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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

Page 20

by Adriana Jones

  It was the most sexually stimulating thing I’d done in a long time. It scared me that my body would betray me like that. I needed to remain clearheaded if I was going to get out of this alive, yet there I was, getting off while riding with an outlaw.

  Traffic blocked the way ahead. There was enough to worry me. Red wasn’t stopping. I let out a squeal as we weaved through the space between the cars. When we were in the clear, I screamed at him, “Did you have to do that?”

  I thought I could trust him for a minute there. He proved to me again why he was dangerous.

  Throwing his head back into the wind, he laughed like a maniac. If he wasn’t wearing his colors, I would’ve liked to go off on him. I shut my mouth. Soon enough, we would see who was laughing.

  He slowed but we were still going too fast for my tastes as we came to the Long Road’s parking lot. Red didn’t take the normal path, going off-roading with the bike, not for long, but enough to have me yelping as we drove onto gravel. He kicked up a cloud of dirt, making me pin my cheek against him. I wondered if that was his sly attempt at getting us closer.

  Engine cutting off, the vibrations left. So did all my strength. Once the phantom aftershocks left, I ached between my thighs.

  Damnit, not the time, lady parts. Calm yourself. I’m on a very important mission here.

  Funny, riding on the back with Red seemed more like the beginning of an awesome date than an infiltration of one of the toughest gangs in America.

  “Here we are,” he said. He hopped off the bike first, then helped me off.

  “You enjoy it? Hell, I don’t know how you couldn’t.”

  “Hard not to enjoy it,” I said. I stretched out from the stiff ride. My eyes roamed over his patches. There was a one percenter patch like most of them had. Then there was one that said “Armorer.” Red wasn’t just any ordinary member. He kept stock of the club’s weapons. If I could see that weapon depot, it’d be an easy place to dig up evidence.

  What I really wanted was the darker stuff, put them away for violent crimes, because after all, they were violent criminals. But if I couldn’t get anything that messy, I would get them any way I could.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Ash,” I said. “Shit,” I said right after.

  I wasn’t supposed to give him my real name. I was supposed to give him my fake one, Faith. I had my employee label in my pocket that clearly stated I was “Faith.”

  “Ash Shit? That’s an interesting last name.”

  I sighed. “Some people call me Faith. I started using that name because of my boyfriend. Didn’t want him to find me.”

  Whoo, there we go. Covered my tracks, I hoped. I didn’t think they would get far rummaging through my real record anyway. Ash was just as nonexistent as Faith. I kept a low profile in my real life too.

  “’re not a stripper, are ya?”

  “Stripper?” I asked, venom clearly in my tone. Maybe I was right about this guy. I just needed to wait long enough for his dark side to come out.

  “Sorry, forget that. It was a compliment. You’ve got a killer figure. With a nickname like ‘Faith,’ you’d have to be dumb not to think it around here.”

  “Funny compliment. Nope, not a stripper. Is that what you see?”

  “Fuck, no, calm down. Anybody could be a stripper if they’ve got a nice body. How do I know what you do? I just met you. I’d like to know you better, but you’re opposed to that idea.”

  Red took a step closer. In slow motion, I watched his hands reach from his waist to take mine. Sirens wailing, I took a step back. Did he think it would be that easy?

  “That stunt I pulled back there could cost me.”

  “Why is that my problem?”

  He leaned back and scratched his chin. He chuckled with fire returning to his eyes.

  “Because if I didn’t save your ass, you just might be Lee’s pickings right now. Do you know who we are? Did you see our colors? We’re The Blessed Bastards.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I saw.”

  “The Blessed Bastards take whatever they want. If Lee wanted you bad enough, he’d take you. What I did back there was unusual. It was kind of...breaking the could say. I think it helped that King likes you, but still, if Lee finds out I’m full of shit, there could be consequences.”

  After being in the hands of a controlling, abusive husband, his speech sounded like a huge warning sign. Now I was his property, because he saved me? How was that any better? For all I knew, he was a hundred times worse than Lee.

  Flinging my hands at him, I actually made him back off. “So what? You saved me, and now you want to what, kidnap me? How is that really saving me if you’re not going to give me a choice?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying at all. All I’m saying is I don’t know if you understood the full extent of trouble you were in, and I don’t know if you understood the kind of stunt I pulled to get you back here safely. I just want you to understand. Jesus. You’re exhausting.”

  He wiped his hand through his hair with a grunt. I could tell I was getting on his nerves. Damn, I couldn’t blow this. I needed to turn this around.

  “I understand. Thanks for your help,” I said meekly.

  “Yeah, no problem,” he said as he hopped onto his bike. I kind of wished I could go for another ride, but he seemed exhausted.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around? It was fun riding with you.”

  “Next time you see me, you tell me who gave you those bruises, and maybe we can go for another ride. Until then, take care of yourself, Ash.”

  “Thanks, Red,” I said. I stood back to avoid the dust that would surely kick up. He peeled out and headed back to catch up with the others. I got on my toes and waved.

  When I turned around, my boss, Francis, an older, super active Italian man, hung over the walkway. He glared at me.

  “What are you doing? You’re late.” He tilted his ear toward the bike gunning down the road. “Are you okay, Ash?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, sounding cheery, despite there being a lump in my throat and a tightening in my stomach once I realized I was at work. I watched the speck of black disappear into the desert, my last chance to get away from this. It really put into perspective how different our worlds were once I needed to go back inside and get to work.

  “I’m coming in. Sorry I’m late.”

  “No problem. You sure everything is fine?”

  “Fine. Only car troubles,” I said, walking in through the door he held open and tying an apron around my waist. Time to get my head into the zone. Maybe getting Red and the others off my mind would be good for me. Being on my feet and lost in the waitressing work could stop me from dwelling on anything for too long.

  Francis kept glaring at me. He knew something was up.

  “My car broke down. The Blessed Bastards were kind enough to give me a ride back.”

  “Those boys are quite the gentlemen. I’d give them something, a free meal, but they refuse every time I try.” Francis shrugged.

  I gave him a fake smile, no doubt revealing my nervousness, then headed to the kitchen.

  Things were more complicated than someone giving you a good tip or a ride back to work and they were the good guys.

  No, these men were dangerous.

  If I didn’t understand that, this mission was doomed.

  IBWTO (Chapter 2)

  No time for rest, I was already up and working at six thirty the next day. I had half an hour to go, then the rush would come in, all the regulars who waited for the diner to open at seven would stream in like a horde of zombies. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, Francis brought in a hefty amount of business. He treated every customer like royalty, making sure that he got repeat visits.

  My shift was going fine. I didn’t even have time to think about the Blessed Bastards, until I heard the roar of engines and saw everyone peer out their windows, then glance back like they hadn’t, not wanting to draw attention to themselves. Beefy Ba
stards with wild beards entered and the diner went silent. When the first in line, a wide, lumbering man the same age as King, gazed upon them, the chatter started again.

  King walked in next. Then more Bastards. A lot more than I was used to. Usually they needed only one booth, but they were able to fill four of them today. Distancing myself, I folded napkins at the waitressing station, allowing Kim to get their order. Peeking over, she smiled pleasantly my way.

  Her apron flapped as she hurried back. “They want to talk to you.”

  “Weird,” I said with a shrug. I didn’t want her to think I was pulling tips away. If Kim knew I was also being paid by the FBI while working, she would rightfully be furious. Before I left, I should really give her a going-away present. Right before I went into witness protection, I would do one last nice thing for somebody.

  As I approached, I noticed Red sitting at the same booth as King. Interesting timing. It was King, that other barrel-chested fellow, and a younger twenty-year-old. Behind Red was Lee. Their backs were together on the flimsy leather seat, giving me the impression that they were trying to make it as uncomfortable as possible for one another. Red remained staring at his menu. Lee flashed me a sickening grin.

  This was bad.

  But what did I expect? Infiltrating The Blessed Bastards wouldn’t be easy.

  At least acting the part of the scared, helpless female was an easy role to fall into around them. As I drew closer to the group, Red caught my attention. My body thrummed, excitement coursing through me, remembering how it was on that bike. I had this dire need to wrap my arms around him to ride it out.

  King gave me a polite nod, waking me from my Red-induced stupor.

  “How you doin’, sweetheart? You feeling better today?”

  My order sheet wavered. I swiped out my pen and stabbed it, showing them that this would be all business, not personal.

  “Much better. What can I get you boys?”

  All eyes were on me. Not one eye on a menu. No one even touching a menu. Except for Red. He kept his head down.

  It seemed that our meeting at the side of the road was now common knowledge. Why? I could only assume it was because Red stood up for me, driving a wedge between him and another Bastard. Lee and the others in his booth clocked me hard.

  “Coffee all around. Black for me,” King said.

  No one else said a word.

  I prepared myself for something. What, I had no clue, but I prepared myself. It was too quiet.

  Then it happened. Lee gave me a slap on my behind. I flinched and looked horrified, because I knew that everyone heard it. The echo of his slap on my rear cracked through the whole diner.

  “Extra sugar for me, babe,” he added, “and I wouldn’t mind you on the back of my ride after.”

  “Fucking Lee,” Red grunted with a clang, throwing himself from his seat. I understood how he got his nickname now. His face was a bright, furious red. His brothers, once smiling at the comedy of it all, jumped into action.

  He blocked me back with one hand, his other balled into a fist, ready to pummel Lee.

  “Tell me you didn’t just do that,” he seethed.

  Lee swung out from his booth. He spread his arms wide, inviting Red to throw a punch. It happened so quickly that the others didn’t know how to respond or else they were fine with them settling their differences with a brawl. I wasn’t sure.

  “She’s not your old lady, Red. What’s your fucking problem, man?”

  “You stay away from her. You don’t own her.”

  Did no one care what I thought?

  I wanted to pipe in and tell them that no one owned me. I was my own woman. Once, my asshole husband claimed to own me. That didn’t end well. After fighting for my freedom, it wouldn’t be taken from me so easily again.

  Another body entered the fray: King, shoving his way between. Angry Santa put his gorilla palms up to stop them dead. Lee’s arms dropped. Red’s fists unclenched.

  “You fucking idiots. We don’t do this here. Stop with this bullshit, especially before I get my coffee in the morning. Both of you sit down and shut up.” His finger wagged in anger and then pointed to the booths.

  Giving them his back, King dropped back down. He clasped his massive palms together and smiled up at me. “Go on, get the coffee,” he whispered.

  He turned to his compatriots. “And if someone makes my coffee late again, I’ll have their fucking head.”

  Looking around the diner, I noticed everyone stopped eating, staring at the bikers like deer in headlights. I took a step back to distance myself from all of the drama. When King glanced their way, they all resumed eating, doing a poor job at faking interest.

  Lee muttered and cursed under his breath. Red stared straight ahead with a thousand-yard stare. He looked like he was about to snap at any moment. At least his face started to return back to the usual shade.

  “I’ll get your coffee,” I said, and scurried off, trying to escape. I didn’t want to add any fuel to the fire.

  As I grabbed the pot, Kim slipped beside me. “What was that all about?”

  I shrugged again.

  “That one looked like he was ready to fight for you. You guys seeing each other?”

  Jeez, what a busybody. No, we weren’t seeing each other. Before this happened, I was sure I turned him off for good. It seemed like he wasn’t happy how the ride went the day before, but still, he continued to protect me.

  “No, he just helped me when my car broke down. That’s all.”

  “He’s good-looking,” she said, leaning against the counter while checking him out. I wanted to grab her shoulder, tear her back, and growl in her ear “He’s mine. Off limits.” My reaction was telling. Perhaps I was playing the part too well, letting it seep into my actual life.

  “He’s not bad, but he’s part of The Bastards.”

  “Yeah, there’s that,” she said with a sigh. “Need help filling their mugs?”

  “I really could. Get some of the heat off me. Thanks, Kim.”

  “No problem. I hope they don’t shoo me away again.”

  Red and Lee played nice. Once one said something, it would be all-out war. Mutually assured destruction. If they disobeyed King’s orders, they would both be screwed.

  I dropped off the receipt at their table, then picked up some dirty plates, hoping no one would notice me. Red’s heady stare was focused on the cusp of my cleavage, the corner of his smile rising. I could’ve kicked him in the shins, but decided not to.

  As I was about to leave, King rustled into his jacket.

  He held out a wad of cash. He didn’t even bother to slip it to me secretly.

  “Take it. We’re sorry to trouble you. Use it to get away from that asshole that messed with your pretty face.”

  Red regarded me again, his eyes tracing from my legs to the curve of my breasts, then up to my anxious eyes. “Can’t break a face that beautiful.”

  Lee snorted behind him. Red elbowed the back of the seat. I decided to take the money, just because I didn’t want to stick around and push my luck, but I regretted it. This was blood money. What kind of illegal things went on for this cash to wind up in King’s hands and now mine?

  I hurried away to the waitressing station while stashing it in my apron. Red thought I was beautiful?

  It seemed out of character for him to say something like that, especially in front of his brothers. He went out on a limb there. He would be ridiculed for it. Maybe it would cause another fight. This one serious.

  I brought their plates through the kitchen to the small washing station. The cooks rushed and yelled orders. It smelled like hash browns and pancakes, making me want to drown myself in syrup and have a deep carb-fueled sleep. Kim wasn’t around. I decided she would be the one to get King’s money.

  When I didn’t find Kim in the dishwashing area, I took a step out the back door. The sticky, sweet aroma wafted past me and into the valley. I gazed into the relaxing scene in front of me— the palms of the joshua trees c
overing a deep ravine. In the distance, a jutting formation of ember rocks rose up to meet the clear blue sky. When I could manage it, I often visited that spot to think. Untouched nature was something I wasn’t used to.

  I soaked it in. Until a huge shadow loomed over me.

  Red. He leaned against the doorway, blocking it, glaring down at me. His chest was held high, showing off his spectacular form as he looked out into his dominion, his land to hunt and fuck as he pleased. He made it known to all others that he would fight for his throne. What did that make me? His queen or his prey?

  “Nice view. Sad that I would’ve missed it if I didn’t come looking for you.”

  “Why are you looking for me?”

  Red stood in front of me, blocking the beautiful view of the desert and replacing it with a different one, one of Red. I stretched tall against the wall. My whole body remembered the thrum of his motorcycle. When he got closer, that thrumming started again. I clamped my thighs together. When they brushed, I recoiled. They were much too sensitive and tender for my own good.

  Why did I always have to fall for the bad guys?

  Still, I had a good grasp on myself. I knew that even though I was attracted, this would lead nowhere. Red, deep down, was a controlling asshole who discarded women after he used them. I was next on his list.

  “I thought you might want another ride.”

  He grinned. He thought he had me in his grasp. Not so.

  “I’m not sure when I’ll be done with my shift.”

  He put his hand against the wall, right above me, leaning closer.

  “You want to take a ride, we take a ride. I’ll take care of it. Nothing stands between us and the bike.”

  “Thanks,” I said, shuffling away a little. He remained close, his fiery stare heavy on my chest.

  “You still seeing the guy who hurt you?”

  I shuffled a little more. “No, I’m not seeing him.”

  “You’re not seeing him?” he asked again.

  “What did I say?”

  “Thought I might have to ask twice, since you’re good at keeping secrets.”

  “I’m not keeping secrets. I fail to see how it’s your business. I can handle myself.”


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