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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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by Cleo Scornavacca

  With a weakened smile she said, “Tommy, there isn’t anything for you to be sorry for. I know you’re just worried about me. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I wish Michael had taken more of an interest with me in our relationship like you had today.”

  “Wait, how long have you been feeling like this? It has to be a while, especially since you and Mike aren’t together.”

  “It’s been for quite some time. I just never said anything because I thought it would pass. Many times it did, so I chalked it up to low blood sugar from skipping meals or not enough sleep at night. I guess it’s all of those things. To tell you the truth, I had every intention of taking a break once my current cases were completed, but it just seems like that day never comes. Now with my dad working with a limited caseload and mainly from home, I had to pick up the slack. Even Dominick’s work has doubled. That’s why he brought it with him to the shore house for the week. There is so much going on at the office between the investigation that is focused on the clients that left the firm, my dad’s accident, the incident with Rain, and just the day to day inner workings at the company. The entire staff is putting in a tremendous amount of overtime right now. How would it look if the senior partner’s daughter decided to take a leave of absence?”

  “It doesn’t matter how it looks, Raven. You need to get over what other people think and concentrate on you and getting well.” I raised my voice slightly.

  “I know you're right, so I’m prepared to make a deal with you.” She said, as a glimpse of Raven the attorney appeared to present herself.

  “No deals, babe. You need to rest.”

  “ I know, I know, so here is what I am prepared to offer you. I will do as the doctor asked and stay in bed for the next week and possibly until after the party. I’ll even let you help me…”


  “How did you know there was going to be a but?” Raven inquired.

  “There’s always a but when it comes to you. Now, go on and present your case, Miss Medici.”

  She smiled softly and continued. “But, you need to allow me to work from home. I promise to stay off my feet and limit the amount of work I do each day. I’ll use a courier service to get the clients their papers and I’ll hold meetings over the phone instead of in person.”

  “Raven, that’s not resting.”

  “It is for me. It’s practically a vacation.”

  “Promise me that you will stop working if you feel sick in any way.”

  “I promise. I’ll even do one better. I’ll fill in Dominick on what’s going on and if I feel like it’s too much, then I’ll back off and have him give my cases to another attorney at the firm.”

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “Deal?” She prompted.

  “Okay, deal, but you really have to promise me that if you feel worse at any point you will definitely back off.”

  “You have my word.”

  Raven agreed to stay with me through the long weekend. She also stated she would limit her workload for at least the next few weeks or so. She even agreed to let me call Rain to explain what happened to her.

  I walked into the kitchen to call Rain without Raven listening to the conversation. I knew Rain would have difficulties with what I was doing, so I needed to explain. I dialed her number and Rain answered right away.

  “Hey Tommy, shouldn’t you be getting ready for Bali?” She asked.

  “Change of plans, Rain. Raven had a dizzy spell and we just got back from the ER.” I revealed.

  “Wait…What the hell is going on with Raven? And why didn’t she call me? Is she hurt? Can she talk?” Rain started to ramble.

  “Baby, she’s okay. Well, she’s not physically feeling well, but she’s going to stay here with me. That’s why I’m calling you. I postponed my trip to take care of Raven.” I explained.

  There was silence.

  “Rain, are you still there?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m still here.” She sighed, which gave the impression that Rain’s response seemed somewhat contrite.

  “Baby, are you okay?” I was taken aback by Rain’s reaction or non-reaction, as it were.

  Another hollow sigh.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, Tommy.” Rain tried quickly to change her tone to one that was less of a concern. I wasn’t about to fall for that. Something appeared to be on her mind and I wouldn’t allow Rain to pretend that everything was fine when it clearly wasn’t.

  “Rain, please tell me what’s bothering you. I always know when something is eating at you. Now let’s have it.” My tone became more forceful, so that Rain would realize that I wasn’t about to let her off that easy.

  Then came an eerie pause, but she was still there. It wasn’t like her at all to have trouble expressing her feelings to me. I was worried by the way she was acting. I heard Rain breathe out deeply through the phone. Was she worried or agitated or both? I knew I was about to find out.

  “Tommy, please don’t take this the wrong way, but do you think taking care of Raven is a good idea, especially after everything that went on between both of you?” Rain’s questioning was sheepish.

  There was more that she wanted to say, but her hesitance led me to believe that I needed to carefully coax it out of her.

  “Rain, I didn’t have any time to think it through. Dr. Marks, the doctor that examined Raven in the ER, said that she would need help over the next several weeks, so I volunteered.” I explained.

  “Why didn’t she call me? Better yet, why didn’t you call me?” She sounded concerned and somewhat insulted that the same time.

  “Baby, listen, first off, Raven didn’t want me to call anyone, not even Mike. I know someone else who didn’t want me to call anyone when she was in trouble. Anyway, I told her that I was going to let you know she was at the hospital. She said not to and that she would call you when she had gotten home.” I explained to Rain, as I reminded her of the time she asked me not to tell her dad that she was being held by Dominick.

  “Of course not. Why should she ask for Mike? She had you to wait on her hand and foot and please don’t throw the whole kidnapping incident in my face. I called you and you didn’t believe me. Besides my situation was totally different. I was trying to help my family at the time.” There was bitterness in Rain’s words.

  “Rain, you can’t be serious? You didn’t want your dad to know about you and that you were taken, because of his overprotective tendencies. If I didn’t know any better I would say that you're jealous of Raven.” I was astounded by Rain’s statement.

  “I’m not jealous; I’m worried. And not just about my sister, I’m worried about you and the hole you’re digging for yourself. And my dad is overprotective and I couldn’t let him take over. I had enough of that shit with my mother to last me a lifetime. Raven is a different story. She’s ill and she needs help, even if she is too stubborn to admit it.”

  “And what hole are you thinking I’m going to get buried in?” Now I was slightly annoyed with this conversation.

  “The one where you get caught up even further with Raven and Mike’s drama. The hole that may bury you completely this time. The one you may not be able to climb out of. The one that leaves you hurt, while they move on with their lives.” Rain didn’t pull any punches.

  She was always completely honest with me. I couldn't be angry with her for that. She always showed me how much she cared.

  “Rain, I’ll be fine. Please don’t worry. I’m not going to get caught up with Raven and Mike’s personal issues. I did that once. I won’t do it again. It already has me at odds with my brother. I don’t know what will happen next, but I certainly don’t intend on making things any worse than they already are. I just didn’t want Raven to go through this alone. The truth is, I’ve never seen her like this. She was scared. Although, you know Raven, she’d never admit to it.” I hoped what I just said gave Rain some insight on what happened.

  “Tommy, I’m sorry. I just don’t want any of you to get hurt.”
r />   “It’s a little late for that. Don’t you think?” I asked, but I already knew the answer and Rain knew it as well, so she didn’t comment any further.

  After I filled Rain in on what exactly happened and the state of Raven’s health, I went back to the living room to hand the phone to Raven so she could speak to Rain. I found Raven curled up on the corner of the couch where I had left her. She was sound asleep. I told Rain I would have her sister call her once she woke up. I reassured her that everything would be okay and that I would talk with her later.

  Before we hung up Rain said she would fill Dominick in on what transpired. I hoped that once Kane heard about the state of Raven’s health, he might insist on her taking some additional time off. For right now, I had three days to deal with…more like keep an eye on her.

  Chapter Five

  Three Days & Nights


  I couldn’t believe what I just agreed to, but I was completely overwhelmed and too worn out by the events of the day to say no. I knew I would never hear the end of it from Tommy. He started to take over already. He called Rain and now it was only a matter of time before Dominick called to inform me that I would be forced into a leave of absence. I should have never stopped here today after the gym. Instead, I should have gone straight home. If I had then I wouldn’t have fainted in Tommy’s arms and no one would be aware of what had been happening to me.

  Tommy, although hesitant to leave me, went to the duplex to pick up my briefcase. With Tommy out of the house, I became restless in no time. I wasn’t on the couch for more than ten minutes before I was already ill at ease with the thought of the weekend ahead. Three days alone with Tommy could prove to be more difficult than my break-up with Michael. Tommy’s physical presence was intense. The way he moved and the sound of his voice was somewhat overwhelming. I found myself letting him get to me, again.

  It may have been me reading too much into all of this. He said he wanted me to stay with him, so he could take care of me. The thought of his words left me with a feeling of hope and anxiety all at once. Then again, he didn’t have Rain to take care of anymore. My sister and I were identical twins. Could I possibly be his new pet project? The person to get him over Rain. The love he lost. His one regret.

  I knew I had to get out of here, but how? I couldn’t spend today, let alone three nights with him. I didn’t want to feel attracted to him, but I was. I knew that my feelings were selfish, wrong, inappropriate, ridiculous and a host of many other emotions that flooded my body and mind. I was in a total state of confusion. I felt like my body was being assaulted by physical and emotional chaos. The deep exhale that I released didn’t wash away any of this stress and I knew for sure everyone would say I brought this on all by myself. I usually do, but now how do I leave without causing more destruction? Perhaps if I suggested that we head down to the shore and that I would rather stay with Rain? No, that wouldn’t work. Tommy was too smart to believe that I would want to stay with my sister when I had fought so hard to keep him from telling her that I was sick in the first place.

  I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the front door rattle and then close quietly, as if not to disturb my rest. Tommy walked in with my briefcase, a bag with some sort of takeout and a bouquet of Gerber Daisies, in a rainbow of colors. He stilled when he saw me. His body became tight and frozen. He knew something was wrong. After a brief pause to assess me, he spoke.

  “Okay, babe, what’s going through that pretty little head of yours, hmm?” He cocked his head to one side and waited for an answer.

  “I don’t think I should stay here with you. I really should go home and rest there. Theresa can take care of me.” I wasn’t sure that I wanted Tommy to know that I was still attracted to him or that I thought he might be attracted to me, because he didn’t have Rain around full-time any longer.

  “I thought you didn’t want your family to fuss over you? You said it yourself. If you want to go home and if you have Theresa help you; then you have to tell your dad the truth and you can just forget working on these.” He lifted my briefcase and jiggled it, as he tried to remind me that I would be removed from my duties at work.

  As soon as my dad or Dominick realized that my condition required full bedrest, my career would definitely, or should I say indefinitely, be put on hold. At least being here with Tommy, I could have him run interference for me until I was ready to deal with Victor Medici and Dominick Kane. I certainly wasn’t ready for them just yet.

  “Don’t quote me to me. For your information, while you were out getting my things I had time to think and maybe it’s for the best if I stay at my own place, that’s all.” I awkwardly explained in a huff.

  “Why?” He asked firmly, but with an undertone of amusement in his voice.

  I hated that he enjoyed this. I said nothing, but I knew the answer. Being around Tommy reminded me how easy it was to be with him with no complications. The not so sensible part of me wanted Tommy to take me to bed once more and the extremely sensible part of me knew that it could never happen again, so I didn’t want to draw attention to my conflicted feelings. Feelings that were clearly due to the fact that I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. Michael and I had problems. He cheated, his mistake. I cheated, my mistake. I couldn't let sleeping with Tommy again be another mistake.

  “Raven, you are one frustrating woman.” Then he took my hand and placed it around the long stems of the bouquet and said, “You're welcome. Now let’s get you fed.”

  My mouth opened, I didn’t know how to respond. I just sat there and watched as he set up the table, so we could eat the food he brought home. Tommy didn't say a word. I never knew what he was thinking. Was he angry, disappointed, annoyed? I couldn’t read him. This was the one thing that frustrated me; I never had an upper hand with Tommy. I’m sure he knew that and loved it.

  Tommy sat on the floor and began to eat. I just watched him. He stopped eating and slowly looked up when he realized I hadn’t touched my plate.

  “Well, will you eat on your own or should I feed you?” He seemed frustrated.

  “No, I’m perfectly capable of feeding myself, thank you! I’m not helpless!” I snapped.

  Tommy stopped. He wiped his mouth and his hands with a deliberate preciseness, balled up his napkin, and casually threw it down on his plate. Then he got up and came over to me, again. This time he placed his hands on the back of the couch, as he effectively blocked me in. This time leaned forward just close enough for his words to lightly leave a soft sensation across my face.

  “Then eat and make yourself well, so you don’t have to be here with me. I’m not Kane; I won’t force you to stay. I won’t keep you against your will like he did to your sister, but understand me, I also won’t tolerate your rude behavior. All I was trying to do was help you get better, Raven. If you can’t or won’t understand that, then eat up and leave.” He stood up and looked down at me in my awkward state of embarrassment and walked out of the room.

  I sat there, still, like a statue. What just happened? I didn’t mean to upset him. Was I too abrupt? I didn’t want Tommy to have to be responsible for me. I’m a grown woman. I can do that without any help from anyone. Yet, in my present state of health that remained to be seen.

  I looked at the food he brought home for us. It was a breakfast for dinner of sorts. French toast, fresh fruits, eggs and tea. I was sure the tea was decaf, especially after what the doctor at the hospital had explained what about caffeine would further do to my body. I picked up the tea and took a sip. It was warm and soothed the tension that I realized my body had been holding after the incident with Tommy. I picked up a piece of the French toast and nibbled on it. My stomach was queasy, so I proceeded to eat with caution.

  I placed the tea and toast down after only a few minutes. I couldn’t eat without Tommy. All he had to do was get my work, but he went further. He took the time and care to get us something to eat. He even brought me flowers. Such a simple gesture that meant so much to me. I was sure tha
t it was me. I read too much into it. Tommy was just being Tommy. He was being nice. He tried to make an uncomfortable situation easier. Yet, I had to question everything at every turn, even after he told me not to. Then I had to be defiant. I needed to go to him and apologize. I don’t know if my apology would be worth much. Lately, all I ever seemed to do was apologize to everyone around me, but Tommy was the one person who truly deserved it.

  I looked around the first floor, no Tommy. Then I went upstairs to the second floor; he wasn’t there either. I realized he must have gone up to the dark room, so I proceeded to the third floor to see if he was there. When I reached the door, I carefully opened it as not to let too much light in and destroy any film that he might have been developing. He didn’t yell or stop me, so I assumed it was fine to walk in.

  Once inside, I noticed the room was empty. He couldn’t have left. I would have seen him if he had walked out the front door. I knew he went upstairs, but where? Then I looked to the open window and I smiled. He was out on the small roof that Rain had told me about. She said they would sit out there and talk. For Rain it was sometimes a safe place to breathe and collect her thoughts when she felt that her nightmares were about to catch up with her.


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