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Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Sandra Harris

  He glanced at Nick. Indecision, fear and acknowledgement of her words reflected back at him.

  “Besides,” Sarah added. “What about when we want kids?”

  Children? His heart slammed into his throat, Nick’s fingers delved a little deeper into the flesh on her hips.

  “You needn’t think I’ll settle for just one of you as father,” she decreed.

  Adam tried to get his mouth to work, to produce words, a sound—anything. A flicker of a worried frown skated across Sarah’s features and remorse kicked him in the gut.

  “I know we haven’t discuss—” she began.

  He lunged upright, wrapped his arms around her and gripped Nick’s back, encompassing Sarah between them. Happiness, terror, elation ricocheted through his soul and shook his body. He sucked in air and buried his head in her shoulder.

  “Adam?” The uncertainty in her voice rattled him more and he tightened his hold, tried again to form words, couldn’t. Her small, soft hands rubbed gentle strokes up and down his back. “Adam? What’s wrong?”

  Nick’s strong hands gripped his shoulders and Adam gloried in the fact that he held the finest future a man could wish for in his arms. He dragged in a long, deep breath, finally able to accept the enormity of his good fortune. He had Nick, and he had Sarah. All of them.

  He lifted his head and smiled at them both. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect.”

  Sarah eyed him, worry behind her gaze. Nick simply gave him a single nod, understanding the flood of emotion surging through him, no doubt experiencing it himself. Sarah’s palm cupped his jaw.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, angel. Absolutely, irrevocably sure.”

  He leaned back a touch, moved his hands to her ribs and rubbed his thumbs over the sides of her breasts. “Our all is what you want, our all is what you’ll get.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she stared hard at him, then her gaze cleared and she pushed him flat.

  “Right then, let’s get down to business! Who’s—”

  “Adam,” Nick proclaimed. “Curl your fingers around him, baby. Looks like he’s deflated a little and needs some stimulation.”

  Sarah gazed down on his half relaxed erection.

  “I want to lick him.”

  Blood surged into his cock like champagne up the neck of a bottle.

  “Well that seems to have done the trick,” Nick murmured, nuzzling Sarah’s earlobe. “What’s it to be, honey?”

  Sarah’s gaze lifted from his proud flesh to stare with soul-gripping hunger into his eyes. “Licking can wait. I want him now.”

  Nick’s arms wrapped around her upper body, the thickness of his tanned, bunched muscles accentuating Sarah’s pale, delicate beauty. Adam gripped his shaft and aimed towards paradise as Sarah spread her knees wider, clasped Nick’s forearm and sank her pelvis towards him. Pre-cum burned up his shaft. The head of his cock kissed the mouth of her sex and he barely restrained a savage thrust to plunge into her. She lowered on to him, inch by glorious, torturous inch. Her tight warmth gave way to his penetrating rigidity, gripping him, clutching him, squeezing sharp euphoria from him. He released the grip on his cock and let her take him.

  Slight resistance blocked his passage and he hesitated, wanting her to be ready. But it seemed Sarah was in no temperament to dally and plunged herself down on him to seat him fully. She stiffened, her hands tightened on Nick’s arm. A soft cry of pain escaped her mouth and clawed his heart.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her thighs, desperate to ease her discomfort. The tense muscles of her inner channel felt like a tourniquet.

  “Angel, you’ve got to rel—”

  Her constricting grip on him eased, her body softened then her head dropped back and a groan of raw ecstasy slipped from her throat. She moved on him, slowly rocking back and forth as though finding her way. Dancing on him like a flame. His muscles corded, containing the powerful blast of arousal her pleasure ignited. Carnal, passionate love drenched his entire being.

  She reached for him and he laced his fingers with hers. Pleasure knifed him as Nick kissed Sarah’s exposed neck. He almost felt the heat under his own hands as Nick cupped her flared hips, supporting her thrusting motion, urging her to ride him harder. One of Nick’s hands moved to her breasts, massaging, kneading, the other hunted down her torso. His fingers splayed her glistening folds then reached for the treasure within.

  Sarah’s hands gripped his tighter and her body bucked. She drew a ragged breath and moaned, “Harder, oh, please faster.”

  He didn’t know if the command was for him or Nick, or both, but he responded, driving into their beautiful woman with all the force of his unfettered love. A thundering surge of cosmic orgasm bore down on him. Sarah’s pace increased, frantically hurtling them both towards the bliss of fulfilment.

  “Nick,” he ground out, knowing his friend would understand the plea to increase the stimulation to Sarah’s clit, to push her first into the rapturous abyss.

  Her hands gripped his as though his touch was the only thing keeping her safe. Her pelvis dug into his, her core muscles clenched around him, fisted his length and squeezed. Stars exploded behind his eyes then Sarah’s gasping moans of gratification ripped away all control. The awesome power of culmination rolled him, turned him in a maelstrom of exquisite sensation. Intense, glorious pleasure slashed down his spine and exploded in his balls. Blazing release speared through his cock, his body jerking to each incredible, fierce surge.

  He sucked in a huge, startled breath as his spirit touched Sarah’s then twined around hers in protective, joyous delight. Her grip lessened and her hands slid from his. He opened his eyes, staring in wonder at her then she leaned forward and kissed him with all the passion engendered by the love they shared. It felt like a lifeline to his soul.

  Nick felt like he was floating in a fireworks factory on the outskirts of heaven and radiating sparks. Adam’s release had torn through his body as though it were his own and he breathed deeply to contain the blissful torture of his need for Sarah. Her pert ass beckoned to him. Liquid passion, hers and Adam’s, wept from her sex, the heady mixture of their scents dragging him deeper into raging need.

  His body rose to hers like a song to music and he slowly sank within her like a lost man finally finding the sanctuary of home. Her inner core embraced him, clung to his length and submitted to the penetration of his solid girth until he was seated heart-deep within her. He withdrew a little, gripped her hips and lifted her body, angling her so the head of his cock found the inner root of her clit. She moaned and thrust back on him, but he governed her motion, imprisoned her into stillness so he controlled the tempo of their desire and ensured any discomfort she experienced became lost in pleasure.

  Great shudders wracked his body as he tried to pen the rapture expanding beyond the bounds of his physical being. He bent over Sarah, caged her between him and Adam, bracing his weight on one hand near Adam’s shoulder and splaying the other over Sarah’s stomach, clasping her to his chest and abdomen.

  He pumped his hips, pistoning into her to fan her internal fire. Passion growled from his throat, her soft cries of pleasure became huskier, ramping his arousal towards eruption. Her hands gripped Adam’s shoulders, turning her knuckles white. She mewled a plea, gasped their names. Her core gripped him as though starving, clenching and releasing as the pleasure he and Adam created rode her hard.

  She was close. God, he needed her to come. He bowed his back, nuzzled her ear and ordered, “Take me over the edge, baby.”

  She shattered beneath him, shook like a high scale tremor, her sex rippled, syphoning his cock. His balls throbbed, pleasure escalated in raw intensity, burrowed down his shaft then burst from him in wave after wave of red-hot passion. Something brushed his soul, linked him to Sarah and then Adam as though coupling them to all e

  “How much practice do you think we’ll need to maintain this level of perfection?” Sarah asked on a sated sigh.

  She stretched sinuously over hard muscle, her body humming with satisfaction, then winced a little at the slightly sore inner catch of previously virgin muscles. She grinned at the rawness prickling her oesophagus. Damn, pleasure had closed her throat so tight during that last orgasm it ground her scream into a groan of pure bliss. Aftershocks of the climaxes they’d wrung from her twitched her internal tissues and she basked in the relaxation coursing through her well-loved body.

  She’d revelled in her men’s tender possession, and exulted when their control snapped and wildness mastered their actions. But when their souls had meshed? She’d glimpsed the Elysian Fields lying verdant before her. If this was semen addiction, bring it on!

  Nick had slowly withdrawn from her body, pressing tender kisses to her back then walked to an alcove. A moment later he’d returned with a warm, moist cloth and gently, almost reverently, cleansed the release of their passions from her body while she lay wrapped in Adam’s arms. Now he and Adam lay below her, their light caresses whispering over her back.

  “More than once a week, that’s for damn sure,” Adam rumbled.

  A laughing grunt from Nick expressed his agreement.

  She smiled at them, content beyond her wildest dreams knowing her heart would be forever safe in their keeping. “So, what? Twice a week?”

  Nick’s large, warm hand palmed her butt and squeezed. “Minx. You’ll be thoroughly loved at least twice a day.”

  “Oh, well,” she surrendered on a mock sigh, tracing circles over the broad, beguiling planes of his massive chest, “if you have to.”

  The tips of Adam’s fingers feathered along her hips, tickled her waist then skimmed her ribcage. “We could, you know, consider once a week, if it’ll please you.”

  She drew a deep breath and pretended to consider that option while spanning her other hand over the hard, muscles rippling his stomach. “You could . . . but only if you want a cranky lover on your hands.”

  “I’m sure Nick’d cope.”

  She dug her elbow into his ribs. “Wretch! You promised your all and once a week ain’t gonna cut it.”

  Adam captured her hand, the possessive pressure of his grip pleasing her, and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. The passionate adoration lighting his denim-blue eyes grabbed her heart and sheltered her soul.

  “On that note,” Nick said, “how to do you feel about marriage?”

  She turned to him, fierce passion radiated from his entire being. Her love for them welled, expanded through her chest like a hot, thermo-nuclear reaction and threatened to consume her. She gladly submitted to the strength of her feelings, determined to show her men in every little detail of their life that they were her world, that her absolute trust in their commitment would never waver.

  Then what he’d said poked at her mind.

  She narrowed her gaze at him, she knew they knew she would never accept just one of them in a public binding. “Explain.”

  Nick’s lazy, confident smile sent shivers skittering over her skin.

  “Well, as Captain of this vessel I have the right and privilege to perform a bonding ceremony.”

  He paused and she growled at him for the teasing interruption.

  “And I’ve spoken to Draken as the leader of our community. He sees no problem.”

  Again a playful silence teased with the promise of something joyous.

  “Get to the point, Nick or I’ll . . .” she trailed off. All the threats that sprung to mind would probably only stimulate him. “Just get to the point.”

  “Yeah, Nick,” Adam added with a provocative grin, “get to the point.”

  He knows. He knows where this is leading. Joy filled her with glowing warmth. And I’ve got a pretty good idea too. But they needn’t think they’re the only ones who can pull a leg.

  “I might say no.”

  Shock dragged the teasing smiles from their features, then a glint of domination sparkled in their eyes.

  “Then we’ll just have to persuade you,” Nick said.

  “You could ask first.”

  Surprise lifted his eyebrows and a frown lowered Adam’s brows. “We haven’t done that yet?” he asked.

  She placed a hand on their chests, levered herself up and knelt between them.

  “Let me get this straight. Draken, as head of our merry band has decreed that in our new community a woman can have two husbands?”

  “Or a man can have two wives,” Adam said. “More if they’re all agreeable.”

  She glared at him. “Don’t even think about it.”

  His easy laugh embraced her heart and his hand clasped the curve of her hip. “You’re the only woman I want and need, angel.”

  “And you don’t regret that? That you and Nick have to share?”

  “Never, angel. This is right for us.”

  “So then, will you be my husbands?”

  Their mouths dropped open, surprise and disappointment widened their eyes.

  “But . . . but we’re supposed to ask you,” Adam groaned.

  She lifted a shoulder. “You were taking so damned long about it. Well?”

  They scrambled to kneel before her and she revelled in the rippling display of strength as muscle shifted below golden and tan skin. Each of them took her hand.

  “Sarah Maree Rasmussen,” Adam began.

  “Will you take us, Adam McKeoun and Nick Bannister, as your forever husbands. Allow us to care for, cherish and protect you to the happy exclusion of all others as we take you as our wife?” Nick finished.

  She filled her lungs with their wonderful scent and her heart with their profound love. “I do.”

  They released her hands and Nick gently pushed her back until she lay on the mattress. He stalked over her, his big body penning her in a dominant, protective cage. “And do you promise to forgive us when we’ve screwed up?”

  She ran her hands over the resilient, smooth skin of his chest and shoulders then linked her arms behind his neck. “So long as you apologise—sincerely, and allow me to do the same.”

  Nick scooped her into his arms, lifted her until she sat in his lap. The tender kiss he laid on her promised to warm and brighten her life forever. Without apparent effort he turned her and handed her into Adam’s waiting arms. Adam hugged her to his chest and she knew she would always find safety and happiness there.

  She leaned back and gazed at them. “Do you promise to allow me to give you my all?”

  “We do,” they replied with solemn respect.

  Nick placed a braided silver and gold band around her upper arm then handed her two more. “Tie us to you, baby. They’re iridium-titanium alloy and gold, to reflect the strength and worth of our connection.”

  Heart full, she secured the bands above the bulge of each of their biceps. Golden joy warmed her to the core of her being. She ran her hands into their hair and clasped their napes.

  “I will always love you.”

  “Our connection is complete,” Nick said. “We are bound.”

  Sarah eyed the perfect representations of masculinity before her. All hers. Their beautiful souls, their beautiful bodies. Bliss sparkled through her and she sighed with utmost content.

  And now she was going to give herself the pleasure of learning her husbands with hands, lips and—most definitely—tongue.



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