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The Changing Earth Series (Book 2): Without Land

Page 22

by Hathaway, Sara F.

  “Mathew came by today,” Vince said nonchalantly.

  “Oh, he did. What did he want?” Erika was perturbed by Vince’s hesitation to tell her whatever was going on. She hated surprises.

  “There’s a mission coming up,” he said still teasing her with suspense.

  “So what?” Erika replied.

  “So, it’s a mission to the Nevada badlands. There’s a small group that has been hiding out there.” Vince continued the game.

  “So what, Vince? We do these missions all the time.” She was getting really irritated now.

  “We are the only family going!” he said excitedly. Mathew doesn’t want to use the resources to send everyone, so it’s just us.

  “No way!” Erika shouted. Daniel looked up at her from his painting.

  “What, Mom?” he asked.

  “Nothing, honey. You just get finished up. It will be dinnertime soon.” She lowered her voice again, “What about the soldiers?”

  “I’m not sure about that but we will just have to figure something out. This could be our best shot,” Vince said, his mind racing.

  “I’m gonna have to tell Dex and Star to get ready,” Erika said, as the ideas started to fly through her mind as well.

  “I don’t think we should,” Vince said quickly.

  “Why not?” Erika wondered.

  “I think we should just go on like nothing is happening. The fewer people that know, the less of a chance there is to give it away.” Vince said confidently.

  Erika had to think about this for a moment. She paced around a little. “You’re right, Vince, but what about their things?”

  “You’ve put survival mode procedures into our head for so long, I don’t think any of us goes very far without go-bags full of the stuff we need and love. Just make sure Daniel packs his paints.” Vince had a point.

  The remaining days before the mission were filled with tactical training from sunup to sundown. The family was ragged and physically drained. Finally, the Moore family had gained the trust of their superiors, and Mathew wasn’t worried about the flight risk because he believed they would never leave without the Shermans and the Duncans. That was his mistake, Erika thought.

  They attended church in the refugee camp the Sunday before the day they would be leaving, just like they always did before missions. Erika chatted lightheartedly with Pastor Byron, even though she knew she would probably never see him again. He had been such a wonderful moral compass for her. He had baptized her young son and provided an ear for her family whenever they called upon him. Erika’s heart was breaking as she hugged him goodbye, but she could say nothing except that she would see him again in a few days. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes as she turned away, but she had to wipe them away and replace the pain with the sense of duty she always possessed before a mission.

  Pastor Byron could sense there was something more to the goodbye, but he figured it was the moral dilemma of rounding up more refugees for the camp. He knew this was a common issue for her and he passed it off, figuring when the time was right she would discuss it. He gave the family the customary blessing that he always gave them before they set off, and that was that.

  That evening, the Moore family sat down for one last dinner with the Shermans and the Duncans. Erika hogged the attention of her dearest friends Penni and Betsy. They had been through so much together; Erika didn’t know how she would live without their guidance and support. Penni, especially, reminded her of her femininity and encouraged her to embrace womanly passions that Erika would have left behind long ago in favor of a rugged exterior. Erika was already feeling the loss of her friends, and she debated over and over if they were doing the right thing.

  Greg was in an extremely good mood. With all the soldiers leaving for Kansas he was given more responsibilities out at the base and was receiving more credits because of it. Erika teased with him like it was any other day, but she noticed how much he had matured and was more grounded now.

  When the meal was over, Erika just sat for a while staring silently at the big table full of the people she had come to know as her family. This is how she wanted to remember her friends. Everyone together, laughing and carrying on whimsically, but the night was finally over. Everyone hugged their goodbyes just like always, but Erika knew it wasn’t just like always, and she felt that Penni did too.

  When they returned to the room that night, Erika had the children pack their bags so they would be ready for the morning. She was more insistent than ever that they all pack up their go-bags like they would never return. She reminded them about the Great Quake and told them that you never knew what God would be handing you on any given day. The children rolled their eyes and convinced themselves that their mom was just paranoid from her past experiences. Vince backed her up, though, and told the children that she was right and they should just humor her. Their bags were packed and they were ready for the morning.


  ERIKA AWOKE TO the sound of her children screaming in the other room. Her covers flew back as she sat up straight into the arms of a soldier who quickly blinded her with a black hood being flung over her head.

  “What the hell is going on?” Erika screamed as the soldier quickly slammed her onto her stomach and applied a zip tie to her hands that were cranked awkwardly around her back.

  “Erika…” Vince yelled as he jolted out of bed in the commotion. Two soldiers quickly caught him and slammed him onto his knees.

  Erika heard him cuss as a soldier cracked him across the mouth.

  “Vince and Erika Moore, you and your family are under arrest for attempting to desert the camp,” Erika heard a familiar voice say.

  “Sergeant Bennett, is that you? Why would you? You son-of-a…”

  “Shut up, cupcake!” Sergeant Bennett yelled as he smashed her in the mouth.

  The shot to the mouth hurt, but Erika had been hit hard by this man. She knew his strength and that was not it.

  “What the hell is going on, Sergeant?” Erika wondered.

  “You told me your plans for escape, Erika. You’re being arrested,” he replied.

  “You did what…Erika, come on!” Vince yelled, listening in.

  “You traitor…I trusted you,” Erika yelled as he yanked her off her bed and stood her on her feet.

  “Your mistake, not mine, sweetheart.”

  “What? I’m gonna freaking kill you!” Erika screamed, trying to break free of the arms holding her. She kicked backward with her feet as she twisted out of his grip with her body. Her foot landed square into the sergeant’s left nut, and he swore as two of the other soldiers quickly snatched her arms again.

  “God damn it, Erika!” the sergeant stammered and then socked her across her bagged head again.

  This blow landed hard and she felt blood running down her face inside the blackness of the hood.

  “Mom…Mom!” Daniel yelled from the other room.

  “What the hell are you doing to my children!” Erika yelled as she wiggled and wormed, trying desperately to get free.

  “They are being arrested too! You were all in on this,” Sergeant Bennett spat at her.

  “Don’t you touch my children or else I’ll…” Vince was livid. Erika could hear the soldiers beating on him and he became more and more enraged.

  “Or you’ll what, Vince?” Sergeant Bennett was standing over him now. “You are all going back to the hole, ‘til we can figure out what to do with you.”

  “No, Sergeant…Hell, no…you know I can’t go back to that place!” Erika vowed to herself she would die before she returned to that place as a prisoner.

  “Oh, you are,” the sergeant said, turning back toward Erika. “Let’s move them out, guys,” he commanded the soldiers.

  Erika wouldn’t move her feet to walk. There was no way she was going to willingly go back there.

  “Always the difficult one aren’t we, cupcake? You should be thankful you’re going back to the hole and not lined up and executed outsid
e this building as an example. Strap her legs and carry her, Private,” she heard him say. The world went black as the soldier smashed her across the head one more time.

  She woke up to the searing heat of a metal cage in the middle of the desert. All she saw was the blackness of the hood that was chained around her neck, but at least this time she was not stuffed into a small metal box. She assumed she was inside a cell like Sergeant Bennet had shown her the other day. Is that why he brought me here? she wondered.

  “I should have never told him anything!” she yelled into the air.

  She tilted her head as she heard metal sliding. “Yes, you should have. Now we can make things better.” It was him. Sergeant Bennett was still there waiting for her to wake up.

  “You’re sick, Sergeant…You know that, right?” Erika shoved her words at him.

  “Nice to see you up, buttercup. I was worried about you,” he said sarcastically.

  “Really…can you just freaking stop with the cupcakes. You’re a bastard!”

  “Maybe, but you’ll get used to it.”

  “No I won’t. I’m done. I’m done with this place and I’m done with you!” Erika had tears in her eyes. She was so excited. She could taste the freedom, and now this. Betrayal from a man she had come to know and trust. The anger grew and grew in her heart. “Screw you!”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. I like bigger women than you, anyway,” he chuckled.

  Erika heard the metal of the little viewing window slide shut and Sergeant Bennett discussing orders with a guard outside. The sweat poured down her face in the hood, and her tears steamed along with it until there were no tears left to cry. She had no idea where her family was or if they were okay. She sat down on the searing metal and curled into a ball. The nightmare had come full circle and she was melting in sorrow.

  It was a cold night and Erika shivered in her veil. The cloth was still wet from all the sweat that she had shed during the day so at night it sucked the heat from her even more. The chain ate at her neck and the plastic zip ties cut into the skin on her wrists. She would have new scars to add to old ones.

  In the morning, a soldier came in and removed her hood. Erika’s eyes blinked even in the limited light that the prison building afforded. It was a soldier she did not recognize. “Prisoner, face the wall,”

  “Soldier, eat crap!” Erika responded.

  “Yeah, they told me about you, little woman,” the soldier replied. “Fine, you like to be a bitch, here ya’ go,”

  Erika felt a kick in the back and her face hit the hot metal floor. He knelt his knee into her back and the heat of the floor burned as he pressed harder and harder. Then she felt the tie at her wrists break free and the man stepped back toward the door. “Stay on the floor until I’m through the door or the soldier at the door with a gun will shoot you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Erika replied quietly.

  “What?” the soldier said fiercely.

  “Yes,” Erika said louder.

  “Come on, you’ve been trained…How do you reply to a superior?” the soldier was messing with her now.

  “When you find one, let me know.” Erika’s heart was hardened. She would never play soldier again.

  “You stupid hooker,” the soldier replied and kicked her hard in her ribs.

  She exhaled painfully as the metal door clacked shut.

  Erika’s days passed slowly in the hole. She knew they passed because the overwhelming heat would turn to unbelievable cold and while it was hot they shoved food into her box once a day. Sergeant Bennett stopped by often to see how she was, but Erika would no longer talk to him. He kept telling her that it would all be okay and she should just trust him, but she was appalled by the idea. She had done that once and now look where she was.

  Then one day she looked up to the small rectangular glimpse of life as the metal viewing panel slid open. She recognized the soldier’s soft eyes and baby face.

  “Alex…oh my God, am I glad to see you!” Erika’s excitement overwhelmed her and her voice cracked.

  “Shhhhh….” Alex corrected her quickly. “Prisoner, face the wall,” he said loudly and officially.

  Normally she would have fought but it was Alex so she turned to look at the blank grey wall and placed her hands upon it. He opened the cell door and came up very close behind her.

  “Put your hands behind your back,” Alex commanded loudly.


  “Just do it, Prisoner,” he responded.

  She did as he asked.

  “I am sorry, Erika,” he whispered quietly in her ear.

  She felt the clench of zip ties wrap her wrist together tight. Her heart raced. What the hell is going on now? she wondered. Are they going to kill me?

  “We have a situation and the prison is going into lockdown,” he proclaimed loudly. “Someone will be coming to get you out. Meet me over by waste removal, I have the train waiting,” he whispered so softly she could barely believe what she was hearing. He fastened the hood back over her head and chained it around her neck. “Prisoner, face the wall until I leave.” He was back in his official voice again.

  Erika just stood there, dumbfounded. Did he really just say that? Am I going crazy? One thing was for sure, the hood was hot and the rest of her day was a miserable mix of anticipation.


  SITTING IN THE darkness, Erika could feel the heat of the day start to subside. Erika’s ears pricked up as she heard the noise of lots of confused chatter coming from outside of the prison. Erika knew if she could hear the noise in here there was something big going on out there. Her body jumped as she heard the metal of the door latch. It was curious. Usually they would slide the viewing door open first and instruct her to face the wall. She heard the sound of the door opening bounce off the walls of the cell. The sound of her heart thumping exploded through her ears.

  “Who’s there?” she finally said aloud.

  “Hello, woman,” a voice said into her ear.

  She jumped again. He was already right behind her. Who was it? Erika’s mind reeled. She flipped around so she would be facing him.

  “Who are you?” Erika questioned frantically.

  “You don’t recognize my voice? You always got something to say! You always got to be in charge! Such a little worthless woman, but so full of confidence and pride. I’ve been waiting so long to get my hands on you and wouldn’t you know I get assigned to repair the cages the same week you get thrown into one. I’ll show you what a woman is supposed to do,” the voice hissed at her.

  Whoever it was he was right in front of her now. She felt the fuzz from his beard touching her arm as his breath moved around her body. He was smelling her. Feeling threatened by his energy Erika began backing up. He stayed right with her, amused at the power he had over her now. Erika’s head shook as she took the last step she could into the corner of the cell.

  “Nowhere to go now,” he whispered.

  “Too bad you got that hood all chained around your head or I’d be getting a blow job just like Vince was getting outside my shop. I saw you two, all hot and heavy out there. That man can’t handle a woman like you. You need someone to put you into your place.”

  “Jack Dwyer! What the hell are you doing? Stay away from me, you asshole!” Erika tried desperately to dodge the man, one direction or the other, but he was big and her hands were tied.

  “Shut your freaking mouth, whore!” he growled down her neck as he tore the soft cotton pants she had on down the front.

  Erika was freaked now. She felt totally helpless. Memories of Star’s mom flashed in her head. She furiously tried to break free but he was so much stronger, so much larger. She heard him open his zipper and his pants slide to his knees as he held her against the wall with his massive bear hand. No oh God no, Erika screamed in her mind. She felt it. His penis was touching her.

  Then all of a sudden his voice was screeching through her head in a painful wail.

  “You sick pig. Nobody
touches my wife!”

  Erika knew the voice immediately—it was Vince! She lost her breath, unable to move, not knowing what the hell was happening outside of the blackness of her hood. She heard more fighting happening until suddenly Jack was silent. She felt Vince’s love envelop her in an embrace and she wanted to faint. He quickly pushed her back to arms’ length and she felt the chain around her neck click open. He ripped the hood off her head, grabbed her face and kissed her hard. She felt like crying and laughing and fainting and jumping for joy all at the same time.

  “Hold on a second,” Vince said quickly.

  He left in a bolt, leaving her standing there naked from the waist down. She quickly pulled back up her undergarments and tried to get the ripped pants to stay up. She stood there staring at the man who had just attacked her. His balls had been ripped off and blood flooded out from between his legs. That must have been the initial squealing, Erika chuckled sickly to herself. Serves him right. His gray hair stuck to the edges of skin and brain that had been peeled back and spilled when Vince smashed his head into the floor.

  Vince came back into the cell with a new pair of the cotton pants that the prisoners wore. He saw her staring at Jack.

  “Stupid son-of-a-bitch should have known nobody touches my wife,” Vince mused, full of pride.

  Erika wrapped her arms around Vince furiously. “I love you…Oh my God, do I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.” He kissed her and they paused in the safe feeling. “Now get changed so we can get the heck out of here.”

  “Where are the kids?” Erika asked Vince, as she changed into the new pants.

  “They are all in cells down the hall, come on.” Vince rushed out the door and turned left at the next hallway.

  Erika followed close behind and as she turned the corner to follow him she saw a large group of prisoners. Star, Dex and Daniel were with them. The crowd continued down the hall, blocking out the light from the door at the end.

  “Are we going to follow them?” Erika asked Vince.


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