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Page 18

by Beth Ciotta

  He was quiet for a moment, and she breathed more easily when he whizzed safely past the deer and moved onto the next question. “Why have you been late for work every day this week?”

  Only slightly less awkward than his previous question. When was he going to get to the fun part of this game? “Because I’ve been going into the daycare center first, trying to help out, and each day there’s been some catastrophe or another. I’m not very good with kids, which, if you must know, is very depressing.”


  “Because I’d like to have children someday.” Without thinking she laid her hand to her flat belly. What she wouldn’t give to be in Joni’s shoes. “What about you?”

  He nodded. “Two or three kids would be nice.” He massaged the sole of her foot, applied pressure along the sides. “You’re probably a pushover.”

  “What?” She practically moaned the word. He stimulated more zones than her reflexologist.

  “Kids need boundaries. Try being more assertive.”

  Her eyes drifted shut. “Yes, sir.” She gave a cocky salute, but her heart was hopping up and down like a jackrabbit. He wanted kids, and he was probably good with them too.

  “Why did you marry Randy?”

  Her eyes flew open. She tried to jerk her foot away, but Jake held tight and continued the massage. “This game isn’t going exactly as I’d hoped,” she said.

  He waited.

  “It’s kind of embarrassing.”

  He massaged.

  If they weren’t alone in a dark car, if she hadn’t had a couple of drinks, and if he hadn’t relaxed her into a stupor, she probably would have hedged. Instead the words flowed. “My mother told me to.” She cringed at the admission. “I know how that sounds, as if I don’t have a mind of my own, but, I was very young, and I had known Randy a long time. I was comfortable with him, and I admit I’d had a bit of a crush on him for some time. The dashing older man. He treated me like a princess, and he made me feel very safe. For a girl who grew up thinking any day could be her last, that was pretty important.”

  He rolled back his shoulders and nodded. “And Frank?”

  “Pretty much the same reason. I felt particularly lost after Randy died. Confused. Guilty … for reasons that I’d rather not go into. I was a mess, and Frank was there to pick up the pieces. My mother pushed the marriage thinking it was the best thing for me. I didn’t care about the money, but she did. After Frank died, after the rumors, I went a little nuts and indulged in an eleven-month shopping spree. I guess I still didn’t care about the money because I essentially threw it away. Rudy said I shopped to fill a void.”

  Jake glanced sideways. “What do you think?”

  “I think he’s right.” She swallowed a lump of regret. “I wish I would have gone to a therapist instead. Think of all the good I could have done with that money.”

  He squeezed her toes and smiled. “You’re still doing good. Think about what you’re accomplishing with Nancy and the children at the daycare center.”

  She snorted. “The children hate me.”

  He laughed, reached over and brushed his thumb tenderly across her cheek. “I’m sure they don’t hate you. Who could hate you?”

  Her skin tingled under his gentle touch. “Dora and Frances.”

  He leveled her with a stern look.

  “But I don’t give a rat’s ass what they think,” she added.

  “Good girl.” He turned quiet then, focused on Rivelli’s taillights as they turned onto Route 73. She was about to ask if it was her turn to conduct an interview when he said, “One last question.”


  He pinned her with a quick look. “Did you love them?”

  “Randy and Frank?” Well, that was a humdinger of a last question. Uneasy, she rubbed her forehead in thought. “I cared for them deeply, of course. They were very good to me.”

  “But did you love them?”

  She opened her mouth, closed it. Well, she’d certainly told them so. Actually, no. She’d never said “I love you.” It had always been, “I love you, too,” in automatic reply to one of them saying it first. Or maybe “love ya!” as she’d signed off from a phone conversation. Why hadn’t she ever said it first? She shook her head. No, no. This was crazy. Of course, she’d loved her husbands. “We were very comfortable together.”


  She nodded and stroked her bracelet. “Yes. Things were quite pleasant.”

  He turned and looked at her, brows furrowed. “Pleasant.”

  She huffed an exasperated breath. “Would you please stop repeating after me?” She yanked her foot out of his lap. “Is it my turn to ask questions yet?”

  He chuckled and focused on the road. “Sure, baby. Fire away.”

  She had a million of them. Where had he gotten that scar on his cheek? Why did he leave the police force? Had he ever been in a serious relationship? She opened her mouth and his cell phone rang. “Darn!”

  “Sorry, but it might be Joni.” He plucked the cell from his inner jacket pocket, put it to his ear. “Yeah? Uh-huh.”

  Afia planted her feet back on the floor and fidgeted with the confining seat belt, while trying to make sense of the one-sided conversation.

  “Yes, he was. Working. Uh-huh. No, nothing suspicious. Yes, I am. He did? Yeah? Tomorrow and Sunday? Sure. No, I understand. Thanks.” He ended the call, tucked away the phone and slowed to make a U-turn.

  Afia perked up in her seat. “What’s going on?”

  “That was Angela. Rivelli called her from his car. Told her he was thirty minutes from her house. He felt bad for abandoning whatever social function she’d had planned so he’s spending tonight and the next two days exclusively with her. He took the weekend off.”

  “You don’t have to follow him tonight?”


  “Or for the next two days?”

  “Uh-uh. She said she’d overnight a package with some information. I can do some record checking, but the man himself is off-limits until Monday. Angela doesn’t want me anywhere near them.”

  Afia snorted. “I think we should be investigating her. She gives me the creeps.”

  “Hold that thought. We have a game to finish, and I have another question.”

  She blinked at him. “I thought it was my turn!”

  “Change of plan.” He took the entrance ramp that put them onto the expressway heading back toward Atlantic City and gunned the accelerator. “What’s your number one fantasy?”

  Oh, yeah. She was every man’s dream all right. The sweet-faced socialite had just knocked his socks off, and he was not a man easily shocked. “An X-rated night of sex? That’s your number one fantasy?”

  “You asked.”

  Holy shit. He slid her a curious glance. “What do you consider X-rated?”

  “Anything other than the ordinary.”

  His eyebrows shot to his hairline. S&M? Multiple partners? What? “Define ordinary.”

  “Kissing and fondling and making love in bed. Oh, and only one orgasm in a night.”

  He bit back a smile. Christ, she was cute. And deprived. “That’s pretty ordinary. Is that, ummm, what you’re used too?”

  She turned to look out the side window. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “Okay.” He focused on the highway and accelerated to seventy-five. Afia had married conservative, older husbands, and though she may have felt affection for them, she sure as hell hadn’t been in love. This night just kept getting better.

  “So can you do it?”

  And better. “Make you come multiple times in multiple locations?” He smiled. It would be his pleasure and privilege. He glanced sideways and caught her staring.

  She licked her lips and swallowed hard. “You look awfully sure of yourself.”

  She looked awfully tousled and sexy. His heart bumped up against his chest as a primitive yearning snaked through his body. This woman was beautiful, sweet, trusting, and adventurous, and he was g
oing to possess her body and soul. The realization was staggering, but surprisingly, not all that scary.

  He’d fallen in love.

  Well, hell. He couldn’t define the moment it had happened. Or maybe he could if he was brutally honest. He’d never put stock in the notion of love at first sight, but since meeting Afia his belief system had been knocked off kilter. All that was clear was that he wanted this woman in his life … forever.

  “I wanted you the moment I saw you, Afia. I’ve been fantasizing about you for days, and after what you put me through tonight … trust me. I’m up to the challenge. No pun intended.”

  She brushed her bangs off of her forehead and blew out a shaky breath.

  “Second thoughts?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m just wondering what all it will entail, and … where are we going to do it?”

  “Here, there, my place.” For as long as you’ll have me.


  He reached over with his right hand and slid her dress off of her shoulder. The silky fabric fell away, revealing her left breast. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” He smoothed his palm over her feminine flesh, perfect, round, firm, and just big enough to fill his hand. Then he pinched her nipple, eliciting the first of many gasps.

  “This doesn’t seem … safe. I mean you’re driving, and …” Her head fell back against the seat, and her eyes drifted shut. Her soft sighs were music to his ears as he stroked, tugged, and caressed. True he had to keep his eyes on the road, he couldn’t drink her in just now, but he could sure as hell make her feel.

  “Take off your thong.”

  Her lids flickered open.

  “I want you naked, all the way naked under that dress.”

  She groaned. “You’re going to tease me all the way to your house, aren’t you?”

  He raised one brow. “You know what they say about payback.”

  She reached up under her gown and wiggled out of her panties, tossing them on the seat between them. A wisp of nude lace.

  His mouth went dry as he applied more pressure to the accelerator and reminded himself that he had a whole night ahead of him. An entire night of X-rated sex with the woman he loved. She really was going to be the death of him.

  The next fifteen minutes classified as an erotic blur. Phone sex, but in person. He described in X-rated detail exactly what he was going to do to her once he got her behind closed doors. At first he’d tempered his language, but then he’d lost himself in the erotic images and her throaty moans, and his descriptions turned graphic. Wanting to heighten her arousal, he’d forced himself not to touch her, even when she’d begged, even though he was dying to know her intimately. Then she’d nailed him with a look that made him tighten his fingers around the steering wheel and shift in his seat. Passion and frustration sparked in those beautiful brown eyes as she informed him she couldn’t take it any longer. She nabbed his right hand, slid it up under her gown, and told him to keep talking.

  Sweet Jesus. He stepped on the brake and eased off the road. Before she could question his actions he had his seat belt off and was all over her. He devoured her mouth, wet sloppy kisses, while sliding his hand up her dress and stroking her hot, slick folds.

  She locked her arms around his neck, clinging, whimpering, and causing his heart to race like a stallion. When she cried her release, he nearly came with her. Hands down, it was the hottest sex he’d ever had.

  She collapsed against the back of the seat, and without a word, he slid back behind the wheel and gunned the car home. Before he lost his mind. Before he took her on the front seat of his Mustang on the side of a highly populated highway.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled into his driveway. She threw open her door, scrambled outside and across the lawn. He was right behind her. Noticing she was barefoot, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder.

  “What are you, a caveman?” she whispered loudly.

  He smacked her backside. “Ugh.”

  “Oh, goodie,” she said and giggled.

  He couldn’t get the door open fast enough. He nearly tripped over Mouser who sat patiently, stuffed toy clenched between his teeth. Cursing, he set Afia to her feet, leaned down, scratched Mouser’s chin in thanks for the gift, and then tossed his keys on the foyer table and flicked on the table lamp. When he turned back Mouser was gone, and Afia was naked, the gown pooled at her ankles. His gaze slid over her creamy body, slight, but toned, and his blood drained south to his loins. “Even better than in my dreams.”

  “You can admire me later,” she said in a raspy voice. “I’m ready for a walk on the wild side.” She shoved her hands up under his lapels and pushed the jacket off of his shoulders. He shrugged out of the sleeves, letting the tux jacket fall to the floor. She was already working on the remaining studs of his shirt, her fingers frantic and fumbling. With a curse and one hard yank, she ripped open his shirt front. Studs flew and clattered to the hardwood floor.

  “Sorry,” she said, not sounding sorry at all, and then seared his chest with hot, wet kisses while working the buckle on his belt. “Pants,” she complained, between kisses, “off.”

  Heart pounding, he clasped her trembling hands, placed them on his shoulders and had his pants and briefs off in record time. He backed her against the door and kissed her hard and long, pouring his soul into what he hoped would be a lifetime of lovemaking. Blood roared in his ears as she trailed her fingers down his chest, lower … lower … She wrapped her hand around his erection, and his pulse rocketed to the next galaxy.

  She eased away and looked down. “Wow,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he teased, gritting his teeth in sweet agony as she began to stroke his shaft. He was hot, hard, and two seconds from exploding. “Oh, no, you don’t.” He nabbed her wrists with one hand and hauled them above her head, pressed them against the door.

  She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  He swept his free hand in between her legs. “Fulfilling your fantasy.” He held her captive, feasting on her lush mouth while stroking her to climax yet again. Her body trembled, her moans intensified, and when he felt her nearing the precipice, he slipped a finger inside her tight warmth and drove her over the edge.

  She collapsed against him, her breath coming in short, ragged pants. “I’m so sorry.”

  He smiled down at the top of her head, smoothed his hand down the length of her glorious hair. “For what?”

  “For … you know … so soon.” She gasped to catch her breath. “It usually doesn’t happen this fast. And … and …” She smiled up at him. “That was twice in one night.”

  Heart full, he brushed his thumb across her puffy lips, swollen from his demanding kisses. “Third time’s a charm.” He scooped her up into his arms and headed for the stairs.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder. “Where are we going? Kitchen? Living room?”


  She jerked her head up. “But—”

  “I promise you it won’t be ordinary.” He’d make love to her in every room, on the floor, on a table, the couch, or up against a wall, but this time, the first time, would be in his bed.

  She didn’t argue. She grasped the back of his head and pulled him down for a blood-stirring kiss, making it difficult to manage the stairs. He kept going. Midway down the upstairs hall she wiggled and squirmed in his arms, repositioning herself so that her luscious legs were wrapped around his waist. One arm locked around his neck, she used her free hand to reach down and fondle him. “Here,” she rasped. “Now.”

  Ignoring her order wasn’t easy. Cupping her bottom, he hauled her down the hallway, shouldered open his door, flicked on the nightstand lamp, and flopped her in the center of the bed. “Now.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  How could she have ever considered having sex on a bed ordinary? Because she’d never had sex with Jake. Afia squealed and panted with pleasure as he kissed, licked, nipped, and stroke
d every inch of her body. He worked mind-boggling magic with his hands and tongue. She was enraptured. Delirious with want, frantic with need. Hours of foreplay had transformed her into a wanton woman, uninhibited and demanding. But regardless of her dictate to “hurry” Jake took his time, coaxing her toward another orgasm with his talented tongue. Sizzle. She felt her body tightening, quivering. Her bones melted, and her mind blurred as he brought her closer … closer … and suddenly he was on top of her, inside of her, filling her with long, deep thrusts.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  She screamed his name as an incredible orgasm rocked her body. She saw fireworks, the moon and the sun, stars. Heaven. She’d died and gone to Heaven. “Oh, God,” she rasped, locking her legs around his back and holding on for dear life as she shuddered with indescribable pleasure.

  “Not quite,” Jake said, his voice strained. “Just me.” He brushed wayward strands of hair off of her face, holding his body very still, the bulk of his weight on his knees and forearms.

  He was buried deep inside of her, his erection thick and hard, filling her to capacity, and yet she wanted more. She wanted something … more. Swallowing hard, she met his gaze, entranced by what she saw. Raw passion and … affection. Her heart pounded faster, harder. Dare she hope … no, she didn’t dare. Those who loved her died. She could scarcely breathe. “I … I think I’m having a heart attack or a panic attack or something.”

  He smiled down at her. “It’s called a hell of an orgasm.” He eased out and in, out and in, a slow, wicked friction meant to torture and titillate. “Ready for another?”

  His tone and expression were playful, but his gaze was dangerously intense. Something had shifted between them today. Things were different. He was different. Or was it her? Yes, she’d definitely changed. She’d stood up to the wicked witches. She’d flirted outrageously in public, revealed her secret fantasy, and, God help her, she’d allowed a man to pleasure her in a car. All for Jake. Only for Jake. Oh, God.


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