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Doctor's Soul - BWWM Pregnancy Romance (Doctor's Love Book 2)

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by Violet Jackson

  The first voice that she heard was Rick and the second one was definitely female. Meeka surged with anger, un-rational, but just as real. There was no reason for a woman to be in their bedroom and she pushed the door open in a rush. Her heart sank further and the anger boiled up, spewing forth.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?”

  Rick pushed the woman Meeka knew as Marla away from him, guiltily swiping her kiss off his mouth. The blonde’s eyes smiled at her and she said something along the lines of that she was going to leave. Meeka eyed her as she passed and it took everything inside of her, to not punch her in the face. She was big and pregnant and the last thing she needed was to get into a fight, but Lord she wanted to. Meeka wanted to wipe the smug expression off of her face with whatever means possible.

  Her attention was side tracked when she heard Rick making a noise behind her. She whirled on him and walked towards him. His hands were up and he insisted that she had to listen. There was no listening and she slapped him across his face. Meeka could not talk to him, knowing that anything she said she would probably regret it.

  When she’d walked in, Rick’s tongue was in Marla’s mouth and her arms had encircled his neck. She didn’t understand why he would be so stupid, knowing she was on her way home. She had texted him from the last stop to let him know she would be home soon. Why would he start making out with that woman in their bedroom? None of it made sense to Meeka and before she could say another word, she was out the door.

  “Meeka wait! It is not what it looks like. You know better.”

  Meeka turned around pissed.

  “You should know better! In our bedroom? I wonder what would have happened if I was a little later? Would you have had her on our bed? How could you do this…to us?”

  Meeka’s tear-stained face met his blue depths once, before she turned away. Nothing he could say would make it any better.

  “I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me. I swear!”

  His hand reached out and grabbed her arm, but she jerked it back.

  “Don’t touch me! Me and Malik are leaving. I will come get my things later. I’ll call you.”

  “Wait Meeka. This is crazy!”

  Rick tried to stop her but she was determined and would not even look at him. Malik was coming in and she scooped him up, holding him tight for comfort.

  “Come on baby, we are going to go for a while.”

  “Where mommy?”

  Meeka brushed the tear from her eyes and grabbed her purse on the way out. Her eyes settled on the wedding invitations she had just picked up and she felt even more disgusted. She felt like a fool, blinded by her love for Rick that she had not seen what was right in front of her. They were from two different worlds and Meeka did not feel like she would ever belong in his.


  Meeka ignored all of his calls and texts. She didn’t know what to say to Rick. After what had happened with him lying about her dead husband, she did not think she would be able to trust him again. When she did, he threw that trust back in her face once again, by having Marla there.

  Rick claimed that she had just stopped by and came on to him. While Meeka wasn’t answering his calls or texts, she still read them, until it hurt too much to even do that. She had finally just turned her cell phone off and put it into her dresser drawer.

  Meeka had stayed with her mother the first night, just because she didn’t want to be back in her empty apartment. While her son was at school, she had a few people help her move back in while Rick was at work. She didn’t want the stress and pain associated with a confrontation, so she took the easy way out and skipped it all together. Her mother left her alone for once, knowing that Meeka was too stubborn to hear it anyways. Malik did not like the new arrangement, but something on his mother’s face stopped him from voicing it too much.

  “Why aren’t we at Rick’s house?”

  “Well baby, sometimes grown-ups need some time apart. It's just best right now.”

  “Did he do something to make you mad?”

  “Yea, you could say that.”

  “Well I hope you stop being mad at him soon, I miss him.”

  Meeka kissed her son and agreed. It was the same way she felt, but the woman in Rick’s arms could not be erased from her brain. The image was burned into her mind and she actually wished she had never seen it. She wished that she had taken longer that night, maybe enough time that Marla would have been gone and she would have never known about it. She wondered if he was cheating and if he did, did he really love her less?

  There were several more painful conversations between the two as the weeks went by. What had started as hurt ended with stubbornness. He did not give up like he had before though. His calls and texts did not cease or slacken in the least bit. The worst day for her was the day that they had scheduled for their wedding.

  Meeka had the day off because she had asked for it off long before. She didn’t say anything about her break-up, though she hoped in the smallest regions of her soul, that everything would be worked out. When it didn’t, that day was like torture. Rick called over ten times that day and she turned on her phone to see, but she didn’t open a text message or listen to any of the messages.

  Malik went to his grandparent’s house for a sleep-over and Meeka found herself at home, missing Rick and replaying the whole relationship in her head. Disgusted with the whole situation and sick of sitting at home crying, Meeka dressed sexy and went out to a movie. She couldn’t drink because she was close to popping. She had less than a month and she wanted to get out before she was home-bound with a newborn. Meeka remembered well what it was like after her son was born.

  Meeka found herself feeling weird at the movie theatre. She didn’t know anybody and it had been a long time since she had went without someone else. Looking at the row of movies playing, she was shocked to hear her boss’ voice behind her.


  Chapter 7

  Meeka turned around, surprised and instantly relieved to see a familiar face. Johnny was dressed nicely and had his black hair combed back. He looked different outside of his manager uniform and Meeka could not help but check out his thick, muscular thighs in his tight jeans. It took time for her eyes to reach his, taking her time on the way up. His face held an expression.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were getting married today?”

  “I was supposed to. Me and Rick broke up a while back.”

  It was hard for Meeka to say it out loud, let alone to anyone else. She felt heat at her eyes and she knew that they were reddening. She blinked back any excess moisture and tried to cover her sadness with a smile.

  “Yeah, just here for a movie. Haven’t seen one in a while and won’t be able to soon.”

  Her hand went to her extended stomach and the man got closer.

  “So what are you watching?”

  “I don’t have any idea. Are you here with someone?”

  “Nope. Just me. I’m glad I came down here now. You pick and I’ll pay.”

  Meeka tried to refuse, but Johnny grabbed her arm and led her up to the ticket booth. She decided on a romantic comedy, half expecting him to refuse. He smirked and bought the tickets. Johnny touched Meeka’s side and they walked into the dark theatre. Meeka felt a hum in the air.

  The movie was a typical chick flick and Meeka did not like half of the ridiculous lines and scenarios, she nonetheless found herself wrapped up in the drama. Her hand went for Johnny’s in the dark and she squeezed it with a tear running down her cheek. She blamed it on her raging hormones, but the movie touched her. The gentle squeeze back from Johnny touched her even more. Meeka had expected something from him, maybe an advance, but instead he was just a comfort. It had been a while since a man had touched her body and the new relationship developing with Johnny was making him look downright tasty.

  Johnny was built well by the way his button-down shirt fit over his wide shoulders. That night he was wearing a polo shirt that pulled against hi
s biceps. She snuck a look at his face and the screen flashed against his strong jaw line. He looked over at her and their eyes met. There was interest in his dark, brown depths and Meeka figured that it mirrored her own. It had been far too long.

  As the couple on screen were reunited and professing their love for each other, Meeka laid her head over onto his shoulder and sighed. She missed Rick, but she was enjoying having a strong man’s heartbeat in her ear. The credits were running before she picked her head up and stood up.

  “I love those types of movies. Thanks for watching that sappy thing with me.”

  “It was…alright.”

  “You hated it, it’s okay. Do you want to watch something else?”

  “No I'm getting hungry. Do you want to go get a bite to eat or I could cook you something at my house.”

  Meeka was walking through the flipped up row of chairs and she looked back at him when he answered. There was an immediate image that came to mind if she went to his house.

  “I could really go for some frozen yogurt. You want to go down to that new place right down the road? You can add whatever you want, so my pregnant ass has a combination in mind.”

  Johnny chuckled and they stood outside the movie theatre, people walking in and out around them. His eyes cast down to her and she could feel his presence around her. Meeka had noticed that he had seemed more attracted to her, the further along in the pregnancy she got. His eyes stayed on Meeka’s large breasts that seemed to grow as fast as the life inside of her.

  The pair walked the few blocks to the place she wanted to try. Johnny would have done anything she wanted and when his hand came out to hold hers, she didn’t pull hers away. Her smaller hand slipped into his larger and while it felt strange, it felt nice on some level. It was nice to be touched and wanted by someone, even if she knew in her heart that he wasn’t the one.

  Meeka and Johnny talked for almost an hour, long after the ice cream was gone. The longer she talked to him, the more her focus went to his thick lips. She fixated on them so much that he had to repeat several things. She saw him leaning towards her, but she didn’t move back. Meeka let him brush his lips against hers ever so gently.


  “Come back with me? We can’t sit here all night. Besides, we can just talk if you want.”

  “It’s just, we have to work together and I don’t want things to get weird between us.”

  “We can just talk.”

  “So your mouth says, but your eyes say otherwise.”

  Johnny kissed her again, no longer trying to be innocent. His tongue pushed between her lips and dominated her mouth. It took Meeka several moments before she got the wherewithal to pull back. They were still in the yogurt shop and she could feel several other people’s eyes on them.

  “Come on Meeka, come back with me. We can do whatever you want to do.”

  She couldn’t help but love the way his lips formed the word whatever. She nodded her head and almost giggled when he was up and pulling her along with him. Meeka missed the mystery and the urgency that Johnny was displaying. He wanted her bad and had no qualms showing her. She never asked him what changed, but she had always wondered.

  Chapter 8

  Meeka followed Johnny to his house. He wanted to drive her there, but she wanted a way out just in case. She also needed a moment to collect her thoughts. It had been so long for Meeka that her body was ready to pounce on the first hard cock that it came in contact with. She could see the hardness in his pants and while she couldn’t see much, she could tell it was sizeable.

  She ran it through her head a couple more times while she drove up into the suburbs on the bluffs. Pulling up to his house, it all hit her. She was going to be with someone else and Meeka was not sure how she felt about it. She knew that she loved Rick, but her body needed this. She slipped a hand against her core and could feel it practically vibrating in its own heat. She whimpered into the car to herself and took one last glance of her brown eyes in the mirror before she got out.

  Johnny was already out and by a quick look down his front, all of him was ready. He offered his hand and she took his hand, following him up the stone pathway to his large house. Everything looked neat and tidy like he was. The lawn was manicured with hedges and Meeka could guess that is where he got his tan was working in his garden. That made him even more appealing and she liked the idea of him getting out and getting sweaty on his days off.

  His lock slid in the door knob and the sound pulled her from her reverence. She started to have second thoughts, but his steady hand on her lower back pushed her forward. Her body did not resist, knowing that it was about to get what it wanted. But her mind resisted the idea of someone besides Rick.

  Johnny closed the door behind them and when she turned to say something, to tell him that she needed to go, his lips stopped hers. He was more insistent, yet still gentle. His hands pulled her closer and then one settled on her covered breasts. Johnny groaned with the contact and fondled them as his mouth won the battle over hers. Meeka whimpered as his fingers rolled her nipple in between his fingers. Her whole body shivered and she could feel herself getting damp.

  Meeka’s hands wrapped around his neck and she started to add her own heat to the kiss. Her tongue slid around his and he continued to paw at her engorged breasts. They were so sensitive, that Meeka felt she may come just from the top stimulation. Her pussy throbbed with neglect and she urged his hand lower with her mind. Johnny pulled away gasping for air, needing her to let him have more. He pulled her stunned body towards his bedroom and left the light off as he pushed her down onto his bed. She sat there on the edge, looking up at him with her soulful dark brown eyes.

  Johnny touched her cheek and bent to kiss her seated form. He went to his own knees to make him more level and deepened the kiss. His hands re-found his fascination and rolled the hard points in his fingers, driving Meeka wild and making her weep excitement.

  His hands teased at the bottom of her shirt and in a moment of indecision, Johnny pulled her top off in one pull and his mouth got dry as he was eye level with her dark globes trapped in her red, lacy bra. The underwire presented them to him perfectly, like they were being served on a platter. His eyes darkened and he pushed his face between them in heaven. Meeka giggled as he licked her cleavage, his hands behind her releasing the clips holding her breasts from his mouth.

  The bra snapped open and his face pushed deeper in between. His hands peeled her bra straps down her arms, as he captured one of her turgid tips into his hot mouth. Meeka moaned, her head falling back and her eyes closing. Johnny sucked hard, taking large amounts of her flesh into his mouth. He paid like attention to her other side and Meeka was squeezing her thighs together as the pounding below worsened.

  Meeka moaned and her own hand went between her legs to press against her soggy core. She could feel her wetness seeping through her cotton panties. Johnny caught the movement and almost reluctantly left her large breasts to lift her skirt. He eased her onto her back, as his hands opened her long, slim thighs. He pulled her panties down, the material pulling away from the wet flesh beneath it. He hissed through his teeth, obviously loving the way her shaved pussy looked. His mouth went lower, his breath on her core, teasing her heated flesh.

  Meeka’s hands played with her large mounds, pulling and twisting on them as her legs quivered in anticipation. She thought of Rick as his tongue finally found the top of her slit. His technique was different and he spent less time priming her. His tongue jabbed her hole and then his mouth opened wide to take her clit into his hungry mouth as well. He sucked harder and faster, taking Meeka to a level of pleasure. Meeka cried out, no name on her lips, just expressions of shock and climax. Her body racked with shaking as he feasted on the clear fluid shooting out of her tight hole.

  She tried to close her legs, to give herself a break, but his strong hands held her wide open. He licked and suckled, nibbling on her tiny button. Unable to take anymore pleasure, she begged him to stop.
  “Please Johnny, no more.”

  Johnny came up, wiping his mouth and looking at her with glazed eyes. She was sitting up in front of him and she urged him to stand. When he did, his hard throbbing knot was just inches from her mouth. Biting her lower lip, her shaky hand went to his jeans and pulled down his zipper. The sound was amplified in her ears and the small room. He followed her movement and groaned loud as she released his hardness from their confines.

  Her small hands wrapped around his velvet shaft, stroking the long member in her hands. She was unable to stop the comparison, to wonder how the slight curve of his cock would feel inside of her. It got thicker in the middle and the very last few inches curved upward. Her insides clenched hard and she closed her eyes for a moment before she added another hand to touch him. Squeezing the head and then popping it into her mouth, Johnny wrapped her braid around his hand and pulled her closer.

  “Yes Meeka, you feel so damn good. Just like I knew you would.”

  Johnny was lost in the moment, watching his own long piece slide in and out of her mouth. Her jaw widened as the thickness spread her soft lips around him. The sight was almost as good as the feeling, so his eyes were held in rapt attention. Meeka never took but a few inches in at a time and while he wanted to grab her head and slam forward, he knew that he couldn’t. He had to close his eyes to his sinking length to hold onto his loose controls. He wanted more and then he felt what he had always dreamed about.

  Meeka’s boss had always been obsessed with Meeka and more than obsessed with her chest. A self-proclaimed boob man, he had spent many days dreaming about sliding his fat meat in between those beautiful brown mounds of hers. To even get a second in her mouth was almost as good. Meeka had never given him the time of day, even when he had first started. She had snubbed him and he had gotten mean. Johnny had even convinced himself that she was a hardened man-hating lesbian, but that was obviously not true when he saw her with Rick. There had been a hot stab of jealousy as he had watched the two kiss, he had wished more than anything that it was his lips that she had chosen. So to have her there then, sucking on him was perfection in Johnny’s eyes.


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