Book Read Free

The Mentor

Page 10

by Elin Peer

  “So?” he asked. “How was it?”

  I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my thighs to hide the boner in my pants. He had said women could get aroused from a spanking but he hadn’t warned me that it would be a fucking turn-on to be in control like that.

  “It’s done. That’s all that matters,” I muttered.

  Magni nodded. “Don’t worry about Khan, I’ll prepare him for the wrath of the women. You know that Christina and Pearl are going to throw another tantrum when they find out what happened.”

  “It was Kya’s choice,” I said dryly.

  “Yup, and it was about time one of those ladies learned that we’re not Momsi men.” He angled his head and looked thoughtful. “I’ve tried to convince Khan to give Pearl a spanking too, but he’s a softie when it comes to her. He wouldn’t even spank her when she talked about turning the Northlands into a democracy.” Magni scoffed. “Over my dead body.”

  “Khan would never do that,” I said.

  “What, spank Pearl or make our country democratic?” Magni didn’t wait for my answer. “It felt good, didn’t it? Dominating a woman like that?”

  “Uh-huh, but I didn’t like hitting Sky,” I said and kept the thousand emotions swirling in my chest out of my voice.

  “I know, but you did the right thing.” He patted my shoulder and walked out, leaving me alone with my messed-up head.

  As soon as I had made sure the door was locked and I wasn’t visible through the window, I opened my pants and freed my painful erection: a testament to how incredibly hot it had been to finally put Kya in her place and have my hand on her gorgeous ass.

  She hates me now!

  The realization was there, but I couldn’t stop stroking my cock up and down, imagining not just spanking her, but spreading her cheeks and punishing her by holding her in a tight grip and fucking her hard. Closing my eyes, I could see it all so vividly: her long curly brown hair resting on her slim back and that amazing firm ass of hers connecting with her delicious firm brown legs.

  And her fragrance. Her fear had made her sweat, and the feminine scent of Kya in the room still teased my nostrils.

  Finding support with my back against the wall, I leaned my head back and let my body spasm in an orgasm while imagining Kya groaning from the size of my cock and the power of my thrusts.


  My heart was pumping too fast. My knees felt week, and I had sperm to clean up from the floor, but worst of all, I knew I had to walk out that door and see pure hate in her eyes from now on.

  I won’t apologize, I promised myself. I did nothing wrong, she’s just too damn sensitive.

  “Is it true?” Marco asked when I met him outside twenty minutes later.

  “Is what true?”

  Marco pulled his curly black hair back and looked over his shoulder. “I overheard Kya calling Christina. Did you really hit her?”

  I gritted my teeth. “Yeah, it’s true. But only because she asked me too.”

  “Wow.” He looked stricken. “She really asked you to hurt her?”

  “Uh-huh.” I continued walking and he fell into pace beside me.

  “Does that mean you’re a couple now?”

  I scrunched up my face and gave him a sideways glance. “How the hell did you make that connection?”

  “But I thought…” He trailed off, confusion marring his otherwise handsome face. “…I mean, I’ve seen movie clips where the woman was into stuff like that and I just figured it was a sign of trust for her to take that step with you.”

  Stopping abruptly, I turned to face him. “What exactly did you hear Kya say to Christina?”

  Marco blinked a few times and looked up in concentration. “She said that you’d spanked her but that she didn’t want to talk about it. I could hear Christina shouting but Kya said that it had been her choice and that it was between you two and no one else.”

  “Huh!” I exclaimed. “I’m impressed that she didn’t whine about it.”

  “I’m still confused,” Marco sighed. “Are you a couple now or not?”

  “You watch too much kinky porn, Marco,” I said and walked on. “Women of the past were different, and unfortunately modern Momsies don’t know the meaning of play and they certainly don’t appreciate a good spanking.”

  “Funny you should say that, because I was really surprised that Kya of all people would be into that sort of thing.”

  “She’s not! She just couldn’t stand me spanking Sky so she volunteered to take the rest of the punishment.”

  Marco whistled. “Let’s hope the rest of the students behave or she’ll have a really red ass before the school year is out.”

  I had to suppress the highly arousing mental images of the incident repeating itself. “Nahh, she won’t interfere again,” I muttered, hoping I was right.

  “But if she does?” he asked and walked faster to keep up with my pace.

  “Then I’ll have to spank her again.” My words came out hoarse and strained as anger filled me. “She’s undermining my authority by refusing to let me punish students and she has to learn that the best way to solve problems isn’t always to fucking talk about them.”

  “I know,” he snorted, low. “Can you imagine how quickly the boys would lose respect for us if we didn’t have the power to punish them? They would be out of control in no time.”

  “For sure, and not to mention that…” I froze, my ears picking up on someone shouting.

  “Where are the children?” I asked. “And why aren’t you with them?

  He looked forlorn. “Shelly was doing that meditation thing with them down in the meadow and I was bored out of my mind. I swear, I’ve only been gone for ten minutes.”

  I groaned and changed direction, now running straight toward the shouting. All sorts of worst-case scenarios were running through my mind from bear attacks and snake bites to fist fights between the boys.

  “Nieall, put that branch down before you hurt someone.” Shelly was running after Nieall, one of the Momsiboys, who looked furious and was swinging a long thin branch through the air and coming dangerously close to the other students. Some of the girls were screaming and running in circles.

  “Hey, Shelly, you need our help taking it away from him?” Solomon shouted with a smug grin, but that only infuriated Nieall, who turned the branch toward Solomon.

  “If you take him down from his left side, I’ll distract him from his right,” I instructed Marco, who gave me a nod of understanding. We were just about to move out from the tree line and I was locked on my target when Kya came running from a different direction, stopping close to the children and taking in the chaos.

  With a hand raised up in the air, I stopped Marco. “Wait!” I said softly. “Let’s see how Miss Non-violence handles this one.”

  “But she could get hurt,” Marco hissed softly.

  “He’s one of her students,” I pointed out. “Besides, if he starts beating her with the stick I’ll rip him to pieces.”

  Marco shifted his balance but stayed close, watching Kya reach out both hands in a calming manner and speaking loudly with a placating tone.

  “Hey, Nieall, feel free to whip that branch around as much as you like, just be sure not to hit anyone, okay?”

  I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

  “There is some tall grass over here; why don't you come and hit that?” she said patiently and to my surprise Nieall lowered the branch and looked where she was pointing.

  Kya continued. “I can see that you're upset, but that's okay, we can talk about it and the grass won't be hurt by you beating it.” She had moved close enough for her to touch his shoulder, and with her subtle authority she led the boy away from the group toward the tall grass, where he started beating his branch; lackadaisically.

  I could see them talk; his head was down but she was speaking to him in a soft voice that was too low for us to hear.

  “What do you think she's telling him,” Marco asked.

  “I don't know.” I
crossed my arms and leaned back on my heels. “I would tell him to drop down and do fifty push-ups. That would teach him not to do something that stupid again. He could have poked someone’s eye out, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Is he crying?” Marco asked with his nose wrinkled up from the way that the boy’s shoulders were bobbing up and down. Kya placed her arms around his shoulders, pulling him toward her chest in a maternal gesture that made something pinch inside of me. I had once been a boy like Nieall, but there had been no soft females to comfort me when I was mad or sad.

  “I can’t believe that she’s not punishing him,” Marco breathed.

  “Come on.” I had spotted that some of our boys were picking up tall grass and throwing it at each other. Two more minutes and I would have to break up a fight. “Hey, boys, quit it, will you?” I shouted and as soon as I approached them I asked the obvious question. “What happened with Nieall?”

  The boys were eager to tell and stumbled over each other in their desire to be the first to speak.

  “He just went completely ballistic. We didn't do anything, I swear it,” Nero assured me.

  “Did he say anything?” I asked.

  “He just said we shouldn't call him a Momsi.” Hunter lifted the edge of his upper lip in a smirk and threw a handful of grass to the ground. “Like it’s a big deal or something. It’s not our fault that he wasn’t lucky enough to become a real Nman.”

  “Officially, Nieall is a Motlander, not a Momsi,” I corrected him. “I know we usually refer to them as Momsies, but if he doesn't like it you shouldn't call him that.”

  “Whatever.” Hunter shrugged.

  “Solo, gather everyone together,” I instructed, knowing that Solomon thrived on this sort of leadership role and sure enough, the tall boy only needed a few minutes to have every student gathered in a half circle around me. Even Nieall joined us and although he was quiet and closed off, there was no hostility in his face any longer.

  “It's a beautiful day and I want to take advantage of it,” I said. “You’ll partner up and go find ten different types of leaves and when you come back here I want you to name them all.”

  Kya joined the half circle but avoided meeting my eyes when I looked at her.

  “Line up according to age,” I instructed. “That’s it, and now I want the oldest to pair up with the youngest.” I helped them fold up the line to find their match. Solomon, our oldest student at fourteen, ended up partnering with Mila, who was blushing red just from being in his presence.

  Raven was with Nero, a twelve-year old boy. “I don't want to be with a girl,” he complained. “And she's only eleven.”

  “I'll be twelve next week,” Raven defended herself. “And what’s wrong with being a girl anyway?”

  Nero shook his head. “Girls are weak and stupid. You can’t even fight. I want to be with a boy.”

  “Hey, I have a suggestion,” Raven said, placing her hands on her hips. “Why don't we play horse – I'll be the front end and you'll be yourself.”

  “Raven!” Kya shook her head with disapproval while Nero scowled at her.

  “I don't want to play with you and I don't want to be your partner.”

  “You don't have a choice,” I told him. “If you and Raven don't find ten leaves in less than ten minutes you'll be doing the dishes tonight.”

  “That's not fair, Mr. Archer,” he protested but was smart enough to trot off with Raven before I punished him for talking back to me.

  Kya was just about to leave too when my question made her stop: “Can we talk for a second?”

  From the way she sucked in a breath, I could tell she didn’t want to talk to me yet, but I’d never shied away from a confrontation and I wasn’t about to start now.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  What I really wanted to talk about was her sore ass and what had happened between us in the office half an hour ago, but I chose a softer approach. “What did you tell Nieall?”

  A small triangle formed between her eyebrows and she was looking at my elbow when she answered: “He didn’t need me to tell him anything – he needed me to listen.”

  “Okay, and what did he have to say for himself? Or is threatening others with a stick considered normal behavior in the Motherlands?” My question was designed to provoke her into looking into my eyes and it worked.

  “If you must know, Nieall is having a hard time with your boys. I think that stick was his desperate attempt to show them that he’s not as weak and powerless as they seem to think,” she said and lifted her chin in defiance.

  “Do you want me to talk to them about it?” I asked.

  Indecisiveness shone from her eyes as she looked from me to Marco and back again. “That depends. What do you mean by talking? I don’t want you to punish them if that’s what you mean.”

  “Why not?” I asked. “I don’t tolerate bullies, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.” She brushed her hair back and I sensed a weariness in her. Kya was tired of arguing with me and that spanking had drained her, but she wasn’t prepared to roll over anytime soon. “But I don’t believe that Nieall will learn anything from bringing in a bigger bully to beat the other bullies. I believe that our job is to empower him with guidance so that he can solve his problems himself.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Are you suggesting that I’m a bully too?”

  Her eyebrow rose in a perfect arch but she didn’t speak.

  “No, seriously,” I said. “When you mentioned a bigger bully, were you referring to me?”

  The little woman had the guts to look me straight into my eyes and say: “Of course, who else would I be talking about?”

  “Lady, you have some nerve.” My tone of voice was low and impatient but Kya didn’t seem affected.

  “I believe in the power of role modeling and since I don’t want my students to hit other students, I would never hit them myself,” she said calmly.

  “That’s right, you would rather talk them to death than do what has to be done.” I pointed to the children spread all around the meadow and around the line of trees. “Every one of these Nboys has been punished at some point in his life, and they haven’t been harmed by it.” I scoffed, hating that she so clearly felt superior to us. “And before you say that I don’t know what I’m talking about, let me remind you that I grew up in this country too. I’ve taken my share of punishments.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Marco chimed in to support me.

  Kya looked us over for a second before she made her voice velvet-soft and spoke: “I’m sympathetic to your suffering as children, but you are grown men now and while the men who raised you didn’t know any better, I’m here to offer you guidance on how to raise children in a more modern and effective way.”

  My nostrils flared and I lowered my brows. “Now you’re just trying to pick a fight again,” I accused her.

  “I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, Archer, but I will challenge your antique views of the world any day of the week if I feel they are harmful to the children.”

  I took a step closer, puffing my chest out in sheer dominance. From the way her eyes grew bigger and she held her breath, I could tell Kya was intimidated but she stood her ground. “So what are you going to do?” I muttered low. “Are you going to pull up your dress and bend over for me every time a kid has a spanking coming?”

  The kick to my shin hurt like a bitch and made me jump on one foot while cursing at her.

  “What? You didn’t like it?” She tilted her head and blinked her eyes at me. “I’m so sorry, I thought that was the way you express ‘go to hell’ in your native language.

  “All your big talk about non-violence and then you kick me.” I was grimacing and rubbing my shin.

  “I thought you preferred this instead of my boring you to death with my words.” Kya threw the words over her shoulder as she stomped off, while Marco was laughing next to me.

  After rubbing my shin some more, I straightened up and smacked him
in the back of his head. “Don’t you fucking take her side.”

  “I’m not. But you gotta admit that was funny.” He was still laughing when the kids started running back to us to show us their ten leaves.

  Solomon and Mila were the first to come back, and he quickly listed the different sorts while she stood quietly beside him.

  “That’s only nine,” I pointed out and saw Solomon’s eyes wander.

  “Mila.” I bent down to look into her beautiful blue eyes. “Did Solo let you help, or did he do everything himself?”

  She wrung her hands and nervously looked down to the ground. “I tried to help,” she said softly.

  Straightening up again, I faced Solomon. “This is supposed to be a group effort. How much do you think Mila learned?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.” His gaze kept roaming the area and locked in on its target.

  Turning my head, I got my answer to why he had been in such a hurry and hadn’t taken the time to make it a team effort. Willow. The beautiful tanned girl was slowly walking, with her long, toned legs and curvy hips, in our direction while talking with her partner, Plato. Her brown hair was blowing in the light breeze and when she pulled it back, it was easier to see her green eyes sparkling with laughter from something Plato told her.

  I let out a sympathetic sigh, and dropped the subject for now. In all honesty, it was a fucking miracle that a boy like Solomon could think straight enough to find nine leaves with a distraction like Willow around.

  “Marco,” I called. “Make sure every group has ten different leaves. I’ll meet you back at the school.”

  He raised his hand to signal he understood and I took off, jogging in the direction I had seen Kya go in.

  With my fast pace, I quickly caught up to her.

  “What do you want now?” she asked in annoyance but kept following the trail through the forest leading to the school.

  “You gotta do something about Willow.”

  Kya gave me a sideways glance. “Can you be more specific?”

  “Tell her to cover up. Those shorts she’s wearing…” I paused. “It’s fucking distracting.”

  Kya spun on me so fast that she took me by surprise. “Willow’s a child, Archer, and if you can’t concentrate because she’s wearing shorts then you are far more disgusting than I thought.”


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