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SHIFT (Mackenzie Grey #1)

Page 18

by Karina Espinosa

  “Where is he?” he barked.

  I hesitated until a growl escaped the Alpha’s throat. I was grating his nerves. “11th floor.”

  We rode up in silence and I could feel the heat waves of impatience coming off Sebastian, which shouldn’t come as a surprise since he doesn’t like to be questioned, much less by me.

  “Are we going to talk about what happened?” I asked, trying to start a conversation.

  “There is nothing to talk about.”

  “I think there is, asshole. You can’t just try to seduce me and then act like you do that with everyone. I mean, unless you do, then—then you’re a whore,” I said as I scrunched up my brows in confusion. Shit, did I just call an Alpha a hoe?

  Sebastian reached for the red emergency brake on the elevator panel and we jerked to a stop.

  “I’m only going to say this once and then this is over. I’m running out of patience, Mackenzie, but have you thought about why this bothers you? Why you can’t let it go like I have? You can try and fool yourself all you want, but I know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  “You don’t know shit, you smug son of a—”

  He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the elevator wall.

  “Unless you want to really see me angry, I suggest you don’t finish that sentence,” he said, not even an inch away from me. “That mouth of yours is going to get you into some serious problems, Mackenzie. Jonah might put up with it, but I won’t. You’ve stated your incompetence for following orders, and it shows very clearly, but you will respect an Alpha. I don’t care if you act more human than wolf.”

  My eyes were parallel to his chest and I couldn’t look away as it rose up and down in ragged breaths. I trailed up to his neck and some of his veins ticked on his right side. Pop. Pop. Pop. They flicked in rhythm to his heart. I could hear it pounding against his chest and I was trying to learn what that meant. My sight moved up and landed on his lips. They were slightly parted, his bottom lip thicker than the top. Before my brain could catch up, I stood on tip toes and leaned in, landing my mouth on his like a feather. I reached around and ran my hands through his jet black hair and griped him down to me. He didn’t resist.

  “Mackenzie,” he breathed as he pinned me to the wall.

  I wanted to blame it on my inner animal—on the wolf—but it wasn’t her. This was all me. The only difference was that it wasn’t an emotional attraction that I had for Sebastian. I barely knew the guy. It was purely physical—and it was a strong pull—one I’d never felt before. It made me feel dirty, wrong, but at the same time, a thrill went through my body like a shock of electricity. My body warmed at his touch as his hands slowly roamed my arms up until he held them above my head. Our fingers intertwined, and he moved away.

  “What are you doing to me?” he questioned, his blue eyes shining as if under the sun. His dark features were confounded by my hot and cold personality and I didn’t blame him. I didn’t know what I was doing either.

  “This is out of character for me, Bash, but I can’t help myself.” I peered up at him under thick lashes and his face softened at my confession.

  He took a loose strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear—running his rough knuckles down my cheek in a caress. “I know, Mackenzie, which is why I’m going to stop this,” he said and jerked away. A cold front smacked me like a wall as he put distance between us. “You weren’t entirely wrong at the library. I shouldn’t have pressured you the way I did. What you may not know is that you’re going through the stages of a wolf cycle at an accelerated rate since it took so long for the Change to occur. Your mind and body are trying to play catch up and it wasn’t right of me to take advantage of your vulnerable state.”

  I shook my head. “No, that isn’t true. I wasn’t like this before I met you.” And Jonah.

  “It’s because you weren’t around any other wolves. No matter what, Mackenzie, if you only learn one thing from me, let it be that you will always gravitate toward your own kind. It’s in our nature.”

  I watched as it pained him to tell me the hard truth. I could feel my face slacken as I understood what he was telling me and he winced. It was a possibility that this infatuation I had between him and Jonah, may not be real.

  “We should hurry up,” I whispered as I tried to avoid eye contact and get my emotions in check.

  He nodded and released the emergency brake.

  I felt like an idiot. Like an idiotic, hormonal wolf. Great.

  As soon as we exited the elevator, I opened my hearing and found Detective Michaels by his cubicle. It was no surprise that he was yelling at someone—the guy didn’t have an inside voice.

  The 11th floor housed the Major Case Squad, filled with dozens of officers on various cases from kidnappings, to bank robberies. It was never a dull moment here and there was always something to do. I loved working here and felt lucky for getting such a great opportunity. It was not easy getting an internship in this department.

  “Grey! What the hell are you doing here?” Garrett yelled from across the squad room.

  Sebastian growled beside me.

  “You better control yourself. This is how we communicate in here, there is no diplomacy so get used to it or get out,” I said through gritted teeth as I smiled and waved to Garrett.

  “Hey, Michaels. I got back from vacation a little early but I had a question to ask.”

  “Well hurry up, I have a press conference in twenty and if you’re back you might as well come in later tonight. I could use the extra hands on this case,” he said as he walked toward one of the filing rooms.

  While I tried to catch up to Michaels, it only took Sebastian three strides to reach my supervisor and whirl him around by his arm.

  “What the fuc—”

  “Listen to me carefully. I need the report you filed on the recent kidnappings. Where is it?” Bash said as he stared into Garrett’s eyes without blinking.

  In a monotonous voice he answered, “In the Captains office. Third filing cabinet, first drawer.”

  “Now, you will return to your work and forget that I or Mackenzie Grey were ever here.”

  Garrett blinked and then walked out of the room, never grabbing what he came in for. I stood there motionless for a moment and couldn’t shake the goosebumps that rose on my arms. Michaels would never know we were here and it was all because Sebastian willed him to forget. It was bad enough we pumped him for information, but to mess with his memories? I didn’t feel right about it.

  “Where’s the Captain’s office?” Sebastian growled, snapping me out of my daze.

  “Follow me,” I muttered and went two office doors down and right to the cabinet that Michaels had said the report was in. Sebastian was by the window, making sure no one was watching us and he was probably going to compel anyone who did.

  The drawer was locked and we didn’t have time to look for a key. With a little help from the wolf, I yanked on the handle and the filing cabinet ripped open, as if this wouldn’t be suspicious, but it didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to be working here long enough to deal with the repercussions.

  I shuffled through the files and found Michaels report about half way in. I took it out and made a quick copy of it using the computer’s scanner. I made sure to the delete the history and tapped Sebastian on the shoulder, letting him know I was done. I tried to put everything back in place as best I could but it would be obvious that someone had been in here. Hopefully we’d make it out of the building before anyone noticed.

  We took the elevator down to the ground floor just as the front desk officer was sliding a piece of paper to Jonah. His one dimple peeked out in a smirk and I couldn’t help feel somewhat jealous of her. Amy stood beside him with a bored expression on her face and the moment she saw us, she started heading towards the exit. As we pushed the doors outside a few feet behind her, Sebastian whistled to Jonah and as we exited the gate, a few seconds later, so did his Beta. We met up with Bernard about a block and a half away from N
YPD headquarters and ducked into a nearby diner.

  After we ordered a round of coffee, I pulled out the folded copy of Garrett’s report from my coat pocket and flattened it out on the table.

  “Alright, so it says Jane Hancock is being held on Wards Island, at the Manhattan Psychiatric Center. That’s going to be tricky to get inside. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to go about that?” I said.

  “I think the easiest way in is going to be through the 103rd footbridge in East Harlem. We can easily blend in.” Bernard suggested. “My only question is how are we going to get in to the hospital?”

  “We should call Lucian. He probably has someone on the night shift there,” Jonah said and I quirked an eyebrow.

  “The vampire?”

  “Yes. He has many connections around the city and most of his bloodsuckers work whatever jobs they can get at night,” Jonah responded.

  “You’re right. Call him and tell him to meet us at dusk,” Sebastian said.

  “Isn’t he sleeping?” Amy asked.

  “They don’t sleep.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  I ate enough for a whole village. I packed on two rare steaks with a double order of fries and a stack of pancakes. The waitress had looked at me funny until the three werewolves ordered almost the same thing. Poor Amy was the odd-man out with her tiny order of a country omelet. I was so full, I left my coat unzipped so I could rub my belly. Who was I to complain if the meal was paid for by the Brooklyn Pack? I ordered as if it were going to be my last meal.

  We tried to kill some time after Jonah spoke with Lucian about meeting up at the Bridge. It was late in the afternoon when we finally decided to head out.

  “There’s too many of us,” Sebastian said as we stepped out of the diner and into the ice box of New York City. “If we all walk into the hospital it won’t be inconspicuous.”

  “What do you suggest, boss?” Jonah asked.

  “You and Mackenzie go. She needs to be there because she’s the only who has met this Jane Hancock. I need to get back to the warehouse and try to get the Pack under control.”

  I watched as Bash and Jonah made plans for me as if I was not there or my opinion didn’t matter. “Hello? What about Amy? She needs to come with me.”

  “I’ll watch over Amy. No harm will come to her. She is now and forever will be under the protection of the Pack,” Sebastian responded and I felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

  Now and forever. That was all I needed to hear.

  “Bernard, I want you to meet with the tactical team that should be on the North East side of central park and go talk with the Fae again. Ask them what they know about a Jane Hancock and then report back to Jonah.”

  “And to Mackenzie!” I chimed in.

  “To Jonah,” he said with narrowed eyes.

  “Whatever,” I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. I swore, if I was unable to run away from the Pack and their ancient laws, then I was going to start a freakin’ revolution.

  I pulled Amy to the side as Bernard started to leave and Sebastian was talking logistics with Jonah.

  “Are you okay with this?” I asked her. I was sure she could handle herself, but to be alone with Bash was even intimidating for me.

  “Yeah, Kenz, I’ll be fine,” she winked at me.

  “Wait. What does that mean?”

  She laughed. “Chill out, Kenzie. There’s no hidden message, literally, I’ll be fine. Sebastian wants in your pants not mine.”

  “Shhh!!” I put my hand over her mouth. “Wolf hearing!”

  “Yeah, yeah, as if it weren’t obvious to everyone. Well, good luck with psycho Fae and come back in one piece and with a decision about your two lovers,” she giggled and pulled me into a hug. Damn Amy. She had no filter.

  Once we parted ways, I walked side by side with Jonah down the street to the bus stop. It was awkward. We hadn’t really spoken since we left Cold Springs. So much drama happened in a short period of time, I felt silly stressing over it. We all just barely met, things shouldn’t be as high strung as they were.

  “So what bus are we taking?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  “I was thinking the 6 straight down Lexington. It’ll drop us off between 103rd and 104th. From there we’ll walk.”

  I tried to listen to his heart beat or watch his facial expressions, but nothing. He was closed off from any emotion and it frustrated me. I didn’t care if he was happy, mad, whatever, I just wanted to know. It was stupid of me but I needed to know how to approach him. Maybe I was being too paranoid.

  “Okay, cool…so—”

  “Amy’s right, you suck at beating around the bush. Just spit it out, Kenz,” he said with a smirk. Good sign.

  “I’m sorry. I just know things have been tense and maybe I’m over analyzing shit, but are we good?”

  He sighed. “Listen, Kenz. I won’t say that I’m okay with you and Bash together but I won’t stand in the way either.” No wonder they’re best friends.

  “There’s nothing between us!” I didn’t know why I jumped to say that. There was really nothing between any of us, but there was. Crap, this all just sucked.

  “Are you sure? I don’t share, Mackenzie.” Whoa.

  We reached the bus stop and waited with a few other people around us.

  “We kissed.” Slight modification to the truth. Didn’t matter, I was about to drop a bomb. “And he said the same thing. That he wasn’t willing to share me, which I’m not asking either!” This was turning into a disaster of an explanation. “What I’m trying to say Jonah, is that I like you both but I don’t feel comfortable having to choose and for that, I’d rather not have either of you. We just met and we don’t know each other very well. I’m a total blabber mouth with a short temper and for all I know you might end up hating me once you get to know me. I mean, I would suck as a Luna—I hate doing laundry, and I—”

  Jonah cut me off by grabbing the lapels of my coat and emptying the space between us. His lips smashed onto mine and everything I had just said, felt like a million miles away. What was I even talking about?

  My mouth parted and his tongue swept in, melting me at his feet. With my hands trapped between our chests, he held me with such force, I was sure he wouldn’t let me fall—ever. I needed his stability, I was barely able to stand on my own at the mere taste of the peppermint he had put in his mouth not too long ago.

  The cold air puffed out of me like smoke as he finally released me and I tried to catch my breath. Do these wolves not believe in restraint?

  “Uh…” I tried to get my words in order. “Maybe, I, uh, wasn’t very clear. I babble, so I probably didn’t make sense, but—”

  “I understood, Mackenzie,” Jonah said as his dimple peaked out. No fair. “But it doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you—even if it’s the last time—or a reminder of what you’d be missing.”

  “Oh.” Was all I could say as he let me go and I tripped over myself. One thing was obvious, grace was not my middle name.

  I cleared my throat and straightened up. Everyone at the bus stop snickered at me.

  “Touch your nose, assholes,” I growled and turned my back on them. What did they know about my supernatural woes?

  The bus ride was about forty minutes long and the walk to the bridge was another ten. Luckily he never brought up what happened and spent the whole time setting up a game plan. According to Jonah, I was to let him do all the talking and not get involved, much less make myself known to Lucian. I would have objected because let’s be honest, there’s not a silent bone in my body—but I was too busy replaying that damn kiss in my head so I just let him yap his gums.

  It was just six in the evening when we arrived at the entrance to the footpath that led to Ward’s Island. Lucian was already waiting for us, dressed in his uniform of all black slacks and a button up. But this time he had an open wool trench coat on—black of course—with a pair of classic Ray-Ban sunglasses.

  “Sun allergy?” I asked as we walked up to

  “Hm, why yes, pet. It’s quite the handicap,” he purred and I couldn’t hold back a laugh. This guy was unreal.

  Jonah nudged me and that was his way of telling me to make myself unseen. Yeah…that was going to be difficult.

  “So you can get us into the hospital?” Jonah went straight to business.

  The vampire snorted. “I wouldn’t have taken time out of my busy schedule to meet you all the way over here if I didn’t, Wolf. Please, give me some credit.”

  “Stop playing games Lucian, this is serious,” Jonah barked out.

  “So impatient,” I mumbled and he glared.

  “I agree with you there, pet. He is quite demanding,” Lucian said as he winked at me.

  “We have a lead and she’s in that mental institute. If you can’t be serious and help us not only find our kin but yours as well, then you’re wasting our time.”

  “Oh really? Do tell,” the vampire smirked and leaned against one of the pillars of the bridge. He crossed his arms over his chest as if he was trying to be casual, but it only looked robotic.

  Jonah took too long to respond so I jumped in. “Her name is Jane Hancock—I know, it isn’t original—but I think she’s Fae. Her son was kidnapped last week and we’re thinking it might be Branwell, the guy the Fae Queen said was missing. She called the police and told them everything—literally—so they locked her up in the psych ward. We need to find out what she knows.”

  Lucian tsked. “Well isn’t that a mouthful.” He sighed. “But if the woman is unhinged, what makes you think we can trust her?”

  “I didn’t say we needed to trust her, all we need to do is talk to her and see if her story adds up.”

  “Tomato, tomatoe, it’s the same thing.”

  “Lucian,” Jonah growled and I put a firm grip on his forearm to restrain him. “Just stop with the twenty one questions and get us into the hospital.”


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