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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

Page 23

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Rain, the babies are getting restless! Do you have their bottles?” Dominick called out to me.

  “I’m coming!” I called back.

  “Tommy, listen, we can work on all of this Monday after my doctor’s appointment. Raven is going back to work in the city, because the firm will be shorthanded and preoccupied with Dominick’s case. We’ll discuss it more then.”

  He nodded at me and smiled as he lightly dropped the napkins he was carrying haphazardly onto my tray.

  I laughed and went back to be with Dominick and our twins.

  When I returned to our room, Dominick was admiring his children that lay next to him. As he spoke to them, they both held him completely in their focus. Their eyes widened with each word their daddy spoke to them. Sweet and tiny side grins appeared on their lips, as each of them squeezed Dominick’s thumbs that they held onto.

  I smiled, but on the inside my heart screamed. Why? Why now that we had everything we wished for, was my kidnapping playing a part in our lives. Was I wrong to believe that what had occurred a year ago didn’t matter? Was I too cavalier? I took what happened between us very seriously, but I never thought that Dominick’s actions back then would bite us in the ass today.

  Maybe we were both naive to think it was only about us and us alone and now we would be punished for what happened that day just a year ago.

  I shook off my feelings of dread and placed the tray on the bench at the foot of the bed. I took the bottles and rejoined Dominick and our twins. I handed Dominick one of the bottles so that he could feed Angel, while I fed Joseph, Jr.

  “So are you going to tell me what you and Conte were talking about?” He stated matter of factly as he continued to look at his little girl.

  “Mike.” That’s all I said.

  “And what did Conte say when you told him my thoughts about his brother?” Dominick softly pried further.

  “When I went into the kitchen, Tommy and Daniel were having coffee at the table in the family room. After some small talk, I left and Tommy followed me out to get my opinion.”

  “What did you tell him?” Dominick appeared curious, as he finally looked at me to listen more intently about what I was about to say.

  “I told him what you thought and that it was very distressing for me to think Mike could have done this after being an important part of our family for so long; but Tommy said that both he and Daniel felt the same as you.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah, he said that when they found out that you were arrested for kidnapping me, they both thought it may be Mike who turned you in, because it had to be someone close to the family and that’s why Mike came to mind.” I dropped my head. I was exhausted, but also I was distressed to think that what had erupted from this situation was only the tip of the iceberg. There was so much more for Dominick to figure out and I had the feeling none of it was going to be good.

  Dominick placed Angel’s tiny body over his shoulder to burp her. I did the same for Joseph, Jr., and then he took his free hand and laid it on my thigh.

  “Listen, Rain…” He paused to collect his words. “I hope you know I don’t take any pleasure in my assumption that Michael did this. I wish it were different, but all of the clues thus far point to him.”

  “Dominick, I know that, but no matter how hard this is or how difficult this will become for our family, if Mike is the one that caused this, then he has to be confronted and he has to pay the price for his actions.”

  “But you don’t believe it was him?”

  I shook my head and sighed. “I don’t know what to believe. My head is saying he did. That’s the practical side of me, but deep inside of my heart, I have my doubts.”

  “Why?” Now he was putting me on the spot and I’m not sure myself, but I tried to answer him the best I could.

  “Dominick, please don’t try to pin me down on this. It’s not like my opinion is based on anything tangible. It’s more like a gut instinct. I’m not saying it’s impossible that Mike did this to us, but I know Mike and it’s not like him at all. Plus he was dealing with his own personal issues. Do you really think he had the time or even the interest to get remotely involved with our lives, when his was in complete shambles?”

  “Maybe everything that he was going through pushed him over the edge just enough to not only blame Raven, but to blame your family too.”

  “Dominick, even if you're right, I don’t believe Mike would ever physically hurt my dad or me, for that matter. I just know that cannot be true. I just know it!”I started to get excited and it showed with my body and could be heard in my voice.

  “Okay, baby, I don’t want you to get upset. I promise you I will handle this with the utmost decorum and respect for you and only for you. I promise I won’t address this issue with him until I have all the facts. You have my word.”

  I placed my hand over his, which squeezed my thigh.

  “Thank you, Dominick.”

  “Besides, if it actually is someone else, someone that may have come across information that would link me to kidnapping you, then I wouldn't want to show them my hand and let them get away. This way I can keep an eye on Michael and on the practice, being I have to be there for the attorneys who will be representing me and working on my case.”

  “Are you going to stay in the city Monday night?” I hated to add any more pressure to him, but I really wanted him home with me.

  He smiled.“Is that a question or a demand, Mrs. Kane?”



  “Yes,…both, it’s a question to see if you are and it’s a demand, because I don’t do gentle when it comes to having my husband in my bed with me.” My emotions were sexually stirred by my own statement or my own confession.

  “That’s my greedy girl; I’m more than happy to oblige you in that part of our lives anytime you wish.”

  He voiced aroused me further, but unfortunately our grown-up time together would have to wait. We had something far greater vying for our attention… our little ones.

  The rest of the day was filled with much needed laughter. Dominick divided his time with me and our family and then with my dad and Raven so they could discuss the business at hand.

  I left them to it, as Tommy and I reviewed the proofs for our photography book. I loved so many of the shots that it was difficult to choose which ones to keep and which ones to push aside.

  I wanted the book to be black and white, yet Tommy wanted color. This was the one area that Tommy and I truly disagreed on, more times that not.

  In the end, we opted to change the colors and shades based on the chapters. There was a chapter that was black and white, one that was completely sepia tones, one that was full of color and so on.

  I was grateful for the time to get this work done. Although there were so many more aspects of the book that needed to be worked on, we decided we would continue our work on the book during the week in between investigating the accident, my assault and now Dominick’s arrest. I hoped that perhaps there were more clues in Vincent’s secret files that might tell us more than we already knew and perhaps would helped us to connect the person who outed Dominick in my kidnapping.

  We all turned in rather early for a Saturday night, mainly because of our lack of sleep on Friday. My dad and Raven announced that they decided to head back to the city tomorrow, so they could get a few things in place before Dominick returned to the office on Monday.

  Tommy offered to take Daniel back to the center in the morning. He informed us that he would stay overnight because the center was having a party of sorts and Daniel invited him to hang out, so they could meet up with a few of Daniel’s friends and colleagues. I had the feeling that the word “colleagues” meant dates.

  I teased both of them about it and they both smirked at me. Yeah, I knew I was right. As much as I ribbed both of them about it, I was happy to see that Tommy and Daniel had become buddies and were now hanging out more and more.

  Tommy did inform me
thought that he would be back in time to drive me to my follow up visit with Dr. Roth. After Tommy’s statement, I looked to Dominick, who just shrugged. The truth of the matter was that he spoke with Tommy alone and asked that he drive me for my visit and he did say to me later that he knew full well that I was perfectly capable of driving myself, but he asked me to humor him. I was more than happy to do that for Dominick, especially since he had enough shit weighing him down at the moment.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sunday…A Day of Rest


  When Sunday morning arrived, both Dominick and I checked the clock to see that it was after ten. Then we looked to each other with a slight pause of panic.

  “THE TWINS!” We yelled and both jumped from our bed and ran into the nursery. They weren’t there. We ran into the kitchen, they were still nowhere to be found. Finally, we ran out to the patio and immediately came to a wobbly halt, since this was where we discovered Anna and Joseph enjoying their breakfast with two additional guests… their grandchildren.

  You could hear both Dominick and I exhale a sigh of relief.

  “Good morning, you two, we thought we would let you sleep in after all that both of you have been through this weekend.” Anna smiled, as she came to both of us and touched our cheeks with a comforting hand, first mine, then Dominick’s. It was always a treat to see him blush at the connection he had with his mother. It was evident that things had been slowly, but surely improving between Dominick and his parents. I was so happy for that, especially now. He needed their love and support more than ever.

  Dominick appeared shy, but he leaned forward and kissed Anna’s cheek, who blushed at his gesture. Joseph and I smiled at each other, as we watched their mother and son connection.

  Joseph interrupted the union between them, so that they wouldn’t begin to feel awkward. “Would both of you like some breakfast? It’s ready.”

  “I would love some coffee for now.” I stated.

  “Rain, you need to eat.” He casually demanded.

  “I’m not hungry at the moment.” I smiled, as we walked to the patio table.

  Dominick’s arm curled around my waist and tugged me to his chest, my back to his front. It reminded me of another time he had done that to me. It was the first time we connected. It was last year, when he took me. I was headed back into the house behind his date for the evening, Darian Mann, when he pulled me back to tell me our conversation wasn't over yet. The thought of that memory created goosebumps on my skin now. Admittedly, my skin always turned to jelly every time Dominick touched me.

  “Listen to your husband, Mrs. Kane. I need you to eat now. If that means I need to physically feed you, then so be it.” My body grew weak, as usual, as his words gently sounded in my ear and skirted down the back of my neck.

  I stood there not moving, except for my hands. I placed them over his, which were still at my waist to secure me in place. I didn’t move, but I did respond.

  “Now, other than having a slight concussion, which I explained to you that I have no symptoms from and I feel fine. I have no idea why you're taking such an interest in my eating habits this morning. Maybe you would like to give me a little hint, Mr. Kane?”

  “Well, if you must know, I want food in you to build your strength for what I have planned for us later this evening.” His delicious and wicked statement made me turn in his arms to kiss his mouth.

  “Okay, I’ll eat.” I smiled, as I watched a slow, fiendish grin form on Dominick’s face.

  “Good girl…I knew I would get my way.” He had a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes.

  “You did, did you?” I playfully coaxed him.

  “Of course, you can’t resist my charismatic charm.” He said, with an air of unwavering confidence.

  “You’re only half right. I can’t resist your charismatic charm, as you put it, but I also can’t resist how much you love me, because that’s exactly how I will always feel about you.” I looked down and when I returned my focus to him, Dominick allowed a tear to escape. He said nothing; his eyes went to my mouth where he placed a gentle, yet all-consuming kiss on my lips.

  Although, I didn’t want to break our connection, we weren’t exactly alone. Anna, Joseph and the twins patiently waited for us to join them. When we walked over, both Anna and Joseph looked so proudly of their son and lovingly at me. I remembered when I first came here, unwillingly, and they were so comforting to me. They made me feel safe when Dominick’s actions showed me anything but.

  It’s so strange to silently recall what occurred here last year, but I guess with Dominick’s arrest for the kidnapping it would be only natural for my old emotions to be stirred up once again. None of which were negative thoughts, just memories of what had happened between us in the beginning.

  Now more than ever, I had to be the one to protect Dominick this time. I needed to save him. Although, I was taken back then and the outcome of my kidnapping was far from what you read about in the headlines or what you would imagine on a news broadcast, it was my ending. It was my truth. I made a deal with the man that took me and in the end I fell in love with him and he with me. It wasn’t without obstacles and now Dominick’s arrest proved that there were still many hurdles we were going to have to cross, but I knew we would cross them together and come out the winners at the finish line. I’m not entirely sure how I knew, call it instinct or call it intuition, but whatever it was…I just knew.

  Anna and Joseph smiled warmly at us, as we sat down to enjoy breakfast with the both of them and our babies.

  Once our meal was finished, Anna and I brought everything into the kitchen to clean up. I had a sneaking suspicion that Anna needed to speak with me without her controlling son listening in on our conversation.

  “Rain…Joseph and I want you and Dominick to enjoy the rest of this beautiful, summer day alone together.” Her smile beamed brightly with pride.

  “I had a feeling that’s why you asked me to help you. You never let me clean up.” I giggled.

  “Well, I know how much each of you adore those babies, but we felt that with everything that has happened, some time alone together would be good for the both of you.”

  I took a deep cleansing breath in. “I know you're right, but I always feel guilty if I let someone else care for them, even for a minute. Please don’t get me wrong, I know you love them and you and Joseph would care and protect them just like Dominick and myself. It’s just that…”

  “It’s just that you're a new mom and you want to spend every waking minute with them.” Anna said from experience and also through heartache after being separated from each of her boys at different times in their lives.

  I smiled. “Oh, Anna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you relive the past.”

  She put down the dish towel she was holding and came over to me. She took my hands and held them firmly, as she smiled back with appreciation for my acknowledgement of her silent pain and guilt.

  “I know full well what guilt feels like and you of all people, Rain, have nothing to feel guilty about. You are attentive to those babies every need all of the time. You have a right for some adult time with your husband. In fact, couples need to do that for themselves. It makes them better parents. Remember, you're not just a mother, you're a wife and most importantly, a woman.” She blushed at her last statement.

  I hugged her briefly. “Thank you, Anna. I really do need some uninterrupted time alone with him. So much has happened and I know he’s not okay, but I need him to know that I’m here for him.”

  “I suspect he knows that already, my dear.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Now you go on and enjoy today.” She pushed me toward the door.

  “I will. Thanks, Anna.”

  “No thanks necessary; now go.” She stated, and she swatted the towel to get me out of the kitchen.

  “I’m going, I’m going.”

  Just as I left the kitchen, Dominick was headed in, so I ran directly into his chest. Not
a bad place for me to be.

  “Hey, where are you running to?” He laughed, as he steadied me.

  “Not where, but who?”

  “Who?” His voice was clipped with curiosity.

  I slid my arms around his waist and intertwined my fingers at the small of his back. I gazed up at him, admiringly. “To you, Mr. Kane” I whispered.

  “Good answer, Mrs. Kane” He kissed me briefly and took me further into his strong embrace.

  For some reason I felt that he needed this as much or even more than I did.

  “Anna and Joseph are going to take the twins for the entire day. So, you have me all to yourself.” I announced their little surprise.

  “I know, he just told me.”


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