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Bound To Surrender BN

Page 11

by Jenna Jacobjenna Jacob

  The tension bled off him and Drake laughed. Amazed his boy found humor in the situation, his worries vanished. He was nearly back to his old self and it made Drake’s heart glow. Cupping his boy’s chin and forcing his gaze, he winked. “What? And pollute the water? I wouldn’t do that to the fish.”

  Trevor giggled, then arched up on his toes and pressed a soft, warm kiss to Drake’s lips. A low moan rumbled from his throat as he squeezed Trevor against him tightly. Tingles ignited beneath his flesh, like snowflakes melting on hot skin.

  Drake delved deeper, sweeping over every crevice as if he’d never explored Trevor’s mouth before. Electricity, love, and passion flowed between them, and Drake felt like the king of the fucking world. As he feasted on Trevor’s mouth, he slid a hand down to tug his boy’s shirt out from beneath his belt. Then skimmed it back up, palming his warm flesh, to tug and toy with his beaded nipples. Drake greedily swallowed Trevor’s gasps and moans as he plucked and pinched, giving the other nipple some much needed attention, too.

  He turned up the heat until their kiss was smoldering and electric. Feeding on his boy as if he were the last meal Drake would ever have, he worked them both into a heated frenzy. Just as he was about to lift his boy to the counter and plunge his mouth over his ready cock, the doorbell rang.

  “No,” Trevor pitifully wailed. “Why does this keep happening to us?”

  “Son of a bitch,” Drake hissed. “Maybe we need to move to a deserted island.”

  Trevor laughed. “Don’t answer it, Daddy. Maybe they’ll go away.”

  “It’s probably Reed.” Drake’s words stole the light of happiness from Trevor’s face. “If it’s not, we’ll continue this. Let me go find out.”


  Tugging the rest of his shirt from his pants, Trevor readjusted his cock and followed Drake to the door. As his Master had suspected, Reed stood on the porch, an unreadable expression lining his face. The fears Trevor had worked so hard to lay to rest resurfaced with a vengeance. As if sensing the wave of anxiety plowing through him, his Master pulled him against his side and held him tightly.

  “Come on in,” Drake invited as he opened the door.

  Trevor’s throat tightened. His stomach twisted in knots. For the life of him, he didn’t know why he was having such a visceral reaction when the lawyer hadn’t even uttered a damn word.

  Only Drake controls you. Those pricks don’t decide your happiness, peace of mind, or future. The bolstering mantra spooled through his head as the wave of angst crested and slowly subsided.

  “What happened after we left?” Trevor blurted out before Reed had barely crossed the threshold.

  “Come on into the family room,” Drake replied. Before leading the way, he pressed a kiss to Trevor’s head and bent close to his ear. “We’ve got this…together.”

  Trevor nodded and tried to steel himself as best he could.

  Reed took a seat in one of the caramel-colored wing-backed chairs, while Drake led Trevor to the couch before pulling him down beside him.

  The lawyer cleared his throat, then began to speak. “Judges are supposed to be impartial. Pratt is riding a fine line in that regard. If I were the defense attorney, I’d request a different judge. Thankfully I’m not. After you two left his chambers, Pratt ripped those pretentious pricks from New York a bigger asshole. He was livid that the cocksucker not only pulled out those photos of the defendants but that he showed them to Trevor as well. When the judge was through, he offered a one-time plea agreement. After he laid out the terms, Pratt warned the defense this was the only plea agreement he would accept.”

  “You’re kidding.” Trevor couldn’t miss the underlying hope in Drake’s voice. “What happened next?”

  “We wait and see.” Reed shrugged. “I have a sneaking suspicion they’ll take what’s offered instead of letting a jury decide their fate. The kid named Everetts? When the cops brought in the kid named Everetts for interrogation, he fell apart. Started confessing before his lawyer told him to shut the fuck up.” A look of disappointment crept over Reed’s face. “I was looking forward to cross-examining that fucker. It would have been fun to make him shit himself on the witness stand. Damn.”

  Drake laughed. “You a closet sadist or something, man?”

  “Only when the dredges of hell crawl out from under their rocks and wreak havoc. Most of the time I’m just a sucker for a damsel in distress with a pretty face and big, round ass.” Reed smirked.

  It was encouraging to see the man relax and joke. Trevor was able to breathe a bit easier, and the blade at his throat began to dull. He could only hope that the bastards accepted the plea agreement so he could let go and put the last of his anxiety to rest.

  “When will we know if…”

  “Either a few hours or a few days.” Reed shrugged. “I’ll call as soon as I hear something. You have my word.”

  “Thank you, Reed. I appreciate all you’ve done for me.” Trevor sent the man a weak smile.

  “No thanks needed. We’ll make those sons of bitches pay one way or another.”

  As he and Drake stood on the porch, holding hands, they silently watched the lawyer drive away. When his car was no longer in sight, Drake pressed a kiss to Trevor’s head.

  “Let’s go inside and change our clothes, then grab some lunch at Maurizio’s. We’ll pig out and have a couple glasses of wine before we head over to Tony’s office.”

  Trevor tilted his face up and stared at Drake. The afternoon sun illuminated his handsome, rugged features. He mind slid back to junior high, when he’d studied Greek mythology. Drake was his Ares, the God of war, reincarnated. With staff and shield at the ready, he would fight to the death to protect Trevor.

  “I’ll go anywhere, all the way to the ends of the earth, if you’re by my side, Daddy.”

  Drake’s expression softened. Pure, unadulterated love glowed in his gray eyes. “As long as you’re by my side, I’m home.”

  A tear of happiness leaked from one eye and slid down Trevor’s cheek.

  Three days later, he and Drake sat across from Reed in the lawyer’s imposing, masculine office. Trevor’s heart beat triple time as he clutched Drake’s hand in solidarity and moral support.

  “All five of your assailants have accepted Judge Pratt’s plea agreement.” Reed smiled.

  The air exploded from Trevor’s lungs in a violent rush. Relief and excitement thrummed through his veins, and the vestiges of the dark cloud that had blinded him from the sun dissipated entirely.

  “The original agreement was modified slightly,” Reed continued. “But bottom line…they each pled guilty to mob assault and battery in the first degree. They’ll each serve four and a half years in a federal prison. They’ve also been ordered to pay—or rather their mommies and daddies will be paying—restitution in a combined amount of four-point-five million. For Trevor’s physical torture and mental abuse.”

  His eyes grew wide and Trevor choked on a gasp of shock. Drake squeezed his hand so hard pain shot up his arm, but he barely noticed. His head was still spinning, trying to absorb Reed’s words.

  “Holy shit,” Drake mumbled.

  “So tha-that’s it?” Trevor sputtered. “It’s over?”

  “Yes.” Reed nodded, wearing a broad smile.

  Like an avalanche, the fear and trepidation that had held him hostage for so long rolled off Trevor in a thundering landslide. His body shook. His lungs felt as if they would explode, and his heart sputtered in a staccato. While his body realized he was free and truly alive again, his mind was still trying to process that fact. It wasn’t until Drake leapt from his chair and hauled Trevor up into his arms that he totally grasped the news.

  “It’s over, love.” Drake beamed. “It’s finally fucking over.”

  Reed chuckled softly. Happiness was written all over the man’s face.

  Sparks of relief skittered up Trevor’s spine.

  “Thank you, Reed. Thank you so fucking much,” Drake roared in glee.

  “My pleasure. I’m just glad this has all been put to rest.” A satisfied smile still lined the man’s mouth.

  Trevor still couldn’t form words. It was as if he’d been rendered mute. But a sob of elation tore from the back of his throat as joyful tears spilled from his eyes.

  “Let’s go home and celebrate, my love.”

  When Drake pressed a hard kiss to his lips, Trevor nearly drowned from the taste of hope that poured off his lover’s tongue. He moaned and raked his nails down Drake’s back as his whole world suddenly seemed to right itself. Shock and excitement warred as they left Reed’s office. Though the weather had started to turn cold, it couldn’t touch the warm glow of happiness burning inside Trevor. The shock was wearing off, taking with it the demons that had bound him in chains of terror. The sun seemed brighter, the air cleaner, and the man beside him more alluring than ever.

  Drake had sacrificed so much, yet with everything they’d gone through, his love had never waned. He’d been a rock, steady and strong…as always. Trevor wasn’t sure how, but he realized he loved the man more than ever before.

  “We need to have a huge party,” Drake announced. “Invite our friends over so we can share the good news.”

  “I’d like to celebrate alone with you first,” he whispered as he nuzzled in close.

  Drake lifted his hand from the steering wheel and draped it over Trevor’s shoulders, hugging him tightly. “That’s a given, sweetheart.”

  On the way home, they stopped at the liquor store down the street and bought an obscenely expensive bottle of champagne. Once inside the house, a delightfully dangerous smile curled Drake’s lips. His gray eyes, full of lust, pierced like a dagger.

  “Go upstairs to the bedroom and strip. I’ll be there in a second,” he instructed as he dragged a knuckle down the side of Trevor’s face.

  His body tightened, quickening beneath Drake’s touch. Butterflies invaded Trevor’s stomach, swooping and swirling, making him dizzy. Christ, he was already a hot mess, and the big man hadn’t even begun teasing and tormenting him yet. The fire to please his Master burned hot. Impatience sizzled his skin. Turning, Trevor took the stairs two at a time. Sprinting into the bedroom, he stripped quickly and knelt on the thick carpet. The seeds of anticipation sprouted inside him. Trevor’s cock grew thick and hard. He welcomed the delicious throb as a clear bead of fluid blossomed at the tiny slit on the end of his dick.

  The sound of Drake’s heavy footsteps climbing the stairs sent his heart soaring.

  “So perfect. So fucking pretty,” his Master drawled from the doorway.

  Trevor raised his head and sent the man a coy, submissive smile. He knew Drake loved to play the aggressor and fight Trevor for his surrender. But he equally enjoyed claiming a more malleable, passive slave as well. And at that moment, Trevor was ready and willing to fulfill any and all of his lover’s desires. It was then that he noticed the champagne in the big man’s fist, but no glasses. A throaty laugh rolled off his tongue. Baiting the beast wasn’t necessary, yet Trevor couldn’t help himself. He sent the man a sultry, smoky stare as he spread his legs wide and fisted his straining cock.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon, and long into the night, drinking champagne from each other’s bodies. Filling, stretching, grunting, and screaming—they made love in every way imaginable. From soft and sweet to wild and ferociously, and everything in between, until they were sweat-soaked, sated, exhausted, and raw.

  As Drake dragged him to his chest, Trevor’s hair tumbled over the man’s body. While their ragged breaths filled the room, he felt as if the missing puzzle pieces had found their way home, locked together and fitting to perfection.

  Drake was the sunshine and rain that restored the fragile petals of Trevor’s soul. Pleasing his Master was a euphoria all its own.

  A lump of emotion pooled in the back of his throat as he realized that he’d found the peace of mind and serenity he’d lost so long ago.


  “So I’m standing there at the kink store, grabbing all the packages of penis confetti I can shove in my hands. I mean, we needed proper table decorations for this party today, right? Anyway, as I reached for the last package, I accidently knocked a shot glass off the shelf.”

  Drake sat on the couch in Mika and Julianna’s house, grinning as Trevor told his story with grand, animated flair—the way he used to, before his attack. The house was packed with friends who had come to celebrate the incarceration of the monsters who’d nearly destroyed his boy.

  “When the glass hit the floor, it shattered into a million pieces. The bitchy manager, with the worst haircut I’ve ever seen and untouched roots for days—ran over. She flashed me a bitch face that nearly curled the hair on my balls…well, if I had hair there.”

  The group of subs around him howled with laughter.

  “Anyway, she slapped on her bitch wings and looked down at the broken glass. Then threw her hands in the air like I’d broken a priceless Ming vase instead of a twenty-nine-cent shot glass from Taiwan. Then proceeded to ream my ass…and not at all in the amazing way Daddy does it, let me tell you. So with her face still all pinched up as if her panties were stuck up in her coochie, the woman says to me, ‘Why can’t you people look what you’re doing? My god. Did they let every klutz on the planet out of their cages today? This is the second mess I’ve had to clean up. I don’t have time to play maid to a bunch of stupid people.’”

  Drake grinned as the subs continued to laugh at his boy’s flamboyant rendition.

  “You should have grabbed a vibe off the shelf and told her to go buzz one out and stop being such a nasty snatch,” Leagh scoffed dryly.

  Trevor threw back his head and laughed. The sound warmed Drake like the summer sun. There wasn’t a hint of fear or anguish in his lover’s voice anymore. No nightmares or unwanted memories of that brutal night leaked into his psyche. And in his sexy blue eyes, Drake no longer saw the clouds of despair. They were bright, clear, and shining like an azure sky…the way they were meant to be.

  “No, but I should have.” Trevor giggled. “Daddy stepped in beside me. And like the bad-assed boss he is, he thrust his shoulders back, narrowed his eyes at the nasty bitch. He sent her a dreadful smile and said, ‘We’ll take the shot glass. I’ll put it on my cheerios in the morning instead of sugar.’”

  The crowd gathered around Trevor erupted in collective laughter. Some of the subs even turned to stare at Drake in awe.

  Suddenly, Mika plopped down on the couch beside him. Drake raised his beer bottle and flashed his friend a smile.

  Mika leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “Julianna just informed me she has a green light from her ovulation prediction kit. All systems are go—when you’re ready.”

  Drake’s heart clutched as he stared at his lover still giggling with his submissive sisters and brothers. Time stood still as he stared at the soft contours of Trevor’s face. Light and love glowed around him like a halo of peace. A lump formed in Drake’s throat. Tears of happiness stung the backs of his eyes. After tipping back his beer, he set the bottle down and turned toward his friend.

  “Yeah, it’s time.”

  Mika grinned like a little kid. “I’ll go tell her.”

  “Tonight. When the party’s over. Will that work for you?”

  “Yep. We’ll get Tristan put to bed and then we’ll…” Mika darted a glance at Trevor. “He’s going to make a wonderful mother, you know that, right?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Drake preened. “I do know.”

  Hours later, the last of the guests—Nick, Dylan, and Savannah—waved good-bye. Drake slid his hand over Trevor’s narrow hip and squeezed his sweet butt cheek. Pulling him flush against his steely body, Drake nudged his erection against his boy’s crotch before claiming his mouth in a deep, soulful kiss. Trevor whimpered before moving his hips in an erotic glide. It was blissful, blistering torture as the air around them turned explosive.

  “Wait here, pet. I’ll get the things from the
kitchen. Then you and I will go upstairs and get ready,” Mika said with a chuckle.

  As Drake ended the kiss, Trevor shot a glance over his shoulder. Julianna had both excitement and tears of happiness glistening in her green eyes.

  “What’s going on?” Trevor asked, visibly confused.

  Drake cupped his boy’s cheeks and pierced him with a loving gaze. “We’re going to try and make a baby tonight.”

  “What?” He laughed nervously. “A baby? Um, I hate to be the one to break this to you, Master, but neither of us has a uterus.”

  “No, but I do,” Julianna said softly. A little smile fluttered over her lips.

  Trevor blanched. A look of fear flashed across his face. “Ah…yes, I know you do, sister. But I don’t know if can…I-I mean…I’ve never put my, ah…never even touched a…a…” He zipped his head toward Drake. Pure panic blazed in his eyes. “You want me to have sex with Julianna? Jesus, Daddy, I love her and all, but I don’t think I can—”

  In one smooth rush, Drake gripped the young man’s hair. He slammed his mouth over Trevor’s lips not only to silence him but also to try and calm him down. As his lover struggled to pull away, Drake simply tightened his hold and bit his sub’s tongue. Trevor stilled as short, ragged breaths exploded from his nostrils.

  “I love you both, but neither one of you are fucking my slave,” Mika announced.

  Fully focused on Trevor, Drake hadn’t even seen his friend stroll into the room. And as he pulled from his sub’s mouth, he let out a long laugh.

  Trevor’s eyes darted riotously between the three as if trying to process the situation unfolding before him. Drake kept a hand firmly on his boy’s hip.

  “Then how…what? Am I supposed to come in a funnel or a turkey baster?” Trevor gasped.

  “I’ve never heard about using a funnel, but turkey basters have a low success rate,” Drake responded with a smirk.


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