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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 13

by Lora Ann

  He placed his hand over his heart. “You wound me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I cannot be married to a man I have no hope of ever loving.”


  “It may sound cruel, but it’s the truth.”

  He nodded, “Point made. I only wanted the reason.”

  Now that I did not buy. Nonetheless, there wasn’t any point in arguing with him. If it could end amicably, then, by all means, I was for it. “Nothing more?”

  We were interrupted by room service. I took the respite offered. For I knew he would drop an H-bomb sooner or later. In order to prevent his hounding, I ate half a slice of toast, couple bites of eggs, and a piece of bacon. Grateful for the coffee, I sat and waited for the shoe to drop. He did not disappoint.

  “You were correct. Love is neither needed nor wanted for me to be married to you.”

  I set my mug down. “What’s in it for you? My previous occupation would ruin you.”

  “Are you willing to sacrifice your reputation?”

  I contemplated that. Not worried about me, per se, more concerned with my parents. If the fact that I’d been a call-girl got out to them, they would be devastated. Truth be told, that was probably what I would have to do in order for him to leave me alone. I stared at him intently. “Yes,” I answered unwaveringly.

  “Well, then,” he gasped.

  No doubt, I had shocked him. Yet his cunning knew no bounds. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  Something had changed. He had the strangest look in his eyes, as if a veil had just been lifted. And he was…? There were no words for his expression. After a beat, he revealed his true self. “You. Lying. Bitch.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  All of a sudden, the table and all its contents went flying. He reached for my throat. I had barely dodged his hands before I ran towards the door. “How dare you pretend to be someone you’re not,” he bellowed.

  No clue as to what he was talking about, I pled, “Caleb? I don’t understand. What are you talking about?”

  He roared, “Shut the fuck up!”

  On cue, there was a knock at the door. Then I heard my savior’s voice. “Open the door, Aimee.”

  Nik. Oh, thank God! I reached for the knob but was shoved out of the way. I screamed, and that was when the door flew open. I tucked myself into a ball to avoid being hit by said door as I rolled out of the way. This time there was no fight. Before I could blink, Caleb was in a choke hold. Nik assisted me up to my feet. “Are you all right?” There was concern etched in his eyes.

  “Yeah.” I added, “He didn’t touch me.” By the look on Nik’s face, I realized that statement saved Caleb’s life.

  He pivoted. “Get him out of my sight.”

  José escorted Caleb out of the room. But not before he declared, “If I ever see you again, I will kill you for impersonating her.”

  What. The. Hell. I had no clue who “her” was. I shook my head as shivers traveled up and down my spine. That look in his eyes was going to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

  Nik’s gaze traversed between us. Once Caleb was out of sight, he queried, “What did he mean?”

  I sank to my knees. “I have no idea.” My voice trembled.

  “Hey. Let’s get you out of here.” He reached down and lifted me into his arms. I folded in on his muscular chest, needing the comfort and warmth his body provided. I had never been so terrified. Plus, I knew beyond a shadow of doubt Caleb meant what he had said. Annnnnnd didn’t that just suck.



  Un-fucking-believable! The audacity of that wretched wench pretending to be someone she was not. She’d pay for that. I grabbed my phone and placed a call to my right-hand man. “Joe? Yeah, I need another one. Right. I should arrive in D.C. this afternoon. Uh-huh, same location. You know the drill.”

  Just what I needed to let off steam, some crack-whore no one would miss. Easy pickings, they came a dime a dozen. And I knew full well what was in store for her. With that knowledge, I rubbed my growing erection. It’d been awhile since I’d played. Yes, I was looking forward to it. Still, the need to teach Ms. Taylor a lesson was at the top of my to-do list. How, exactly, would I go about it? Strand would make sure to keep her well-guarded. Hell, wouldn’t surprise me if he went ahead and married her himself. That was what I’d do in his position—which meant, I had my work cut out for me. Good thing I loved a challenge. If there was a way to kill two birds with one stone, I’d have it made. And wouldn’t that be a dream come true. The bastard had escaped my last attempt. Next time, he wouldn’t be so lucky. No, I’d learned a few tricks in the past few years. Quite frankly, taking a life was as easy as taking candy from a baby, even if the prostitute I was with wasn’t high.

  Where there’s a will there’s a way.

  I sat in my private jet and pondered all the possibilities. To plan murder took time and effort. Like the last time you went after Strand? Shut-up! I lacked experience then. All of a sudden, Rachel ethereally appeared next to me—like so many times before—she smiled at me and declared, “I believe in you, Caleb.”

  I held her hand. “No worries, baby. I promise you, I’ll take care of everything.”

  I closed my eyes and envisioned our life together. This was precisely what we needed to be happy forevermore. Nik must die. And so did the trollop who had impersonated my beautiful Rachel.



  Curled up in Nik’s lap, I felt protected. Not just due to his size—which did help immensely—no, it was also his compassion and sense of honor. He tried so hard to keep his walls up. “Let no one in” was his motto. But every now and then, I got a glimpse of the wounded man inside. I only wanted to know more of him. As I snuggled in close, I could feel the electricity humming between our bodies. I wanted him like never before. Would he let me breach his barriers this time? There was only one way to find out. Before I could put the moves on him, the SUV unfortunately came to a stop. After a beat, the door opened. He easily climbed out with me in his arms and whispered, “Let’s get you inside and comfortable, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me,” I murmured into his chest. Heavens, he smelled good. And I knew once the opportunity presented itself, I would have this man.

  Totally and completely.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Every cell in my body screamed at me to take Aimee straight to my bed and have my wicked way with her. This close, with her scent all around me, I wasn’t sure I could resist much longer. My arousal was downright painful. Fact was, she didn’t need this right now. She was almost attacked, again. Although this time, something was off with Caleb. Things were about to go DEFCON 5 before I walked into the hotel suite. What set him off? Why was he convinced she was impersonating someone else? For that matter, who? No, the last thing I needed to do was act on my lust. I had to admit, if only to myself, I was losing not only the battle, but the desire to stay away from her. It was only sex. So, why shouldn’t I act on it? She wanted me as much as I wanted her. We’re consenting adults. What was the harm? Because you’re half in love with her already, idiot. What happens when you give in? Where will that leave your precious memories? How could you betray Rachel that way? Besides, doesn’t Aimee deserve all of your heart? No matter what, I couldn’t give her something I no longer had. That would be beyond unfair. Who says life’s fair?

  I was thankful Alex and E were here. With their help, we could work out a strategy to keep Aimee safe. Not to mention she really should rest. And I needed some distance from her. I walked into the guestroom and placed her on the bed. I attempted to smile. “My brothers are in the other room. Get some rest.” I clasped her hand for reassurance. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

  When she tugged on my hand, I had to take a step closer. She stretched upwards and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, once again.” She pulled back and let go of my hand. “I’m not sure I would’ve been able to handle Caleb by myself.” She shook her hea
d. “No, that’s not true. I doubt I would’ve left there in one piece if you hadn’t shown up when you did.”

  “Glad I could be of some assistance,” I acknowledged.

  She half-smiled. “Yeah, I’m feeling rather grateful at the moment.”

  Oh, hell no. You will not ask her to show you how much. I swear, around her I seemed to have only thoughts of sex. Not good. I was a grown man, not a teenage boy. I could and would control my lust—even if it killed me. I assured, “I’ll be here for the rest of the day if you need me.” With that, I closed the door and strode into the living room where my brothers sat, waiting.


  In desperate need of a drink, I hit the bar across the room first.

  Alex inquired, “Everything all right, Nik?”

  At the same time E chimed in, “’Sup, brother.”

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. They were daylight and dark. Unsure of what that made me, I replied, “No. This has become a clusterfuck. I don’t have any idea what’s going on here.” I squared my shoulders and said something I thought I’d never say. “I could use some help from both of you.”

  That got their attention. Alex instantly stood. E leaned forward on the sofa with his elbows braced on his knees, held my gaze intently and said, “Tell me what you need.”

  Alex nodded as he approached, clapping me on the shoulder. “Anything,” he vowed. “I’ll help in any way I can.”

  I knew I didn’t deserve their loyalty. As I began to pace, I took a gulp of the fiery liquid out of the glass I held and then laid my cards on the table. “Here’s the deal. Caleb went bat-shit on Aimee today.” Alex’s brow furrowed, as E stood. I began to fill them in on the events of that morning. Once they were up to speed, E claimed, “He won’t touch her. What’s your plan of action?”

  I chuckled without mirth. “Time to take a trip to the altar.”

  He whispered, “Fuck me.”

  Yeah, that about summed it up.

  Alex was far more level headed on the issue. “Marriage will definitely make any attempt to harm her more difficult. I think the sooner you say ‘I do’ the better.”

  No, shit Sherlock. I wasn’t exactly whistling Dixie here. “It’ll happen ASAP,” I affirmed. “But what I can’t put my finger on, is who does Caleb think she’s posing as? Something just doesn’t add up here.” I took a deep breath to fortify my next confession. “She’s not the only one in danger.”

  Alex sat down and stroked his jaw thoughtfully. “What makes you suspect that?”

  I threw my hands up. “Hell, if I know. Call it a hunch.”


  E glanced over at him. “Whatcha got, Alex?”

  “Well, I can see where Reynolds would think Nik is a threat as well.”

  Yup, my thoughts exactly. E then voiced our cooperative thought, “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “No, it wouldn’t,” I confirmed. “See the dilemma?”

  Alex glanced up at me as he concluded, “If he gets a chance, odds are, you won’t survive.”

  E piped up, “Wait! Was it ever proven Nik was the intended victim in the accident?”

  Alex had suspected that for some time. I stalked away to stare out the window and was suddenly there all over again: I remembered frantically pumping my brakes. Rachel’s screams as the deer stood in the middle of the road and stared into the headlights; the storm which had blocked nearly all visuals. How the brakes refused to catch as the car careened out of control and down the embankment, finally coming to an abrupt stop against the huge pine tree with a sickening thunk. God, I couldn’t do this. Yet my brain refused to snap back into the present.

  E called, “Nikko. Nik, can you hear me?”

  I braced my hands against the floor to ceiling glass, panting. I fought the urge to scream and nodded once, hard. Alex and E came up on the either side of me; then, both of them placed a hand on each of my shoulders. Alex soothed, “We’ve got you.”

  E affirmed, “Always.”

  I continued to focus on breathing while I let the images pass. Once I had my act together, I mumbled, “Thanks.” Then I carefully disengaged from their hold. Their unfailing love never ceased to humble me. Even now, I couldn’t process it. Someday I hoped I could voice my love for them. No, you can’t. If you do, they’ll die. Would they? Or was that just fear talking? Aimee’s presence was messing with not only my body, but my mind as well. Normally emotional crap didn’t even hit my radar. Truth, my apathy knew no bounds. So why, suddenly, did I want to embrace them and tell them what they meant to me? I needed another drink, so I went to the bar for a refill.

  Alex inquired, “Do you need me to make arrangements with the justice of the peace?”

  “Nah,” I replied. “Aimee deserves to have her wedding in her hometown. As soon as she lets me know the whens and wheres, I’ll have my assistant, Jamie, work out the details.”

  E’s brow quirked. “You’re actually having a wedding?!”

  I understood his reaction, and was not a little surprised at myself that I’d suggested such a thing. “Yeah,” I confirmed. “She deserves some form of normalcy. Plus, there will be a level of comfort for her where she grew up, don’t y’think?”

  “It’s a great idea,” Alex approved and then shot me a peculiar look. “Are you sure you’ll be all right?”

  Hell no! Yet there wasn’t really another option. For whatever reason, I wanted Aimee to have her special day. Forget the fact it was a marriage in name only. No way was I prepared to dive into the whys of the feelings that were stirring deep within me. Just was. I craved to provide for her in any way possible, as well as protect her. And the possessiveness I felt was only growing stronger with each passing minute.

  “So, who’s your best man?” E smiled.

  I shook my head and answered, “I can’t very well choose between the two of you.”

  Alex shrugged. “I’m cool with E having his turn.”

  I sighed heavily. How had I forgotten Alex was there at Rachel’s and my wedding? Though, he wasn’t eighteen at the time so he couldn’t be my best man—well, official witness. I asked, “No hard feelings, Alex?”

  “None whatsoever,” he assured. “We’re good.”

  I walked over to E and clapped his shoulder. “You asked for it.”

  His grin was downright contagious. I actually cracked a smile at the same moment Aimee stepped into the room. With an odd expression, she stood there staring at me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she wasn’t breathing. I looked to my brothers for some sort of insight. E shrugged his shoulders while Alex strode over to her and asked, “Everything all right, Aimee?” When he laid his hand on her upper back, I actually growled. E’s surprised look made me aware of just how loud I’d been. Alex immediately dropped his hand, all the while Aimee blinked hard several times.

  She finally took a deep breath. I was right, she had been holding it. Why was that? “So, the wedding’s still on?” she asked as she held my gaze insistently. I nodded. Then, she shocked the hell out of me when she asserted, “Were you planning on asking me? Or do I have a say?”

  Whoa! What’d I miss here? Alex and E politely left the room to give us some privacy. I stalked towards her and queried, “Didn’t we already settle this?”

  She threw her hands up in exasperation. “Really?!” she exclaimed as she began to pace. “A wedding isn’t a business agreement!” she yelled.

  “I beg to differ,” I countered.

  “You would,” she huffed as she pivoted to face me. “In case you missed something, I left you this morning.”

  I growled, “Yes. And you see where that got you.”

  She marched up to me and began to poke my chest with her forefinger. “I’m fully aware of my error. But it doesn’t mean I’ll go through with this farce of a wedding.”

  I grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her up against me. “It’s the only way to keep Reynolds away from you,” I warned.

  “You’re hurting me,” she cr

  Instantly I let her go, but I didn’t step back. Neither did she. “Surely you can see this is the only answer,” I imparted.

  She shook her head in denial, yet I could see it in her eyes—she was quickly coming to the same conclusion. “But what if…”

  I leaned down to where our mouths were only an inch apart. What are you doing? Back off now before you kiss her. “No buts. No what ifs.”

  Her little, pink tongue snaked out to lick her bottom lip. I wanted to taste her right then and there. Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on how you wanted to look at it—Alex interrupted us. “I’m sorry for the intrusion.” He inclined his head towards Aimee and then held my gaze. “We have a situation, Nik,” he announced.

  “Now?” I inquired with irritation.

  “Afraid so.” He had the decency to look apologetic.

  “Okay.” I turned my attention back to Aimee and declared, “We’ll work out the details in a little while, alright?”

  She half-smiled. “I’ll see you when you’re finished.”

  I stepped away from her and followed my brother into the study. If I went by his purposeful stride, along with the staid look on E’s face when I entered, this was not something I wanted to hear. Ah, shit. What now?

  Chapter Twenty


  For all intents and purposes, I was getting married in the very near future. Put a whole new twist on “for better or for worse” when I considered the circumstances. Should I really marry a man I hardly know? Again with the niggling sensation in my gut, that, somehow, some way I did know Nik Strand. Well, duh. I mean, we had shared some intense moments. Doubtful the image of him pleasuring himself would ever truly disappear, not to mention him talking me through my own escapade. Yeah, I did know him intimately. Although I felt as if there were more, like I was missing something crucial. But what? Once more, I searched my memories, trying in vain, to figure out just how and/or where we could’ve met before. Nothing. Gah, how frustrating!


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