Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)
Page 9
Dressed for a different date that never worked out, I wore a fancy navy dress that accentuated my curvy shape. Ironically, I stood Brandon up. I apologized to him over text and told him that I needed to stay inside tonight. As soon as I got home and settled, I would need to distance myself from him. Lucas was back...which meant Lucas and I would need to figure out a way to move forward.
I looked at the towering arches, the Italian architecture curling around to the beach-side sunset, and it didn’t look like anything I would ever be a part of, let alone share.
The driver opened my door, and I took a step out. It was a balmy night, the stuffy, hot air finally moving on. I gripped the sides of my navy blue dress nervously. My favorite dress fit my shape wonderfully. Glamorous yet sexy, it had a cut out back that I adored.
“Please, if you would let me introduce you,” the driver started.
“I’m fine. Thank you so much.”
He bowed slightly to me. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to introduce you to Mr. Moore?”
Was everyone around here helpless? “That won’t be necessary. Thank you,” I said as I strutted in my high heels to his grandiose abode.
Once I entered, I knew right away the girls were up to something. In their finest with their hair and makeup on point, they congregated in the foyer. Only six were attendance. Either the rest were scattered about the mansion or Lucas let some go. Even with few left, the sight of them knotted my stomach. Couldn’t I be left alone with Lucas? Lucas was complicated enough.
Cara, arms outstretched, rushed to me. She gave me a great big hug that lifted my spirits. At least someone had my back.
“You’re back,” she screamed. “I thought we lost you.” She squeezed me in a much tighter embrace than I expected.
While she suffocated me, I noticed the others glowering behind her. Jayne, in particular, had the sharpest daggers.
I thanked Cara and tried to walk ahead. It had gone eerily quiet as I approached the group, not moving out of my way.
“Excuse me.”
Squeezing my way through, I almost made it past them all, but Anna was dead last and giving me some major evil eye.
I did it. I made it through. Or so I thought…
“Don’t trip, sugar,” Anna said to me with my back turned.
I tried to take a few more steps. I hoped that her comment would glance off me. I couldn’t let it go. I turned around. I’d been pushed too far by these bratty women.
“Excuse me? What did you say to me?”
The other girls around us became a blur. My rage took over. Somehow, I didn’t go right for her hair and drop her to the floor. My face twisted into a snarl—my nostrils flaring, my teeth shining like an angry pit bull ready to sink my teeth in.
Which should’ve been enough for her to back off. Nope. Anna must’ve been threatened by the others watching, otherwise I don’t think she would’ve done what she did next.
“I said watch your step,” Anna said, and then she sprung, shoving me back. My ankles twisted on each other and I tripped, my legs flailing, my dress flying.
My back hit with a chaotic slap that rocked my senses. Pain wasn’t my greatest concern. Some things you simply didn’t do. That was one of them.
I’d never fought in my life, but now I hopped back on my heels for battle.
We lunged. Like girl fights were apt to become, we became a cliché much too quickly as our claws reached for the first thing they could grab. Hair. The fight became a tug of war...whose hair would rip first? But I realized at once that I held all the power in this fight. Thrashing, pain radiating from my roots, my skull throbbing, I still overpowered her. Anna hadn’t been the one doing all the work on the farm.
Should’ve done it yourself, honey, rather than let the farm boys do it.
I screamed, grabbed a twisted rope of hair, and flung her back. She jerked but didn’t tumble. Her elbow flung up in defense and struck me between my eyes, immediately burning with tears. Taking a few steps back, hearing her cry out, I tipped and then used all of my forward momentum to fling her away.
Anna tumbled and struck the end table behind her. She knocked over a metal piece of modern art, twisted shapes that hardly resembled anything but was lovely to see her head bounce off.
Standing with my claws at the ready, I watched her scramble from the ground.
Blood flowed from her forehead.
I realized a moment later as the rest of the girls interfered that Anna’s forehead struck the metal art piece and that’s what caused the wound. Anna jumped and hollered for me to come back, but I said nothing, just watching her in a daze, like watching a movie that I had no part of while Cara and Nicole pushed me back.
“Does she want to keep fighting? If she wants to keep going, I’ll keep going. I didn’t mean to cut her, but if she wants to keep going—”
“Calm down,” Cara said, thankfully getting in my face. “No one is fighting. It’s over.”
They pressed me into the side hallway, the one that I saw the busty blond try to kiss Lucas in.
Nicole and Cara held me steady as my fists clenched so tightly my nails could’ve popped off. I released some tension and found myself surprised at how much I shook.
My legs pleaded for a chair or else I would plummet to the floor. Nicole, who I didn’t expect to be helping me but I was glad to see, got in my face with her sharp features and her dark, manicured eyebrows— Mmm, that girl had eyebrow game, a good distraction. She told me to stop. They would take me to Lucas.
No, anything but that.
I tensed again, searching for my way out. They looked to one another like they had no idea what to do. Nicole shrugged at Cara. Cara sighed in response.
Frantic voices trailed away. Good. They’d gotten Anna far away from me. She better not come close again. I continued to shake.
“I can’t see him. Don’t make me see him.”
A mess, I patted my hair down where Anna had clung on. It wasn’t going to do the trick. My plan at that juncture was to head out the door and return home.
How clearer could it be that I wasn’t supposed to be here? Within a minute of my return, I’d gotten into a fight. The first fight of my life.
“We need to see Lucas. Now. We need to tell him what happened.”
“Come on,” they said. They both took a hand and urged me onward. I followed them to the far corner of the west wing, where we stopped near a glass door. Inside, there was a rack of dumbbells and some black mats.
I figured he would be bare chested with some fit shorts outlining his massive, swinging cock. So hot. And I would be waiting for running, a serious case of raccoon eyes, my hair a mess, just after assaulting someone.
Cara put a hand on the glass. I yanked it away.
“No, wait.”
“Lucas has to know what happened.”
Nicole laughed. “I’m sure he wants to see you too.”
Tears sprang from my eyes. Who turned on the faucet? I poured into my hands and shuddered and collapsed on the wall. The girls each took a side of me to support.
“I’m not meant for this. I don’t belong here.” My breathing turned shallow and quick. If I was lucky, I wouldn’t hyperventilate for the first time in my life.
Nicole snapped her finger. I smirked a little despite my distress. She could snap?
“Quit it. You’re beautiful. And that man in there wants you. I’m sure of it. If that means I’m giving up, screw it. I don’t care. He’s crazy about you. You’re crazy about him. Now go fuck and make beautiful babies.”
I sniffled. Still, I shook my head. I had good reasons. Or so I thought.
“I don’t want to see him.”
A new voice emerged behind us. “Too late.”
Lucas overshadowed us. A towel draped over his shoulder, wearing gray shorts that clung to his muscular thighs, his hair a tousled, sweaty mess, he got my heart thundering against my chest at once.
Upon noticing my dis
tress, he pushed past the two girls and slid a hand against my back. I slipped out of it and thrust my hand up to block his advance.
“What happened? Tell me.”
Nicole and Cara remained by my side. Lucas looked over his shoulder. “You girls can go. Thanks for bringing her to me.”
They left slowly while watching our interaction the entire time. Lucas brushed stray strands of hair back in place. His freshly calloused fingers ran across my soft cheeks, down to the tip of my jaw.
“Tell me what happened. I can’t help if I don’t know.”
I stiffened. “I got into a fight with Anna. She shoved me. I got up. Then we fought.”
“She shoved you. She touched you?”
His neck muscles clenched like an angry bull’s. I looked downward, a smirk rising once I noticed his abs pumping in protest. The angrier he got, the more he wanted to protect me, and the sexier he became.
I could really string him along if I wanted to—Lucas fawning over me because I’d been crying was a guilty thought, but one I couldn’t ignore—except I was really in a bad way.
“Are you okay?” His fingers dug into my dress.
“I’m fine,” I said as I took a deep inhale. I reclined back on my heels.
Lucas’s signature scent entered my lungs. I expected to smell sweat. What I got was a staggering mix of beach, pine, and musk.
“You said she pushed you. Why would she push you?”
I shied away. “She’s jealous. They see I’m spending more time with you. It has them at my back.”
He snagged his chin then paced before me, his huge cock swinging in his workout shorts. I kind of got a jealous nudge when he did that, like if he wore that in public I would have to throw a towel over him.
“I didn’t realize it was so bad. I apologize, Tia.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It kind of is,” he said, running his hands through his slicked, messy hair, all the strands falling in pace in one pussy pounding wave.
Ugh, why did this guy have to be so hot? I’d just gotten into a fight and I was already over it, more into ogling him. It wasn’t right that my world revolved around him.
“Stay here. I’ll take care of it,” he said, starting to leave. He noticed me standing there and decided to lead me to his exercise room. The setting sun cast a reddish glow through the arched windows. I looked around at the size of it all...treadmills, benches, and even a realistic looking punching dummy.
When I looked back, he was gone.
Not leaving me alone for long, when he returned, he placed a giant, solid hand on me.
Take me, help me forget. Make me realize that the only thing that matters is us. The rest of this is background noise.
“She’s gone. You’ll never see her again.”
“Good,” I stated. I stood to face him. “I’m sorry I got into a fight. Believe it or not that’s the first time in my life.”
“Could’ve fooled me. You know she’s got to get stitches?”
I pouted, but he took my curvy waist and pressed himself against me, not quite as calming as he hoped. His heat warmed me, distracting me from all other thoughts except Lucas.
“You defended yourself. I’m glad you did.” He tilted my chin toward his juicy, vicious lips, ready to claim me.
I almost forgot about Kojo.
“You didn’t have to put my name on Kojo’s new cage.”
“Kojo likes you. She tells me to fuck off all the time. I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.”
“You’ve got to spend time with her.”
“I bought her a new home. Please tell me she isn’t going to hate me still?”
“She likes you.” I swayed on one foot. I peered off and grinned. “She’s just looking out for me. Making sure I don’t fall for the wrong guy.”
“And if she doesn’t like me, she’ll tear me limb from limb?” Lucas pulled away. “You’re a tough catch, you know that? You’ve got a gorilla bodyguard trying to cock block me.”
“And you’ve got an army of women.” The room slid away from me again. I looked down at my heels with vertigo incoming. “I don’t want to compete for you,” I told him, hanging my head lower.
“You’re not competing. They’re mad because you’ve already won. Now I’ve been waiting around forever. Will you fuck me already and stop bawling your eyes out?”
Lucas started to draw in to my lips. I parted them then felt foolish when he flinched and pulled away. He picked up his t-shirt and slipped it over his sleek chest. Lucas in a black, tight fitting t-shirt was refreshing. At first. Then I needed to pound down some water because it was too fuckin’ hot. Plain t-shirts didn’t seem like they were on the menu, but even in loungewear, Lucas got my pussy wanting.
Lucas wouldn’t look at me. He picked up dumbbells from the floor and placed them back on the rack. I watched in awe as he placed such heavy weights with ease. He held a lot of power in his condensed frame—all of his muscles honed for purpose through hard work and discipline.
He stopped and shot me a glare. “Have you been dating anyone else?”
“I didn’t know we were dating,” I said.
He continued to glare. “I clearly remember stating that was our first date.”
“Which one? You seem to go on a lot.”
He shook it off. “That’s business. What we did, was anything but business. It was personal. Let me ask you again since it seems like you’re deflecting. Have you been on a date with anyone else?”
Now it was my turn to glare. He looked at me harshly like he intended to punish me. Was this the same man moments ago who had tried to protect me?
“How do you know that?”
“So, it’s true. I knew it.” He leaned a heavy arm against the side of his head, stretching his long torso as he flicked a dismissive glare my way.
“Knew what?” It then occurred to me what must’ve been happening. “You’ve been following me, haven’t you?”
He crossed his arms again. “Maybe. I have lots of people working for me. Most of them are mismanaged terribly by my father and do nothing all day, so I put them to work.”
I expected Lucas to apologize. I’m not sure why.
Instead, he pounced on me, sliding his hands against my waist again. Trained well, my chin immediately swept up to meet his, lining our lips together like we practiced earlier.
“I had to know more about you. You wouldn’t let me. So I took it into my own hands. A real man takes matters into his own hands, and I’ll never apologize for that.” He paused. He crooked an eyebrow at me and sharpened his gaze, like an eagle sizing up a scampering mouse.
“He’s nothing. He’s not right for you. Why would you meet up with your ex? It hasn’t worked out before and it never will.”
“You're right,” I admitted. “Why do you think I’m here?”
He gave me a crooked smile. “No need to get testy. Keep pushing me and you’ll be crying for a different reason.”
“Are you threatening to make me cry?”
“You’ll cry for every day you could’ve had me, but you chose some loser instead.”
“Arrogant, much?” I took a step back, but his hold was tight and wouldn’t let me go.
“I’m certain you’ll never see him again. There is a mandatory two year grieving period when you break up with me.”
He needed to get off my waist. I uncurled his fingers, one by one, until he got the hint. “I’m not seeing him again. I might give up on men for a time. They’ve made things a lot more complicated.”
“Are you going to women? Can I watch?”
“Be serious, Lucas.”
“I’m being serious. You’re joking. You think you can pass on me? This is not something you can pass on.”
Dumbfounded, I stared at him.
“I’m your ticket to a happy life.”
I ran my tongue against my lip. “You sure talk a sweet game. Can you back it up?”
Like I thought he would, he too
k my challenge and ran with it. I made a mistake.
“Get yourself ready.”
“For what?”
He withdrew, then tilted his jacked bicep toward the door. “To go to the club.”
“With the other girls?”
“Yes, with the other girls.”
“What if I don’t want to do that?” Don’t make me mingle with them again. Was that really the best idea?
“Too bad.” He stood defiant, an unbreakable wall. “You’re going to play the game, because the prize is worth it.”
“The prize being?”
“The prize being me, inside of you, blowing your mind with every thrust,” he said as he brought his lips so close I thought he would take me.
“Get ready, because if I’m going to fuck you again, I’m not going to hold back.”
He held back before? I breathed Lucas in one more time before he left, striding out of the room to get ready for our first date off his grounds.
Chapter 10
I used the club many times to fuel my sexual addictions. The girls already hit the dance floor while Tia and I watched on a private couch from the second level which overlooked it.
I wouldn’t mind grasping and rubbing against Tia in that sexy full length dress that just hugged her beautiful ass, but hey, I didn’t want to push my luck. In any case, I fully expected to be deep in that pussy soon enough.
Dancing wouldn't cut it. I needed better. Tia and I were already at a level where foreplay, dancing all night, wouldn’t satisfy me, unless I got to slide her dress over her panties and fuck her right there on the dance floor.
It was best not to give me any ideas...
Pounding bass drove from my gut to my cock. In two second intervals, my cock flagged me, like a lightning rod to the bass and Tia’s eyes, shimmering in the flashing lights like a prowling alley cat. Fuck. It could not come soon enough. She looked vulnerable. A little scared and timid.
So then why did I want to break her?
My eyes kept dipping to her gracious cleavage. My mouth watered.
“Shouldn’t you be having fun with your wives? Checking that they’re not dancing with another rich guy?” she asked.