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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 86

by Lora Ann

  She clapped and threw rose petals at us as we walked up the beach. Ari stayed behind as we continued hand in hand. Alex stopped and turned me towards him. “Make no mistake, Sofia. God handpicked you for me all those years ago. Yes, we’ve been broken. Yet the masterpiece those pieces form when attached to each other is beyond magnificent. You are beautiful. And I will remind you of that when we are old and gray.”


  “Oh kjære, I’m going to spend the rest of our lives making absolutely sure you know you are the only woman I will ever see.” He brushed his lips on the side of my mouth. “The only woman I will ever want.” He moved to the other side. “You were made for me.” He then proceeded to kiss me until I was dizzy.


  Back at the car, Ari patiently waited. I gave Alex a sidelong glance, “Guess this means no honeymoon.”

  “We can have a whole lot of fun in our room.” He winked.

  Memories of earlier flooded me, bringing on a bright red blush. As we drove back to Even’s house, Ari asked, “So who’s breaking it to Uncle Nik and Uncle E that you got hitched without them?”

  I held Alex’s hand. “For better or for worse, I’m right here with you.”

  He chuckled, “Damn straight you are.”

  When we arrived, Ari hopped out and disappeared into the house. Alex and I began to make out in the car to Seether and Amy Lee singing “Broken.”

  Eventually we found our way inside and made love until the sunrise. Alex had been accurate. Our broken pieces infused with one another had indeed created the most amazing love. And that…was a masterpiece.



  We’d had all of a twenty-four hour honeymoon with a teenager in the same house. I needed to get my wife away for a while so I could properly demonstrate my constant desire to be in my most favorite place in the world: inside her body. Shaking off those thoughts before embarrassing myself, I entered Even and Lacey’s penthouse. A tinge of dread hit my gut. I had wanted my brothers to be part of our wedding, but the timing was off. And I had no intentions of waiting any longer to make Sofie mine in the eyes of man. She’d been mine in the eyes of God for many years. Nik was across the room. By the look on his face, I was about to have my ass handed to me. Expecting to see E in a wheelchair, I’d been caught off guard when the punch was thrown. I wiped the blood off my lip and greeted, “Well, hello to you too, little brother.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” E growled.

  I did my best to redirect. “How long have you been walking?”

  Nik scoffed, “Dumbass isn’t supposed to be.”

  “Ah, I see. Stubborn as ever, aren’t you?” I eyed him, searching for any sign of duress physically. Even looked really good, considering he was at death’s door not too long ago.

  E shook his head and took a seat on the sofa. Raking his hair, he inquired, “Any particular reason why you didn’t want us with you on one of the most memorable days of your life?”

  Fuck. How did I explain this? “Of course I wanted you there. It’s just…” Every single reason I could think of giving, sounded lame to me.

  “I get it,” Nik affirmed. “You saw an opportunity and seized the moment.”

  Apparently Nik understood. I shot a sidelong glance at E as he processed.

  E held out his arms. “Give me hug, dickhead, before I change my mind.”

  I chuckled and hugged my brother, hard. Dear God, thank you for sparing his life and letting us keep him. Nik joined us. For a moment in time, we weren’t grown men but little boys again. Unfortunately adulthood had to take precedence. “Nik, I have something you need to see.” I withdrew the flash drive from my pocket and dropped it in his hand.

  “What’s this about, Alex?” he queried.

  I took a fortifying breath and answered, “It’s about Rachel.”

  “Fuck a duck,” Even fired off.

  “I’ll warn you, Nik. What’s on there is life changing. Please, don’t view it until you’re ready.”

  He studied the drive in his hand and nodded. “I appreciate the warning.”

  “Always brother, I love you. I don’t want to cause any more pain in your life,” I declared earnestly.

  E cocked his head to the side. “It’s that bad?”

  “Could be,” I replied honestly.

  “Aimee should be with me when I watch this,” Nik spoke aloud to no one in particular.

  I was damn proud of my brother for realizing his wife was the most important person to have by his side when he watched the confession that had the potential to rock their marriage off its axis. With a hand that was shaking, I placed it on my brother’s shoulder. “I agree she should be with you. But you need to know this could upset you and her more than you bargained for.”

  As if my words had summoned her, Aimee and Lacey entered the penthouse with their arms full of bags. Oh boy, shopping. Both women laid down their spoils and immediately went to their waiting husbands. I suddenly ached for Sofie. Nik excused himself and Aimee from the room, going into the kitchen. Meanwhile, E had his soon-to-be bride in his arms, and I could be fairly certain he’d been whispering naughty things in Lacey’s ear if that blush on her face was any indicator.

  A few minutes later, Nik and Aimee entered hand in hand. “Give Sofie a call.” He looked down at his wife adoringly. “We want the entire family here when we see this.”

  While we waited, E brought me up to speed on his physical therapy and recovery. He was doing too much, too soon and had been scolded. Yeah, this was Even we were talking about. I could just see him flipping off the doctor on his way out the door. I respected the hell out of him for his reasoning.

  “I’m dancing at my wedding. No doctor is telling me I can’t. I know my body best and what I’m capable of.” He pulled Lacey in tightly. “Besides, I plan to enjoy the ever-loving fuck out of my honeymoon.”

  Lacey smacked him on the arm. “Even,” she hissed.

  “What? They’re my brothers and there is nothing wrong with admitting I love fucking you.”

  “Oh my God!” Lacey buried her head against him.

  Aimee chortled, “Next time, E, try saying making love to you. Women tend to handle that better.”

  He attempted to whisper, “I’m sorry, sweetness. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  To see my brother that concerned and so in love made my heart soar. He deserved happiness, and Lacey was absolutely perfect for him.

  Sofie finally arrived, and, of course, the first thing she noticed was my split lip. She ran her fingertip over it. “I see they took it well.”

  I couldn’t stifle the chuckle. She really did understand my relationship with Nik and Even.

  We all sobered as Nik brought over the laptop and inserted the drive. I held Sofie close as everyone in the room teared up. God, this was harder than I had imagined. Aimee perched herself on Nik’s lap and held his face. “We’ll get through this, baby. I love you so much.”

  His forehead fell against hers as their tears mixed. Once they broke apart slightly, I clasped my brother’s shoulder. E had clapped his other one. I held eye contact with Nik and vowed, “I’m going nowhere. We will all see you through this.”

  E added, “Together. That’s what family is all about.”

  Sofie and Lacey had their arms around Aimee. “We won’t let that bastard destroy us from the grave,” Lacey declared.

  “Hell no, we won’t,” I confirmed.

  Sofie affirmed, “Darkness shies away from loyalty and love. And this family, we have it in spades.”

  My wife hadn’t misspoken. They were the very things Strands had in abundance. While we all knew that, I sighed in relief internally when Nik said, “We got this. Now, don’t we have a wedding to talk about?”

  The mood instantly lightened. I knew Nik was hurting, yet he seemed to be handling the news better than expected. My brother still loved Rachel very much, but he loved Aimee differently—maybe just a little bit more. There would be highs and lows
as he had to grieve all over again. Yet one thing was certain, we became strongest when we lay broken, in need of others to lift us up and see us through. The way we’re all designed—to love and be loved.

  Play List

  Every Rose Has Its Thorn– Poison

  Embraceable You – Judy Garland

  Suspicious Minds – Elvis Presley

  Every Rose Has Its Thorn- Miley Cyrus

  You Raise Me Up – Josh Groban

  I Touch Myself – Pink

  Sweet Child O’ Mine – Guns N Roses

  Guillaume Tell

  18 – One Direction

  In The End – Linkin Park

  Don’t Speak – No Doubt

  I’ll Fly Away – Jars of Clay

  Sleep Well, My Angel – We Are the Fallen

  If I Die Young – The Band Perry

  In My Arms – Plumb

  Un-break My Heart – Toni Braxton

  Hit Me With Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar

  Immortals – Fall Out Boy

  Folsom Prison Blues – Johnny Cash

  Bye Bye Beautiful – Nightwish

  You Make Me Wanna… - Usher

  Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers

  Animals – Maroon 5

  The Moment – Kenny G

  Broken – Seether with Amy Lee

  You can listen to this play list on Spotify here.


  (Strand Brothers Series, Epilogue Novella)

  Lora Ann

  This book is dedicated to all the couples out there who have fought the good fight and overcome in order to have their happily ever after. May you all find your forever love.

  Bliss Contents

  Chapter One: E

  Chapter Two: Lacey

  Chapter Three: E and Keeley

  Chapter Four: Lacey

  Chapter Five: E

  Chapter Six: Lacey

  Chapter Seven: E

  Chapter Eight: Lacey

  Chapter Nine: E

  Chapter Ten: Lacey

  Chapter Eleven: E

  Chapter Twelve: Lacey

  Chapter Thirteen: E and Keeley

  Chapter Fourteen: Lacey

  Chapter Fifteen: E and Lacey

  Play List


  Special Note

  About the Author

  Books by Lora Ann

  Contact the Author

  Preview from As I Love You – Formerly The Stevens Place by Lora Ann

  Preview from The Mercy Trilogy by Bestselling Author Lucian Bane

  Preview from The Hunt for Eros by Sam J.D. Hunt

  Sneak Peek from Cade (A Society Novel) by Mason Sabre

  The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

  Genesis 2:23-24 (NIV)

  Chapter One


  Sweat poured over my body like I had just emerged from the pool. No one. Nothing. Not any fucking thing was going to keep me in this pussy-ass state. Last I checked, control was my bitch and she would bow in submission. Yeah, like your fiancée? Hell. Lacey was temptation personified, add that to her quest of making love before we said our vows and you had a real SOB on your hands. That’d be me. Operation mean as fuck in full swing. Didn’t she understand I was given a second chance? And hello, I wasn’t inviting karma to this party. I went for a side sweep on the dummy in front of me and lost my balance—again. My body needed to start cooperating or I was going to learn how to kick my own ass. Hardy Har Har. Discovered how to do that unintentionally times a hundred. The man in me felt pathetic. The Dom, well, let’s just say he was ready to get this show on the road. Wiping the blood from my nose where I’d fallen wrong, I attempted to get back up. Only to find myself sprawled on the mats. God, this fucking sucked. Still cussing up a storm as Nik entered the workout room.

  “Ah, I see you’re all pleasantries and sunshine this fine morning.” He pressed mute on my stereo system, silencing 50 Cent’s “Candy Shop.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Bastard actually laughed at that. “Give me your hand, brother. You know you’re not supposed to be doing this alone.”

  “Try not at all.”

  “Damn. Still don’t have an all clear?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Yet your stubborn ass is in here doing what you’ve been specifically told not to do.” His brow quirked with an are-you-stupid? look.

  My arms out in surrender as I confessed my worst nightmare. “What if I’m never whole again, Nik? What happens when I can’t perform?”

  “Aw, man, are you saying you’re impotent?”

  “I wouldn’t know. I refuse to give him—glancing down at my dick—the green light.”

  “I heard about this.” His head cocked to one side like he was thoroughly convinced I’d lost my fucking mind.

  “Women,” I growled, accepting his hand to help me upright.

  “They’re going to talk, E. Might as well accept it.”

  I shot him a sidelong look. “Doesn’t mean I havta like it.”

  His face fell slightly as he bowed his head. Dammit, I was an insensitive prick. Nik was going through his own personal hell. Clapping his shoulder, I reassured, “I’m here for you, my brother. Anytime.”

  “’S called grief. Nothing anyone can do ‘bout it. Just living through it, ya know?” He shook his head with the heaviness of the subject. We were all up close and personal with mourning, but Nik doubly so.

  “Aimee seems to be holding shit together.”

  “There’s no way I’d be standing here right now if it wasn’t for her. She’s my everything. And I’m sick with knowing this is hurting her so much.”

  “Hey,” straddling the weight bench to keep from passing out, “she’s strong. Don’t close her off.”

  He leveled a look at me. “Trying my damnedest not to.”

  “I feel ya, brother. Just keep talkin’ to her.”

  He nodded, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth. “So…this shit you’re pullin’. No go, little brother.”

  I leaned back, fighting like hell to hold consciousness. “I can’t sit idly by and play pansy, Nik. Not my fucking nature.”

  “Hear that. We’re all doers.” He raked a hand through his long hair. “How ‘bout I help you?”

  My brow quirked at that. “And get into hot water with your lady?”

  “She’s a big girl, she can take it,” he chuckled.

  Understatement there. Aimee was one tough cookie. She would not take this all too kindly. Yet she had a heart of gold. Hmm…which way would she go? Still the truth was, I couldn’t keep this up by myself. I held his gaze and answered, “Done.”

  “Even?” Nik gasped, “The fuck?”


  Lacey was holding a cold compress on my forehead as I woke up. Shit. I did pass out. God, she was beautiful—my very own angel. “Hey, sweetness.”

  “Even Kristofer Strand, if you ever pull a stunt like that again I’m gonna…”

  I grabbed her hand and yanked, bringing us mouth to mouth. She was still trying to mumble as my tongue invaded, effectively silencing her. Although, it awoke other more demanding desires. At least an erection was possible. But it was Lacey’s roving hand that made me ease the kiss to reverent and chaste. She slapped my chest, triggering a wince from me. “Sorry. Oh crap, I’m so sorry.” Her hands were now careful and searching to make sure she hadn’t harmed me in any way.

  “Lacey,” I hissed, “Please stop that.” Understanding she was only being caring and loving was what kept me from going apeshit.

  Tears began to leak as she whispered, “I just had to make sure.”

  “I’m such a dick. Søta, I know that. You worry about me.”

  I tucked her long black and red hair behind her ear. She stilled my palm against her face. “I treated you
like a child. That’d piss me off too.”

  She got me, really got me. No greater gift than that. “Come here.” Tugging her forward so I could show her just how much she meant to me.

  “Would you look at that?” Alex chuckled. “Nik, I’ll see your hundred and raise you five.”

  Pulling away from Lacey’s luscious lips, I growled, “Fuck a duck. You asswipes actually bet on this?”

  “Guilty as charged,” Nik chimed in.

  Lacey had gone an enticing shade of red as she buried her head against my shoulder. Poor girl was still not accustomed to Strand male humor. Hell, we could embarrass the shit out of a locker room full of jocks without batting an eye. Alex was quick to notice and tempered, “Sorry, Lacey. Should’ve been less crass.”

  “I’ll let you boys talk,” she said, standing.

  I held on to her hand and kissed her knuckles. When our gazes met, I whispered, “I love you.”

  She ducked her head in an innocent, little girl way that instantly made me hard as a rock. “I love you more.” She pulled free of my grasp and hurried out of the room.

  I leveled a hard gaze at Nik and demanded, “Cut to the chase.”

  He glanced at Alex first before rebuffing, “Knock the attitude off.”

  My head lowered from the chastisement. “I meant no disrespect.” Wrestling back the angry bear within me that was becoming harder and harder to contain.

  “You’re almost foaming at the mouth there, little brother,” he pointed out.

  My body shuddered as I focused across the room, forcing the beast to heel. My eyes rose to his as I admitted, “I need your help.”


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