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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

Page 30

by Adriana Jones

His balls surged against me. “Hell,” he groaned. “You’re so damn good. So damn tight.”

  I was going to ask if that was a problem. But then I saw his eyes close and his abs pump. His cock throbbed against my walls. Was he on the verge of coming? He pulled out of me again, slowly, and let his tip slide over my sensitive grooves. He was so filling, fitting so right.

  Not yet. He had a lot in store for me. Red crashed his hips into mine, until the sound of our hot skin clapping echoed through the rooms.

  It sent me over the edge. He sent me hurdling into a free fall, right into a blinding, white bliss.

  “Yes, Red, Red, Red, fuck,” I screamed like I had never screamed before.

  “Come for me, Ash. Scream my name. You’re mine. Don’t you forget it.”

  My mind shattered like pieces of me were strewn across the room. He slowly stroked, adding fuel to the fire. I fell back flat to the mattress with Red keeping me pinned, grooving inside as I erupted.

  I didn’t want it to end.

  “I still want more.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t done,” he told me.

  He pulled out. Once again, there was a distinct emptiness. Grabbing my hips, he tossed me onto my knees. I clambered onto my palms.

  Pulling me back to his waiting cock, he shoved my head down and I rose my plump ass, exactly what he wanted. He pushed inside of me again. As he traveled, I was swept up in mini orgasms that threatened to unleash the big one, the one that would completely break me.

  He ravaged me, drilling me even deeper. My cheeks hit the bed and I moaned into it while peering behind me, watching as he was consumed with lust. His muscles strained, his grunting turned to growls, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until he released.

  To see him get off to me like that set me off. A tremendous high swallowed me whole. I clamped down. All of my muscles tensed as I milked him. I heard his growling behind me. He heated up and twitched, his stiffness hitting my trigger and making my ass grind.

  “Fuck yes. Here it comes.”

  I hollered for him to do it, to come, but it only came out a squeal. He poured, erupting inside of me. He pumped his condom full. Red pinned his chest to my back and wrapped me up in his arms. I twitched with him, our bodies thrumming to the same orgasmic vibrations. I wouldn’t unwind myself from him.

  Red had claimed me. I was officially his property, whether I liked it or not. And right now, I liked it a whole lot.

  Perhaps I could be his old lady. With both of us panting so close, our bodies overwhelmed with pleasure and exhaustion, there was nothing I wanted more than Red.

  He slid out of me. My pussy pulsated again, missing him. Once his fingers released their grip from my ass, I dropped to my back. My thighs were still trembling. My toes uncurled and I brushed my sweaty hair away from my eyes.

  “They say you’re not supposed to have sex before a fight,” he said. “That was worth it.”

  I smiled at him, but then I recoiled, shoving myself back onto the pillows. I tensed. “What? What fight?”

  He raised an eyebrow as he dropped down. He ran his fingers through his wild, sleek mane. When he looked over at me again, he noticed how tense I was.

  Sex with Red had left me relaxed. He steamrolled all of my stress, but it was still there somewhere, percolating.

  “Guess they didn’t tell you everything. I was on a scouting mission. The real mission happens tomorrow.”

  I clutched my sides, hiding my breasts, scrunching my knees together.

  “What sort of mission?” My tone was grim.

  “We don’t talk about that. We’ve got some things to take care of. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it.” He reached for his jeans. He began to put them on.

  “You’re not going to stay here?”

  He looked back and forth between the door and me.

  “It’d be best if I didn’t tonight. I don’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off you.”

  “You’re not capable of sleeping here with me?”

  He dipped in and kissed my forehead. His warmth spread over me like draping me with a blanket right out of the dryer. He tossed his shirt off his muscled, sweaty body. I sucked in his musk to store for later—like leather, the beach, and a hardworking man.

  “Not tonight. This seems much too nice for what I’m about to do.”

  “Wait,” I said before he left.

  “Huh?” He reached for another shirt. I watched that thin cotton roll over his abs again. He needed to come back safe and sound so I could indulge in that sight again and again.

  “Here you go, babe. Something to keep you company for the night. Trust me, it’s best if I sleep in another room. Tomorrow is going to be rough.”

  He tossed me his shirt. I caught it and kept it near my toes. He left without another word. I was speechless. I wasn’t sure what to think. I knew I was still worried about Red, but he had blown my mind with that awesome sex.

  Clutching his shirt, I inhaled deeply, and buried my head on the pillow, keeping my thoughts of Red close.


  I didn’t need an alarm. I woke in a few hours, fueled by adrenaline and a battle cry raging inside of my soul.

  Tired, no, I wasn’t allowed to be tired. I had been waiting too long to bring justice to King.

  Taking an ice-cold shower melded my hot anger to a focused steel. I flung the handle all the way to cold until my balls felt like retracting inside of me. Drying my mane off, I worked myself down, wishing Ash were there to send me off to battle. Best if she wasn’t, though. Best if she stayed far out of this.

  After drying myself off, I strapped myself into my battle gear. Throwing my colors on brought me to a hyper-focused mode. I strode out to the middle of the compound to meet the other soldiers. Wide awake, Jackal jogged up to me. Must’ve been in the genes.

  “Hey bro, didn’t want to wake you. I started handing out the weapons.”

  I twitched. I wanted to put him in his place and tell him that no one touched my armory but me. I grunted, “Thanks,” and headed over with the others, an army of black leather, automatic assault rifles, and armored vests.

  “There he is,” Boots said, mocking me with a childish tone. “We were about to wake you, sleepy buns.”

  I grinned back at him. I noticed Crack was there. He hopped into one of the vans, still holding a beer.

  “You want to be filled in?”

  “No,” I said. “Give me a gun.”

  Jackal shoved a M4A1 at my chest. A powerful assault rifle. Highly illegal. God damn, that thing could get me hard. What a beauty.

  “You don’t want to be filled in?”

  “No, just tell me who I’m with.”

  “You’re with me,” Jackal said. I gave him a pat on the back.

  “We’re all ready,” Boots said to Jackal.

  Jackal raised his arm in the air and did some sort of swooping signal. I wasn’t sure why the bikes would go in circles. It seemed like a strange motion. Maybe I should’ve listened to the plan.

  Chopping followed his signal. The wind seemed to pick up as well. Dust rolled past my ankles, and I heard swooping in the air. Someone from another charter rushed from behind the east wing.

  “Good to go,” he yelled.

  I watched a black helicopter rise above the compound. The downwash forced me back a step.

  “What the fuck?”

  A helicopter? When did we get a helicopter?

  “Maybe you should’ve been here for the meeting,” Jackal said while looking like he was about to weep at the sight of the glorious copter.

  “Pine Wood charter guy owns it. He’s got a pilot license. Figure it’ll come in handy.”

  Hell yeah, why not? Boots sounded the boys to gather around. He yelled for them to shut up. It only took three barks.

  When they fell silent, he started to speak again, got choked up, and needed a squeeze on his shoulders from Cole to get started again.

  “Every Defiler you kill, do it for King, like you were usin’ his
own hands to wring their fucking necks. He would want nothing less. Go and kill like true Bastards. For we are the Blessed ones. The Blessed fuckin’ Bastards.”

  After a hoot, the men hopped onto their bikes or into the front vehicles. The foremost vehicle caught my attention. It was a huge van fitted with armor and a ram.

  There was a scream all around for King. Then the bikes tore it up, close to a hundred powerful engines starting at once. It sounded like the first explosion to the war. We pulled out in formation, streaming out of our compound like they opened the gates of hell.

  We took the back roads fast. My eyes were peeled ahead, my adrenaline fueling me and keeping me wide awake. There was fear there, but that was fine. I was old enough and tough enough where I understood fear. I could use fear to my advantage. If any of the other guys didn’t feel it, they were stupid, and being stupid could lead you to an early retirement.

  My mind drifted to Ash...

  The Blessed Bastards were about to show their true colors. Would she ever want me if she knew the truth? If she knew who I really was?

  My resolve hardened as we approached the barricades. Everyone kicked it up, accelerating at high speed. The Defilers’ traveling compound was housed in a circular valley, burnt orange mountains surrounding them on all sides. We thought about putting snipers up on the hills, but we didn’t want any casualties to our men by stray fire. This would have to be up close and personal.

  The Defilers’ barricade was nothing like ours back at the compound. They had two busted-up, rusted cars pointed together, blocking off access through a wedge that led to the center of the valley.

  I wouldn’t have wanted to be at the front of the line, because we weren’t stopping, not even with the armored van hurdling at over sixty miles per hour at the barricade. I watched as one of The Defilers staggered into view. He must’ve been sleeping on his shift. Maybe he was strung out.

  The van slammed right through the center of the cars. Both spun in opposite directions, one flipping over and pinning the Defiler, never to be seen again. We blasted through, into the heart of The Defiler compound, more like a hippie campground at Burning Man.

  The front of the line drove past the tents and opened fire. The front bikes kept traveling on to the edge of the compound. The rest of us pulled back.

  They streamed out from their tents. Some of them must’ve been sleeping or passed out with their guns by their side, because soon enough, we were met with return fire. A Bastard in front of me, a younger guy with short, cropped hair, aimed his rifle in the distance as a Defiler stormed out from a cramped tent with a shotgun. The shotgun blasted him back. One Bastard down. A brother gone.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, unloading on him. By the time I aimed my rifle, he was already dead, shot up by the crew.

  Up ahead, Cole ducked behind a steel drum, but not quick enough. Stray fire struck him and he crashed into it. Someone ran over to tend to him as I stalked into the compound, keeping my rifle at the ready.

  A bunch of Defilers holed up in a trailer shot from the windows. Our men took cover behind the armored van, returning fire. Jackal crouched and unloaded. My gut sank when I noticed my brother.

  A greasy, sweaty meth head crawled toward a busted open tent to my right. I knew he was up to no good. As soon as he grabbed a fallen shotgun in the tent, I gave him a stiff boot to the side of the head, knocking him out. I kicked the shotgun away.

  “Grenade,” I heard. I watched as Boots ran up to the trailer while brothers covered him.

  Boots tossed the grenade, courtesy of my arms stockpile, inside the trailer’s window. I hoped that it would go off, otherwise it would be my head.

  When the grenade went off, the explosion shattering the windows and blowing walls off the trailer, everything slowed.

  Heaviness crushed my chest, spreading outward. I dropped to my knees. My heart clenched, sucking the breath from me, winding me in a tight, painful embrace. I looked down, flipping open my colors, but never taking them off. Blood spurted from my shoulder. I brushed my fingers across the wound, the size of a bullet.

  I was shot.

  My eyes scanned the battlefield. The Bastards were making short work of The Defilers. They were putting them down.

  Lee sprinted back to me.

  I held my hand up, not wanting him to come close. Something wasn’t right.

  Lee was lit up. His chest exploded with a red mist popping in my face. He fell face first, another round of bullets marking his already downed body.

  What in the fuck?

  I noticed a glint on the mountain above.

  “Snipers,” I yelled, flinging my good arm.

  Someone must’ve heard me. They radioed in for the chopper. It came hovering back up from the camp to check the outlying mountains.

  I took shelter behind a truck. The sniper fire continued, but now the men in the chopper blasted away with their automatic rifles. Checking out from behind the truck’s tires, I spotted someone with a Defiler’s cut hobbling over to one of our trucks that had an unmanned machine gun on the bed.

  The rest of my brothers were busy taking cover, and they were farther ahead. If he got to that machine gun, he could take out the chopper, and then we’d be easy pickings for the snipers.

  Standing, still holding my bleeding arm, now painting the whole of me with bright red, I staggered after him.

  Then I ran. I charged.

  It wasn’t rage that pushed me that extra mile. It was fucking honor. It was for my brothers. For Ash. Her beautiful smile flashed in my eyes and drove me on, so that I could see her again.

  I knew I needed to do this for my brothers, for King.

  He hopped onto the back of the truck. I could see the helicopter was right in his view. All he needed to do was pull the trigger, and he’d cause some major hell.

  As soon as his fingers dropped onto the trigger, I crashed into him, slamming his face against the back of the machine gun.

  I dropped. Slumped over the gun, I crashed onto the back of the truck bed. Ears ringing, and then going dull, everything going bleak, I knew this was it. I was leaving this world.

  There was no stopping it.

  IBWTO (Chapter 9)


  Work dragged on. How was anyone supposed to work when their boyfriend was in a shootout? Boyfriend. Not quite. The night before had been magical. Still, that didn’t change anything. Our situation was the same.

  It neared my clock out time, four o’clock, and I woke up from cleaning the same table for the past half hour. My mind was on Red.

  Please, please, be okay.

  He kind of pissed me off that he wouldn’t sleep in the same bed with me. That raised alarms. Why couldn’t he make the night perfect? It had been nearly perfect. I could’ve crawled into his burly arms, falling asleep next to him, so safe. Was that so hard?

  It was understandable, I guess. He didn’t want to be distracted. I didn’t want him to be distracted, either.

  Listen to me, trying to rationalize what he was doing. Murder. Even if The Defilers were a nastier bunch. He was still going to war...which I had to admit and stop ignoring it like a little girl afraid to admit that Santa Claus wasn’t real—meant killing. War to these men didn’t mean a barroom brawl. It meant death.

  We weren’t supposed to check our phones on the floor, so I needed to run to the back. Despite not getting a buzz, I frequently checked for a call. As soon as I hurried to the kitchen, my phone buzzed in my apron.

  It was Joy. She wrote “You need to come back ASAP.”

  I scrolled down, but that was the end of it. Way to make me freak out, Joy. Good job. My heart raced. Holding onto the prep line, I held myself still so that I wouldn’t faint.

  “What’s going on?” I texted back, fingers a blur.

  It took her an agonizing long minute to reply.

  “Can’t talk about it. Need to come here,” was her answer. Great.

  I squeezed the phone in my fist. Then I released, hoping I didn’t break the p
recious thing. How could she leave me up in the air like that? Red, Red, please don’t die, please don’t leave me, looped as I rushed to punch out.

  “Got to leave early. I’ll pick up my ten minutes tomorrow,” I yelled to Francis. He was in his office, his door only open a slit, so I hoped he heard me.

  “Okay,” he shouted back. He was clearly confused. No time to explain.

  Clocking out, I hurried to my car.

  ASAP, Joy said. ASAP, which wasn’t good. Not good at all. Why would I need to come? Me? There must be something wrong with Red.

  It was absurd how much emotion I had attached to him perhaps, but I couldn’t fight it. That’s how I knew it was real. I could usually rationalize if I was acting emotional, try to straighten myself out like it was no problem, but when it came to Red, all bets were off.

  Once I reached their compound, there was extra security. Rifles, once again, were lowered and aimed at me. Extra snipers were stationed on the roofs.

  Rolling down my window, they spotted me as I stuck my head out. They waved me on. I noticed that Ramos, Roxy’s boyfriend, was stationed at the gates. If he made it, maybe Red did too?

  There was a huddle of cars as soon as I rolled past the gate. People I didn’t recognize bustled between buildings. No one seemed like they were idly standing about, except for Roxy, sipping from a bottle of green tea as she leaned against the complex wall.

  As soon as she saw me, she pushed off. “Hey, you need to come with me,” she said.

  Darkness crashed into me, sucking me down. I was deep down in a hole, unsure if I could ever climb out again. She tugged at my hand. I followed as if walking on air. We went into a building directly across from the apartments.

  It looked like a waiting room inside. It was packed. A group huddled in the corner and I could hear someone crying. Again, not good. Roxy continued pulling me into a hallway which resembled a doctor’s office. There were plenty of rooms, but the doors were all closed.

  Stale air, wailing, and frantic voices didn’t relax me. Only when we came to the last room, and Roxy propped it open, was I pulled from that dark pit and shown the light.


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