill the glass up with ice and water from the fridge, the sound of ice cracking from the water making my mouth salivate.

  Taking a few sips, it cools my throat off just enough but does nothing for the heat sweating down my back. Sighing, I turn around and run right into Zane. He smirks and presses his hand onto the fridge behind me caging me in. My eyes sweep to his, my heart pounding in my ears as he looks back at me. He’s so close I could kiss him.


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