The Naked Alien
Page 4
That thought brought on a whole new series of worries. She had assumed that he had agreed to take her to the destination on the map, but what if he had something more nefarious in mind? She hadn’t seen any other natives. Maybe females were scarce enough that he was happy to find one, even an alien one. She gave him a suspicious frown and he shook his head, fangs flashing in that surprisingly attractive smile, as if he knew what she was thinking.
He said something in his harsh language that she chose to believe was intended to reassure her. Then he took one of the pink fruits and lifted it to her mouth. She sighed and accepted it. It was just as delicious this evening as it had been earlier. She ate half of them before she felt guilty that she was taking all his supplies and offered one to him. He firmly shook his head, then grunted disapprovingly when she offered it to Mr. Tiddles. However, he didn’t attempt to stop her as she fed several of them to her small companion.
Full darkness had fallen by the time she finished, and her eyes were getting heavy. She would have liked a warm washcloth and a toothbrush, but she was too sleepy to spare them more than a fleeting thought. Tarax tucked her against him as Mr. Tiddles rejoined them, and she didn’t protest, tucking her head into his unexpectedly comfortable shoulder and drifting off to sleep.
Taraxan knew the moment that Jayn succumbed to her exhaustion and carefully adjusted her to ease the strain on his aching cock. He had not realized how tempting it would be to have her pressed against him. He had never had an issue controlling his arousal before, but he had not anticipated the delight of having her in his arms.
He was not a stranger to the female sex, but he had deliberately kept his previous encounters brief and formal. Although the Doturans had a history of all-consuming bonds between a male and female, he had long ago decided that it was not for him. He had no intention of succumbing to the weakness that had led to his father abandoning him by following his mother into death. His decision to avoid a mating bond had never been tested before, and yet…
Holding Jayn, protecting her and caring for her, fulfilled a part of him that he would have sworn did not exist. But it was a part that had no future. He would be returning to his planet and she would, no doubt, be returning to hers. This closeness that he felt to her was simply the result of being in a survival situation with a desirable female.
Very desirable, he thought with a silent groan as she moved in her sleep and her makeshift garment pulled away from her body. A full breast rubbed temptingly against his arm and he felt a pebbled nipple press against his skin. His hand ached to explore that tempting little peak and see how responsive it would be, but he forced himself to remain still. He had promised her he would not take advantage of her, and even though he knew she hadn’t understood him, he had given his word. With a sigh, he rested his head against the trunk of the tree and prepared himself for a long, frustrating night.
Chapter Six
Jane was dreaming again, once more back on that tropical beach with a mysterious lover. But this time he was doing more than running his fingers up her leg. This time she could feel him beneath her, feel the firm strength of his body as her breasts rubbed against the rigid muscles of his chest. The heavy weight of his cock was wedged between her legs, hot and hard and tempting. His girth parted her lower lips, and her body was slick and ready. She rocked her hips, rubbing herself along the wide shaft.
A deep rumble echoed from the chest beneath her, sending a thrilling sensation through her aching breasts, and she moved faster, searching for the pleasure that hovered just out of reach. Large hands grabbed her ass to help her move, and the strength of that grip finally startled her awake.
Her eyes opened to find Tarax watching her, golden eyes ablaze. His hands flexed on her buttocks, but he didn’t make another move. Still half asleep and caught up in the remnants of her dream, the demanding ache in her body overcame her embarrassment, and she instinctively pressed down against him. He groaned and started sliding her back and forth along the length of his cock.
A distant part of her mind realized that something felt different, but it felt too good for her to stop and analyze it. All she knew was that with each stroke, a hard ridge rubbed against her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. His hands pulled her legs further apart, exposing more of her sensitive flesh to that wonderful sensation. She cried out, and he increased his pace until she was shaking, poised on the verge of ecstasy, then a heated flood of liquid hit her oversensitive bundle of nerves and sent her over the edge into a long rolling climax. His grip finally loosened, but he continued to rock her gently back and forth until her body stopped quivering.
“Oh my goodness.” Color flooded her cheeks as her climax faded away and she realized what she had done. She tried to sit up quickly but only succeeded in rubbing herself against him in the process. They both groaned. When she looked down, she realized that what she had felt was his climax. Thick streaks of golden liquid coated his stomach and her thighs.
Once again, she tried to back away and scramble off of him, but he growled something and kept his hands tightly on her hips. It took another minute for her dazed mind to remember that they were still perched high in the tree.
“I guess I can’t exactly run away, can I?” she muttered.
Even though he couldn’t understand the words, he must have understood the sentiment because he gave her a satisfied smile.
“You don’t have to look so pleased with yourself. I was dreaming and you just happened to be there.”
He frowned, and she decided that he had understood that sentiment as well. Guilt immediately swept over her. Yes, she had been dreaming, but when she woke up, she had known it was him and she hadn’t wanted to stop.
She patted his chest in silent apology and for the first time, remembered the protective ridges covering his pectoral muscles. Half unconsciously, she explored the area, finding where the ridges stopped, replaced by the firm muscles of his abdomen. Her gaze automatically dropped down further to the cock she had so shamelessly ground herself against. She had been too embarrassed to really look at it the day before but it was a little late for modesty now.
Despite the deep green color, his cock was not dissimilar to a human penis—although it was definitely larger than any she had ever encountered. But the same ridges that covered his chest also covered his cock, and she realized that was what had caused those exquisite sensations. She started to run a curious finger down his length, then blushed and hastily drew her hand away.
What on earth was wrong with her? She had never been particularly adventurous in the bedroom – or particularly lucky in the boyfriend department for that matter. She had certainly never encountered anyone like Tarax. Obviously, she thought to herself, but she suspected that even if he had been a human male, he would have been exceptional.
She looked up to find him watching her, but to her relief he seemed thoughtful, rather than smug. He lifted a hand her cheek in a surprisingly tender gesture, and she had the oddest desire to burst into tears. Instead, she forced a smile to her face.
“I suppose we had better get moving, right?”
Again, he at least seemed to understand the sentiment. He gave her a reluctant nod, then lifted her off of his lap. She squeaked as she swung through the air, but he held her in a firm grip as he rose and tucked her against his side once more.
“Wait a minute! Where’s Mr. Tiddles?”
A familiar voice chittered excitedly, and she looked over her to find her small companion gnawing cheerfully on a large, many-legged insect. She shuddered, glad that she hadn’t realized what was sharing the tree with them the previous night.
“It’s time to go,” she told him, then grimaced as he shoved the rest of the insect in his mouth before leaping cheerfully into her arms.
“Yuck,” she shuddered. “I hope you swallowed it all.”
Tarax chuckled and she frowned up at him. “Can you understand what I’m saying?”
He tilted his head on one side, studying her face, b
ut he did not respond and she sighed. “No, I suppose not. I guess I’m just easy to read.”
He opened his mouth, then shook his head and closed it again. He tightened his arm around her, then grabbed a vine and leapt off of the branch. Her squeal trailed through the air behind them as he swung easily down to the ground. She was still shaking when he set her down.
“Oh my God. Do not leap off a tree without warning me first. I thought I was going to die,” she scolded him.
He actually looked offended, and she sighed and patted his chest. “All right. I know you weren’t going to let me die.”
He briefly touched her cheek again, then went to collect water leaves as she attended to the morning necessities.
Taraxan did his best to keep an eye out for any possible dangers as they resumed their journey, but his mind was still consumed with the events of the morning. When Jane had started rubbing her luscious body against him, he had been thrilled. His caution of the previous night had been forgotten as he responded to her. Then, when he realized she had been sleeping, he had tried to force himself to put her aside. But when she gave him that sweet smile and moved, his good intentions disappeared. The feel of her soft body against his, the liquid arousal bathing his cock, had been too much to resist. He had been lost in her, and his body had betrayed him, exploding with pleasure without waiting for her. Fortunately, his climax had triggered her own, and he had been privileged to experience the exquisite sensation of her coming apart in his arms.
Afterwards, when he had seen her embarrassment and confusion, he had longed to pull her closer, to assure her that he cared for her, to promise her that he would never leave— His thoughts came to an abrupt halt.
You can’t bond with her, he reminded himself. She is not Doturan. These feelings are caused by the situation, and they will disappear as soon as you return home.
But despite his lecture to himself, the thought of their future separation made his chest ache. He forced himself to focus on the present instead, while they were still together.
The night’s rest seemed to have refreshed Jayn, and he watched her study her surroundings with an interested eye. Several times she stopped to observe a plant and pose a clearly interrogatory question. It was quite clear that she still thought he was a native of this planet. He had no more idea of the names of the plants he was pointing out than she did, but he hated to disappoint her.
Instead, he gave the plants generic names in his own language – pink flower, big ass leaf, golden rain plant. The last was a vine that dripped long strands of small yellow flowers. Giving in to an unexpected impulse, he plucked one of the strands and wove it into a circle that he placed on top of her dark mane. The shy smile she gave him in return was more than enough reward.
As they continued their journey, she chattered on, talking to both Mr. Tiddles and to him. He encouraged her as best he could, and his implant picked up more and more of her language.
But by the time the sun reached its zenith, her words had died down and he could see that her footsteps were beginning to drag. He remembered that she had rested at midday the previous day and decided that it would be worthwhile finding a safe place to stop. His conscience gave a brief twinge that he was not hurrying to his destination as quickly as possible so that he could return to his duties, but it was easily pushed aside. Here in this wild jungle with his female—the female—at his side, strategy and battle tactics seemed far away. His duty was to care for her.
He caught the scent of water a few minutes before he led her through another sheet of hanging vines and into a small clearing. Water trickled along a rocky streambed, gathering in a crystalline pool surrounded by lush, deep purple vegetation. Jayn gasped with delight, then hesitated, obviously remembering her last experience in an open space.
“Isit safe?” she whispered.
He studied the area carefully. The moss carpeting the ground was the same as that beneath the trees. He could see some faint tracks leading to the water, but those were only to be expected and none of them looked recent. Reluctantly dropping her hand, he found a sturdy branch and cast it out into the middle of the clearing. It landed with a thud but no predator appeared, and the area remained undisturbed except for a small flight of brightly colored avians that fluttered from one tree to another.
“I believe that it’s secure,” he said reassuringly, but he kept one hand on his knife as they emerged from under the trees.
Jane immediately headed for the pool, but he grabbed her hand before she could dip it into the tempting liquid.
“Let me check it first,” he said firmly.
He did not like the fact that her eyes widened with fear at his warning, but he was not about to take any chances with her safety. A few minutes later, he decided that it was safe. The pool was simply the water it appeared to be, and no dangerous aquatic creatures lurked in the shallow depths. He gave her an encouraging nod.
“Go ahead.”
Her fingers trembled as she held them hesitantly above the surface, so he plunged his own hand into the cool water to show her that it was safe. Driven by an unexpectedly playful impulse, he flicked a few drops in her direction.
Her eyes widened again, but not in fear this time. Then she grinned, gathered up a handful of water, and returned the gesture. Her fingers were so small that she barely captured enough to splash him but he responded enthusiastically, then winced when water drenched her entire head. She mewed like a startled raskit cub, and he couldn’t help but laugh at her expression. Her brows drew together in an adorable frown, then she reached down with both hands to splash him in return. This time, she did succeed in wetting most of his chest, and with a playful roar, he lifted her into his arms and leapt into the water with her.
The pool was not that deep to him, but it was over her head and she bobbed up, spluttering indignantly. He smiled apologetically and gathered her close, supporting her so that her head was above the water. Their bodies were pressed together, and he realized that the leaf she had been wearing had finally deteriorated. The soft warmth of her skin directly against his had the inevitable effect on his cock.
Jayn looked up at him as his shaft hardened between them. He pulled her even closer, rubbing her tentatively along his length, and her lips parted. She didn’t protest or try to get away, and he repeated the movement, letting each ridge of his cock drag slowly across her sensitive flesh. He felt her arousal coating him, warmer and slipperier than the water surrounding them.
He lifted her higher, high enough that the head of his cock could probe at the tight little entrance to her body. Her breath caught, but she still didn’t protest. She stared at him, eyes huge and blue, then leaned into him, pressing her impossibly soft lips against his. It was not a practice in which his people engaged, but that didn’t stop the streak of arousal that raced down his spine, his hips automatically thrusting upwards.
The heated entrance to her channel brushed against his cock head but her body resisted. He slowly started to push deeper… And a series of indignant squeaks came from the edge of the pool.
He immediately swung Jayn behind him, placing himself between her and any danger. Even when he realized that it was only Misstuh Tiduhlz protesting their absence, guilt swept over him. He had been too lost in his desire to keep watch as he should.
“Dam-uht,” he muttered, and Jayn gave him a startled look as he returned to the edge of the pool.
“Howdid you learn thatIwonder?”
He raised an eyebrow and she grinned, then leaned closer to him, brushing her lips against his cheek.
“Im sorry abouttheinterruption.”
He almost stumbled as he carried her out of the water. Did she mean it? Did she want him as much as he wanted her? His cock flexed eagerly at the thought, but the shock of the interruption still haunted him. He needed to think of her safety first—although the feel of her lush naked body sliding down him when he reluctantly released her almost overrode his good intentions.
“I will make a sayf place,�
� he told her, hoping she understood his meaning as he turned away to begin his preparations.
Chapter Seven
A loud squeal sounded from the jungle, and Jane twisted her hands together nervously as she waited for Tarax to return from what she thought was a hunting trip.
As soon as they left the pool, he had started setting up camp. He had dragged a number of the large leaves out of the jungle to prepare a bed—one of which she had immediately appropriated to create another makeshift dress. He frowned disapprovingly, but she ignored him. Naked in the pool or in his arms was one thing. Naked in a jungle clearing was another. Not that she wanted him to get dressed, she thought, admiring the tight muscles of his ass as he stalked away.
But he hadn’t stopped with preparing a bed. He had also retrieved tall branches and more leaves to make a sort of teepee over the bed. Apparently they were stopping here for the rest of the day. She didn’t really object, even though it meant it would take longer to reach her destination. And the thought of what might happen when they were tucked away in their shelter sent a quiver of arousal straight to her clit. Tarax’s head lifted, his nostrils flaring as he looked at her, and she blushed. His eyes gleamed gold, but he returned to his tasks.
A small, brazen part of her was tempted to saunter over to him, take him by the hand, and lead him to that soft bed of leaves. She had never experienced this before—this urgency, this need—but the very strength of her desire made her nervous. Her mother’s lectures about proper behavior echoed through her head, but she did her best to ignore them. She wanted Tarax, and if she didn’t quite have the courage to approach him now, she had no intention of turning him away tonight.
The memory of the massive head of his cock pressing into her entrance made her shiver with pleasure—and the tiniest hint of trepidation—but she resolutely pushed it aside. Later.