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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

Page 5

by Adriana Jones

  I would stay by her side through all of it. Life was unfair, but it would be even more unfair if those who you counted on left you when you needed it the most. She would always have my help.

  “Are you okay?”

  She settled back into her chair. I worried that she would meld into it one day. Doctors still wanted to give her pills to numb her and keep her hooked, but she tried to struggle through it, only taking it when necessary. Her courage was admirable.

  “I'm worried about you,” she said.

  That wasn't the first time I had heard that. “There's nothing to be worried about.”

  “You don't have to be worried about me. Do you think I've got anything better to do than to live vicariously through you? There might have been a Family Feud marathon on, but what you have to say is a lot more important than a couple of dimwits shouting at one another.”

  That actually sounded like Lucas and I.

  “It was some sort of matchmaking. It wasn't a job. It was to hook up with some guy.”

  She clapped, winced, and settled in again.

  “Easy, Mom.” She shouldn't get too excited. Not when she heard how it went. Her happiness over the whole affair annoyed me.

  “How fun. Who is this man? Someone famous?”

  “The son of a wealthy CEO.”

  “Oh my. Well, how did it go?” She frowned and added, “Not well, considering you're back here.”

  I wished she wouldn't get so emotional over this...

  “It didn't go so hot. So what? There were so many girls there. They were all so rich and gorgeous and he had to choose one of them to be his bride. He wasn’t going to pick me.”

  My mother sprang up again, fighting the pain.

  “What do you mean they were gorgeous? You're gorgeous! Don't be a fool, Tia. Why didn't you sweep this guy off his feet?” She reined herself in. “Was he a bad guy?” she asked.

  A bad guy? Well, no, he wasn't bad at all. He was quite sweet, in his own way. Sweet, but not pathetic, which was something I wasn't used to. It always seemed like one or the other.

  “No, he wasn't bad.”

  “What was wrong with him?”

  “Nothing was wrong with him.”

  She slapped her thighs, exasperated. “Then what was the problem? Why are you here?”

  “Easy, Mom.” How many times did I have to say that?


  “Look, I don't have to explain...but I will, since I know you won't let up. I'm not competing with a group of girls over this guy. It's not right.”

  “He didn't pick you first?”

  I chuckled. I looked out the window, but when that didn't quite have the effect of taking me away, I realized that in a way he did pick me first.

  But what did it matter?

  “I don't want to talk about it.”

  My mom smiled. “Something happened.”

  So we kissed. That didn't mean anything. He almost kissed that other girl as well. I thought I had done the right thing when I escaped his wicked game.

  Lost in thought, I didn't notice my mother coughing until it was too late. She attempted to stand, but in her coughing fit, she trembled too much to walk.

  On my feet in an instant, I helped support her. She coughed violently, her throat hoarse as she said, “Thank you.”

  “I'll get you your water.”

  I brought it to her and helped her sit. She looked pale and drained now.

  “Are you okay? Do you want to go to bed?”

  The bed, unfortunately, was up a flight of stairs. We had a chair to help her up.

  “Don't send me to bed.” She waved me away.

  “It sounds like you had a long day. I'm worried about you. How did your physical therapy go?”

  “It went fine. I walked around for twenty minutes. Then I sat my ass down for the rest of the day. That's how it always goes.”

  I shot her a knowing look. Who didn't want to talk now?

  “Did she say anything about your progress? Anything about how it's going?”

  Mom shrugged.

  “Fine, time for bed,” she said, her eyelids fluttering, ready to be taken by sleep. She held up a finger, stopping me in my tracks. “You need to stop worrying about me. You helped me enough. It's time for you to help yourself. I hurt, yes, I hurt every day, but I hurt more when I think about how much you struggle, Tia. I only want the best for you.”

  “I know, Ma.”

  Defiant, she walked without me to the motorized chair lift.

  “You should think about this guy. He sounds different, and I think different for you would be good. What are you going to do, go back to—”

  “No,” I said, interrupting her, knowing exactly who she was talking about. Jordan.

  He was my ex. Jordan held out hope that we would get back together, all while doing absolutely nothing to facilitate our reunion. That was Jordan. He did little, only played video games, never worked, and smoked weed. That was fine, if someone was motivated enough to send out applications and eventually get a job, except Jordan had no motivation.

  There was no spark between us. He still seemed right for me out of necessity. No one else, it seemed, wanted me.

  Until Lucas.

  “I'm not thinking about Jordan,” I snapped back.

  “Good, because you already broke up with him. I'm going upstairs to sleep, but I’ll do three Hail Marys before I do. I'll be praying for you.”

  My mom winked at me as she hit the button that would begin her slow ascent to the top of the stairs.

  I rolled my eyes. There was nothing to pray for.

  It was time to get into something more comfortable and relax. I took a long, cold shower, avoiding my sensitive, super responsive flesh as best as I could—Lucas could still touch me from miles away—and then slipped into a tank top and shorts. Once my mom was upstairs and settled, I put on some nature shows, squealing to the cute baby foxes that frolicked on screen.

  Lucas might be cute, but he was no match for baby foxes.

  It was a long night of cute nature shows. The next morning, I rolled out of bed as the sound of whales and dolphins woke me. What I thought would be a fun alarm now made me detest whales and dolphins. It was time to hit the grind. Getting dressed into a grey t-shirt and some shorts, able to do comfortable for this job, I waited for the bus to Adventure Zone.

  Hours dragged on in the front booth that morning, my only job ripping tickets and dealing with change. It was early, so there wasn't much adventure at Adventure Zone. With the baby foxes gone, my thoughts returned to Lucas.

  Maybe my mother had been right. Maybe I was too cynical. There was no harm in seeing how far this could go, right, just a little more? So far, he had been sincere. His kiss still played over my body. I shuddered and got a little moist whenever I thought about it.

  Four hours later, I clocked out and walked over to the Santa Barbara Zoo. In between jobs, I always loved visiting the animals, some of which had become, silly to say, like close friends to me. Regret would fester in me as I approached. This was where some of my classes were for college. I was forced to leave the zoology program to bring in money for my mom.

  I came to the huge enclosure which housed Kojo, a massive female gorilla. Her eyes seemed so human, so alive and understanding. Kojo could sign. I had begun to study sign language as well in my free time, but she surpassed me.

  As I sat on the bench and watched Kojo thump her massive chest and run circles in her pen, tension began to unwind. Constant distractions were the only thing that kept thoughts of Lucas at bay.

  “Tia,” a voice that I instantly recognized cut through the crowd’s chatter.

  Lucas, in a black suit and black dress pants, towered above me. He gave me a warm smile. There was hesitation there, and rightfully so. How did he find me? Had he been following me?

  “Hi. What are you doing here?”

  He sat next to me. Tourists on the far side of the enclosure were far enough where we wouldn't be bothered.

>   “Your mother told me where to find you.”

  I took an inch away from him. “You talked to my mother?”

  “Easy,” he warned me. “For a second. I only asked where you were. I didn’t mean to meet the family so quickly, but you never offered your phone number.”

  I found myself smiling. “You never asked.”

  “I didn't think you would give it to me.” His smile assaulted my defenses, tearing down my walls, my thighs tingling with excitement.

  “You're right.” My smile wavered and I directed my attention on Kojo, who was far less complicated.

  Lucas could be on the hunt, but I wouldn’t be easy prey.

  He leaned in closer. “Why so hostile?”

  I threw up my shoulders and relaxed. “Sorry, I'm not usually this bitchy.”

  “I can tell when I'm not welcome.” He reared back. I dropped my hand onto the space between us.

  “Wait, stay. Sorry, I'm a little defensive. I'm sure you picked that up about me already.”

  Lucas settled again. “This wasn't where I expected to find you.”

  “I like to come here. It reminds me of a simpler time in my life.” I walked up to the glass enclosure and he followed me. I rested a hand on the glass. Kojo walked up and put a hand up to it. The tourists oohed and awed as if I had power over Mother Nature, and for a moment, I believed it as well. That wasn’t the case, however. Kojo just trusted me. She had seen me a lot.

  “He seems to like you.”

  Kojo shifted to Lucas, snorted at him, and gave him the middle finger. I burst out laughing as Kojo howled and broke away.

  “She does that sometimes,” I told him. Lucas bowed his head graciously.

  “She? I thought it was a male.” He shouted after her, “You've got some bad manners, miss. Who taught you that?”

  I chuckled to myself. “She takes time to get used to someone.”

  He watched her, engrossed more than I expected.

  “She’s a lot like me in that sense. Why are you here, Lucas? Are you going to ask me back?”

  “No, I'm telling you that you need to come back, Tia.”


  “You don't need to play the wife game, but you still need to have dinner with me.”

  “Sure, I don't see why not in that case,” I said. Then I ducked my head a little and peered off. He hadn't asked. He had demanded.

  “When’s a good time? Don't worry, I can get time away from those bloodthirsty girls for a while.”

  “It’ll have to be late. I don't get out of work until eight, and then I'll need to catch a cab. So I'm thinking something like nine?”

  Oh shoot, that wouldn't leave much time to get dressed, but I couldn't force the guy to have dinner at ten at night.

  “That works for me. You don't have to worry about the cab. I'll have someone pick you up.”

  “Are you sure that's necessary?”

  “Yes, I'm sure. You don't need to worry about it. If you'd like, I will have a driver take you to wherever you'd like during the week. Would you like that?”

  The thought was tempting. No more long bus rides. No more waiting at the bus station, sometimes being cat called, sometimes just being looked at as an easy target. It made me uneasy sometimes. Other times, it was downright inconvenient.

  “That sounds nice, but I can't. Let's keep it to this one ride. If I like it, we'll see what happens.”

  “I have a feeling you're going to love this ride,” he said, his pale, golden eyes glimmering in a sea of fire. I squeezed my thighs tight.

  He most certainly wasn't talking about a pleasant ride from his driver...he was talking about driving right into me. Dirty thoughts entered my mind, me bucking on his lap, my hands resting on that solid chest, holding on for dear life as he confidently powered into my tight, willing...

  Whoa, snap out of it, girl. “Thanks, Lucas,” I said. I checked my cell and noticed the time. “I've got to get to my next job and you probably have to get to your...thing.”

  “I suppose I do. We have tea and biscuits ready. I don't even like tea and biscuits, but I guess I've got to sit and listen anyway and pretend that I'm enjoying myself.”

  It was best if he didn't remind me of it. “See you later, Lucas.” I turned and retreated.

  Only a dinner, I told myself. I could do that.

  Chapter 6


  My afternoon was a bore. I attempted to feign interest in other girls, but my thoughts were solely on Tia and our plans for the evening. I had personally met with the chefs and instructed them to put their heart and soul into the meal. Hopefully, the menu had been refined to something that would please Tia.

  Around seven, Brent suggested that we go on a private yacht that was chartered for my father’s plans. The girls were all giddy and excited to hit the open seas. We wouldn't be going far. We would hover around the coast.

  As night fell, and everyone got rowdier and drunk, we headed toward shore.

  I wished that Brent had enjoyed himself more. It might not be a cruise of hot studs pining for his attention, but he could at least relax a little. If I tried to rent him a boat like that, he’d just get pissed at me.

  “I’m working now, Lucas,” he said, stalking from the shadows of the ship.

  “You’re working, really? Watching a bunch of girls getting sloppy? What are you, their chaperone this evening?”

  He put a finger to his lips and masked himself in the corner, hiding out like he didn’t exist, but he was my father’s eyes and ears. I knew that. He served him loyally.

  Once we came to the docks, he bade me farewell, and warned me, “Behave yourself.”

  “Yes, Second Daddy. But I’m not responsible for a gaggle of drunk women on a boat, let me remind you…”

  A gaggle of women? Was that the right term? This was like a murder of women, like what they called a bunch of crows.

  Brent huffed and left.

  I put down my beer. It was heavy, something with high alcohol. The buzz had taken away some jitters I was having over this dinner.

  Dinner jitters….how strange. Those had never occurred before. I might be buzzed, but I couldn’t let myself get sloppy around Tia.

  I leaned close to the edge of the boat, watching the shore. Fearing that she might not show up, my elation soared when I saw her.

  I held my hand out for Tia to take, and she did so graciously. Once I brought her on board, I knew it would be necessary to let go, even though I didn’t want to.

  “I’m glad you could join me.”

  She put a hand on her hip and cocked her head, peering behind me. “Don’t you mean us?”

  All of the girls were in a circle, near the DJ, the bar, and the wine coolers, and they were all gawking at us.

  “I feel like I’m the prom queen.” Was that a problem? Didn’t every girl want to be prom queen?

  I leaned in close and took her hand. “Come with me.” Then I whispered close to her, and I swear I could hear a moan escape her lips when I got close. “Don’t worry, they’re just jealous.”

  We went to the top deck that had an intimate, open dining area for two. She was stunning, and I was at a loss for words.

  “Anything you want, ask for it.”

  She eyed me cautiously. “I’m not used to hearing that.”

  “If you stick around, you’ll hear it more often than you’d like.”

  Tia put a finger to her lips and hummed. Did she not believe me?

  Servers approached with water and wine. She asked for something sweet, and thank God, we had a sweet Riesling stocked.

  As they handed her a small menu, my eyes lingered over her dress, once again, fitting that curvy body like a glove. Her breasts were propped up, those glorious mounds at table level for me to watch all night.

  Would it be inappropriate for me to stick my cock between her breasts and fuck her until I popped?

  Maybe? Maybe a little?


  We talked little. We were too consum
ed in our courses. Tension began to unwind as night slowly draped over us. Once we were on the main course, the chef’s trademark ahi tuna, our alcove’s strung-up lights turned on, and the lights from the coast glowed on Tia. She groaned and smiled as she ate. Her moaning got my primal thoughts churning.

  Having her lips purr like that left my cock buzzing.

  Dessert was flaming crème brulee. We dug into it. Halfway through, Tia licked her lips, shook her head, and looked down.

  “This is so weird.”

  “What’s weird?”

  “I don’t do this.”

  “You don’t eat fancy French desserts on yachts often? Color me surprised.”

  “Yes,” she said, shaking it off again. She slid her seat in closer. What was she fidgeting about?

  “Are you saying that you usually don’t have a good time on first dates?”

  “First dates?” she asked, an eyebrow cocked. “I didn’t realize this was a date.”

  “Of course it is. And you’re worried that you’re enjoying yourself too much. Isn’t that it?”

  She rustled tresses of hair that swayed close to her amber eyes. She looked back at me. Tia looked shy all of a sudden. She always seemed to be confident, on guard. Perhaps I was getting to her. Good.

  “I don’t want you to get any ideas,” she said meekly.

  “Too late. My imagination is running wild with ideas of what I’d like to do with you.”

  “Do you hold anything back?” She fanned herself and slid the chair away again.

  She stood up and walked to the railing. The coastline lit up. Waves rocked us gently. I stood next to her as she gripped the railing tighter.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered, like she was in awe, and I suppose she was. My interest wasn’t in the scenery.

  “You’re beyond beautiful.”

  I was thinking about coming on your tits the whole night, dear. God, I’m glad my stupid mouth hadn’t said that out loud.

  “Thanks,” she said. “And you are beyond blunt. You’re making me worried, Lucas.”

  “What am I doing now? What did I do?” What was the harm in telling a beautiful girl that she was beautiful? I didn’t understand.

  Women never said what they meant, then they wondered why men were so fucking confused.


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