The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3) Page 33

by Cleo Scornavacca

  I left the room unnoticed and went to the bathroom in my dad’s office to change. I had enough of being the adult in the room for one day. I put on my jeans, a long sleeve T-shirt, and my baby blue Chucks. I sat on the couch in my dad’s office and called Anna.

  “Rain, how did everything go?”

  “Everything went just as planned.”

  “Oh, thank goodness, Rain.” Anna’s voice trembled with happiness and relief.

  “How are the twins?”

  “They are just fine. They were up all day, smiling, so full of wonder. I think all of the traveling finally hit them, so I put them down for a nap about an hour ago.”

  “Hopefully, I won’t get back too late, so that I can tuck them in later this evening.”

  “I hope so too.”

  “How was the flight?”

  “It was fine, my dear.”

  “Good, I’m glad everything went okay. Listen, my dad is here, so I have to hang up now, but I’ll see you soon.”

  “Bye, Rain.”

  “Goodbye, Anna.”

  “I thought I might find you in here. I see you’ve changed.” He said, as he walked into his office with an amused look on his face, because of my new attire.

  “Yeah, I had enough of the serious formal wear to last me a lifetime.”

  My dad kissed my cheek and chuckled. He knew corporate power suits weren’t my style. Then he poured each of us a drink before he sat back down on the couch to talk with me and take in the view of the city’s beauty that surrounded us.

  “Marcello told me that once he found the records, he also found out that Van Buren was the one who helped Elise Kane in Dominick’s adoption. I had thought at one time that perhaps he and Elise were having an affair. On many occasions they acted somewhat cozy, but they must have been planning Dominick’s illegal adoption.”

  “I suppose, but I just don’t understand one thing.”

  “What’s that, Rain?”

  “Why was it that Mr. Kane never figured any of it out?”

  “Hmmm…maybe he didn’t want to see it, Rain.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Vincent always prided himself on being perfect…in everything he did. Maybe all of the lies and the problems that surfaced back then would have made him face the fact that he wasn’t and that he was human just like the rest of us.”

  “Yeah, I get the being perfect thing. At least now I know I don’t have to be any longer.”

  “Rain, you never had to be perfect. No one expected that of you. What is this all about?”

  “I think mom did, dad. She wanted the perfect little sick girl. One that listened when spoken to, that didn’t challenge or question the rules she set before me. Not until today, did I realize how much I lived by what happened in the past. You know everyone has taken care of me and much of the time I allowed it. I kept being the perfect victim, even though I knew I didn’t want it for myself. Then the attacks on our family came along and I saw an opportunity to take a risk, to not be so perfect or do what was expected of me. The investigation gave me an outlet to prove I was stronger than everyone thought I was and that I could stand on my own two feet without help, that I was no longer a scared, little sick girl.”

  “Even though you had nothing you had to prove to any of us, you proved it to yourself. We all need to challenge ourselves from time to time. I’m so proud of you and what you did in that boardroom today.” He sighed before he went on.

  “Look, Rain I know I didn’t show you that I believed in what you were doing the last few months and this is no excuse, but I love you and as your father, I always want what’s best for you no matter how grown up you are. I worried, as did Dominick, that you were getting caught up in something that you wouldn’t be able to find your way out of and possibly something that we couldn’t save you from. Yet, you proved today that you didn’t need us to save you. You handled everything beautifully and completely on your own. You're an amazing woman, Rain and I’m honored to be your father.”

  My body trembled as my tears fell at the words my dad said to me. I didn’t know if I had been looking for my father’s validation this whole time or not. Honestly, none of that mattered anymore. I was happy and at peace with everything for probably the first time in my entire life and that’s what mattered most of all.

  My dad wrapped me in his arms to quiet my soft, but audible sobs. Once I relaxed, I felt the events of the day finally hit me. It was only late afternoon, but I was utterly spent.

  “Rain, Dominick has several things he needs to clear up before he can go home. Why don’t I call for a car and he can meet you there later this evening?”

  “I’d rather stay here and enjoy the view, if that’s okay?”

  “Just like when you were little?” My dad remarked.


  “When you were a little girl, and you and your mother came back to the city from Capri, the first thing you always wanted to do was see the lights. You would always beg me to bring you here in the evening. You would sit on this very couch and stare out at Manhattan in awe. No matter how many times you sat here, each time was like the first. You're still the same. Albeit it isn’t dark out yet, but I can see it in your eyes, that familiar wonderment.” He smiled brightly.

  I smiled back at him.

  I laid back on the couch and took in all of the city’s beauty, as my dad sat at his desk to catch up on some work. It wasn't long before my eyes became heavy and I lost my battle of wills to stay awake.

  Once I woke, it was dark out, and the view of the city was magical. My dad wasn't at his desk any longer. I wondered if he had left for the evening, but then again, I knew he would have at least said goodnight. Then just as I was about to go find him, he returned.

  “Hey, good you're awake. I was coming to get you. Dominick is waiting downstairs.”

  “Thanks, Dad, I’ll call you tomorrow.” I kissed his cheek, as I hurried to meet my husband.

  I took the elevator down to the lobby of the building. Outside was a sleek black limousine. The driver held open the door for me to get in. Seated in the back was a dashing attorney. His dark hair was tousled and his eyes shone bright from the city lights that surrounded us. His suit jacket and shirt were partially undone. He looked exhausted, but sexy nonetheless.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Kane” He stated, as he casually check his watch.

  “Good evening, Mr. Kane” I responded, as I sat back and took my seat next to him.

  Dominick directed the driver to Newark airport.

  “Dominick, where are we going? Your passport rights were revoked, remember?” I sat up immediately and faced him.

  “I worked on getting that lifted while you slept this afternoon.”

  “Well, I did have a busy day.” I teased.

  “You certainly did, Angel. Thank you.” His tone was hushed.

  “You're welcome. The pleasure was all mine. So why are we going to Newark?”

  “I booked us a flight out to Capri. I need to kiss my children.”

  I smiled at his statement, as I pushed the call button for the driver.

  “Yes, Mrs. Kane,” He answered.

  “There isn’t any need to fly out tonight. Can you please take us home?”

  “As you wish.”

  “Rain what are you doing? I just said I want to see our children. I should think you would be thrilled to go to Capri to get them.”

  “I would be thrilled under normal circumstances, but our babies aren’t in Capri.”

  “Then where are they, Rain?” Dominick’s patience was wearing thin.

  “The twins are home, safe and sound in their beds. I immediately booked their flight back once I found out Mema wasn’t sick at all. At first I thought we could just fly back and get them once today was over, but I knew you didn’t have a passport, so I called when I got back to the city to arrange for them to be home here when we were done. I came back on a commercial flight and asked Ann and Joseph to bring the twins home with them on the p
rivate jet. They arrived this morning just after you left for the office.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “You were confident that you would win my case, were you?” He stated and then he relaxed back for the ride home.

  “I certainly was.” I relaxed back, as well.

  Then he turned his head swiftly, as if he had forgotten had something.

  “Oh, by the way, you gave a great little performance today. I certainly did file those papers for the firm, nice acting job, Baby.” He stated with a crooked, yet proud grin.

  “I know and thanks.” I said, as I looked out the side window. Then I, too, turned my head to face Mr. Kane.“Oh and good job on restraining yourself during the hearing, I was proud of you, not one outburst, Mr. Kane.”

  “Thanks. See, I’m growing. Now what do I get for all of my good behavior today, Mrs. Kane?” He asked, as he smiled and leaned over; his lips reached my collarbone and trailed luxuriously along the side of my neck, where he gently kissed me.

  “Hmmm…I’d say your good behavior earned you some bad behavior with me tonight.” I hinted at the fact that this evening was time for more grownup pleasures.

  I could tell Dominick was all for it, as the foreplay continued and began to build every second of the ride back to our house.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  A Tug On My Heart Strings


  Once we returned home, our family and friends, including Mike and Marcello were waiting for us in the kitchen. It appeared that even with Tommy, Raven and Mike in the same room together after all this time the atmosphere was unrestrained.

  I wondered where Raven and Mike went off to when they left the boardroom today. I assumed they found a secluded place to finally talk and get everything out in the open. I also wondered if that meant they would possibly try and give their relationship one more chance.

  I noticed that Tommy appeared edgy, not because his brother was here or that Raven was standing close to Mike, but there was another reason. One that I intended to address tomorrow after today’s events were over and we returned to life’s normalcy.

  The doorbell rang. Dominick said he would get it. It was my dad. I had just left him at the office, but apparently while I took the elevator down to meet Dominick, Anna had phoned him. She invited him here to celebrate today’s victory, and to have a warm, home-cooked meal. Something my dad rarely had on a regular basis, due to the hectic schedule he followed.

  After a bit of small talk, we finally sat down as a family, all of us, and enjoyed an amazing meal that Anna and Joseph prepared. The evening went off without a hitch. There were no arguments. Everyone, including Tommy and Mike laughed and joked, and genuinely had a good time. It was comfortable, commonplace…ordinary, like it should have been.

  We took our after dinner drinks into the family room and sat around the fire to discuss today’s events. I gave Anna, Joseph, Tommy, and Daniel a brief synopsis of what had occurred, but there were questions.

  “So what you’re saying, Rain, is that Maggie was Mr. Van Buren’s illegitimate child? And yet, this entire time she worked for your dad?…Incredible” Joseph remarked.

  “You know she seemed very distracted the few times I took her out.” Tommy added.

  “I still can’t believe it. She was a very good employee. She worked diligently and was meticulous in her work? She never once exhibited any ambivalence whatsoever.” My dad stated.

  “Dad, Detective Stack said that Maggie didn’t know Mr. Van Buren was her father until recently, so if it’s any consolation, she was a loyal employee for most of her time with you.”

  “Rain, she was still a sick girl.” Raven voiced her opinion. “If she wasn’t, she would have never tried to run dad down or put Dominick behind bars. She barely knew her father, yet when they finally reconciled, she was right there doing his bidding behind everyone’s back.”

  “I guess you're right.” I didn’t want to see Maggie as evil. She was so nice over the years, but the evidence spoke for itself.

  In the past few months her demeanor had changed. It wasn’t that she was distracted. It was more like she was nosey. My mind was on so many other things that I just thought she was feeling me out to learn more about Tommy.

  Now that I think it about it; it was more like she was lurking in the shadows, or in her case, in plain sight to get more info for her father.

  Her newfound sister Madison was a whole different form of crazy. She wanted to please Van Buren, just like Maggie, but she was also out for herself. She wanted Dominick. She proved that by her attack on me and her attempt to kill Darian Mann.

  Although there was no love lost between Darian and myself. I hadn’t wished any harm would come to her. I hoped she made a full recovery.

  The conversation about today’s events faded away, as each of us broke off into small groups. Anna and Joseph talked with Daniel and Dominick. Raven, Mike, and our dad were on the other side of the room in a different exchange of dialogue. Tommy was in a weird mood all evening, so I took this opportunity to see what was bothering him. I knew I would get my chance to speak with him in private when I saw that he went into the kitchen to get a drink.

  I entered the room to find him on the phone. Once he saw me, he ended his call rather abruptly.

  “Hey, Baby, is everything okay?”

  “I was just about to ask you that same question.”

  “I’m fine.” He was too quick to answer.

  “You don’t seem fine. You haven’t been yourself all evening. So what gives?”

  I pressed him further and I would continue to do so until I got some answers. I didn’t want to annoy Tommy; I just wanted to help him.

  “Ah…where to begin?” Tommy stated, but then paused and took my hand, as he guided me outside to the patio. I could only assume that what he wanted to speak with me about was serious and he didn’t want to be interrupted.

  As we stepped out onto the deck, he pulled me to the seating area by the fire pit. The embers glowed weakly from when it was started earlier this evening. Tommy placed a fresh piece of wood in the pit and got a new fire going again. He knew that although it wasn’t cold outside, there was a distinct chill in the air. He also knew that my body didn’t handle the cooler weather very well, so he made the atmosphere more comfortable before we had our talk.

  We settled in for what I anticipated to be a talk that would be rather difficult for Tommy to have and even harder for me to hear.

  “Okay, the fire is warm and comfortable. We’re alone and being out here should keep us from being interrupted, so now will you tell me what’s going on with you? Although, let me just say that I think I already know.” I tried to make it easier for Tommy. I knew this was hard for him.

  Tommy was never at loss for words, advice or opinions when it came to me, but tonight was very different. This was about him.

  “Listen, Rain, I wanted to talk to you about this when I had gone down to the shore house with Raven. Then, I wanted to speak with you about it the weekend that Dominick and your dad returned from Italy, but the timing was always off. I’m not sure what’s going on with me, but I do know that I’m not myself and I’m just not happy with the way my life is right now.” Tommy faced forward with his head in his hands, as he struggled with each word.

  But he didn’t have to. I got it more than he knew.

  “I understand, Tommy. I totally get it.” I tried to remain peacefully upbeat, even though I knew exactly where this conversation was going and how it would ultimately end. My heart ached, but I loved this man my entire life and I wanted what was best for him, but I also knew that what was best at this point would mean that things were about to change.

  His head popped up abruptly. “You do?”

  I smiled and giggled slightly. “Yeah, I do. I know that since last year you were dealing with more than just my personal situation. You’ve dealt with my personal shit this whole time. I mean you’ve always put up with it.”

  “Rain, I never just put up with yo
u. I love you and I care about what happens to you.”

  “I know that, but you were dealt this hand as a child and even though you haven’t once made me feel in all these years that you regretted it, you haven’t been able to live your own life.”

  “I made my choice to stay with you, Rain, and have the type of relationship we did. No one forced me. It was my decision to make.”

  “Let’s be honest with each other. The adults in our lives didn’t give you much of a choice.” I smirked.

  “Baby, perhaps that was true when we were kids, but we haven’t been kids for a very long time and I’m still here.” He grinned, as he completely dismissed what I said, as only Tommy could do.


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