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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 23

by Lora Ann

  I awoke to soft, firm lips on mine. Nik announced, “We land in about twenty minutes. I thought you might like to freshen up.”

  I smiled up at him. “Yeah, I would. Thank you.”

  “Anytime, lille.”

  Oh, how I loved when he spoke in his native tongue. That accent of his did something to my insides. I leaned forward and grabbed his face, kissing him deeply, before I left the bed. When his hands began to slide over my body, I stilled them. “You’re going to have to wait till we arrive at our home, big boy.” As I said that, I stroked his very large, very aroused penis.

  He reared back out of my reach and rasped, “Go on, now. Before I change my mind, and take you.”

  I sashayed across the room. He abruptly stood and was behind me in three long strides. Then he smacked my ass and teased, “I’m gonna punish you for tempting me like that.”

  Over my shoulder I called, “Promise me.”

  As I closed the door, I could hear his low, sexy rumble of a laugh. I probably shouldn’t have challenged him like that. Ah, hell yeah, I should. One thing about it, Nik was extremely ingenious. The thoughts of all the ways he could pleasure—I mean, punish—me were interminable. Crap. Now I’m all hot and bothered. I splashed cold water over my overheated face to get my thoughts under control—all of them were on how I would ravage him next time. Soooo naughty. Yet there was no denying how much I wanted to see him completely unhinged. When did I plan on doing this? Duh, as soon as I possibly could.

  My grin had not abated as I met him in the main part of the plane for landing. As I strapped myself in—just in time, I might add—Nik shot me a wary glance. “Pushing it a little there, weren’t you?”

  “I made it, didn’t I?”

  “Barely,” he grumbled.

  Aw, my sweet husband was concerned for my safety. I cajoled, “So protective.”

  He seriously replied, “Always.”

  I laced my fingers with his and softly chortled, “I like that about you. A lot.”

  He grinned as he brought the back of my hand to his lips, tenderly kissing my knuckles.

  His actions were once again incongruous with his size.


  We entered Pacific Heights just as the fog had cleared. The enchanting Golden Gate Bridge was to the north as we turned into the driveway of a spectacular Georgian Mansion. I gasped when the Bentley came to a stop at the side entrance.

  “Are we visiting someone?” I asked hesitantly.

  Nik climbed out of the backseat and stretched his large frame, chuckling. How he compressed all of that height and bulk still fascinated me. He held out his hand for me.

  We made our way inside a very modern kitchen.

  “This is your home?” I was still a bit discombobulated. Yes, I knew Nikko was an obscenely wealthy man, but…

  “No, little one. This is our home.”

  “Oh.” Really, what was there to say? I mean, sure, I’d been around money and power for a little over five years. And while his Fifth Avenue penthouse was astounding, it had nothing on this exquisite home.

  Nik snaked his arm around my waist, effectively placing me in front of him. When I wouldn’t meet his gaze, he gently raised my chin with his forefinger and stared intently. “You don’t like it?” His hesitant question caught me a bit off-guard.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat before I answered, “It’s not that,” while I blinked back tears that threatened to fall.

  He cocked his head to one side, studying me. “Then, what’s wrong?”

  I pulled free and began to trek through the house, stopping at the floor to ceiling windows off the living room. I had an unobscured view of the bay. I shook my head, still incredulous to what I saw. Nik came up behind me, coiled his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. “Tell me, Aimee. Please,” he implored.

  Unsure if it was his concern or the mansion itself, the tears I tried so desperately to hold back slid down my cheeks. Hell, maybe it was the fact my dreams were actually coming to fruition. I leaned into his warmth and strength. “You’re crying?” he asked appalled.

  I nodded, but refused to let him turn me around in his arms when he tried. Sure, he could’ve forced the issue, yet he didn’t. And that was what made me start talking. “I’m overwhelmed at the moment.” Before he could question me again, I continued, “It’s everything I ever wanted—and more. So much more that I’m having a bit of trouble processing it all.”

  His voice rumbled next to my ear. “I’m glad you like it. I wasn’t trying to bewilder you. For that, I apologize.”

  I bit my lip and turned to gaze up at him. “Yes, I like it. I know you didn’t mean to, which makes it more confounding.” I held my hand up to keep him from interrupting me. “Having said all of that, you should know I love you.” With that, I stood on tip-toes and brushed my lips against his. It would’ve escalated if we hadn’t been interrupted.

  “Erghm, sorry. I’ll just be in my office.”

  I leaned to the side to get a better look at who had just spoken, and saw Ray standing in the doorway. I smiled at him. “I knew I recognized that voice.”

  He inclined his head. “How are you doing, Mrs. Strand?”

  While I held Nik’s hand, I approached Ray. I felt like we had bonded in the hospital when Renée had been laid up. However, Nik stiffened at the familiarity I used towards his lead security guy—and if I wasn’t mistaken, friend. I respectfully held back from hugging his right-hand man. Something unspoken passed between the two men. Suspicious I inquired, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing to worry about,” Nik appeased. “Would you give us just a moment, Ray?”

  “Not a problem, sir. I’ll meet you in the office.” He turned and left the room.

  I let go of Nik’s hand and stated, “Start talking.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “You do realize no one speaks to me that way, right?”

  “I’m not just anyone,” I huffed. “I’m. Your. Wife.”

  His brow quirked. “Which is why, I let you get away with it,” he pointed out. “But don’t confuse my willingness to have an open conversation with you for weakness. Clear?”

  Ooh, his bossiness was enough to make my blood boil. I bowed my head. “Yes, sir,” I retorted and stomped away.

  He tugged my arm, halting my progress. “What is this about, exactly, Aimee?”

  Could he really be that clueless? Well, he asked for it. “You keep hiding things from me, Nikko. I won’t tolerate it any longer.”

  His brows hit his hairline. “I beg your pardon!” He blew out an exasperated breath. “I’m not hiding anything.”

  To which, I stamped my foot and met him toe to toe. “Liar!” I accused.

  He grabbed me by the upper arms and warned, “Watch it.”

  My chin jutted out in defiance. “Or what? You’ll take me over your knee.”

  This time, he stepped back and ran both hands through his long hair. “If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it,” he declared.

  “Like, hell,” I growled.

  He spun and swept me into his arms. I beat his chest and demanded, “Put me down.”

  He dropped me unceremoniously onto the sofa. Before I could scramble away, he tugged me onto his lap. “Now, stop it. Or I will turn you over my knee and spank your sweet ass.”

  Crap! Those words shouldn’t have caused the low ache deep in my belly. I spat out, “Pervert.”

  He half-smiled. “As I recall, you seemed to have enjoyed it the last time.”

  My lips pursed. “In pleasure, I do. Not the way you mean right now.”

  He ceded, “Fair point.” He held his finger over my lips, so I wouldn’t interrupt. “Listen, I wasn’t lying to you. I may be guilty of protecting you, but not hiding things.”

  My eyes narrowed. “There’s a difference?”

  He sighed, “Of course there is. Hiding would imply, I have no intentions of ever telling you what’s going on.”

  I petulantly queried, “And tha
t’s not what you and Ray just did?”

  “No, lille. It’s not. I was protecting you. Last time I checked, that was a husband’s job,” he said insistently.

  I sighed heavily. “This is about Caleb, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “But I wasn’t hiding that fact.”

  “So you were going to tell me, when?”

  “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to,” he confessed.

  “Why’s that?”

  He stroked my hair and replied, “Well, it wasn’t him, per se. And I really didn’t want to worry you needlessly.”

  “I’m confused,” I admitted. “What wasn’t him?”

  “A couple of his henchmen have been spotted a few times since the wedding.”

  I gasped, “And you not telling me sooner, wasn’t hiding?! How do you figure?”

  He leaned his forehead against mine. “I didn’t hide it, Aimee. I wanted to protect you.”

  “Alright,” I acknowledged, “I refuse to keep going around this bush. Protect me, how?”

  “Until we knew for sure, I didn’t want to cause you any anxiety. Nothing was going to happen to you. If I had felt you were in grave danger, I would’ve told you and taken action.”

  I grasped his face with both hands. “Swear to me, you won’t go after him.”

  He shook his head in denial. “I can’t make a promise I don’t intend to keep.”

  I stood. “So that’s it, then,” I shouted, “You’d spend the rest of your life in jail over that shithead. What about me?”

  He approached cautiously—wise man—and proclaimed, “I never said I was going after him. However, if he comes after you, I will handle it,” he vowed as he clutched my shoulders. “I have no intentions of going back to jail, Aimee. But I won’t let him endanger the woman I love.”

  His mouth came down on mine furiously. I could taste his fear. His anger. His insecurity. I fisted his hair and yanked him more firmly to me. Then devoured his mouth with mine, pouring every emotion I had into the kiss.

  Once we pulled away, we were both panting. “You better go,” I insisted. “Ray has been waiting for a while now.”

  He nodded and strode to the threshold, where he paused and over his shoulder inquired, “We okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine. I’ll see you when you’re finished.”

  He winked before leaving the room.

  What the hell was I going to do about Caleb? The dickhead obviously wasn’t giving up.


  While I contemplated everything, I went into the kitchen for a drink of water. There, stood a rather pretty woman in her late thirties at the stove cooking. She smiled and greeted, “Hello. You must be Mrs. Strand.”

  I bobbed my head as I replied, “Please, call me Aimee.”

  “Well, Aimee.” She inclined her head. I’m Mary Alice, your housekeeper.”

  I grinned, “And cook.”

  “Yes, and cook,” she nodded.

  As Mary Alice poured me a large glass of ice water, we talked a little. She was very nice and efficient. I liked her. Also, I learned she wasn’t just a cook, but an actual pastry chef. And the piece of information that really floored me, she was Ray’s wife. Wow. I had so many questions, but knew it was inappropriate to ask. Bummer. ‘Cause I highly doubted Nik would know. Men just weren’t as interested in the details of other’s lives the way women were.

  Before too much time had passed, Nik had found us chatting. Mary Alice’s demeanor instantly switched to professional. Nik politely spoke to her as a boss, not a friend. Then he excused us, and escorted me into the hallway. “Have you seen the rest of the house?”

  I smiled, “No. I was waiting for you.”

  He uncharacteristically swung me around before he placed a reverent kiss on my lips. “Well, Mrs. Strand, let me show you around our humble abode.”

  I couldn’t quash the giggles that had erupted. Oh, how I loved this playful side of him. I only wanted more. So I vowed to myself, I’ll do whatever needed to make him truly smile and laugh at least once a day.

  When we walked back towards the kitchen, I was more sexually frustrated than I had ever been. I thanked Mary Alice as she made her way out of the dining room, so we could enjoy our dinner. Still, I grappled with the fact I now owned a home with an indoor pool, library, wine cellar, and entertainment room. The house had six bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, and of course a master suite, which was the size of my childhood home. WTF! Did two people really need this much space? Although I knew, Alex and Even spent a fair amount of time here as well. The brothers were not usually in residence at the same time; however, it did happen occasionally. That didn’t upset me as much as I thought it would, ironically. Since we were a newly married couple, you would think I’d want every minute possible alone with Nik, yet, somehow, having his brothers around felt like family. Let’s face it; the place was big enough to find privacy—and then some.

  As we sat down, the images of all the ways Nik had just teased my body with his danced through my brain. I had half a mind to swipe the dishes off the table and have mind-blowing sex with him—here and now. Arrogant bastard knew it, too. He sat there watching me intently; fully aware he had aroused me to my limits. Almost. Granted, I barely held on to my desire, but I was holding on. Fine, he wanted to play. Then, so be it. It was my turn to drive him insane with lust. I smiled impishly as I took a bite of lasagna.

  Let the games begin!

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Every cell in my body screamed out for release. I had pushed our bodies to the edge. One little nudge and we would both go over into a pleasure abyss. Aimee knew it, too. The wicked glint in her eyes told me the tables were about to turn. A part of me wasn’t sure I should give her any leeway. The other, was about to expire from anticipation of what she could—correction, would—do to me. The fact she had more knowledge of carnal penchants than any other woman I had ever been with was a huge turn on. My arousal was downright painful as I shifted, trying to find some kind of relief from the pressure. Shit. Wrong way! I then tugged my crotch violently with the hopes I wouldn’t blow my load right there at the kitchen table. I let out a long breath to find some sort of control.

  Rotten little imp was completely aware of my condition. She smiled seductively, and then slid the last bite of tiramisu between her lovely lips. The erotic image of her wet mouth as it worked my cock almost undid me. She finished her Maury red wine, and that pink tongue of hers darted out to catch the last drop. That did it. I stood and held out my hand to her. When she glanced at it implacably, I cautioned, “Don’t push me, Aimee. Take my hand. It’s time.”

  With mock innocence she responded, “Time for what, exactly, Nikko?”

  Done! I held her gaze with predator intensity and growled, “Playing coy doesn’t suit you, lille.” I grabbed her by the arm and tugged her out of the chair, which effectively brought her magnificent body against mine. I moaned, “Come. Now.”

  She grinned devilishly. “No, surely you didn’t,” she said in mocked horror.

  What?! Ah, I got it. “Saucy, bitch,” I teased before I laid claim to her mouth with mine. “You’re so fuckin’ sweet.”

  She mewled, “Hmm. You’re not half bad yourself.”

  While I lifted her gorgeous ass into my hands, I rubbed my erection along the seam of her slacks. I fought hard not to explode, barely. I tried my damnedest to focus on anything that would give me some form of control; consequently, I began mentally working financial stats. Once I knew I wouldn’t lose it, I drew her up the stairs to our bedroom. The one room I had purposely not shown her on our earlier tour.

  As we entered the room, she gasped. I couldn’t help but feel a little smug. The one thing I’d taken great precision in doing was to learn the fine characteristics of my wife. Her tastes. Her likes. Her dislikes. Her favorite things. All of which, made her who she was—my Aimee Grace. I leaned down to speak directly in her ear and whispered, “You like it?”

  She bit
her lip as she nodded. Then she walked over to the oversized, mahogany four-poster bed and ran her a hand over the thick plum duvet. “It’s so luxurious.” She began to finger the intricate detail of the bedframe. “Where did you find this marvelous antique?”

  Pleased she recognized quality, I apprised, “This belonged to my parents, a wedding gift from my grandparents.”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean this came from Norway?”

  I approached her with the stealth of a panther and snaked my arms around her middle from behind. Then I nuzzled into her golden hair—it always smelled of oranges with a hint of cinnamon. “Yes, it was custom made,” I confirmed as I caressed her hairline with the tip of my nose.

  She leaned back and tilted her head, which gave me full access to her neck. I licked, suckled, and grazed with my teeth until she cried out, “More, please.”

  I pushed her forward onto the bed and followed. Then I inched my hands under her hips to undo the clasp, and slid down the zipper on her linen slacks. She assisted by rising up, effectively bringing the curve of her bottom into my groin. I groaned. As I glided her pants down her lovely legs, I used my feet to finish removing them. Grateful, that neither Aimee nor I wore shoes when we were inside our home for any length of time. I did the same with her silky panties. Next, I removed my trousers and boxer briefs. I placed my hand between her thighs to check and see if she was ready for me. She turned her head towards me and asked, “Is there any lube in the nightstand?”

  Fuck! My mouth now dry, I swallowed before I spoke, “Let me check.”

  After I found what she had requested, I needed no further instructions. I rubbed a generous amount along the crack of her ass, working forward. Next, I moved my fingers along her folds, and concentrated my efforts on her most sensitive spot at the apex. Once I felt her orgasm begin to ripple, I eased my dick into the rosebud of her ass. She screamed, “Yes. Oh, just like that.”


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