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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 14

by Maggie Ryan

  "Oh yeah, Schatzlein, this is a definite. Can you imagine being a guest and having your Dom tell you to go to the Woodshed because you've been a naughty girl? I think walking into this room and seeing all the possibilities would make any Sub regret being naughty."

  Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. "Or, as I see it, it would make any Sub try to find ways to be sent back to the Woodshed, if their experience is anything like mine." He bent and kissed her before lifting her again. "I like calling it the Woodshed," she said. "I know your ancestors called it the pouting house, but just hearing you say Woodshed made my heart stutter and my butt clench."

  He laughed, hugging her tighter. "Woodshed it is." They walked back to the house to tell Ryan to have someone fix the ladder in the barn so they could decide what they wished to do with the structure. They told him to leave the Woodshed alone for now but that they were definitely going to keep it. Ryan had agreed.

  As they turned to walk down to the lake, Ryan chuckled and had absolutely no doubt that Logan had found where the key had been hidden. It had actually been under the molding rag rug on the porch, but after examining the room and knowing exactly what the couple was building, he had made sure its hiding place was easier to find. He loved hearing their name for the well-house, too.

  Chapter 10

  By the time Elizabeth and Logan joined the others, there was an all-out water fight going on. Quickly stripping down to their suits, the couple joined the rest in the water. Not even knowing the cause, they were soon splashing and kicking up as much water as they could. When everyone was exhausted and cries of 'uncle' rang out, they climbed from the lake and settled into chairs around the blanket again.

  "Next time you want to wake us up, I suggest you do it far more civilly," Craig said as he used his wound-up towel to pop it against Garrett's leg.

  "Oww!" Garrett complained. "It was the girls' idea to dump water on you two," he said, causing both Ariel and Nancy to accuse him of being a rat-fink. They quickly explained that seeing the two on the blanket, dead to the world, had simply been too much of a temptation.

  "And, since they had already stripped down to their suits, I mean, tell me who here could resist dumping water on them," Nancy asked, accepting a can of soda from Jason. "Besides, I was very concerned that they might be expiring from heat-stroke so it really should be considered an act of kindness." Barbara snorted and rolled her eyes. When the ice-cold water they had gotten from the cooler had landed on her, she had shrieked like she'd been stabbed. Craig had not fared any better, especially considering where his cupful had landed. Seeing his eyes grow as huge as saucers as he cupped the targeted area had caused her to laugh so hard she thought she might pee her pants. When he jumped up and chased the girls into the lake, easily dunking each of them, their men had come to their defense, hence the water fight.

  When the laughter ended, Logan told them about the discovery of the barn and with a grin at Elizabeth, also described the Woodshed. Everyone had their mouths open as he went into exquisite detail about what the shed held.

  "Seriously? Oh my God," Nancy said though she wasn't as excited as either Ariel or Elizabeth. "Man, I can't believe people from years ago played naughty games as well. You are really going to keep it? Make it part of the package?"

  Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah, it was incredible. That barrel … oh, um, never mind," she stammered as she realized what she had been about to say.

  Logan laughed. "Let's just say that while some of you ladies—meaning you, Nancy—might not look forward to being sent there, there are definitely some that have already admitted they are thinking of ways of being sent back. I see it going both ways," Logan said, enjoying the blush on Elizabeth's face.

  Ariel jumped up immediately and grabbed her camera. "Come on, I've got to get shots of this," she said, pulling at Garrett's hand.

  He groaned, comfortable where he was. "Can't it wait until later?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer.

  She dropped his hand only to put her hands on her hips. "No it can not! If I wait till later, the light will be gone. You know I promised a complete Before and After Haven scrapbook, so you lazy dog, get up and take me to the Woodshed," she demanded. His eyebrow lifted and his lips curled at her words. She stepped back a step and held up one hand. "Wait, that didn't come out right, I mean, please, Sir, would you please take me to the building so I can get some pictures for our good friends?" Logan laughed and tossed the key to Garrett. He caught it and slowly stood. The rest decided to join them after Ariel whispered to Barbara that she wasn't too sure Garrett wouldn't want to show her the true purpose of the place. Elizabeth and Logan declined, giving them basic directions.

  "We'll stay and get the fire going," Logan said. "I'll have Liz cut some switches."

  "Hey," she said, her own hands going to her hips.

  "I've already paddled you, little girl," he said with a grin. "The switches are for roasting the marshmallows."

  The others didn't take too long, having found both the barn and the shed, every man threatening bodily harm if any one of the ladies got near the ladder. After reassuring them that they weren't going to chance a broken arm or worse, they walked through the woods until they found the smaller building. It was as incredible as Logan and Elizabeth had said, causing the men to smile as they walked around examining the implements; the women stood together, smiling and giggling a bit nervously as they looked at the furniture. Ariel walked over to the barrel and then squealed when it moved under her hand. Garrett joined her and rocked the barrel back and forth a few times. He noticed that the top was nowhere near as dusty as the rest of the barrel and grinned, easily picturing Logan placing Elizabeth tummy-down across the broad surface and applying a paddle to her behind.

  "This is going to be awesome," he said, and the others had to admit it could be quite the experience. Ariel had taken a closeup photo of the chalkboard as the men chuckled, making sure to point out that they obviously hadn't been the only ones concerned with safety. Locking the door, the couples were a bit quieter on the return to the lake, each thinking their own thoughts.

  There was indeed a fire roaring in a circle of stones by the time they returned. It was almost dusk, but enough light was left in the sky to reflect on the surface of the lake. Logan had arranged four chairs around the fire, placing two long switches at each place. Elizabeth had set down covered plates that held graham crackers, bars of chocolate, and several marshmallows. Barbara and Craig brought down some soft drinks from the cooler. After passing them out, he took the only empty chair. Barbara wasn't even conscious of what she was doing as she gracefully sank down beside his chair just as the other three women had done beside each of their own men. She passed marshmallows to Craig and he skewered two onto a stick. She contentedly leaned against his thigh as he bent forward to roast them over the fire. Listening to soft voices and gentle laughter as the couples teased each other, she realized that she was happier than she had been in years. Not only was she more relaxed, she realized she hadn't once thought about the office since her arrival. When Craig presented the melting globs of marshmallow and she quickly held out the cracker, she realized she was finding pleasure in simple things, activities that would cause her usual social circle to turn up their noses. She offered the completed s'more to him, but he shook his head.

  "You first, Bunny." She smiled and then moaned in pleasure as she took the first bite, the heat from the marshmallow melting the rich chocolate. She didn't even realize her eyes had drifted closed or that the tip of her tongue darted to the corner of her mouth to lick at some melted chocolate left from her bite. Craig barely managed not to groan, his previously shriveled cock once more making itself known after its ice-cold bath earlier. When she opened her eyes, she blushed at the look on his face and then smiled when he bent to kiss her gently.

  He was roasting his own marshmallows when she sat forward. "I've got it!" she exclaimed, far louder than she had intended.

  "Got what?" Craig asked, looking down to see if she had been
referring to the cracker or chocolate squares.

  "HOPE … we can be the HOPEFULs," she said. Craig shook his head but lifted his eyes when he heard the other three women respond. "I mean, we can call the club HOPE, meaning Haven Offers Pleasurable Experiences," she said. Elizabeth jumped up and knelt down next to Barbara, throwing her arms around her.

  "That's perfect! I owe you lunch and dinner! Oh, how's this—your definition, plus add 'for unique lifestyles' for the 'ful' part. Haven Offers Pleasurable Experiences For Unique Lifestyles!" Nancy giggled as she and Ariel joined the two.

  "Yeah, or Haven Offers Perfect Ecstasy For Unique Lovers," she suggested.

  Logan laughed and gave his own suggestion having figured out what they were talking about and remembering the 'girl intervention' the day before. "Haven Offers Punishment Especially For Unlucky Ladies."

  "Huge Opportunities for Perverted Entertainment For Ultra-naughty Liaisons," Garrett offered, causing Ariel to return to him and slap at his arm.

  "For your information, Sir, no one in the Dietrich family participates in perversion," she scolded. "Spankings, yes; great sex, of course; bondage, well what can I say; but definitely nothing perverted." Garrett held his hands up in surrender before pulling her down on his lap and kissing her long and hard. The other women simply smiled and shook their heads. Despite the rather crude suggestions from their men, the Haven HOPEFULS had been formed.

  When the girls congratulated Barbara on winning the prize, Elizabeth explained their wager. Craig immediately made a suggestion. "I'd like to suggest that you let me award Barbara with hosting a dinner. She can be the guest of honor but the invitation is for all of you. I'd like to do a Chef's Table at the restaurant. That way, Gracie can help me cook and ya'll can watch."

  Nancy laughed and shook her head. "Explain to me how having to cook is a prize," she said, not finding the activity very entertaining. In their household, Jason was the one who did most of the cooking; grilling was his specialty.

  Barbara answered for Craig, "That sounds like such fun. I've always wanted to cook in a commercial kitchen. Please say you'll come." She looked so excited that everyone instantly agreed. Elizabeth accepted but made sure that Barbara understood that she would be taking her out to lunch, as the wager had included both meals. Barbara happily agreed, looking forward to more girl-talk with her brother's fiancé.

  Ariel looked over at Logan. He had been a bit quiet, but when he met her eyes, he gave her a smile and a nod. It was evident to them both that their sister had begun to shed the despondency and anger of the past several months and was blossoming under Craig's attention.

  Hours later, Craig pulled up in front of the small house that Barbara was renting after the divorce. David had wanted to keep their marital home, anxious to install his new bride under the roof. Barbara hadn't truly cared; she had never much liked the extravagant home but she hadn't spent years in law school without learning how to make her case. Since it had been he that had cheated and he that had caused emotional distress, she knew she had the best case to keep almost everything. Even knowing that he had wanted her out of his life and discovering that their entire marriage had been a mistake, she was smart enough not to cave easily. He had been forced to buy her out at well above the current market value. It had been more than enough to allow her to purchase a more modest home, but she was in no hurry. She had been through too much to make such a decision, and as long as she was comfortable, she had no problem waiting to find what she really wanted.

  She remained in the truck as Craig moved around to open her door. They had stopped at a storage facility that held roomfuls of furniture and items that Elizabeth and Nancy had been collecting for Haven, as well as future design projects. The men carried the red chaise into one of the units while the girls waited by the truck.

  "Thank you for inviting me this weekend," Barbara said. "I know I was a bitch, but I hope you do forgive me."

  "You weren't a bitch, Barbara. You were in pain, and we all understood you didn't mean to hurt anyone," Elizabeth assured her. "You are a great person, and I am so happy we are going to be sisters. You fit in with our group perfectly, and we are both lucky and happy to have you." She paused and looked towards the building. "Craig is a great guy. You can trust him. If … if you want to talk or have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Members of HOPE have got to stick together and there is nothing … and I mean nothing … that we can't discuss." Barbara blushed but nodded, feeling closer to this woman than to any other.

  "I'll take you up on that, I'm sure," she said. They had just made plans to meet for lunch later in the week when the men returned.

  Logan embraced his sister and gave her a kiss. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly. She smiled and nodded, her eyes going to see Craig hugging Elizabeth.

  "I think I will be," she whispered.

  He hugged her again. "Yes Bunny girl, I think you will," Logan said, and then helped Elizabeth into his car. Though he understood the irony, Logan had spoken to Craig as they locked the storage unit after placing the chaise inside.

  "Barbara is not only a wonderful woman, she is my little sister. I know she is a grown woman, but, well, she will always be someone I care about, will protect, and I would be very unhappy if another man ever causes her even a smidgen of the pain her ex has done."

  Craig nodded, realizing he'd been expecting something of this sort. He knew how seriously Logan took his role as the girls' brother.

  "We've known each other a while now, Craig, and I believe you to be an honorable man. I hope you don't take offense, but I promise I won't hesitate to kick your ass if you hurt her. Are we clear?"

  "Perfectly clear," Craig said. "I'd only have been offended if you hadn't spoken to me, Logan. I promise I have absolutely no desire to hurt her in any way. I only want to remind her how special she is. I see a woman who has been afraid to seek her own happiness for a long time. I intend to show her that she not only deserves that happiness, but that I'd be honored if she'd allow me to share in it. I'm not playing with her. I haven't felt this way before. All I can do is swear I'd rather you kick my ass than to hurt her even unintentionally."

  Logan hadn't lied. He knew Craig to be a man of integrity. He'd seen him in the club and knew he treated all women respectfully. He also knew the man had a kink. That didn't bother Logan in the slightest but caused him to wonder if he planned to inform his sister of that side of his makeup.

  Craig had seen Logan pause and knew what he was considering. "I believe I have good instincts, Logan. I believe I can read between the lines of what a woman says she wants and what she really desires. I swear to you, if your sister decides she'd like to start a relationship with me, I will not do anything or ask anything of her before we discuss everything. That's all I will say at this time, and I hope it is enough."

  Logan nodded. "It is," he said, shaking the man's hand. He smiled, remembering the day Jason had put him through the same type of questioning when Logan first started dating Elizabeth. Just as Jason had trusted him, he would offer that same trust to Craig.

  Craig walked her to her door and she realized she was as nervous as a teenager on her first date. He took the keys from her and unlocked the door before handing them back. "I'd like to see you again, Barbara," he said softly.

  She was relieved, having thought that he might not care to continue seeing her, since she had never really closed the subject of the spanking he felt he owed her. She felt him lift her chin so that she had to meet his eyes. "I know this might be quick, but little girl, I haven't felt this way for anyone before. Do you think you might give us a chance?"

  Instantly, any hesitation or uncertainty she had disappeared. She nodded and smiled up at him. "I'd love that." He grinned and bent to kiss her. She molded to him, her arms lifting to go around his neck as his moved to her waist, pulling her as close as possible. While she had felt like an awkward teenager only moments before, she understood no date had ever made her feel what this man did. When he finally released h
er, she leaned her head forward against his chest. "Craig, would you please spank me?"

  "Yes, Bunny, I will." She nodded, trembling just the slightest, and opened the door. He picked up her suitcase and followed her inside, turning to close and lock the door. She flipped on the light to illuminate the small but cozy living area. Knowing this was a huge step for her, Craig knew he had to handle it perfectly. He had been watching and gently testing her all weekend and was confident of what she craved deep inside her soul.

  "Before we begin, I need to talk to you," he said; she gave him a hesitant nod. "Will you sit with me a minute?"

  She nodded again, watching as he put her suitcase down and took a seat in one of her armchairs. She was about to sit in the other when he patted his lap. She flushed, but realized it was exactly where she wanted to be.

  Once they were settled, he took a deep breath and began: "I know you were exposed to all sorts of new things this weekend. I also know you are a very intelligent woman and understand that the people we were with enjoy more than a standard, typical type of relationship. Though I don't know for sure what your relationship with your ex was and admit it isn't any of my business, I need to tell you about myself. When I am done, I'm going to want you to give serious consideration to whether or not you wish to explore a relationship with me. That's what I hope this becomes," he said, using a finger to point first at her and then himself. "I am so attracted to you that it makes my head spin." She smiled and felt a sense of warmth flood through her.

  "Barbara, I know you understand what domestic discipline is, don't you?" She nodded, having grown up with it her entire life; well, at least before her marriage. "Since your brother owns an adult club and your sister is open about her lifestyle, I'm also hoping you have at least an idea of what BDSM is."


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