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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 73

by Lora Ann

  “Don’t fucking speak to me, Alex,” she hissed.

  “Wait…” I implored. But before I could say anymore, Shannon yelled, “Alex! Get in the damn car. We have a lead!”

  I ran towards the vehicle and was surprised to find Sofie right behind me. No way was I telling her to stay there. Once we were all in, Shannon began to pull out and then suddenly hit the brakes hard. Nik rounded the car and slid in. I inquired, “Brother, don’t you want to stay?”

  “My wife is still missing,” he pointed out.

  Another ah-ha moment: if Caleb was behind this, odds were, he had Aimee with him. I looked over at Shannon and commanded, “Step. On. It. We don’t have much time.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  The room was exactly to perfection. Bright surgical lights hung overhead, thoroughly blinding my two patients. Excellent. I strolled over to inspect that the restraints would hold on the medical beds. Aimee began to moan but was still unable to open her eyes. Meant the drug I’d used to subdue her worked. With two steps I was over Lilly, examining the gunshot wound that should’ve killed her. My own fault for not taking into consideration she was young and healthy. The bruises and cuts Helga had made were barely noticeable unless you knew where to look for them. Unable to resist touching, I traced along the red angry spot visible around the gauze and tape over her fresh wound. My cock throbbed from the agony I knew she was in. To ensure misery, I pressed slightly above her right breast and watched the blood begin to seep from underneath the bandages. Her scream punctuated the pain like a perfect note in the crescendo of a brilliant musical score. “Yes, my pet. Let me hear how excruciating it feels,” I purred, ripping the dressing away, and with precision tugged at her stitches.

  Aimee’s wailed, “Stop, Caleb,” fueled my need as I continued to unravel the wound. “My God, please don’t hurt that child anymore,” Aimee pleaded.

  I pivoted to look directly into the bitch’s eyes that had royally messed up every plan I’d made and addressed, “Ready for me so soon, whore?”

  She swallowed hard, “Promise me you’ll let her go, and I’ll do whatever you wish.”

  With a maniacal laugh, I yanked the sheet off Aimee to expose her nude form. I was not attracted to her in the least. But it served the purpose of humiliation and vulnerability, which was craved as I took my dues: revenge. I opened the book on surgical procedures contemplating the one to try first. “Guillaume Tell,” playing in the background made me grin. I raised the scalpel to Aimee’s eye level and gloried in the sheer terror that greeted me. What I was not prepared for— and would later chastise myself—was the hard blow to the back of my head. I stumbled from the onslaught of utter agony shooting through me. Euphoria. Scrambling of feet across the tile floor could be heard along with the hushed, “Hold on. I’ll get you outta here.”

  “Lilly…Lillian…my dear pet,” I slurred. “You will pay dearly for this.” Though I was more than a little impressed with her ingenuity.

  My vision was slowly returning as Aimee and Lilly worked as a team to escape. Deciding the chase would be more fun, I let them get down the hallway before proceeding.



  I knew Caleb would kill us if he caught up. The adrenaline spike was going strong enough that I hadn’t noticed the loss of blood until the woman with me cried out, “You’re losing too much blood!”

  I glanced down to see what she referred to. Sure enough, she was right. The trail I was leaving would get us found if we tried to hide. “We need to split up.”

  “No. I can’t leave you like this.”

  “You can. You will,” I barked out.

  She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. “Tell me your name, my sweet angel.”

  I whispered, “Lilly,” as I began to lose momentum.

  She pulled the sheet off her body and wrapped me in it. Then she tucked me in an obscure corner and leaned into my ear so only I would hear. “I’m Aimee. And I vow here and now that I will be back for you.”

  We heard lumbered steps of Caleb approaching. “Go, Aimee. Before it’s too late.” I wished she knew who Sofie was so I could give her a message. And that was when I remembered, grasping her hand. “At UCSF hospital, in my clothes is a letter addressed to my stepmother. Please send it to her if I can’t.” She nodded and kissed my forehead before easing her naked body around the corner. I couldn’t help but notice her lovely curves. Odd, at a time like this.

  Things were fading in and out as I distinctly heard, “Lilly, my dear. You’ve been very naughty,” Caleb chastised.

  I thought laughter bubbled up and out, but could never be sure. “You really shouldn’t play with your food, Mr. R,” I stated sardonically.

  “You’ve really left me no choice, darling.” Caleb’s hand covered my forehead as his fingers dug into my crown. I felt the shove and then the sickening crack of my skull.

  Last image that played through my mind, a beach where I was nestled between the legs of a man, both of us had our knees bent with our feet firmly planted in the sand, watching the surf. One Direction’s “18” played in the background like a movie soundtrack. The best part, I felt secure and loved as he held me in his strong arms. Tilting my head back to see who my dream man was, not a little awe filled me to stare directly into the stormy gray eyes of Zane. I had always known he was a good guy who had made some bad choices. My breathing became labored and I could no longer see the vision, but it was enough to bring happiness in my final moment. Enough to carry me out of this world.



  Praying profusely as I searched for a way out of hell. Lilly had to be okay. Someone who would risk their life for a stranger couldn’t die. A beautiful soul like hers had to light this dark world. I wouldn’t accept anything less. I rounded a corner and knew it’d been the wrong direction when Caleb was too close for comfort. His taunted, “Aimee, you can’t hide forever,” flashed every damn B horror movie I had ever watched. Seriously, I was not ending up like that!

  Somehow I had scored when finding some men’s clothes to wear. At least if I lost this game of cat and mouse, my body would be covered in something. No sense lying to myself, I would surely die when Caleb found me. I eased through a dark room and fell backwards over what felt like a rail. The drop to the floor wasn’t far but enough that I landed awkwardly on my ankle. As I stood, the throbbing pain confirmed at least a sprain. If I was lucky, I’d find a good hiding place.

  Didn’t take me long to realize I was in some kind of office area. So it should have a desk. Wait! That’s too obvious. I eased back into a corner, hoping beyond hope that Caleb wouldn’t find me. Although, when the lights came on, I wasn’t hidden at all. He laughed as I once more attempted to scramble away.

  “Did you really think you could hide from me in such an obvious place?” he inquired with a quirked brow.

  With the lights brightly shining, I was most definitely in an office/library. There really weren’t many places I could’ve hid. Shit! As he approached and reached down for my arm, the training Nikko had insisted on came roaring to the forefront. If this was it, I would die fighting. The warrior in me rose to the challenge and began analyzing the weakest point to make contact. While Nik truly knew most forms of martial arts and was very adept, I had taken a distinct interest in Kuk Sool Won, learning quickly that pressure point defense was a valuable tool. Caleb went for my throat as I let everything else fall away. My focus became concise as we began the dance for life or death. I was able to counter every move he made; even though it was blatantly evident he had Taekwondo training. Unbeknownst to me how long we engaged in our battle, I could’ve sworn I heard my husband’s voice down the hall. How he had found me, only God knew. The unfortunate distraction proved I still had a lot to learn as Caleb gained the upper hand.

  I grinned through the blood oozing down my chin. “Doesn’t matter if you kill me—you won’t leave here alive either,” I declared.

  The comprehension of
truth played across his features. But what really held my attention in utter disbelief was an outspoken argument with the voices in his head.

  “I can’t kill her, Marissa. Don’t you see she’s right,” he growled.

  “Rachel, baby please. Quit looking at me like I’m a monster.”

  “Make it fast, you say? But, Marissa, I thought we agreed to drag it out for weeks with her.”

  He then spat in my face. My God, he was certifiable. No wait! Caleb could use that as a plea to get off death row. Of course, I had to prove what my gut was telling me: this man was responsible for all the disappearances of blonde prostitutes in the area. That he had, in fact, murdered them. His hand raised for a killing blow to my throat just as a terrifying growl echoed through the room.

  The hairs on my body stood at attention. There was no mistaking Nik’s fury. Before he could get his hands on Caleb, Alex entered the office and barely restrained the beast who was my husband. Unable to talk him down since Caleb formed a barrier between us, I seized my opportunity and brought him down with a pressure point hit that very well could’ve killed him. Good riddance. I rushed towards Nik and clung to him with all I had.

  Shannon was now in the room with us checking Caleb’s pulse. “He’s still alive,” she confirmed as uniformed officers entered.

  Talk about a three-ring circus.

  Alex, Nik, and I were just exiting the office when an anguished, blood-curdling scream reverberated throughout the entire house. Nikko held me tighter as Alex exclaimed, “Sofie!” He took off at a dead run with Nik and I right behind him.

  Dear Lord, what more could this family endure?

  Chapter Eighteen


  If I never had to witness what was before me again, it’d be too soon. The absoluteness of it stole my breath. I had experienced grief in my life and was all too familiar with the pangs of anguish. Had watched my own brother trap himself behind a wall of ice, refusing to thaw for years as he attempted to bury his grief along with the wife he adored and their unborn daughter. But this, this before me, was heart stopping. Sofie sobbed as she held the lifeless, bloody body of a petite young woman in her arms. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who she was. Lilly. From my angle, the crack in her head was enormous. No one would survive such a blow. Or I should say, you wouldn’t want to survive it due to the amount of brain damage possible. I knelt cautiously and softly inquired, “May I check her for a pulse, Sofie?”

  Her eyes met mine, and I acknowledged she was somewhere else entirely. Gently stroking her cheek to gain her attention, I whispered, “Please let me help.”

  With a slight nod of her head, she croaked out, “Gone. My baby is gone.”

  God, I felt so damn powerless. I reached over to see if Lilly had any sign of life. Shock filled me when I felt a pulse. Tiny, barely holding on, but there it was. This sweet girl was fighting with all she had. Not wanting to startle Sofie, I reached for my cell phone and sent a text to Nik.

  Need medics NOW. Please tell them to use caution. Sofia isn’t stable.

  The small space we were in became crowded. Sure enough, when EMTs tried to take Lilly from Sofie, she lost it. I used a Muay Thai maneuver to hold her down, begging for compliance, “Shh, kjære. They’re here to help. No one’s going to hurt her. You have my word,” I vowed firmly. Fucking A. I wanted to comfort her, but she was a threat. The officers would be forced to restrain her if I couldn’t gain Sofie’s acquiescence. She attempted to fight harder, forcing me to apply more pressure. Her scream gutted me like nothing else ever could. My voice broke on a sob as I implored, “Please, Sofie. For fuck’s sake, stop fighting me.”

  At my command she went still, but the wail that escaped her tore through the last shred of composure I had. I scooped her into my lap, cradling her like a child. Her pain ripped through every fiber of my being. Completely destroying the man I once was. All she kept murmuring was, “W-w-why? Why?” over and over.

  There were no words to offer, so I did my best to console by holding her. I told her with every touch and soft kiss to her head how sorry I was.

  How I ached for her.

  How much I deeply loved her.

  We eventually made it out to the car as Nik drove us to the hospital. Aimee was taken by ambulance as a precaution. Could it really be worse than this? I should’ve known one doesn’t ask that question.


  Worry for Sofie consumed me as she stared off into space—a world where I couldn’t reach her. I kept trying. “Hey, you want to go for a walk?” I ran my hand up and down her back, attempting to reach that place she’d escaped to. Like the twenty or so times before, she only blinked. Only clue she’d heard me, was the change in her breathing. Dear God, please don’t let her snap. Give her the strength to get through this. Give me the strong hands she needs to hold her up. Throughout the long night I continued to pray.

  Around five in the morning, we received word Lilly had survived brain surgery. But she was on life support. In approximately twenty-four hours, they would run a scan to tell us if we should leave her on it or make the decision to pull her off. Fuck! Sofie’s sharp intake of breath said it all. Until you’d witnessed it for yourself, no one could prepare you for such a sight. Machines were doing everything we take for granted. So many tubes and wires attached to the frail little body. Her head was wrapped in gauze, giving her a mummy like appearance. My eyes were drawn to a hint of pink above her right breast where more bandages were. Poor girl had been shot also, lest I forgot that. The bullet had nicked her lung but was repairable.

  Loss of blood was what made her a sitting target for Reynolds. Silver lining to that, his ass was being held for questioning. Didn’t give us long to find evidence as Shannon scoured the house he had held Aimee and Lilly in, yet we were hopeful. Especially as we learned more about the four other girls we’d found at Hoffman’s place. Instinct told me Nik was spot on with the sex slave claim, however, more needed to be investigated on whether or not Hoffman and Reynolds were connected in any way. Shannon was damn good at her job. If anyone could uncover what was needed, she would. Though we currently had Aimee’s testimony, I acknowledged it wouldn’t be enough. Unless he’d left DNA on her body, which Aimee swore he hadn’t raped her and wore gloves during the altercation. There were the drugs left in her system, but awareness that any attorney could reason those away had me determined to find what would stick. Sex slave trading would do that in spades.

  My reverie was pulled back to the scene unfolding before me. I watched in abstract horror as Sofie frantically searched for a place to touch Lilly. The entire time she murmured, “Baby girl, come back to me. I’m so sorry I was too late.”

  From behind I wrapped my arm around Sofie, pulling her into me. Against her hair I whispered, “Sofie, you did all you could.” She only shook her head, still refusing to talk to me.

  On one hand, I was thankful she was able to form coherent sentences. On the other, my anxiety deepened with mindfulness that she wasn’t speaking to me. Everything in me wanted to spin her around and explain that something had changed in that house. A part of me had died. I needed a life with her. I had to have her as my wife. I wanted forever. Funny, in a peculiar sort of way, how life could turn on a dime. I went from doubting I’d ever trust her again, to complete and utter understanding. Sofie had done the best she could at the time. Made the best decision she knew how to make under such duress. Forgiveness flooded me. Although I might not agree with her choice, the intention was good. Never had she meant to hurt anyone. How my stubborn ass had missed that, I didn’t know.

  A nurse entered the room with a small bag in her hands. She addressed, “Mr. Strand, your brother is asking for you.”

  “Thank you.” I bent to kiss Sofie’s head. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Once more she didn’t speak, but I had noticed her slight nod. She was, however, talking to the nurse. Why wouldn’t she speak to me? What was going through that beautiful head of hers? Those thoughts consumed me as
I left the room.

  I caught Nik in the hallway. “You needed me?”

  He stood there as confusion knitted his brow. “What the hell are you talkin’ ‘bout?”

  Lacey cleared her throat. “E’s asking for you, Alex.”

  With everything that had been going on, I hadn’t checked on my younger brother. I felt like shit for that. Walking with Lacey beside me, I apologized, “Lacey, I’m so sorry. I—”

  She interrupted, “Should have been exactly where you were.”

  I put my uninjured arm around her shoulders. “You’re a good woman.” Swallowing, I added, “You’re perfect for my brother, and I’m so glad you found each other.”

  She grinned. “You sure can be charming when you want to be.”

  “So I’ve been told,” I teased.

  While we walked down the hall, Lacey updated me more on Even. He’d been recovering well. Most of the bullets were removed. He had taken three of them for me. How did you thank someone you loved for that? There was one tiny fragment they had left due to the location next to his subclavian artery. All in all, the prognosis was good and he should be able to go home within a week. I silently gave a prayer of thanksgiving as we entered his room.

  The light in his eyes was unmistakable. And the gorgeous woman standing next to me helped bring that to fruition. His whole demeanor changed as Lacey approached him. “There’s my girl,” he rasped. His throat was most likely still raw from the tube that had been put down it during surgery. He held his hand out for her to take. Once she connected, he raised her hand to his mouth for a reverent kiss. Love was strong and palpable between them, making me feel like a voyeur invading their privacy. E’s eyes finally met mine as he turned his attention back to Lacey. “Sweetness, will you give me a few minutes alone with my brother? Please,” he tacked on, which that right there proved how much he adored his fiancée.


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