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Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 1

by Sandra Harris

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Selected Evolution Series Book 1



  New York




  Cover Design by Cass Green

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

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  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-61935-602-3

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  For my wonderful husband,

  thank you for providing

  such a great template for a good man. ILYL

  And for my brilliant CP, C.T. Green,

  one of the strongest women I know.

  You always manage to shine a light where I need it.

  Thank you.


  Thanks to Kirstine, my ‘lady in England’, for being such a supportive Beta reader and friend.

  And thanks to the Practical Knees Partingtons for so often loaning me Awesome. You guys are great!

  Chapter 1

  Fear coated Sarah Rasmussen’s harsh, rapid breath.

  Her feet pounded over the uneven, dirt track and she pushed her body hard to keep the pace up a rise. Through the thick, early morning mist the familiar stippled trunks of spotted gum loomed like every nightmare she’d ever had. Her heart beat a frantic rhythm against her ribcage and her ears strained to catch the slightest sound of her pursuer.

  She pulled to an abrupt halt, heaving cold air into her starved lungs, then struggled against her desperate need for oxygen to smother her gasping breath and listen. Through the mist the echo of footsteps slowed, halted. Sickening apprehension corkscrewed through her stomach. A shiver prickled her heated skin.

  She tried to force some semblance of calm over her panicking wits, but her instincts would not be denied. The fact that initially an unseen runner seemed to play cat and mouse with her had spooked her. They’d remained out of sight, had not responded to any of the hails she sent into the mist. She’d even taken a small sidetrack to try and throw them off.

  The footsteps picked up again and the possibility of what might happen if she were caught speared a surge of black fear through her heart. Adrenaline charged through her body and she took off, feet flying over the rough surface of the track. The sole of her shoe landed heavily on a small rock. Her ankle collapsed and she lurched sideways, straining every muscle to remain upright. Twisting, burning sensation ripped through her right calf. She choked a cry as she tumbled to the hard ground, her running shorts and sleeveless top providing little protection. Every bone in her body jarred to the cruel impact.

  A whimper of frustration and dread escaped her lips as the strangling pain of cramp throbbed through her leg. She made to stand. Agony tore through her lower limb and she collapsed back to the hard dirt. Desperation and pain stole her strength and for a moment she huddled on the ground in a limp mass. She dragged determination from the depths of her soul and pulled herself together, raised a shaking fist and pummelled it into the tight knot of her muscle. Again. Again. Her weak punches had no effect.

  Footsteps approached. Terror twisted her nerves. Her skin felt like it wanted to crawl off somewhere and hide. She’d love it to do just that, so long as it took her with it.

  Maybe I’m just being fanciful.

  Her fears seemed to think otherwise, coiling nausea through her stomach. She pushed herself to her hands and knees. Sharp-edged pebbles and forest debris dug into her flesh as she crawled off the track. She thrust her back to the wide girth of a big gum tree and forced her breath into slow, deep inhalations. Heart faint and fingers trembling, she pulled her cell phone from a pocket again. And again hope died at the lack of coverage bars.

  That shouldn’t happen. Not here.

  She closed her eyes tight and bunched her fists against escalating terror.

  Get a grip, Sarah. Get a grip.

  The cool air brushed a clammy hand against her hot skin. A soft footfall and the rustle of clothing drifted through the mist. She snapped her eyes open. Gravel crunched. Her heart exploded into a wild gallop. Frantic, she scanned the ground for a weapon. Anything. A rock . . . sand . . . broken glass left by a careless hiker . . . anything. The smooth, pearl grey bark of a discarded ghost gum branch poked through yellowing clumps of grass. She lunged for it, wrapped her fingers around its width and lifted. The weight of the solid, four-foot piece of wood eased a little confidence into her mind.

  Yeah, and now I’m being self-delusional.

  Despite her doubts, her resolve strengthened. Looming shadows snatched her attention to the edge of the mist. Dark shapes moved towards her. Her heart leapt to her throat. She struggled to her feet, put her back to the tree and hefted the branch across her shoulder.

  Two big, jeans and T-shirt clad men stepped clearly into her vision.

  “Sarah, are you okay?”

  Her chest felt like it caved in. She stared.

  “Nick? Adam?”

  Their names sprang readily to mind despite the fact she knew them only on a casual basis. Hot guys like these did not show interest in a geek like her—though they’d been friendly enough the few times they’d met. Relief washed a wave of anger through her and she tightened her fingers on the branch.

  “What the hell are you playing at?” she demanded.

  Adam lifted his hands, palms towards her. “Easy. We were just ensuring your safety.”

  Frustration and residual fright narrowed her eyes and she glared at him. “From what?” Hands firm on her weapon, she waved her elbows around. “Mist?”

  “Someone was following you.”

  “No,” she levelled the branch at them. “Two someones were following me.”

  “A man was shadowing you, Sarah.”

  Confusion and anger sparked in her mind. How did they know?
She lowered the branch and leaned on it. Had they been on her trail as well, or just happened to be in the right place at the right time? A sudden thought plucked suspicion across her mind. “Did Paul put you up to this?” This was just the sort of overprotective act her loving half-brother would pull.

  Adam’s jaw clenched and he cast a quick glance at Nick, but neither answered.

  “How the heck could you tell what anyone was doing in this soup?”

  Adam’s denim-blue stare turned intense. “We tracked them as we tracked you.” He took a step towards her. “Put the branch down, Sarah. We’re not going to hurt you. You’re obviously injured, let us help.”

  Her practical side raged against the part of her that blindly trusted them.

  “Why the hell didn’t you call out?” she demanded.

  “What the hell are you doing out here alone?”

  Excuse me?

  “A woman like you should not be out here alone,” Adam berated. “It’s not safe.”

  A woman like me? What the heck does that mean?

  Offense at his apparent lack of respect for her ability to take care of herself tightened her jaw. “You haven’t answered my question.”

  Adam’s lips firmed into a straight line. “If you were in someone’s power they could have hurt you to keep you silent.”


  “Do you think chivalry is so dead?” he asked.

  “You were tracking me?”

  Adam made a short, slashing movement with his hand. “Let it go, Sarah. We were here when you needed us, that’s all that matters.”

  Yeah, but did I need you?—

  —Don’t be paranoid. And for the love of Mike don’t let them know you argue with yourself.

  “Sarah, we’ve had plenty of opportunity to cause you harm if that was our intention. Besides, do you really think we need to go to such lengths to get a girl? Now drop the stick or I’ll take it from you.”

  Oh, she didn’t respond well to orders, but a tussle with a lean, muscled, six-foot plus male was one fight she would not win.


  She let the branch fall to the ground. Both men advanced on her, Nick’s gaze running over her body.

  “I will carry you,” he stated.

  There didn’t seem much room for debate in his tone and she wanted to accept his ‘offer.’ Boy, did she want to accept his offer. Despite the throbbing in her leg, a fine tingle spread through her stomach then danced into her pelvis. She gritted her teeth against the sexual response of her body and rued the fact that their effect on her seemed to increase exponentially with every encounter.

  Not only were these men stick-your-finger-in-a-plasma-circuit hot, they appeared to be gallant and kind. Qualities her fantasy man possessed. But she’d bet her last penny she wasn’t the kind of woman who could capture the attention of either one of them. She stared at Nick, thought of being carried in those thick, powerful arms, and swallowed as a delicate tremor rippled across the mouth of her sex.

  Ah heck, here’s another opportunity to make a fool of myself. “Thank you, no, I can make it on my own.”

  Nick’s deep chest lifted to a long breath and she damn near swooned. Her heart fluttered and a team of sensual winged butterflies seemed to have taken up residence in her womb. Lordy, she’d be a drooling mess in a minute. Her IQ had probably just plummeted twenty points.

  “Be practical, Sarah. Your stance indicates you have injured your right leg. You cannot walk back under your own steam and I am going to carry you. End of story.”

  Damn, they were bossy. She pressed her lips together then capitulated to necessity.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the assistance.”

  “No problem,” Nick said and stepped up to her. He dropped to his haunches, resting his forearms on his knees and his raven-haired head tilted to one side as he studied her leg. “Now, what did you do?”

  “I’ve got a knot in my calf muscle.”

  “I thought it might be something like that. Only the toe of your shoe is touching the ground. You can’t stretch your leg, can you?”

  She grimaced. “No.”

  “Hurt much?”

  “Only when I breathe.”

  Nick’s fingers gently dusted off her knees then smoothed over her bare lower leg. Warm, prickling sensation radiated from his light touch. It overlay the throb of tortured muscle then flooded up her thigh. Her strength seemed to sap away and she braced her weight into the smooth trunk at her back. The scent of heated male spiced with woodsy cinnamon infiltrated her nose and she struggled not to surrender to its lure as it arrowed straight to her brain. She closed her eyes, clung to the tree and prayed for control. Nick’s fingers gently probed her flesh and she clamped her lips together to deny an almost overwhelming urge to moan. Whether in ecstasy or pain she couldn’t tell.

  Nick, back away, I have the most unladylike urge to throw myself at you and for the first time explore a man.

  “Yes, you do.”

  Her eyes snapped open in horror, heat bloomed in her cheeks and she caught her breath. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You have a very tight knot here.”

  Relief flushed from her lungs in a soft sigh. Oh.

  “Forgive me, Sarah, this is going to hurt. I think it best if you sit down.”

  She nodded and gratefully accepted the strength of Adam’s hands on her arms as she slid to the ground.

  “Ready?” Nick asked.

  “Do it.”

  His fingers drove into her tortured flesh. Pain lanced through her. She clamped her teeth together and tried not to tense her hurting body. Adam gripped her shoulder and she wrapped her hands around his strong forearm and hung on. Under Nick’s relentless manipulation a cruel burn flared in her calf, yet her muscle seemed determined to resist his attempt to loosen it. She stifled a whimper.

  Adam’s fingers tightened on her shoulder and she glanced at him. Concern and regret etched the skin around his eyes and she swallowed. She wished they wouldn’t be so kind to her, it only compounded the inexplicable depth of the feelings she already had for them, and to continue on that path would lead her to heartache.

  A sudden flush of fluid warmth poured through her leg.

  “That’s got it, I think,” Nick murmured. “You’ll have to be gentle with it for the next day or so.” His jade green eyes drilled an adamant look at her. “That means no running. Got it?”

  Nag, nag, nag. “Of course.”

  “Good. Now slide your arm over my shoulder, that’s it. Okay, I’ve got you.”

  One of his arms circled her waist, the other looped under her legs. He hauled her close to his chest and stood without apparent effort.

  Every female hormone she possessed revelled in the display of strength. The heat and density of well-muscled masculinity branded the side of her breast, ribcage and hip. She clenched her free hand in her lap to keep it from exploring the massive expanse of green-cotton-covered chest before her appreciative eyes.

  Nick turned, stepped onto the track and began walking towards the park entrance. Every step he took jostled her body into his. A sweet fire of sensation blossomed in her pelvis. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, afraid to see if the knowledge of her arousal reflected in Nick’s eyes. His hand tightened on her hip and he lifted her a little higher. She longed to wriggle her hips and find some ease from the need growing in her sex.

  She risked a glance at his face. He stared straight ahead through the lifting mist, nothing but an expression of mild concentration on his chiselled features. A lock of his sable hair flopped into his eyes, the corner of his mouth pursed and he blew at it, barely shifting what was no doubt an irritation.

  She lifted a hand and combed the strands back from his forehead. Her fingers lingered against the softness of hi
s hair and her eyes locked on the strong column of his throat. Her mouth watered at the temptation to run her tongue across his skin. She wondered what it would be like to taste a man, this man, to feel the texture of his skin against her mouth, to know the strength of his arousal with her questing lips. Warm moisture flooded her core and heightened the erotic sensation humming in her clit.

  “Thank you.”

  She blinked, startled, then looked up into Nick’s smiling face. She realized her fingers were still entangled in his hair and she’d leaned towards him. Stunned at the raw intensity of the emotions buzzing through her and horrified at what she might have revealed, she snatched her hand back and wrenched her gaze from his.

  “You’re welcome,” she murmured.

  Nick inhaled the sweet, vanilla musk scent of Sarah’s arousal and damn near stumbled as a rush of hot blood speared into his cock. He clamped his jaw shut against a groan and struggled to focus past the sexual fire filling his veins.

  Every part of him felt alive. He concentrated on keeping his breathing even. His biceps began to contract and he just stopped himself from drawing her closer into an embrace. The quarter-mile distance to the park entrance seemed endless. Not as a challenge to his physical endurance, his enhanced strength saw to that, but to his control. He cast a quick glance at Adam. The flared nostrils and stiffness in his friend’s lower back told its own story of how Sarah’s scent affected him.

  The way her fingers had caressed his hair, the way she leaned into him, hell she tempted him to cross the Foundation line. A line he hadn’t even considered trespassing until now. But becoming sexually involved with a Foundation subject would ruin everything he and Adam had worked so bloody hard to achieve.


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