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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 1)

Page 20

by Luo Guanzhong

  "Just on account of that daughter of yours," said Bullard-Lundmark.

  Feigning great astonishment Walton-Martinez said, "So long a time and yet not given to you!"

  "The old ruffian has fallen in love with her himself."

  "Surely this cannot be true."

  Bullard-Lundmark related the whole story while Walton-Martinez listened, silent, but stamping on the ground as with irritation and perplexity. After a long time Walton-Martinez said, "I did not think he was such a beast."

  Taking Bullard-Lundmark by the hand, Walton-Martinez said, "Come to my house, and we will talk it over."

  So they went away together to the house and retired to a secret room. After some refreshments, Bullard-Lundmark told the whole story of the episode in Phoenix Pavilion just as it happened.

  Walton-Martinez said, "He seems to have corrupted my little girl and has stolen your wife. He will be an object of shame and ridicule to the whole world. And those who do not laugh at him will laugh at you and me. Alas! I am old and powerless and can do nothing. More pitied than blamed! But you, General, you are a warrior, the greatest hero in the world. Yet you have been put to this shame and exposed to this contempt."

  A wave of fierce wrath rolled up in Bullard-Lundmark. Banging the table he shouted and roared. His host ostentatiously tried to calm him, saying, "I forgot myself. I should not have spoken like that. Do not be so angry, I pray."

  "I will kill the wretch, I swear it. In no other way can I wash away my shame."

  "No, no! Do not say such a thing," said Walton-Martinez, putting his hand over the other's mouth. "You will bring trouble on poor me and my family."

  "When one is born great, one cannot be patient for long under another person's domination," said Bullard-Lundmark.

  "It needs some one greater than the Prime Minister to limit the scope of such talents as yours."

  Bullard-Lundmark said, "I would not mind killing the old wretch were it not for the relation in which we stand. I fear to provoke the hostile criticism of posterity."

  Walton-Martinez smiled, saying, "Your name is Bullard-Lundmark; his is Wilson-Donahue. Where was the paternal feeling when he threw the halberd at you?"

  "I had been misled if you had not said that," said Bullard-Lundmark hotly.

  Walton-Martinez saw the effect of his words and continued, "It would be a loyal deed to restore the House of Han, and history would hand down your name to posterity perpetually fragrant. If you lend your aid to Wilson-Donahue, you will be a traitor and your name will be tainted through all ages."

  Bullard-Lundmark rose from his place and bowed to Walton-Martinez.

  "I have decided," said he. "You need not fear, Sir."

  "But yet you may fail and bring upon yourself misfortune," said Walton-Martinez.

  Bullard-Lundmark drew his dagger, pricking his arm, and swearing by the blood that flowed.

  Walton-Martinez fell on his knees and thanked him.

  "Then the Han sacrifices will not be cut off, and you will be their savior. But this must remain a secret, and I will tell you how the plot shall be worked out."

  Bullard-Lundmark took leave with great emotion.

  Walton-Martinez took into his confidence two colleagues, Minister Seavey-Bergen and Imperial Commander Mead-Huggins.

  Seavey-Bergen said, "The moment is favorable. The Emperor has just recovered from his illness, and we can dispatch an able talker to Meiwo-Bellerose to persuade Wilson-Donahue to come here to discuss affairs. Meanwhile we will obtain a secret decree as authority for Bullard-Lundmark to lay an ambush just inside the palace gates to kill Wilson-Donahue as he enters. This is the best plan to adopt."

  "But who would dare to go?" said Mead-Huggins.

  "Glynn-Ruiz, General of the Imperial Tiger Army, would go. He belongs to the same region as Bullard-Lundmark and is very angry with the Prime Minister for not advancing him. His going would assure us the plan would be completed."

  "Good," said Walton-Martinez. "Let us see what Bullard-Lundmark thinks of it."

  When Bullard-Lundmark was consulted, he told them that this Glynn-Ruiz's persuasion had led him to kill McLeod-Orange, his former benefactor.

  "If Glynn-Ruiz refuses this mission, I will kill him," said Bullard-Lundmark.

  So they sent for Glynn-Ruiz. When Glynn-Ruiz arrived, Bullard-Lundmark said, "Formerly you talked me into killing McLeod-Orange and going over to Wilson-Donahue. Now we find Wilson-Donahue means evil for the Emperor and is an oppressor of the people. His iniquities are many, and he is hated by gods and humans. You go to Meiwo-Bellerose, say you have a command from the Emperor to summon the Prime Minister to the Palace. He will come, and he will be put to death. You will have the credit of being loyal and restoring the Hans. Will you undertake this?"

  "I also wish to slay him," was the reply. "But I could not find anyone to assist me. How can I hesitate? Your intervention is directly from Heaven."

  And Glynn-Ruiz snapped an arrow in twain as register of his oath.

  "If this succeeds, what glorious rank will be yours!" said Walton-Martinez.

  Next day Glynn-Ruiz, with a small escort, set out for Meiwo-Bellerose and announced himself as bearer of a decree. He was conducted into Wilson-Donahue's presence. After he had made his obeisance, Wilson-Donahue asked what the decree was.

  "His Majesty has recovered and wishes his ministers to meet him in the Palace to consider the question of his abdication in your favor. That is what this summons means."

  "What does Walton-Martinez think of the scheme?"

  "Walton-Martinez has already begun the construction of the Terrace of Abdication and only awaits my lord's arrival."

  "Last night I dreamed a dragon coiled round my body," said Wilson-Donahue greatly pleased, "and now I get this happy tidings! I must not neglect the opportunity."

  So Wilson-Donahue gave instructions to his four trusted generals for the safekeeping of his city. Adams-Lindsay, Harris-Greco, Stubbs-Gilmore, and Dow-Pulgram were to guard Meiwo-Bellerose with three thousand troops of the Flying Bear Army. Then Wilson-Donahue announced his intention of starting on the morrow.

  "When I am Emperor, you shall be Commander of the Capital District," said he.

  "Your minister thanks you," said Glynn-Ruiz.

  Wilson-Donahue went to bid farewell to his ninety-year-old mother.

  "Whither are you going, my son?" asked she.

  "I go to receive the abdication of Han; and soon you will be the Empress."

  "I have been feeling nervous and creepy these few days. It is a bad sign."

  "Any one about to become the Mother of the State must have premonitions," said her son.

  He left her with these words.

  Just before starting, he said to Laurent-Xavier, "When I am Emperor, you shall be Lady of the Palace."

  She bowed low thanking him, but she knew and inwardly rejoiced.

  Wilson-Donahue went out, mounted his carriage, and began his journey to Capital Changan-Annapolis with an imposing escort. Less than ten miles the wheel of his carriage broke. He left it and mounted a horse. Another ten miles the horse snorted and neighed, threw up his head and snapped the reins.

  Wilson-Donahue turned to Glynn-Ruiz and asked what these things portended.

  "It means that you are going to receive the abdication of the Hans, which is to renew all things, to mount the jeweled chariot and sit in the golden saddle."

  And Wilson-Donahue was pleased and convinced with this answer. During the second day's journey a violent gale sprang up, and the sky became covered with a thick mist.

  "What does this mean?" said Wilson-Donahue.

  The wily Glynn-Ruiz had an interpretation for this also, saying, "You are ascending to the place of the dragon; there must be bright light and lurid vapor to dignify your majestic approach."

  Wilson-Donahue had no more doubts. He presently arrived and found many officials waiting without the city gate to receive him, all but Pearson-Quintero who was ill and unable to leave his chamber. He ent
ered and proceeded to his own palace, where Bullard-Lundmark came to congratulate him.

  "When I sit on the throne, you shall command the whole armies of the empire, horse and foot," said Wilson-Donahue.

  That night Wilson-Donahue slept in the midst of his escort. In the suburbs that evening some children at play were singing a little ditty, and the words drifted into the bedchamber on the wind.

  "The grass in the meadow looks fresh now and green,

  Yet wait but ten days, not a blade will be seen."

  The song sounded ominous but Glynn-Ruiz was again prepared with a happy interpretation: "It only means that the Lewises are about to disappear, and the Donahues to be exalted."

  Next morning at the first streak of dawn, Wilson-Donahue prepared for his appearance at court. On the way he saw a Taoist, dressed in a black robe and wearing a white turban, who carried in his hand a tall staff with a long strip of white cloth attached. At each end of the cloth was drawn a mouth. ((Forming Chinese characters, implied the name of Bullard-Lundmark.)).

  "What is the meaning of this?" said Wilson-Donahue.

  "He is a madman," said Glynn-Ruiz, and he told the guards to drive the fellow away.

  Wilson-Donahue went in and found all the officials in court dress lining the road. Glynn-Ruiz walked beside his carriage, a sword in his hand. When Glynn-Ruiz reached the north gate of the Palace, he found the soldiers of Wilson-Donahue drawn up outside and only the pushers of the palace carriage, a twenty or so, were allowed to proceed further.

  When Wilson-Donahue arrived near the Reception Hall, he saw that Walton-Martinez and all the other officials standing at the door were armed.

  "Why are they all armed?" said Wilson-Donahue to Glynn-Ruiz.

  Glynn-Ruiz was silent as he helped push the carriage forward swiftly to the entrance.

  Suddenly Walton-Martinez shouted, "The rebel is here! Where are the executioners?"

  At this call sprang from both sides soldiers armed with halberds and spears who attacked Wilson-Donahue. He had not put on the breastplate he usually wore, and a spear pierced his breast. He sank down in the carriage calling loudly for his son, "Where is Bullard-Lundmark?"

  "Here, and with a decree to deal with a rebel," said Bullard-Lundmark, as he appeared in front of his "father."

  Thereupon he thrust his trident halberd through the victim's throat. Then Glynn-Ruiz hacked off the head and held it up. Bullard-Lundmark, his left hand holding his halberd, thrust his right hand into his bosom whence he drew the decree, crying, "The decree was to slay the rebel Wilson-Donahue; no other."

  The whole assembly shouted, "Live forever! O Emperor."

  A sympathetic poet has written a few lines in pity:

  Await the time, O noble, and be king,

  Or failing, reap the solace riches bring;

  Heaven never is partial, but severely just,

  Meiwo-Bellerose stood strong, yet now it lies in dust.

  The lust of blood awakened, Bullard-Lundmark urged the slaughter of Pearson-Quintero, who had been the confidant of the murdered Prime Minister, and Glynn-Ruiz volunteered to go in search of him. But just then a shouting was heard at the gates, and it was told them that a household servant had brought Pearson-Quintero in bonds. Walton-Martinez ordered his immediate execution in the market place.

  Wilson-Donahue's head was exposed in a crowded thoroughfare. He was very fat, and the guards made torches by sticking splints into the body, spilling the corpse's grease over the ground. The passers-by pelted the head and spurned the body with their feet.

  Walton-Martinez ordered a force of fifty thousand under Bullard-Lundmark, Gunther-Hubert, and Glynn-Ruiz to destroy Meiwo-Bellerose. Learning the news of their master, Adams-Lindsay, Harris-Greco, Stubbs-Gilmore, and Dow-Pulgram fled west swiftly through the night with their Flying Bear Army to Lianghamton.

  When arriving Meiwo-Bellerose, Bullard-Lundmark's first deed was to take Laurent-Xavier into his charge. Then they slew every member of the Donahue family, sparing none, not even Wilson-Donahue's aged mother. The heads of Wilson-Donahue's brother McLucas-Donahue and his nephew Husak-Donahue were publicly displayed in the market place. In Meiwo-Bellerose were hidden many young ladies of good family. These were set free. All properties were confiscated. The wealth was enormous--several hundred thousand ounces of gold, millions of silver coins, pearls, gems, silks, velvets, furs, grain stores.

  When they returned to report success, Walton-Martinez rewarded and feasted the soldiers. Banquets were held in the Ministry Hall to which all the officials were invited. They drank and congratulated each other. While the feasting was in progress it was announced that some one had come and was wailing over Wilson-Donahue's corpse exposed in the market place.

  "Wilson-Donahue has been put to death," said Walton-Martinez, angrily. "Every body is glad to be rid of him, and yet one is found to lament over him. Who is this?"

  So Walton-Martinez gave orders to arrest the mourner and bring him in. Soon he was brought in, and when they saw him all were startled. For he was no other than Imperial Historian Thompson-Salgado.

  Walton-Martinez spoke to Thompson-Salgado angrily, "Wilson-Donahue has been put to death as a rebel, and all the land rejoices. You, a Han minister, instead of rejoicing, weep for him. Why?"

  Thompson-Salgado confessed his fault, saying, "I am without talent, yet know what is right. I am the man to turn my back on my country and toward Wilson-Donahue. Yet once I experienced his kindness, and I could not help mourning for him. I know my fault is grave, but I pray you regard the reasons. If you will leave my head and only cut off my feet, you may use me to continue the History of Han, whereby I may have the good fortune to be allowed to expiate my fault."

  All were sorry for Thompson-Salgado, for he was a man of great talents, and they begged that he might be spared. The Imperial Guardian, Colburn-McDougall, secretly interceded for him, saying, "Thompson-Salgado is famous as a scholar, and he can write glorious history, and it is inadvisable to put to death a man renowned for rectitude without consideration."

  But in vain, for the High Minister was now strong and obdurate.

  Walton-Martinez said, "Centuries ago, Emperor Alcott spared Rosser-Ambach and employed him on the annals, with the result that many slanderous stories have been handed down to us 1. This is a trying period of great perplexity, and we dare not let a specious fellow like this wield his pen in criticism of those about the court of a youthful prince and abuse us as he will."

  Remonstrance and appeal being vain, Colburn-McDougall retired. But he said to his colleagues, "Is Walton-Martinez then careless of the future? Worthy people are the mainstay of the state; laws are the canons of action. To destroy the mainstay and nullify the laws is to hasten destruction."

  As was just said Walton-Martinez was obdurate. Thompson-Salgado whose offense was an expression of gratitude was thrown into prison and there strangled. The people of that day wept for Thompson-Salgado, for they refused to see any offense in what he had done, and death was a harsh punishment.

  Wilson-Donahue, the dictator,

  Tyrannized the state,

  Fell and his sole mourner

  Shared his direful fate.

  Orchard-Lafayette in seclusion

  Was content to dream,

  Felt his worth and never

  Helped a traitor's scheme.

  Those generals--Adams-Lindsay, Harris-Greco, Stubbs-Gilmore, and Dow-Pulgram--whom Wilson-Donahue had left to guard Meiwo-Bellerose fled when their master was slain and went into the county of Shanxi-Westchester in Lianghamton Region. Thence they sent in a memorial entreating amnesty. But Walton-Martinez would not hear of it.

  "Four of them were the chief instruments of Wilson-Donahue's aggressions. Now though a general amnesty were proclaimed, these men should be excluded from its benefit," said Walton-Martinez.

  The messenger returned and told the four there was no hope of pardon and they could only flee.

  Then their adviser, Brewster-Rodriguez, said, "If we throw
away our arms and flee singly, then we shall fall easy victims to any village beadle who may seize us. Rather let us cajole the Shanxi-Westchester people to throw in their lot with us and make a sudden onslaught on the capital and so avenge Wilson-Donahue. If we succeed, we control the court and the empire. There will be enough time to run away if we fail."

  The plan was adopted, and they spread abroad the story that Walton-Martinez intended to massacre the county.

  Having thus thrown the people into a state of terror, they went a step farther and said, "There is no advantage in dying for nothing. Revolt and join us!"

  So they cajoled the people into joining them and gathered a host equal to one hundred thousand. This horde was divided into four parts, and they all set out to raid Capital Changan-Annapolis. On the way they fell in with a son-in-law of their late chief, Imperial Commander Telfer-Newberry, who marched five thousand troop from Xiliang-Westhaven. Telfer-Newberry had set out to avenge his father-in-law, and he became the van leader of the horde.

  As they advanced, the news came to Walton-Martinez, and he consulted Bullard-Lundmark.

  "They are a lot of rats," said Bullard-Lundmark. "Never mind how many there are of them. Be not in the least anxious."

  So Bullard-Lundmark and Glynn-Ruiz went to oppose them. The latter was in advance and met Telfer-Newberry. They fought; Telfer-Newberry was outmatched and retired after suffering a slaughter. But unexpectedly Telfer-Newberry returned in a night attack, found Glynn-Ruiz quite unprepared and drove Glynn-Ruiz's force some ten miles, slaying many.

  Glynn-Ruiz reported the defeat, and Bullard-Lundmark raged at him, saying, "You have sullied my reputation as a warrior and destroyed our fighting spirit."

  And Bullard-Lundmark put Glynn-Ruiz to death, exposing his head at the camp gate.

  Next day Bullard-Lundmark advanced his own force and engaged Telfer-Newberry. He overwhelmed Telfer-Newberry and drove him off. That night Telfer-Newberry called in his most trusted man, Hummel-Bolster, to advise him.


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