180 Days

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180 Days Page 10

by T. E. Ridener

  We are incredibly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

  If you have any questions about our decision you may contact the local office and I will be happy to return your call to address your concerns.

  Sincerely yours,

  Melanie M. Carson

  Social Worker

  Adoption Service

  “Bitch.” Lydia bit the word out bitterly, feeling wave after wave of heat surge through her veins. No wonder Tula had taken off like that. This Melanie person sure had a way with words.

  What right did she have to tell Tula, she wasn’t fit to be a mother? Sure, she could be a little eccentric at times, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t love a child and give it the best life possible. She was plenty capable of taking care of a baby.

  “Shit.” Sighing heavily, she pulled her phone free once more and dialed Paul’s number. He had mentioned, very early in her employment, that something like this may happen and he wanted her to call him straight away. Judging by Tula’s reaction, it was for the best. She waited patiently for him to answer.

  The sound of glass breaking down the hallway worried her, and she was relieved when he finally picked up.

  “Paul Eubank. How may I help you?”

  “Paul, it’s Lydia. I think you need to come home.”


  She felt bad for leaving work early, but Paul insisted Tula would be all right after she had some time to calm down. Though they had only known each other for a short time, Lydia felt absolutely gutted when she heard the heart-wrenching sobs drifting from the bedroom the couple shared.

  Tula was very hurt and in turn, Lydia was hurt, too.

  What was so wrong with the woman that the state deemed her unworthy of adopting a child?

  Nothing. She thought, gripping her steering wheel as she drove home. She’s wonderful, they’re just stupid.

  There had to be a mistake, but what? What prompted them to send out a denial letter? Didn’t they know who Tula was? Couldn’t they see how lovely she was?

  It really bothered Lydia, so much in fact, that when she got home, she’d totally forgotten her friends were there to visit. It was only when she entered the apartment that her mood shifted and she smiled her first genuine smile in what seemed to be years.

  “There she is!” Agatha squealed as she jumped up from the couch and nearly tackled her to the floor. Attacking her with kisses, she nearly squeezed the life out of Lydia as she hugged her. “My beauty! How are you?”

  “I’m fine,” Lydia laughed, trying to push away the sadness she felt for Tula. “How are you, cupcake?”

  “Wonderful now that you’re here. Let me take a look at you.”

  Rolling her eyes, but deciding to indulge her friend, Lydia stood perfectly still while Agatha circled around her, humming in delight as she clapped her hands together.

  “You’re eating well. This pleases me.” The redhead stated, nodding in approval. “I was afraid I’d have to force-feed you when I arrived. So I take it you decided not to go on a hunger strike after you settled in?”

  Her face turned red as her sister shot her a questioning glance and Lydia shrugged in apology. It was a stupid statement, really, one she had made while highly intoxicated and furious about returning to Prairie Town. It was a few days before her Gran passed away and Ags had taken her out to get her mind off things.

  “I hate that town.” She’d declared. “I swear to God, if I have to stay there for more than a day I’ll starve myself just to put myself out of my misery.”

  Yep. It was definitely stupid. She loved food and as it turned out, things in Prairie Town weren’t that bad.

  Especially with Callum around.

  Her heart fluttered at the thought of him and her mind immediately soared back to that night. Things had gotten hotter than usual and she could still feel his fingers on her breast, squeezing, claiming, killing her in such a beautiful way.

  She longed to feel that again, but she was too scared to let him get close enough for a second attempt.

  “Shit, Lydia. Are you even with us right now?”

  Benji’s deep voice pulled her from the memory and her face felt like it was going to melt off. Offering him a friendly smile, she wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug.

  “Hey, Ben.” She kissed his cheek. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Uh huh. I know you are.” He teased, pulling away to gaze at her.

  She was impressed with how much he’d changed in such little time. The new faux hawk looked amazing on him and she didn’t miss the new lip piercing either.

  “Looking good, stud.” She grinned, lightly punching his shoulder. “Who are you all hunky for these days?”

  “Nobody.” Ben rolled his eyes. “Tara and I split a few weeks ago.”

  “What?” She gasped. “But you were so good together.”

  “But she was better with that Tatum prick from 5B.” Ags mumbled, placing her hands on her hips. “Little hussy.”

  “What?” Lydia’s eyebrows shot up as she stared back and forth between them. Tatum was another trans-man in their small community and not one she cared much for. He was terribly rude and had such a bad attitude. Hardly anyone liked him, but then again, Tara seemed to like a lot of people.

  “Tara and Tatum sound really good together, huh?” Benji was upset about it and she understood. It made her feel terrible for him. He was a good guy—one of the decent ones.

  “Well, she sucks.” Laney chimed in, not looking up from the book she was currently reading. “Pizza’s on the table if you want some, Lyds.”

  “You mean Jeb didn’t stop by and eat it all?”

  “Oh, Jeb!” Ags released a devilish laugh. “Lydia, your brother is a dreamboat. He did stop by, but he seemed to be in a hurry. I offered to let him eat a slice from my hand.”

  “Oh god.” Lydia pressed a palm against her cheek and stared at her friend in horror. “You didn’t.”

  “No, but I really wanted to. He is fine.”

  “Please stop.”

  “What? You’ve got an attractive family, honey.”

  “I’ll take that compliment.” Laney called out.

  “You are not helping.” Lydia laughed, grabbing Ags and Benji’s hands. “I am so happy you’re here. How long are you in town?”

  “For as long as you want, babycakes.” Benji promised, winking. “I figured we could stir up a little trouble.”

  “Or find some trouble to get into.” Ags added. “Speaking of trouble, when do we get to meet this Callum fella you seem to be so fond of?”


  “Come on, sugar. You can’t hide him from us forever!” Ags batted her eyelashes. She usually didn’t exchanged her male card very often, but when she did, she made a marvelous, gorgeous girl. “I promise I won’t steal him away from you. Girl code and all that.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I just don’t know if he’s free tonight. His parents are back in town and he’s probably helping his dad with something.”

  “Well, tell him to get out of whatever he’s doing so he can come meet us. I need to give him the talk.”

  “No talk is necessary, Ags. Honest. I’m pretty sure Jeb has already had the talk with him. The talk has been talked.”

  “But not the Agatha talk—go call him!”

  “Okay. Fine!” Lydia laughed, fishing her phone out and unlocking the keypad. “But you better promise me you’re going to behave.”

  “We always do.” Benji placed a hand over his heart. “Tiptop behavior right here.”

  She knew he was lying. Agatha and Benji didn’t know how to behave. She was grateful they had come to visit, but somewhere in the back of her mind she worried their stay was going to cause chaos for the sleepy little town that totally wasn’t ready for them.

  Chapter Twelve


  The introduction between her friends and Callum went really well. He was very warm and accepting of them, just as she knew he would be, and A
gatha fawned over him something awful. The night was filled with laughter, drinks, and cold pizza, but everyone eventually decided to call it a night when the clock hit 1AM and Jeb went home.

  “Goodnight, everybody. Sleep well.” Laney said, closing her bedroom door and turning the light off.

  “Night.” Agatha called after her, fluffing a pillow before tossing it on the couch. “Benji, you settled in?”

  “I’m good.” Benji confirmed, stretching out in the recliner. “See you in the morning.”

  “I feel so awful that you guys are sleeping in the living room.” Lydia frowned. “If I’d known you were coming in advance I would have made better arrangements.”

  “Nonsense, pudding.” Agatha waved her hand in the air. “I’ve slept on a million couches and this one by far is the comfiest. Get your cute ass to bed and spend time with your man.”

  Blushing furiously, Lydia listened to the sound of the toilet flushing and became nervous. This was the latest Callum had ever stayed and she was tempted not to let him go. But she also knew that sleeping in the same bed together would be anything but harmless.

  The temptation between them was too great.

  “Okay. Goodnight.” She said, flipping the light switch. The living room went dark, but thankfully the light from the bathroom flooded down the hallway, guiding her to where she wanted to be.

  In his arms.

  “Hey.” He whispered, wrapping her up in an affectionate hug. “Is everybody passing out already?”

  “Yeah, it’s late.” She whispered back, burying her face against his chest and inhaling the scent of his cologne. She felt delightfully dizzy and smiled to herself. “Laney has work in the morning.”

  “What about you? Do you think you’ll have tomorrow off?”

  “Yeah. Paul already texted me and said not to worry about coming in. Tula is really upset.” And God, she felt bad for that. She knew how much Tula wanted to adopt a baby and that rejection letter had shattered her world.

  It wasn’t fair.

  “So you get a Thursday off?” There was a hint of playfulness in his voice. “I can have you all to myself?”

  “You already have me all to yourself.” She laughed quietly, allowing him to guide her to the bedroom.

  “Yes, but an entire Thursday? That’s new.” He carefully closed the door behind them and pulled her closer, stifling her reply with a tender, sweet kiss.

  “That’s new, too.” She whispered breathlessly once the kiss ended. He’d kissed her countless times, but never like that. Her body threatened to collapse in the aftermath of that kiss.

  “I missed you a lot.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  “I was worried things were rough between us. You weren’t calling as much.”

  “I was just busy with work. I’m sorry.”

  “Were you?”

  Even in the darkness of her room, she could feel his gaze on her. The guilt eating at her was the worst, but she felt justified in the distance she’d put between them. It was true, she hadn’t been as attentive since that night at his house and the text replies became shorter and further apart, but in her mind she was doing the right thing.

  She was protecting herself.

  But from what? Happiness?

  “Lydia, I care about you.”

  “I know. I care about you, too.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt you, I swear. I’m sorry for that night. I lost control. It won’t happen again.”

  “But I want you to lose control, Callum. That’s the problem. I want it...I’m just scared.”

  “I wish I knew how to take that fear away.” His warm hands framed her face and his lips brushed over hers.

  She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he turned them around and pinned her to the door. His rock hard body crashed into hers and her heart felt like a jackhammer against her ribs.

  “I wish I knew how to take it away, too.” She stated, out of breath and way too eager for her own good. She adored the feeling of his lips on her skin, especially when he paid such special attention her neck. Jolts of excitement soared through her, awakening cravings she’d never noticed until he walked into her life.

  “Got any ideas?” He asked, resting his hands on her waist.

  “Not the slightest, but...I’m sure if we put our heads together we can come up with something.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.” He kissed her jaw and made his way back to her lips, capturing her bottom one between his teeth and tugging lightly.

  “Oh, God.” She groaned, heavily lidded eyes threatening to close. “I can’t think if you’re doing that.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem—we’re thinking too much.”

  He suddenly pulled away, too far away, and she couldn’t feel the heat of his body anymore.

  She didn’t like it.

  Reaching out for him, she grabbed nothing but air.


  “Over here.”

  He sounded much further away, possibly on the other side of her room. What game was he playing?

  “This isn’t funny.” Her heart felt like it was about to explode and her nether regions ached. Playing hide and seek didn’t sound like her idea of a good time. “Where are you?”

  “Find me.” The laughter in his voice agitated her.

  “I’m going to break my neck.” But she continued forward anyway, very cautiously, and felt around with her fingers, hoping to touch him.

  “You’re getting warm.”

  “Getting? I’m burning up.” She admitted, licking her lips. “It’s rude to tease a girl and leave her hanging like this.”

  “I won’t leave you hanging.” He promised, his breath hot against the back of her neck.

  Whirling about quickly, she almost fell over something—probably the laundry basket—and yelped.

  “Whoa, easy there.” A strong arm locked around her waist and steadied her.

  “See? I told you I’d get myself killed.” She said through clenched teeth, but she was hardly mad.

  Especially when his muscled chest crushed against hers and their mouths connected again.

  “I’d never let that happen. I’ll always catch you.”

  His words sent shivers down her spine and the heat on her lips scorched its way through her entire body. God, what a man Callum Reynolds truly was.

  And he’s all mine.

  That particular thought made her smile as she fell back against the bed and pulled him down with her.



  It was almost ten o’clock before he finally stirred from sleep and once he realized where he was, and more importantly, who was beside him, he couldn’t help but to grin.

  Lydia was curled up by his side, snoring softly. Her dark hair covered most of her face from view, but he could see the corner of her mouth and it was curved into a smile.

  Is it because of me? He wondered, reaching out to push her hair away from her face.

  He hoped it was. Deep down, he prayed that he was enough; that he did enough; that he could make her happy.

  Jeb had told him the whole story when they went drinking together after the bar fiasco. He explained that Lydia had been born Jonathan McIntosh, a man Callum would never meet, but didn’t have to. She was always Lydia, even as a child.

  I wish I could have known her back then.

  Jeb also told him about the horror of her youth, how the bullies were relentless and always went out of their way to make her life miserable.

  She never deserved that.

  While he couldn’t necessarily say that he’d ever experienced bullying, he’d seen enough of it during his travels across the world and it was always the same. Hate. Fear. Not knowing or understanding why someone was different. People feared those who were different from them and their only coping mechanism was being an asshole.

  Never again. He traced his fingertips lightly over her shoulder, stilling briefly as she mumbled something an
d rolled away from him.

  Allowing his eyes to trail over the curves of her back, he swallowed hard and willed his body to behave.

  But that wasn’t going to happen, especially after just waking up. His cock stood at attention, straining against the confines of his jeans—which he didn’t dare take off throughout the night out of respect for her.

  No matter how much he tried though, he still couldn’t help but to imagine their first time together. Hearing her sweet moans as he filled her and pushed her into orgasm after orgasm.

  Biting his bottom lip as hard as possible, he quickly rolled over and stared at the wall. The wall wouldn’t drive him mad, at least.


  Mentally kicking himself in the ass for waking her up, he turned his head and offered her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Did I wake you?”

  “It’s okay.” She snuggled up against him, her soft body pressing into his back as her warm fingers touched his arm. “I needed to get up anyway. Have you been up for long?”

  In what sense? He wondered, reaching down as subtly as possible to readjust himself. “Not long.” He finally said, feigning a yawn. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Wonderfully.” She smiled and kissed the back of his neck—that definitely wasn’t helping the situation in his pants. “Thank you for staying the night. Do you want breakfast?”

  I could eat something...

  “I’m not really the breakfast type.” He rolled back over and gazed at her, drinking in the sight of her big green eyes and those soft, kissable lips as they parted in a sigh. “But if you are hungry, I’d eat with you.”

  “I’m not hungry.” Lydia said tiredly, teasing the tips of her toes over his foot. “I had a dream.”

  “Yeah? What about?”


  “Me?” A lazy grin slowly spread over his lips. “Was it a good dream?”

  “Yes.” She hid her face from view and though he couldn’t see it, he was positive she was blushing.

  “Good-good, or good-bad?” He nudged her gently, teasing his fingertips over her side.

  She squirmed away from him, laughing.

  Ah, music to his ears.

  “I’m not telling!” She squealed, batting his hand away. “Stop tickling me.”


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