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Eternal Soulmate

Page 2

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “No thank you. I am going to hang on to my bag. I will just tuck it right under my seat right here.”

  I slipped by him with my backside barely grazing him. Hmmmm. I wondered what it would be like to graze him. Shit Ashlynn, what the hell are you thinking?

  I took my seat and opened a little window curtain to look outside. I fastened my seat belt and sat nervously just hoping the plane would hurry up and take off so I could get this over. This man I didn’t know was gorgeous and smelled like heaven grabbed my hand and started to give me advice. I looked down at his hand and wondered why in the hell I was not pulling back. Why do I feel it is okay for this man to hold my hand? Was I that badly in need of comfort?

  “Hi, my name is Cooper, look I know you don’t know me but we happen to be sitting next to each, so let’s just make the best of it. The good news is I travel all the time, so you’re in good hands. From the way you are acting, I can tell you are not very comfortable with flying." He lets out a little laugh and tries to cough to cover it.

  “I’m Ashlynn, nice to meet you. I am an expert of hating to fly.”

  “Just take a deep breath and relax. It will be over before you know it.”

  “You don’t know me and if you did you would know you telling me to relax would be the wrong thing to say. It would be better if maybe you would not tell me to be calm that just makes it worse.” I just stared at him in the eyes and he did the same to me.

  I figured that was nicer than what my brain was telling me to tell him which would be shut the hell up you crazy fine ass man. Great, now I wanted to tell a man I didn’t know how amazing he looked. Hell what was wrong with me? This guy just was being nice. He probably talked to everyone this way. I was taking his mannerisms as flirting, but he could just be a nice man. Am I such a bitch now that I can’t even be nice to a person because he is a man?

  Deep breath Ashlynn. “Sorry Cooper, you didn’t deserve that. Thank you for being so nice. I just hate flying. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be fine”

  Cooper tilted his head at me, smiled, and nodded. He didn’t say anything.

  Smart man this Cooper. We might get along just fine. Can he read my signals? Or can he read my mind? He is gorgeous and a mind reader? Lovely.

  “So Ashlynn let me tell you a little about myself. Like I said my name is Cooper, and I am from Austin. I love to fly. My uncle and I go flying together all the time. We have been flying together since I was a young kid. He is a retired airline captain.”

  Great, I hoped he didn’t talk nonstop like this the whole flight. I would never get into my magazine and zone out. It was sweet he was trying to reassure me, but shit. Yes, getting through the flight was a hard part of this trip but I also had to put my mom to rest and spiritually the pressure I felt was something I needed some quiet time for.

  Cooper started back up. “Let me share with you some facts about flying, maybe make you feel a bit more comfortable. Do you know, Ashlynn, that a plane is much safer than a car? There are many more accidents in cars than planes. The roads are much more dangerous.”

  “Well Cooper, was it? That might be the case, but let me share with you some fun facts. Walk I can, but fly in the sky I cannot. This complicates matters for me and makes me scared out of my wits.”

  Cooper just smiled at me. He saw me grin at him and his smile faded quickly.

  “And Cooper, one more thing, all people that love to fly say that.”

  Maybe that would make him shut up for a while. Cooper took a deep breath and stopped talking for a few minutes.

  I heard a ding and heard the flight attendant’s voice. Finally! “Please buckle your seat belts and get ready for takeoff.”

  Oddly enough, this part doesn’t scare me. What scared me the most was being in the sky. I always have this feeling like I am going to fall out of the sky and no one would be there to catch me. I guess that’s from the rug always being pulled out from underneath my feet. If I had a penny for every time someone told me to trust them, or they are there for me or blah, blah, blah, I could go on all day; I would be the richest woman in Texas.

  There was something about Cooper that still had my stomach a little tingly although I am not sure what it was. Well, anyway you look at it; I would be away from this man in two hours and would most likely never see him again. I told myself I could get through it, I know I can. I have been through a lot worse than sitting by some sexy as sin man, that is for sure. I wondered what cologne he wore. Damn it to hell every time I smell that scent I will think of Cooper.

  I heard a child’s voice and looked over at her. She was cuddled next to her mom and her mother was reading her a story while stroking her hair. She looks about the age I was when my father left and changed our lives forever.

  Age 3

  I knew things were not right with my mommy and daddy. I could feel and see it. He was never home. He was gone more than here and all my mom did anymore was cry. He finally came home very late one night when I was already tucked in bed. I could hear the fighting start and ran into our small living room in our duplex. I wrapped my arms around my dad’s leg, crying and holding on tight. I cried and cried barely capable of forming a full sentence but started to beg my daddy to please stay.

  “Ashlynn get off my leg.” He started to kick me off. I did not let go; I could not because I knew if I did I was never going to see him again. I tightened my grip. I loved my daddy. I knew he made my mommy sad, but I loved him and missed seeing him every day. He used to take me to the park and push me on the swing. He would listen to me talk and tell me the sky is the limit.

  I looked up at daddy and asked him to, please stay. “Daddy, peese stay, I wuv you.”

  He shook his leg. “Ashlynn you need to get off my leg, I am not going to tell you again. I have to go. I love you Ash, but I have found a new life and do not belong here anymore.” He looked down at me with no emotion as if he was a shell with no love for me or my mommy. He finally was able to wiggle just enough to get me off his leg. He stomped towards the door, and my mommy was crying and yelling. She was trying to grab his hands or put her arms around his neck. I did not understand anything she was saying to him. This cannot be happening. Daddy, please don’t go.

  I heard the engine start. Well… That was that. My daddy drove out of my life, and there was no telling when I would see him again. He was the first man I loved and the first of many that would disappoint me. He was the first brick in the wall I eventually built around myself to trust no one.

  Chapter 3


  “Hey Ashlynn, are you ok? You are squeezing your arm rest really hard. Do you want to hold my hand instead? I promise I washed my hands.”

  Cooper’s voice broke me from my memory and I looked over at Cooper but didn’t know what to say. Hell yes, I want to hold his hand for comfort but can I tell him that? Cooper reached for my hand and held it tight. I feel his calluses and knew instantly this man was a hard worker. I wondered what his touch would feel like along other parts of my body. Holy hell, this man, was turning me on by just touching my hand. I gave him credit though; he had my mind off the flight. Cooper had my mind on thoughts I had not had since the last erotic book I read.

  Cooper didn’t say anything more for what seems like a good 20 minutes. He just held on tight. After a bit, he started to move his thumb slowly on my hand in a way to relax me and it felt so good. It also turned me on a bit. I guessed that was the result of not feeling the touch of a man for far too long.

  The flight went just as expected. We talked over little pleasantries. He asked where I was from and where I was going. I told him I was from Austin as well but lived in Taylor in a home I rented. We laughed about how it is such a small world. We live only 30 miles apart away and have never run into each other but do on this flight. He told me how he lives in Austin too, but often comes to Taylor quite frequently, as his uncle has a farm, and he goes to help. He smiled when he mentioned the farm again and his uncle.

  “What are you fly
ing to South Padre for? Business or pleasure?”

  “Well, I was wondering when you were going to ask that. I am flying to spread my mother’s ashes over the ocean that she loved. She passed away two months ago. It was her final wish, and I am going to carry it out for her.”

  “What a special last request. Ya’ll must have been close.”

  “We were at one time, but lots of things happened throughout our life together. Many bad, but there was a lot of good too. In the end, the good always triumphs the bad. The last couple years were hard, but damn do I love my mama. We just didn’t see eye to eye, both so stubborn. We were like two mountain goats butting heads.”

  “You’re following through with her last request Ashlynn so I think that is being a pretty good daughter. All parents and their children have ups-and-downs. Aren’t we all stubborn when it comes to parents?”

  “Yeah, I guess your right Cooper, BUT I was not there for her when I should have been. I built a wall up and did not let it down from being hurt. I had these stupid ass feelings that I should have set aside, and now I can’t fix them and make them right.”

  “I don’t know your situation Ashlynn, but I will tell you this. Let it go. Forgive her as I am sure she has forgiven you, love her and remember all the wonderful things about her. Truthfully, that is all you can do at this point and of course spread her ashes along that beach and smile. Ashlynn, most of all and most important, forgive yourself.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled a weak smile and hoped he changes the subject. God forbid don’t lose it in front of him. How does he keep saying the right words all the time? How did he know what to say to comfort me and know so little about me? I feel an ugly cry building and it’s not going to be pretty.


  This woman sitting next to me was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. She had a certain aura. Damn it…. Her smile, the way her hair fell against her forehead right above the brownest eyes I had ever seen and her smell-like citrus and flowers. She was someone I would dream of. I have learned these women can look amazing but disappointing in so many other areas.

  Man, she smells good though. I kept leaning in to take her scent in. She seemed nervous. I have never understood why people are so nervous on airplanes. They are much safer than cars. It made no sense to me and never had. I saw her walk on the plane looking nervous as hell and prayed with my fingers crossed that I would be the lucky son of a bitch she sat next to. Realistically, I would sit next to this amazing woman for two hours and then never see her again. She can stay in my thoughts though. She looks innocent and sweet. She has the sexiest little dress on that fits loose around her ass, but tighter on the waist and chest. Her legs are unbelievable and long in those cute as hell brown cowboy boots. I bet they would feel like heaven wrapped around my waist.

  Way to go Cooper now you’re hard on the plane sitting next to the woman and she can certainly see it. Shit- I need to adjust. How the hell am I going to solve that? I wonder what Nana is doing right now?? AWWW yep that did it. Thank you God!

  Cooper asked, “Where are you staying if you don’t mind my asking?”

  Ashlynn responded “I’m staying at Gulf Shores Hotel. It is just for one night. I plan to go to the hotel tonight for an early night and then get up at dawn, spread her ashes and then head back. I have to get back to work.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. Padre beach is beautiful that time of day.”

  What were the chances that we were staying at the same hotel? Maybe just by coincidence we would see each other there. I knew one thing for sure; I was not telling her that was where I was staying if she doesn’t ask. Nope, No way!


  ~Ashlynn ~

  Cooper kept staring at me but acting as if he wasn’t. We only have about 15 minutes before the flight was over and I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. Should I ask him for his phone number? Maybe I shouldn’t. I was sure once he started to find out about my life he would run, any good man would. Hell, I’d run too. Damn that smile and did he just wink at me? I think I noticed a bulge in his pants. Great, now I’m blushing.

  At the end of the flight Cooper asked if we could exchange phone numbers. If not anything, we found each other a friend. A person couldn’t have too many of friends, right? I sure don’t.

  The flight ended uneventfully and Cooper walked me to a cab, he kissed me on the hand and wished me good luck. I got in the cab and drove away. I actually felt sad. Could it really be I was going to miss him? I know for a fact if I ever smelled his scent again I would think of Cooper, this man I met on a plane that made me feel like I was comfortable around men for the first time ever in my life. I knew I would be dreaming of him for a while and hoping by some miracle we would cross paths again.


  Before we parted ways, I leaned in and took a long smell of her scent. I wanted to make that a memory of her. She smelled as good as she looked. She was beautiful in every way, inside and out and I barely knew her. I loved her smile and the way she carried herself. She was a woman you took home to make mom proud. Too bad I didn’t have my mom, but I did have my Nana and she was a very good judge of character. I honestly didn’t know why this was even crossing my mind. Well, that was not completely true, I knew why. There was just something about her that was just sticking in my mind. I was sure the time away from her would be just what it took to forget about her in no time, I could hope for that anyways.

  I got to the Gulf Shores Hotel and checked in. I have stayed here before and it was right on the beach. It was one of the best hotels on the island. I hate that I had to fly down here for one night but if I had to I was at least going to stay at a nice place. I was hoping to get there before Ashlynn so I could get checked in and try to get our rooms close together. I knew this was a tough trip for her. I could tell from her eyes and the way her body tensed. I thought at one point she was going to break down. I had this urge to protect her. I barely knew Ashlynn, but I sure would like to get to know that beautiful woman.

  Chapter 4


  I took a cab and headed to Gulf Shores Hotel. I was exhausted from the flight, not that it was long, but just because of the stress of flying, I loathed it. Then I got to sit next to a man that was incredibly attractive and I kept having thoughts of him in my head. Hell I hadn’t had these thoughts since college and never to this extreme. I kept picturing him naked, his tongue in my mouth, on my neck and licking…… see what the Hell Ashlynn. Snap out of it. Cooper was gorgeous, but he also had the personality to match. What are the chances? He calmed me like he has known me for years. He was a breath of fresh air and his smile, there are no words. Just thinking of Cooper made me smile.

  I paid the cab and walked into the hotel bar and saw a man sitting there with a baseball cap on that looked like Cooper’s. There was no way in hell that Cooper was sitting there. I checked in and got my key. I took another quick glance at the man that looked like Cooper and tried not to make it obvious and realized it was Cooper. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around and there was that smile. Damn. Now what? Self control damn it. Remember Ashlynn, the few men you have had relationships with were pure shit, lower than shit, scum. I have only had a few boyfriends and they all were losers. It would have been helpful to know that before the relationship. Two of the pricks could not keep their dick in their pants and one would rather get shit faced every day and smoke pot. A woman has got to love “cowboys”. After making it through these relationships which I thought were my serious boyfriends, resulted in my issues with dating men. I sure didn’t have good examples growing up and I refuse to let my brain take me on that track right now. I knew what Grace and McKoy would say right now. I laughed to myself and smiled. “Girl, take a risk. You don’t have to let your head and heart get involved. Have fun, get laid and move on.” Grace would have of course, thrown in at least two cuss words.

  Cooper grabbed my hand and winked. “What are the chances we would be staying at the sam
e hotel, Ashlynn? Are you hungry? I’m starving! Would you care to join me?”

  I was having this internal struggle. Should I stay or not? Damn it.

  Cooper continues. “We are both here and it has been a long day. I can’t think of another person I would rather spend my dinner with.”

  I throw my hands up in surrender. “Why not? But I have one question, did you know when you asked me where I was staying you were staying here and why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I did know but I didn’t want to freak you out. You were already a nervous wreck. I really didn’t even think we would run into each other although I won’t lie, I’d hoped we would. I am actually here to escort someone back to Austin early tomorrow.”

  We sat in the hotel restaurant and ate a steak and shrimp dinner. I had a glass of wine and started to relax. I couldn’t help staring in his eyes. I kept trying to figure out what was different about them. When he talked, his eyes didn’t lie. They looked like they had this hope and trust in them. He reached across the table and stroked my hand. Damn it felt good. I don’t remember ever being touched by a man so minimally and having flames on my skin. He gave me goose bumps and I swear I felt like I had a swimming pool in my panties. There was never a quiet moment.

  We kept the conversation light and he sipped on a beer. Clearly neither of us were big drinkers as the entire dinner we only had that one drink. Trust me, I watched. We were both comfortable with each other. This was unfamiliar territory for me and I am sensing it was for Cooper too.

  He was a perfect gentleman and paid for dinner and then walked me up to my room. He even carried my bag. Chivalry was not dead after all. He kissed me on the cheek and told me good night. Never in my life have I wanted a man to drag me in his room and ravish me like I do with Cooper. This man had this effect on me. I could lose my heart and soul with this man. I know I could, I felt it in my bones. He made sure I got in the room and then I peeked out the peephole and then heard the door shut. He was in the room right beside me!!! Holy hell, this could be bad. No, it can’t. Yes, it can. No, Ashlynn, you have total self control so use it!


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