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The Man She Married

Page 1

by Muriel Jensen

  Feelings of anger and betrayal flooded her all over again, but Prue suppressed them

  She needed to remember things clearly.

  The woman’s arm had been straight, as though she was pushing on Gideon’s chest. Pushing him down? Pushing him away? But what had he been doing? Had he simply tried to push her off him and his hand had connected with her breast?

  Prue punched the pillow. She couldn’t believe that. She was obviously desperate to make it seem as though he had a defense. So, why was she doing it?

  Because Gideon’s kindness now made her second-guess herself. She had to get some sleep. Tomorrow she had to play the role of loving wife. Curiously, that role had seemed easier to undertake when Gideon was her enemy.

  Now that she wasn’t so sure she hated him, acting as though she loved him would be dangerous.

  Dear Reader,

  Old love rekindled is one of my favorite plotlines because conflict is built in. No relationship is as interesting as one between two people who know each other’s faults and foibles and are forced to reconnect. The old dynamite that once brought them together will certainly be present, and there’ll be new discoveries to be made because of the years spent apart.

  That’s precisely the case with Gideon and Prudence Hale. You can be sure that the road to love between a politician and a designer will be anything but straight and narrow. Thank you for wanting to join them.


  Muriel Jensen

  P.O. Box 1168

  Astoria, Oregon 97103

  The Man She Married

  Muriel Jensen

  To Todd and Sarah Dielman, the world’s best neighbors.

  Books by Muriel Jensen



































  PRUDENCE HALE THOUGHT later that she should have known it was all too good to last. Her first line of clothes had been a tremendous success at the fashion show to benefit the Maple Hill Library. She’d made a small fortune for them and for herself.

  And as she stood in the parking lot of the Breakfast Barn Restaurant, along with a crowd of other nosy onlookers, watching her sister Paris and Randy Sanford—the town’s favorite EMT—kiss and make up with embarrassing sincerity, she thought the morning could not be more perfect. After a difficult courtship, the two were reconciled at last.

  Life was good and moving forward on most levels.

  Then Prue heard a deep voice say, “Hello, Prue.”

  Air seemed to leave her lungs and her pulse stalled.

  No, she thought. Not when I’m finally on the right track. Not after this long, dark year when at last I’m living my life and not his. Please!

  She turned slowly to discover that all her prayers had been denied. There he was. Gideon.

  She didn’t know what shocked her most, the sight of his handsome face in the town that had been her comfort and haven since the Maine Incident, or the fact that he was in the company of Hank Whitcomb, one of Maple Hill’s foremost employers.

  What was he doing here? Her pulse had picked up again, but old emotion was a hard lump in her chest. She didn’t want to talk about the breakup, she didn’t want to think about her loss, she didn’t want to hear it all hashed over again. She just wanted to sign divorce papers and get him out of her life.

  Of course, she hadn’t filed them yet. And, apparently, neither had he.

  She had a hopeful thought. Maybe that’s why he was here.

  As everyone else streamed back into the restaurant, he came toward her.

  She squared her shoulders and met his dark gaze as he closed the space between them.

  She could admit that Gideon was exceptionally handsome. He had brown eyes, a straight nose and a mouth that used to laugh often but had lost that skill while he was in the state senate. He was tall and big with a personality to match.

  Smaller than average herself, Prue had found his size intimidating at first, until she’d observed his kindness and compassion and his complete dedication to the people he served.

  Curious, she thought, that the very things about him that had made her fall in love had become a sore spot between them when they’d continually kept him away from her.

  She smiled just a little in an attempt to convince him that, even when surprised, she was a woman of style and composure. That hadn’t been true in the old days.

  Well, it wasn’t really true now, but she could pretend.

  “Hello, Gideon,” she said, hands in the pockets of a red wool jacket. She didn’t want him to think she was willing to shake hands or otherwise touch. “What are you doing at the Barn?”

  He indicated Paris, who stood nearby, hand in hand with Randy.

  “I called a cab from the airport,” he replied, “and Paris picked me up. I had no idea she operated a taxi service. I thought she was in law school.”

  Prue shook her head, the small smile still in place. “A lot has changed for her and for me in the last year.”

  He nodded once. “I see that. Anyway, we were happy to see each other, I asked her how things were going for her and she started to cry. So I suggested we go somewhere for coffee, she brought me here, and…well…” He swept a hand at the few stragglers in the parking lot making their way back inside. “Randy showed up, she ran off, he chased her, everyone came out to watch… Some town this is. Don’t you guys have television?”

  “Why don’t you two sit in the cab if you need privacy,” Paris suggested, handing Prue her keys and giving her a quick hug. “You should talk. It did a lot for us.”

  Randy clapped Gideon on the shoulder. “Good luck,” he said, then drew Paris toward the restaurant.

  Prue didn’t want to talk, but Gideon was waiting expectantly. And she didn’t want to be confined inside the cab with him. So she asked, “What were you doing with Hank Whitcomb?”

  “He and his friends were at a table nearby when the Randy and Paris row started,” he replied. “Paris took off on me, so Randy sort of put me in their care before he chased her out the door.”

  Okay, that explained how he’d gotten to the restaurant. “But what are you doing in Maple Hill?”

  She saw his expression change. He was going to give her an answer she wasn’t going to like. Not that he’d said or done anything she’d liked since she’d found him with another woman.

  “A friend has invited me into a business partnership in Alaska,” he said, his manner growing serious. “He’s turning an old family home in the wilderness into a fishing lodge. It’s pretty spectacular. An ancestor built the place when he made a killing in the gold rush. Anyway, I thought I’d try to talk to you one more time before I went away.”

  “What about the winery?”
she stalled. “I thought you went back to running it when you left the senate.”

  “Blake has it running like a well-oiled machine.” Blake was his younger brother who’d taken over the family winery when Gideon was elected. “Since my term ended, I opened a law office in White Plains, did a little work for the family, taught martial arts at the high school, but…I need something else.”

  Alaska. That brought to mind ice and snow, days without sunshine, people bundled up in furs. But Gideon was someone who thought the sun was shining even when it wasn’t. He never remembered a hat or an umbrella. It didn’t seem like the right place for him.

  Still. It was his life and she was no longer involved in it.

  “Then you should go to Alaska,” she said, trying to sound amiable rather than snide. It didn’t quite come off. “Because I don’t want to hear whatever you have to say, Gideon. Oh, I know you could make it sound good. You have the politician’s gift of gab. You talked me into believing I was going to love the state of New York, that I was going to have no trouble being a senator’s wife. You talked me into waiting to have a baby.” A small tremor broke that last word, and she had to clear her throat to go on, the pretense of amiability slipping away. Instead, all the old grudges were demanding attention. “And as I was busying myself with charity work, living an almost nunlike existence while you claimed to be swamped with work, you were fooling around with Claudia Hackett.”

  He hesitated a moment, drew a breath, and in a voice that sounded as though he had difficulty controlling it, he said, “I came specifically to say one more time—I was not fooling around with Claudia Hackett.”

  “I saw you with my own two eyes!”

  “Your two eyes,” he said quietly, “misinterpreted what they saw.”

  “How do you misinterpret,” she demanded, “a woman in nothing but panties?”

  A man and a woman who’d just climbed out of a van turned as Prue raised her voice, clearly prepared to listen to them instead of going into the restaurant.

  “Will you please sit in the cab with me,” Gideon asked, “so that we don’t make any more of a scene than we already have?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she insisted. “It’s taken me a whole year to get over you and over the—” She stopped and drew a steadying breath. “Over everything.”

  He shifted his weight and folded his arms. “Well, I’m not leaving until you listen to what happened.”

  “Then I hope you’re happy in the parking lot,” she said, moving past him, “because you’re going to be here for a long time.”

  He caught her arm and took the cab keys from her. “Look, Prue,” he said, pulling her with him toward the cab. “You listen to my explanation. That’s all I ask. Believe me. Don’t believe me. I really don’t care. Give me ten minutes, and then I’m out of here.”

  “What’s the point, Gideon?” she asked, pulling against him. “We are so out of love, there’s no going back.”

  “I’m not trying to get you back.” He sounded convincing. Well, that was a comfort. Sort of. “Why would I want to live with you if you won’t trust me? It’s just become a matter of personal necessity that I tell you what happened, even if you don’t believe it.”

  She huffed a noisy breath and stopped struggling. If it meant he’d go away and she could forget, it was worth anything. “All right. Ten minutes. And I’m sitting behind the wheel.”

  “Fine.” He unlocked the driver’s-side door of the old station wagon, reached in to hit the button that unlocked the passenger door, then returned the keys to her. He walked around the cab and climbed in.

  She tossed the clipboard that held Paris’s daily log onto the dash, and her cell phone with it. She pushed the sun visor out of her way, leaned an elbow on the window and rested her left hand comfortably on the steering wheel.

  He studied her posture. “You look comfortable,” he observed.

  She straightened, dropping her hand to her lap. “Force of habit. I used to drive a shift for Paris off and on.”

  He raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Really. Does she know you sometimes drive on the sidewalk and can fell a parking meter without looking back?”

  She glowered at him. “That was an accident and you know it.”

  “I would hope so.”

  “My heels were too high.” They’d been driving home from a party and quarreling. She’d insisted on driving.

  “A lead foot in high heels is not a good thing.”

  She turned slightly to give him her most arctic stare. “I thought you wanted to talk about you and Claudia.”

  That stare had never intimidated him in the old days, and it didn’t now. “Still the same old Prue. Ignore your own transgressions but remind everyone else of theirs.”

  She reached for her door handle, but he caught her arm. “All right, all right. Let’s not waste ten minutes arguing.”

  “We wasted a whole marriage arguing,” she countered. “When you were around enough to argue.”

  GIDEON WONDERED why he’d come. It wasn’t that he wanted her back; he’d been honest when he told her he didn’t. He’d thought the absolute adoration he’d had for her in the beginning had completely disintegrated, but it hadn’t. One look at her made him forget the bad times, remember the fun.

  She was not very tall, but nicely rounded where it counted, and still absolutely beautiful. She had long, golden-blond hair that was piled atop her head today, but if he concentrated, he could remember it running across his face in the throes of lovemaking, silky and cool.

  Her blue eyes could be lively with laughter or stormy with petulance, her mouth soft and full in the raspberry shade of lipstick she’d always preferred.

  She was also still capable of raising his blood pressure.

  But he planned to move his life in a new direction, and it was important that she hear him out. He was probably wasting his breath—he’d be damned if he’d just be quiet and disappear as she wanted him to.

  “A lobbyist for industry,” he began without preamble, “was offering bribes to push through his particular agenda, and the attorney general’s office invited me into this scheme to flush out Senator Crawford from Vermont who was suspected of having accepted a boat and a place in the Caymans.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I believe good old Crawford was crooked, but you’re telling me Claudia was a lobbyist?”

  “No,” he replied patiently. “I’m telling you that I was aware that Crawford had a mistress who was a stripper. Several members of the ethics committee ate together when we worked weekends, and I’d seen him meet her afterward.”

  She thought she had him when she asked, “And you saw him with this mysterious woman and knew she was a stripper. How was that?”

  “One of the others who frequented the club where she worked told me. And Crawford was such a posturing braggart, I was sure he had to have told her what he was doing.”

  “So she got down to her panties and poured her heart out to you, is that what you’re telling me?”

  He closed his eyes, hoping to summon patience. “No,” he said. “I’m telling you that she told me she’d tell us everything she knew if we could guarantee her safety. The attorney general suggested we take her someplace quiet and remote to record her story.”

  “Ah.” She nodded as though in understanding. Then she asked, “And where were these members of the ethics committee when she was in her panties?”

  She’d never believe this, but it was the truth, and all he could do was reel out what had happened.

  “They hit a moose,” he said, maintaining his patience in the face of her open disbelief, “and never made it to the house. Took them two days to get back to Albany.”

  “How thoughtful of them. And in sympathy for the moose, she decided to go au naturel for you.”

  “She was a young woman accustomed to using her body as a commodity to get what she wanted,” he explained as Prue let her head fall back to the headrest with a groan. “I told her that, in exchange f
or her help, we’d see that she could go to New York University, something she told me she’s always wanted to do. She thought she had to pay me for that.”

  “So if I call New York University,” she challenged, “they can assure me she’s enrolled.”

  “No,” he had to admit. “She did a semester and fell in love with a pharmacy student who moved back home to take over his father’s pharmacy. She’s now at a college somewhere in Indiana.” Her disbelieving expression made him add with mild sarcasm, “I don’t know which one, but you’re welcome to call them all if you like.”

  “Oh, Gideon.” Prue shook her head as though trying to clear her mind of what he’d told her. “How stupid do you think I am?”

  “You left me without letting me explain,” he said, finally losing patience. “How smart is that?” She’d left their Maine house and raced back to Albany, and when he’d gotten home, she wasn’t there. A friend of hers called to tell him she was in the hospital with a nervous collapse and didn’t want to see him.

  “I’d say pretty smart,” she retorted, pushing the door open, “if you expect me to fall for that line of fiction. If any of that was true, why wouldn’t you have told me what you were doing? Why haven’t I read about it in the paper?”

  “I didn’t tell you,” he said, stepping out of the cab as she did and facing her across the roof, “because Mrs. Crawford was part of that women’s fund-raising group you worked with. I thought it would be awkward for you if you had to watch what you said around her or did anything to make her suspicious.”

  “Thoughtful of you,” she said stiffly.

  “And no one’s told the press,” he went on, ignoring her comment, “because it’s still an ongoing investigation.”

  “You have an answer for everything.”

  “Because it’s the truth.” He’d been sure his effort to explain would end this way, but there was just the smallest tug at his chest as he met her eyes. They were filled with anger, then he thought he caught a glimpse of the same regret he felt. Then it was gone. “Okay, I had to try,” he said evenly, satisfied that he’d done his best.


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