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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 17

by Maggie Ryan

  "Come here, Bunny," he said softly. Barbara turned from the corner, her fist rubbing at her eyes, causing his cock to twitch in his pants. She looked so child-like, her panties and pajamas at her ankles, her red bottom testament to her punishment and her face showing the tracks of her tears. He held out his arms, and after a moment she practically flung herself at him. He picked her up and cradled her on his lap, her head buried in his neck, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Shhh," he said, rubbing her back and then dropping down to cup a hot, bare buttock. She gave a soft moan but didn't attempt to pull away. Instead, she pressed down onto his hand as if begging for his touch. Craig found himself torn. He was done with her punishment but hesitated to reach between her legs to give her the release that her adult self so desperately needed. He had absolutely no doubt that he would find her soaking wet; he'd seen her inner thigh glistening with her cream as she stood in the corner. He had no intention of making love to her, not yet. She would have to grow to trust him, to truly care for him—not only as a daddy who would take care of the little girl inside of her, but as a lover that would also take care of her big-girl needs. It would be quite a while before he allowed himself to sink into her beautiful body. His cock was protesting his control, pushing against the zipper of his pants, but he could tend to himself when he got home, exactly as he had at the hotel earlier. It wasn't what he wanted, not by any means. However, it was exactly what Barbara needed, and that was his first priority.

  He also realized he didn't want to leave her needy or chance that she would feel the urge to take care of that need herself. She would learn that she was not to touch herself in any way unless given permission to masturbate. He grinned, imagining her looking at him, her eyes wide, wondering if he had really instructed her to show him how she liked to bring herself to climax. His cock again pulsed, warning him that those were very dangerous thoughts. He nodded as if agreeing and remembered that until he did give her permission, it was his responsibility to take care of all of her needs.

  "Bunny, you did very well. I'm proud of you. You accepted your punishment like a very good girl," he said softly, his hand moving to rub in small circles over her bottom. She moaned, and then he felt her shift her legs apart a bit. Taking a chance, he moved his hand from her bottom to cup her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I normally don't believe in pleasure after a punishment, Bunny, but I feel you deserve some. I don't want to push you, don't want to frighten you, and don't want you to feel you have to submit to something you don't feel comfortable with." He saw her eyes widen and shook his head. "I won't sleep with you, not tonight. It's too soon for us to make love. However, I know that my little girl is aching here," he said, moving his hand to gently cup her sex. She moaned deeply, pressing against his palm. "I don't want my little girl doing big girl things in her bed when Daddy leaves. I would like to bring you to pleasure if you will allow me."

  She blushed hotly, knowing she should deny that she needed release, knowing she could play it dumb and take care of herself when he was gone and he'd never know … well, at least not for sure. But his tone of voice, his kind eyes and his gentle hands made her want to allow him to do what he wanted, to bring her to a climax that she had been craving from the moment he had entered her house. She slowly nodded her head. He smiled and bent to kiss her softly. He pressed her head back to his neck and then began to stroke her again, going slow, once more moving his hand to stroke against her bottom. This time when she opened her legs further, he moved his hand to delve between her legs, his fingertips barely grazing the lips of her sex. She moaned, her face pressing into his neck as she pressed her pelvis up, searching for his fingers.

  "Shhh, just relax. Let me take care of you. You don't have to do anything; you don't even need to move. Don't think about anything but what you are feeling when I play with you. Let Daddy take care of his Bunny."

  She shuddered at his words, her clit pulsing and her sex moistening. When he said the word 'daddy', she almost came. She pushed away the thought that she was the truly perverted Dietrich. Intellectually, she knew she wasn't perverted; she had done enough research to know that there was no definition of 'normal' or 'correctness' in human sexuality. Emotionally, she was a woman who was feeling loved, cared-for and comforted for the first time in years. Craig caressed her softly, running his fingers slowly up and down the outsides of her vulva and through the soft, silky curls of her pubic hair. She would shudder and moan softly until he would shush her just as softly. When she would squirm and attempt to find his finger, he would lift it away and be still. She finally submitted and was still and quiet against him, her hand clutching his shirt, her eyes closing. Her world became only his fingers and how they were making her feel. "Good girl," he said, so softly she wasn't sure he had actually spoken.

  After several minutes of gentle caresses, he slid his finger between her outer lips, spreading them, stroking them until they splayed open, revealing her pink inner lips, her pulsing clitoris swollen. She didn't move but couldn't stop the soft whimpers from escaping her lips. It was the most incredible feeling she had ever felt. Even though it made her feel guilty and feel as if she were somehow betraying David, she had often masturbated during her marriage, but her fingers had never moved this slowly or felt this delicious. His fingers were heating her skin as well as awakening every nerve ending. When he stroked across the tip of her clit, she felt she would explode; when he circled the throbbing nubbin with his fingertip, she knew that if she didn't come soon, she might die. When he moved his finger to dip into her pussy, pressing softly inside, thrusting in and out gently, teasing her, she had to cry out, the sound causing his heart to stutter, the raw need of the sound telling him he couldn't keep her on the brink much longer. He gave her a few more thrusts and then slid two fingers into her, turning his hand palm up, searching for the small rough patch of her g-spot. The moment he found it, her legs clamped shut and then fell open again, her hips bucking up.

  He smiled knowing she was beyond the ability of keeping still. He kept stroking her g-spot, thrusting slowly but steadily in and out of her, then added his thumb, stroking over her clit.

  "Such a good girl," he whispered softly. "Daddy wants you to come, Bunny. Can you be my good girl and come really hard for Daddy?" He slid his thumb over her clit again, this time pressing very hard and flicking it very rapidly. "Come now." She shrieked and exploded, her body lifting from his lap, her bottom clenching as her legs jerked. She flooded his fingers, her cream dripping from her onto his palm. He wondered if she was aware that she was chanting the word 'Daddy' over and over again. He held her, his fingers still inside, until she began to calm. Every whimper caused him to smile; every time she opened and closed her fist around his shirt made him happy. When he felt her tears against his neck, his heart almost broke. Poor girl, when was the last time she had allowed herself to lose control to the point of coming apart in someone's arms? When she gave a last shudder and small moan, he moved his hand from her and stood, carrying her to the bed. He laid her down and pulled her pajama bottoms and panties completely off, laying them at the foot of the bed. She rolled onto her tummy, and he smiled. He went into the bathroom, wet a washcloth with warm water, and returned to the bed. He gently moved the cloth between her legs, but she attempted to close them, denying him access.

  He heard her suck in her breath and watched her face color. "Shhh, you're safe, let me take care of you. You'll feel and sleep better, baby," he said, and was pleased when she opened her legs and allowed him to wash her. When he was finished, he pulled the covers up over her naked red bottom, tucked her in tightly, and then bent to kiss her cheek.

  "Good night, Bunny. Sleep well, and I'll call you tomorrow. Thank you for trusting me to care for you." She nodded, her eyes closed, not trusting her voice, but he saw her soft smile. He kissed her cheek again and stroked her hair before turning off the light. He let himself out, making sure he pushed the lock on the door. He climbed into his truck but didn't start it immediately. What he had expected to be a
working but fun-filled weekend had turned into something far different, something that had the potential of changing not only his life, but also the life of the wonderful woman he had just left. Now that he had found his Bunny, he had absolutely no desire to ever let her go.

  Chapter 12

  Barbara woke before her alarm sounded the next morning. She felt a moment of confusion but then a huge smile broke across her face. She hadn't slept so well or so long in ages and felt entirely rested. She threw back the covers, surprised she had to tug them out from beneath the mattress and then realized that Craig had meant what he said; he'd really 'tucked her in'. She sat up and grimaced just a bit, the tenderness in her bottom reminding her of the spanking she had been given the night before. When she stood, she discovered she was only wearing the tops to her pajamas. Seeing her panties neatly folded and lying on top of her folded pajama bottoms at the end of the bed, she blushed again, pulling them on. After going to the bathroom, again feeling her face heat with the memory of being told to go to the potty, she washed her hands and headed for the kitchen. After the coffee brewed, she made a big mug, adding cream and sugar and went back into her bedroom, curling up in the big armchair.

  Sipping her coffee, she allowed herself to fully remember what had happened and then analyze her feelings. Without Craig's large presence in the room, she realized she felt a bit confused at her behavior the night before. She had been a woman who was in control of everything as long as she could remember. If she couldn't have control, she felt vulnerable and frightened. She didn't like feeling as if she were open to being hurt, either emotionally or physically. But she had given up even a semblance of control last night. She was an educated woman, one capable of debating any topic from either the pro or con side, and had been a member of her college debate team. She argued cases in court, prepared legal briefs that few people could really muddle through, and yet, she hadn't argued over anything Craig had asked her to do. No, she might have hesitated, but she had obeyed his every command. What exactly did that mean? Did it mean she was losing control over her own life again—like she'd lost with David? Did that mean she could no longer trust herself to make good decisions?

  She almost jumped out of her chair when the phone rang. Grateful that she hadn't dumped coffee all over herself, she stood and went to sit on the bed, reaching to pick up her phone. "Good morning, Bunny," Craig said softly, picturing her sitting in her pink pajamas, her hair tousled from sleep. He also prayed she had a soft smile on her face but was prepared to be disappointed.

  "Um, good morning," Barbara said, putting her mug down before she was unable to hold it in her shaking hands.

  "I hope you had pleasant dreams. I know you have to get ready for work, but I wanted to make sure you were okay." Not knowing how to respond, not really trusting herself, Barbara simply stated that she was fine. Craig closed his eyes, the flat tone of her voice telling him the opposite was more likely the truth. Knowing that he had chanced pushing her too fast and too far the evening before, despite her repeating that she was ready, he also knew if he began apologizing for anything, it would only increase the guilt or shame she felt for allowing herself to let go.

  He forced himself to pretend that he didn't hear the barely concealed panic coming over the phone. "I'm glad to hear that. I know we talked about getting together for dinner, but I wanted to tell you I'll pick you up at seven tonight," he said, even though they had never actually discussed a day or time to meet again. When she hesitated, he pressed a bit: "Gracie, I know you are feeling confused and probably even a little scared. Honey, that's only natural. It's okay, and I want to see you—to talk about whatever you need to talk about. Tonight can be only dinner. We'll go somewhere casual; you don't have to dress up."

  She had been planning on refusing, but his concern made her hesitate. She found herself looking at the chair again, remembering how it felt to be in his arms. She also saw the stack of books and knew that, while he had been the one to physically start their journey of exploration, she had begun it herself the moment she went online. Though she was still confused, as well as a bit embarrassed, she needed to see him at least one more time.

  "Okay, but can I just meet you somewhere?" she asked softly.

  Craig knew it meant that she wanted a means of quick escape. Though he understood, he wouldn't allow her to run. "No, I'll pick you up and take you home. If you want me to leave you on your doorstep, I will. I'm not trying to push you, Gracie, but I want you to trust me."

  "Oh … um, okay," she agreed.

  "Good girl, I'll see you at seven. Have a good day at work, Bunny. I'll be thinking of you." A bit surprised to feel a flash of pleasure at his insistence upon picking her up, she managed a small smile. She said goodbye and hung up the phone. Suddenly she noticed a piece of paper stuck in her book. She didn't remember putting it there. Reaching out, she picked up the book and opened it. Barbara's face softened as she read his note:

  Bunny, thank you for last night. It was the most beautiful experience I've ever had. It was a gift given to me by an incredible woman who found the courage to begin a journey that I know is both fascinating and frightening to the little girl inside you. I'm praying that you feel the same, that you aren't questioning yourself this morning. If you are, I ask that you close your eyes and just remember how you felt last night. Did you feel safe? Did you feel treasured? Did you feel loved and cared for? Little girl, I pray the answer is yes because I want to protect you, to treasure you, to love and care for you. Remember, I am here for you and will always be ready to talk about what you are feeling or try to answer any questions you may have. I will see you tonight. Until then, know that I am thinking about you - Daddy

  With tears in her eyes, she looked at the clock, hoping what she was about to do wouldn't have negative consequences. Picking up the phone again, she dialed a number she had entered into her mobile over the weekend and waited for it to be picked up.

  "Hello?" a sleepy voice answered after four rings.

  "Elizabeth?" Barbara said quietly, as if not wanting to wake her up, though it was obviously too late.

  "Barbara?" Elizabeth said, pushing herself to sit up, her back against the headboard. Logan opened his eyes, his question evident. She shook her head and held up a single finger. "Honey, what's wrong?" At those words, Logan sat up, pushed into a sitting position, and pulled Elizabeth onto his lap. She leaned against him, the phone pressed to her ear.

  "I'm sorry I woke you. I … I forgot how early I get up. Go back to sleep, I'll … I'll call you later," Barbara said, attempting to backpedal.

  "Honey, I'm awake, and you are not bothering me. Tell me what you need," Elizabeth encouraged. "Remember, us HOPEFULs have to stick together." She saw a look flash in Logan's eyes and shook her head at him as he attempted to reach out and take her phone.

  On the other end of the line, Barbara took a deep breath and told herself to be a big-girl. She had been the one to dial the phone, and it was unfair to leave Elizabeth hanging and worrying about the reason for the early morning call. "I know we were going to meet for lunch on Wednesday," Barbara said. "I … I was hoping maybe … I mean, if it's all right … if you even can or want to … could you meet today?"

  Elizabeth knew it was absolutely imperative that she agree. The hesitancy and the tone of Barbara's voice had Elizabeth's warning flags flying. Barbara was too fragile right now. Something had either happened between her and Craig that had upset her greatly, or … well, she was betting on Craig.

  "That would be great," Elizabeth said. "I am free all day and was going to call and make an appointment to see you about some legal advice. What time do you want to meet?" They agreed on noon and both hung up.

  "What was that all about?" Craig asked, having heard only one side of the conversation.

  "I think your sister just needs to talk," Elizabeth said, her brow slightly furrowed. "I'm guessing it is about everything that happened this weekend—and more importantly, everything that happened with Craig."

; "Did Craig do something to hurt her?" Logan asked, his tone indicating that if he found out that his friend had caused his sister pain, he wouldn't hesitate to make sure it never happened again.

  Elizabeth smiled and put her hand on his bare chest.

  "Down, boy. I'm sure Craig didn't hurt her. I think she is just confused. She had a lot of new experiences this weekend, and, well, spending all that time with a group of Doms and their Subs had to have her reeling at least a little bit. I'll find out later when I meet her for lunch." She paused and looked at him, her face serious. "Logan, I know she is your sister and that you love her and feel you have to protect her, but honey, I can't promise to share everything she tells me. There are certain 'girl rules' that women share, especially when it comes to men, sex, emotions, etc.. I'm just letting you know ahead of time that if I've been asked to keep a conversation between the two of us, I will not break that trust, not even for my Dom. Okay?"

  Logan frowned but nodded. "I can understand. I might not like it; hell, I know I won't like it, but Schatzlein, I trust you. I'll agree to stay out of it if you promise that if you have even the tiniest feeling that Barbara is either in over her head or going to be truly hurt, you'll come to me. We can worry about her being pissed later, but I am her brother and will keep her safe. Agreed?"

  Elizabeth nodded and knew he would defend Barbara to the death if need be. Smiling and knowing it wouldn't come to that, she reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him.

  "You are so incredibly sexy when you are being protective," she said.

  He kissed her back and then grinned. "Seeing as we're up, and being me being so sexy and all, I'm not wasting the opportunity." With that, he flipped her onto her stomach and began to kiss her from head to toe. She was soon squirming under him, her legs held open by his hands as he licked and kissed up her inner thighs, occasionally teasing her sex until she was begging him to fuck her. He flipped her to her back as if she were a rag doll, his lips moving to torture and nibble on her breasts, her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands linked with his as he held them above her head.


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