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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 8

by Lora Ann

  “Hey. How’re you?”

  “Better, thanks.”

  “And Renée?”

  “As well as can be expected. She’s with her”—crap, what do I call Keshaun?—“boyfriend.” There, that sounded a whole lot better than sub. I highly doubted Nik would understand their relationship. Hell, I had a hard enough time with it. I mean, how did a big, handsome, famous basketball player let a Domme beat him with various implements while restrained all for the sake of pleasure? Whatever. To each his own. Their relationship was between them, and while Renée was a Dominatrix by trade, he had never paid for her services. I shook my head to clear the mental image.

  “You alright?” Nik stood there with his eyes narrowed. Ah, hell, don’t tell me he has the same uncanny gift as Renée at knowing what I’m thinking.

  “Sorry. Was just trying to clear my head,” I acknowledged.

  It wasn’t a lie, per se, but I was pretty sure he didn’t buy it; however, he remained courteous. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Actually, it wasn’t quite as awful as you would think. Once again, thank you.”

  “No problem.” Then he asked, “Would you like to have breakfast with me?”

  I smiled, “Yes, I would.”


  As we perused the menu, Nik commented, “I hope you don’t mind this café instead of the hospital cafeteria.” He made a face like he’d just tasted something vile.

  Couldn’t say I blamed him. No one ever enjoyed hospital food. Blech! I grinned, “No. I don’t mind, at all.”

  His lips turned up slightly. Never had he graced me with an actual smile that reached his eyes. He’d come close, and that had been heart pounding. Will I ever see his amazing lips in a megawatt smile? The thought made me squirm, because I knew it’d be panty dropping. Oh my. I fanned myself mentally. He held my gaze—no doubt, trying to figure out what I was thinking. “Penny for your thoughts?” he purred.

  Holy crap! Surely he didn’t know. “Um…just trying to make a selection,” I replied.

  He shot me a knowing look. Ah, hell. “Riiiight. You only had food on your mind.”

  Not like I was going to claim my indecent musings. “Yes.” I asked innocently, “Was there something else I’m supposed to be considering?”

  He nodded and half-smiled—good heavens, that mouth! “If that’s the way you wanna play this, Aimee.”

  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect when our server asked, “What can I get for you?”

  I looked up at her. “I’ll have the Spanish omelet and a cup of coffee, please.”

  She turned her attention to Nik. When he glanced up at her, she blinked rapidly. Her lips parted as her breathing increased. Good, at least it’s not just me he has that effect on. The man was handsome personified—by no means an actor or model attractive, more like rugged and untamed and a wild kind of good-looking. That did things to a woman. He answered, “I’ll have the same but with a short stack of pancakes on the side. Coffee as well, thank you.”

  She paused a moment too long and then turned to leave. I shook my head at him. “You have no idea, do you?”

  His brows rose. “’Bout what, exactly?”

  I grinned wryly. “Your effect on women.”

  He actually looked astonished. “Come again.”

  “Please! You can’t be that oblivious.”

  He steepled his fingers in front of his mouth and admitted, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Why was that so hot?! He wore humility well, and damn, if it wasn’t a huge turn on. My mouth was suddenly dry. I wanted him. And I had no clue how to make that happen. I knew he was attracted to me. No one could ignore the awareness that arced between us; even now it was a force to be reckoned with. I decided honesty was best. “You’re a very attractive man, Nik. There’s not a woman in here that hasn’t checked you out.”

  His eyes conveyed his bewilderment. “Really?” He shrugged. “Can’t say I’ve ever noticed.”

  Now I was the surprised one. “How is that, exactly? All you have to do is look around.”

  He did just that. His gaze finally returned to mine, and there was something there that hadn’t been a few moments ago. Anger? Jealousy? Why would he feel either one of those? “What I see is every man in here eyeing you in a most licentious way,” he clarified. “It’s very disturbing.” His voice was too quiet.

  Oh, dear. He was pissed off. I glanced to my left, and the man sitting there made a very base gesture. As if. Nik tried to stand, but I grasped his hand. “No, don’t. Please?”

  “That was uncalled for,” he snarled.

  I didn’t disagree; however, I knew nothing good would come out of Nik calling the guy on the carpet. “It was,” I concurred. “But the slimeball isn’t worth the effort.”

  “I can’t agree with that.” He stood and walked over to the dickwad. He leaned down and said something that caused the man to wan. Next thing I knew, the jerk stood next to our table and apologized profusely. I accepted graciously and watched as the guy made his exit.

  A part of me was flattered Nik stood up for me, while another part was furious he’d done precisely what I had asked him not to do. I went with anger. “You have some nerve!”

  He blinked a few times, as if he couldn’t understand my ire. Really?! “Do I, now?” he responded dryly.

  Oh, the man was so infuriating. I stood to leave. He grabbed my upper arm firmly—it just didn’t hurt. “You haven’t eaten. Sit,” he commanded.

  Oooh, he was so dang bossy. However, I didn’t want to make a scene; therefore, I sat. Once I took a deep, calming breath, I addressed, “Look. While I appreciate you defending me, I can fight my own battles. I don’t need your help. Capiche?”

  He held my gaze incessantly until eventually he stated, “I won’t concur to that. Let it go.”

  Exasperated with the whole situation, and the man before me, I realized we were at an impasse. It really wasn’t worth the fight. Plus, he had protected me once again. “Thank you,” I said reluctantly.

  When our food arrived, I dug in with gusto. To say I was famished would be an understatement. He finally acknowledged my gratitude. “You know, you’re welcome. It hasn’t gone unnoticed you have quite a knack for finding trouble.”

  I placed my fork beside my half-eaten omelet and held his gaze for a beat. “Maybe. But honestly, I don’t have honor that needs protecting. The gesture is kind, yet completely uncalled for.” I held my hand up to stop him from interrupting. “Having said all that, I am grateful for all of your assistance these past few days.”

  He swallowed. “About that.”

  Ah, shit. What now? I sighed, “Go on.”

  “Reynolds isn’t going to stop. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Until we get the situation under control, I would like for you to stay with me.”

  “C’mon, Nik. That’s just ridiculous.”

  “Is it?”

  I nodded emphatically. “We can’t stay in the same location. Surely you realize this.”

  His eyes blazed. “Why?”

  “Because…this thing”—I waved my hand between us for emphasis—“it’s not going away. If anything, it’s only growing with intensity.”

  He shrugged. “Doesn’t mean we have to act on it.”

  I almost spat my coffee all over him. So, this was the way he wanted to play it. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t happy with his declaration. But I’d be damned, if I would tell him that. As coyly as possible I assessed, “Alright. Deal. No physical contact, whatsoever.”

  “Works for me,” he concluded.

  With that he stood, and we walked back to the hospital in an awkward silence. Who was I kidding? The desire between us was its own entity. Before too long, it would rear its head. And then what?

  Chapter Eleven


  I shot a sidelong glance at Aimee, and I had to admit, there was no misconception about the sexual awareness between us. However, i
f she thought I lacked self-control, she was sadly mistaken. One of the lessons learned, thanks to the school of hard knocks. Moreover, I’m an impassive SOB. She had no idea who she was up against. I mentally smiled—sad, but true, I hardly ever genuinely grinned at anyone. Of course, until recently, there never really was much of a desire to. Odd, that.

  She broke the uncomfortable silence. “I’m going to go check on Renée. You’re welcome to leave. I’ll be staying until she’s released.”

  Like hell. I glowered at her and grumbled, “That’s not a good idea.”

  She had the good sense to take a step backwards. “Whether you agree or not doesn’t really matter.” She faced me and squared her exquisite shoulders. “I’m staying. Deal with it,” she added petulantly.

  I shook my head, vacillating between awe and fury. While she exasperated the living shit out of me, she also stirred a longing I had no wish to examine too closely. Not to mention grown men had pissed their pants under my glare of disdain. And there she stood defiantly telling me off. Kiss her or put her over my knee? Yeah, right, as if either were truly options. I held my ground and tried for reason. “My security is top notch, but this is a public place. If someone wants to get their hands on you, there’s not much we can do to prevent it,” I pointed out the blatantly obvious and then added, “Surely, you can see that.” Big mistake! I swear I saw steam rise off her body. Damn, should’ve remembered how sensitive a woman could be.

  She didn’t disappoint me. As she stamped her tiny foot for emphasis, she snapped, “How dare you insinuate I’m stupid or helpless, Tarzan!”

  “Ah, name-calling. Bit childish, don’t y’think?”

  When she raised her hand to slap my face, I caught it mid-swing. “Careful,” I warned, “You don’t want to piss me off.” The memory of spanking her in Renee’s apartment made my other hand twitch at my side.

  She didn’t miss it when I noticed comprehension dawning in her eyes. Yes, she remembers as well. She attempted to jerk her hand out of my grasp—which I wouldn’t permit—and hissed, “Let me go.”

  I yanked her closer and growled, “No. Not until you hear me out.”

  After she bobbed her head in acquiescence, she patronizingly said, “Go ahead.”

  Ah, what I would like to do to that smart mouth of hers. “All I’m trying to say, is that Reynolds won’t stop now that he has your attention. He’s biding his time, Aimee,” I cautioned.

  She shuddered. Good, she needed to understand the danger. “I don’t doubt you’re right,” she professed. “But I’ve told you before; I can take care of myself.”

  Alright, that pissed me off. “Yes. I can see that.” I added sarcastically, “You’ve done such a great job of it so far.”

  Instead of the retort I expected, her shoulders hunched forward in defeat while she looked down at her shoes. Oh, hell no. This, I do not want. I placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head up so she would have to hold my gaze. “Listen.” I softened my voice. “He’s a powerful man with a lot of money and influence. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants.” She fought back the tears that threatened to fall. And while I may be a cold-hearted bastard, I couldn’t stand knowing I was the one to cause such a reaction. I pulled her into my chest and comforted, “Hey now, you’re a strong woman. Don’t let a prick like Caleb scare you.”

  She mumbled, “No, I’m not, Nik.” She glanced up at me as tears streamed down her lovely, rounded cheeks and confessed, “I’m terrified he’s going to win.”

  Before I did something stupid and kissed the moisture from her face, I put some space between us. I kept my hands on her shoulders and reiterated, “I will protect you.”

  Out of desperation, she shook her head. “I just don’t see how you can do that.” Her voice was soft and defeated, which tore at my soul—or what was left of it.

  I vowed, “I will do whatever’s necessary.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t…?”

  I chuckled darkly. “Don’t worry, little one.” Her head popped up with bewilderment on her face. I swallowed hard—what’d I say to cause such a look?—and continued, “I’m not going to do anything illegal.”

  That seemed to mollify her. She stepped out of my hold. “Let me go check on Renée. Then I’ll go home with you,” she stated while she turned and walked away.


  Shit! What a clusterfuck. I ran my hands through my hair and began to pace. It wasn’t long before the idea I’d once had to fix this problem resurfaced. Marriage. Really, what other choice was there? Yes, I could hire a top notch security team to watch over her twenty-four/seven; however, Reynolds was crafty, and it wouldn’t take him long to hire his own henchmen to get around me. As it was, a team watching over her family and friends until he found a new obsession would be necessary. Would he find a new one? Or could Aimee be looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life? I didn’t know. Rachel died, end of story. Caleb had no choice but to move on. Like me—if you call this husk of a man moving on. I shook off the morose thoughts bouncing around in my head. Time to man-up and do what needed to be done. I had to convince Aimee this was the best solution. Right, who was I kidding? Marriage wasn’t exactly something I ever wanted to do again. Surely she’d want hearts and flowers. Romance was not in my vocabulary. It was once, Rachel’s voice whispered in my mind. Yeah, maybe, but not anymore. Let’s face it, I was screwed. Yet there were no two ways about it, this was the answer. I strode with determination and went outside to make a call. Yeah, this was happening whether we wanted it to or not.


  When I returned to the corridor outside of Renée’s room, my eyes alighted on the scene playing out. Aimee was having a heated debate with one very tall, very famous basketball player. Holy shit! Keshaun Fields stood there arguing with her. About what, exactly? Only one way to find out. I strode towards them and possessively wrapped my arm around Aimee’s shoulders. It didn’t go unnoticed by either one of them. She raised her brows at me. What the fuck written across her lovely face. I bit back a chuckle and squeezed her tighter. I looked up at Keshaun, which unnerved me, considering I’m a big guy. I stand six-foot, four-and-half-inches, and I was not accustomed to looking up at many people. All six-foot, nine-inches of him radiated hostility. I held my ground and challenged, “Problem here?”

  As Aimee shook her head in denial, Keshaun glowered. Finally he spoke, “This is between me and her. Butt out.”

  Hell, no. Did he just say that? The dickhead obviously didn’t realize who I was. I firmly pushed Aimee behind me and then stood toe to toe with Fields. “Beg pardon?”

  He studied me for a moment, taking in all two-hundred-and-forty pounds of solid muscle that faced-off with him. Aimee placed her small hand on my shoulder and whispered, “Nik.” I leaned down to hear her. “Everything’s fine here.” She continued, “Keshaun and I simply disagree on what’s best for Renée. He won’t hurt me.”

  Not convinced of that, I stared at Fields—hard. He didn’t back down, which impressed the hell out of me. “Does she have it right?” I asked, “Or do you and I need to step outside?”

  He snorted, “I’d never harm blondie. She knows that.”

  Aimee squeezed my hand. “See? ‘S all good,” she declared.

  Once more, I appraised Fields and then glanced back at her. “I’ll just be over there with Ray.” I inclined my head in the direction of my security guard.

  She nodded. Then, her and Fields began to walk down the hall while deep in conversation.


  Ray had not seen any action that day—no surprise, there. Reynolds wasn’t stupid enough to try anything in public. A fact that didn’t sit well with me, for experience told me he was waiting for an opportunity to arise. We had to be one step ahead of him, diligent in our mission to keep everyone safe. Although there was no doubt in my mind Aimee was his target. The sooner I married her, the sooner she would be safe from him. Hopefully she would see that. However, I was getting to know her pretty we
ll; she would not take this lightly. Just like I knew she’d blast me for the incident with Keshaun a few minutes ago. Aimee Taylor was definitely not a damsel in distress. She was already furious she needed my help. A proposal of this magnitude would be met head-on with her determination and tenacity. What I needed to find was her Achilles' heel. I decidedly opened the door to Renée’s room. Time to get some answers.

  I approached with gentleness and made myself known by rubbing her hand. One eye blinked several times before focusing. The other, was swollen shut. I greeted, “Hello.”

  “Hi,” she responded back.

  “Do you remember me?” I inquired as I took a seat in the chair next to her bed.

  “Yeah. Nik, right?”

  “That’s me,” I confirmed.

  “So, she told you?”

  Hold on, told me what? “Not sure I know what you’re talking about.”

  She blew out a breath. “Figures. That girl doesn’t wanna accept the danger she’s in.”

  No joke! “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  She attempted to smile but then winced from the pain in her lip. “Listen. I shouldn’t betray her trust. However, she needs you. Stubborn girl won’t admit it though.”

  I sort of chuckled and sort of snorted, “Reynolds is behind this.”

  “Got that right. Asswipe had his goons send Aimee a message via me.” She waved a hand over her body for emphasis.

  “Any words involved?” She had definitely piqued my interest. And I had a whole lot of respect for her, knowing that she loved Aimee enough to keep this part from her.

  She snarled, “Oh, yeah.” She attempted to imitate the thug’s voice that attacked her. “‘Tell Aimee, either she marries Caleb or else.’ ”


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