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ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Page 40

by Carly White

  “Yeah I have reservations at Mont Blanc. See you at seven.”

  I hung up and didn’t answer when she called me right back. I wanted her to feel obligated to come, but if she told me no on the phone, she wouldn’t come to the restaurant. I didn’t have any reservations, but after a quick call to my manager, he had secured me seating for the time I needed. Ronnie always came through when it was needed.

  Going home, I jumped in the shower and thought of the woman’s hands on me earlier in the day. She had such reluctance in the beginning, but once she had gotten her hands on me, everything had changed. I started to wonder if Mike was right and she was in need of a firmer hand. I had no problem with that, hoping it would get me further than asking had.

  I got to the restaurant on time and my heart started to race when I saw her standing there. Just the fact that she was there was a triumph to me. Denise’s long blonde hair was falling in soft waves around her shoulders and her bright blue eyes were shaded as she looked at me. I knew that she wanted to ask me why she was there, wanted to talk, but I didn’t want to, so I tried to distract her with a kiss.

  She was surprised and didn’t at first kiss me back, but soon her lips were moving with mine and I could feel her body start to mold against me. I pulled away before it got too heated. Maybe Mike was right. “You ready?”

  It was an innocent question, but I could tell she wondered what I was actually talking about. “For dinner.”

  Shaking her head, I smiled back at her and walked with the hostess to the seat that Ronnie had reserved for me. It was perfect, dark and in the far corner where less eyes could see what we were doing. I had many ideas of how to get her out of her shell, but Mike’s tactics seemed to be working far better.

  The booth was comfy, seated low and our knees almost came up to the top of the table. Nothing was made for my size, but her small frame just slid right in. I moved closer and she didn’t move away. I took that as another sign that she was not opposed to what I was doing. I could still feel her lips on mind and the way her softness had felt crushed against my chest.

  I ordered some wine and the server left. “Thanks, I never can tell what wine is good. They all just look like funny names to me.”

  She was nervous and she was trying to break the ice with small talk. I didn’t answer her, not wanting to make her comfortable. I liked the fact that she was slightly shaking next to me. The wine was brought and we ordered. As the waiter left, I looked back at her and she was looking at me through a veil of lust. My hand went to her knee and she jumped slightly. Leaning in, I asked why she was being so jumpy. Making sure that the hot breath caressed her earlobes, I heard her sigh slightly. It was just a breathless sound, but the noise sounded so good to my ears.

  “I think you know why Antony. When you are this close to me, how could I not be?”

  “Do you want me to give you space?”

  I waited for her answer, not wanting her to say yes. Denise didn’t answer though. Instead she bit her bottom lip and shook her head that she didn’t want me to. It was all the surge of hope I needed and I grinned back at her, my hand moving to her knee. I wanted to see how far she would let me go.

  Denise hissed and shot a glance at me. There was surprise in her eyes, the blue darkening as if storm clouds had rolled in. I jerked her thigh towards me, opening her legs further as she muffled a light cry that drove me wild. Why was she affecting me so much? I was already rock hard in my pants and as my hand got closer to her wet heat all I wanted to find there was no panties on.

  When my hand hit cotton material, I was upset for only a moment. It would seem that I didn’t need to touch bare flesh to get a feel of how hot and wet she was for me. Her wetness had seeped out of her panties and I could feel it on my fingertips. She closed her eyes and tried to shut her legs. Moving to open them back up, she whimpered as I shushed her.

  I wanted to feel more and pulling them to the side, I was finally able to make the contact that I was dying to. She made another sound and looked at me with those haunting blue eyes. Her hand moved to stop me beneath the booth’s table that was covering up the going-on in her lap. As I pressed a finger inside of her tightness, I was almost surprised that she wasn’t barred.

  Gasping, her efforts to push me away became more frantic. “Just come for me and I will stop.”

  She looked at me incredulously. “We are in a restaurant!”

  “Then you better make sure that you aren’t too loud.”

  Whimpering, her tightness closed in around me and it was me that couldn’t stop the groan. Just imagining what she was going to feel like surrounding every inch of my steel need was enough to set me off. I scooched closer and added another finger to her wetness. Biting her lip, Denise’s nails dug into my forearm as I felt her insides getting more slippery. Pressing my thumb against her need, I could feel the flash of essence sliding down the fingers that penetrated deep.

  “God, stop Antony. I can’t.”

  She could though and as my hand moved faster, I could see the waiter coming back with our plates. I had seconds to push her further, before I pulled my digits out suddenly as he was upon us. “Sorry for the wait, but it is worth it.”

  I nodded and looked over at Denise. Her eyes were still closed and her lips were red from where she had bitten them to stop the sound. Thanking the server, I told him that there was nothing else that we needed. “I can’t believe you just did that in front of all of these people.”

  She didn’t say anything about that I had done it in the first place, just that I had done it in such a public place. I looked around us and no one seemed to be paying any attention to us. “You were quiet enough, no one even knows.”

  Pulling my hand back, I licked the flavor off of my fingers and watched her shiver with dilated eyes. “Wait until dessert.”

  Chapter 8: Denise

  I couldn’t let dessert happen and I made an excuse to get out of there as quickly as I could. There was nothing else that I wanted more than to spend more time with Antony, but he was driving me crazy and the fact that I had to work with him kept coming to mind. I wasn’t going to last long at Cross Productions if I kept getting sidetracked from the talent. I was dreading the next day and the fact that I had to face Wesley was part of it.

  “You can’t be serious Denise. You have to go?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I um, have some things to do, which I tried to tell you earlier, but you hung up on me.”

  “Are you upset that you came?”

  I shook my head. There was no way what I was feelings was upset, confused maybe, but definitely not upset in any way. I felt like my body was alive, buzzing even, but not with Antony or Mike. I couldn’t let it go any further than it already had. I just couldn’t.

  “Not at all Antony. Thank you for dinner. It was very good.”

  “It can be better, much better if you let me slam into that little pussy of yours.”

  Another shiver ran through me and I pulled away before he sucked me in. “I’ve got to go Antony, I am sure it is great.”

  “Well at least let me walk you to the car.”

  “NO.” I answered too quickly but the idea of him out in the parking garage with me alone did not bode well. There was no telling what he would do or more aptly, what I would let him do. There was something in the push that he gave me, but it was too much and I had to resist.

  “Thanks for a lovely evening and meal. I will see you later Antony.”

  I walked out and didn’t look back. I didn’t want to see the source of the burning feeling in the back of me. If I looked back, I wouldn’t want to leave to my own place. I wanted nothing more than to go with him, but the last bit of control I had made me walk away. It was what I was supposed to do, I was sure of it.

  The next morning and the next few days, I just tried to forget what happened. Wesley wasn’t so bad because he was out of the office most of the time, but the two brothers were always in, training and giving me looks that made me tremble inside. Antony was giving
me a little space, but his brother Mike was more hands on, pushing my back against a wall while his mouth ravished me. There was something to be said in the way they both handled me, but Mike was far rougher, more demanding of my affections.

  If that wasn’t enough, Wesley had hit on my at least three times daily for the last week and at the weekend, all I was worried about was a couple of days with some friends and no work. I had everything planned and then I got a call on my cell from Wesley at home. It was Saturday and I cursed myself for not leaving sooner. I could have found some way to get out of it or just not answer, but I had to. I regretted it soon after I did. It was as I had thought it would be. He was trying to get me to come into work and since I couldn’t say no, I agreed.

  Calling Kate and Ashley was not pleasant. It had been a while since we had done any traveling and I told them to go without me. I would have rather been there than at Cross Productions. Apparently one of his cameramen was out sick and they needed a replacement. I had experience and I hoped that when I got there, it was actually what he wanted. I had learned that Wesley was quite forceful and while I liked messing with Antony and Mike, I did not get the same thrill over his attempts at dominance. His was manufactured through his job, while the stepbrothers were just in charge by birth. It was a big difference and I could tell the most when I was being pushed against a wall by Mike or just remembered the moments in the restaurant with Antony.

  I got back to the office and tried not to succumb to the trepidation I felt. There was nothing worse than the idea of having to be there with him, so I hoped that there would be more people in the building. Being caught alone with him was the last thing that I wanted to do and as I looked around the first floor, I was glad to see men fighting on the mats. They were training and though they didn’t pay me any mind, it meant that I wouldn’t be there alone.

  “Miss. Lace. I am glad you could make it, I know that you are not contracted to work weekends, but I am glad you decided to come anyways. Mike has a promotion that needs to be filmed and we were hoping you could use your expertise to make it great.”

  I shook my head. Wesley was not acting the way he usually does. Instead of being rude and snide, he was being nice. There was still the same needful look in his eyes, but I liked to think of that as just part of him like he couldn’t help himself.

  The morning went by quickly and after ten takes we were done. I was asked to stay back for a few minutes to talk to Wesley. He called me into his office and it was the first time I was in there without fear of what he would do.

  “Did you need something Wesley?”

  “Yes, please come in and close the door.”

  I walked in and shut the door as he asked. He had an office that had no windows to the outside and the one that was seen from the first floor inside was always covered. It was like a little tomb in there and when I heard the door click, it made my heart skip a beat. I got a bad feeling all of a sudden and when I turned back around, Wesley was starting to take off his pants.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like?”

  His eyes held mine as he revealed himself and I took a step back, closer to the door I had just shut.

  “Sir, I think you got the wrong idea.”

  “No I think it is you who is confused.”

  He started to walk towards me and my eyes couldn’t stay off of his hard length between his legs. My hand went to the door knob and I started to open it from behind my back, my eyes never leaving him as he approached. “Sir, this is not going to happen.”

  Tilting his head to the side, “Oh?”

  Closer than he should have been. “Get away or I will scream Wesley.”

  He kind of chuckled like it didn’t matter how much I screamed, no one was going to help me. I believed it to, who would? Everyone was either beating each other to a pulp or attending to other things in the rest of the building. I felt isolated with him in that corner office and as he loomed over me, I tried not to show my fear. I wasn’t sure if it was anger or fear that I felt most.

  His hand came out to touch me and my knee came up to his groin as hard as it could. It was the great equalizer and as he howled louder than I would have screamed for help, I pushed him away from the door as he yelled that I was fired. My dream job had turned into a nightmare and I had found out that I actually didn’t want the job more than anything. I had once thought that I would have done anything to work at Cross Productions, but that was too high of a price for me.

  I ran into Antony on the way out and he looked at me strangely. “Where are you going?”

  I didn’t want to answer, my body slightly shook with adrenaline, but at the same time I was fighting back tears. Everything that I had wanted had been dashed in a few moments of another’s mistakes, changing the course of everything. I would never get another job in the industry after that happened. I would assuredly be blackballed.

  Stopping me with a hand on my arm, I jerked it back. “What is wrong with you men around here? I just got fired, so can you please not be a dick too?”

  He held my arm, but softer. “Can I give you a ride somewhere?”

  I laughed harshly. “No.”

  “Come on, you shouldn’t be driving like this.”

  It was the tone of his voice that made me look up. “I’m fine Antony, really.”

  “You’re not. I will take you home or beat his ass. Whichever you want.”

  I thought about it a second too long. “No, he is not worth it Antony, just take me home please.”

  Chapter 9: Denise

  We didn’t say much on the way back to my house. He didn’t ask what happened, but I figured it had happened many times before. I invited him in and asked about his brother. Antony didn’t seem too happy about it. “Why are you asking about Mike?”

  I shrugged. “Are you worried that you will lose?”

  The look on his face was priceless and I turned to get glasses out of the cabinet. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t. Stupid isn’t cute on you. Your stepbrother let it slip. He really has the biggest ego I have ever seen.”

  He looked uncomfortable and I smiled at him. “So what do you win? Money or…?”

  “Just bragging rights, that’s all.”

  “Have you done it before?”

  Antony didn’t want to answer me and that was a slight disappointment. “A few times.”

  “Is that what you guys do for fun?”

  “It’s not like that, just a little competition.”

  “And what about the girl, heartbroken?”

  “You’re not a girl. I was thinking more along the lines that we could date, see where things go.”

  The way he said it, I couldn’t help but smile. It was a damn good answer and it almost didn’t matter if he meant it or not. I wanted to believe it. “So what gets you the win, dating?”

  He shook his head, his dark eyes boring into me. “No, something a little more physical is required.”

  Antony put down his glass, walking around the short bar that stood between us. “I thought you wanted to date?”

  The look in his eyes was not about movies and dinners. There was lust, surely mirrored in my own eyes as he got closer. My breath hitched as he took the small tumbler from my hands, setting it down with purpose. “I still like to win Denise.”

  He leaned in for a kiss, pinning me to the side of the counter. I gasped as I felt the hard need that pushed into my stomach. Antony was just huge, his body dominating mine as much as his lips made me want to beg for more. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tried to pull him down to my level, but he instead just lifted me up. My legs followed my arms as I clung to him.

  “Where’s your bedroom?”

  My eyes were closed and the last thing I wanted to do was give directions. Antony started to move and the action brought my core sliding against the hardness underneath me. I started to bounce on him and he groaned as his lips searched mine out. The bulge underneath me was getting larger and I move
d faster, feeling the cockhead seeking me out through his jeans.

  Then I was sailing a short distance to the soft mattress awaiting me. I bounced once and my eyes opened with a cry on my lips. Antony had pulled his shirt off and my fingers itched to touch the soft curls on his chest again. But he didn’t stop at his shirt, the pants and boxers coming off next, quickly my eyes were trained on the silken shaft in front of me. I started to get up to touch him, hold him in my hand, but he was moving beside me on the bed. His cock was closer and I opened my mouth as he pushed it in quickly.

  I took in as much as I could. I felt him at the back of my throat and his hands moved to my hair, tugging my head up to push deeper. I gagged and he growled at me, slowly pumping between my lips. I tried to breathe through my nose, but it was hard to time with his movement. A salty mix filled my senses and I started to suck with each pull out. Groaning, he pulled away and slapped my cheeks with his hard length. My tongue came out to lick the underside, while his hand pulled my shirt down with a rip, my tit falling into his warm palm as his fingers teased my nipples.

  “Antony, please!”

  He stuffed my mouth full of his cock and I was silenced from begging for something that I wasn’t even sure about. I knew that I wanted his touch, but what I really needed the most was for him deep inside of me where I throbbed the most. Pulling away again, I gasped in short bursts of air and felt him tugging on my pants. They made it about to my knees, before he bent down, biting my round ass cheek before sliding behind me as he pushed me to my side.

  Antony’s arm wrapped around my neck to pull me in for a kiss, while his free hand went between my legs. He fingers played again, teasing and then sliding into my wetness. He groaned in my ear. “Are you ready?”

  Ready for what, I didn’t know, but if he kept touching me like that, I was going to explode. Shaking my head, I jerked when I felt his cockhead pressing into me. Like my mouth, it felt like it was not going to be possible to stretch to accommodate such a wide girth. His lips covered up my worries with his mouth and his hand still rubbed on my clit as he pressed in deeper.


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