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Playing Heart to Get

Page 25

by Kara Liane

  I tried to digest all that was just thrown at me. I knew in my gut this was Greg’s doing. I knew she was in trouble, and I knew I couldn’t just sit here with my thumb up my ass while that fucking monster had her. I stood up and turned to Pike.

  “He could be fucking hurting her right now! You should be out there looking for her. Christ, put up a blockade or something. Put a chopper in the air. Fuck, do something!” I yelled.

  I was so enraged. Pike held his hands up as if that would fucking calm me. Then he replied, “Dr. Graham, I understand you’re upset. But we don’t know how she left, which direction she went, if she was even with someone, or if she’s even in trouble. There are no signs of foul play here. The vomit is only indicative that someone got sick, it’s odd but not unusual. Believe me, we are doing what we can at the moment. If we get confirmation of anything, we can go from there.”

  In that moment, another officer walked in and motioned to Pike to come talk to him. I looked down at Milly and she was still shaking like a leaf. I put my hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her. Milly would know better than anyone how serious this was. I didn’t even have the fucking letter on me to give to the police. I didn’t even know at this point what Caylan did with it. Fuck, I have failed in so many ways. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to pray.

  After about twenty minutes, Pike returned and confirmed my worst fears. “Okay Dr. Graham, we have an eyewitness that gave us a description apparently of a man that Caylan left with. The witness says he was carrying Caylan, and she appeared to be unconscious. A description of the suspect does match Milly’s description of Greg. We will work on putting out an APB. He left in a car heading north. He was driving a black Jeep with Texas plates. I think you’re right that this is our guy,” he explained.

  I wanted to fucking punch the cop and hug him all at once. Thank God they were taking this seriously. Christ, what to do now? I didn’t have to wonder too long because next in walked one pissed off Fred, and one murderous Brent. Brent walked up to me and threw me against the wall. I expected this reaction. I knew he held me directly responsible. I welcomed this. I deserved this.

  Pike and Fred tried to jump in, though, and pry Brent off of me. I didn’t even fucking try and stop her brother, or defend myself before I took a punch to the gut. I needed it. I heard Milly screaming and crying. Pike threatened to taser Brent if he didn’t calm down. I straightened up from the position I was doubled-over in, holding my abdomen. Fuck, that man has a mean upper-cut. My stomach ached, but my heart ached the most.

  “What the fuck?” Brent accused. He yelled, “I am so fucking mad at my parents and Caylan for keeping her attack from me. But you are the biggest asshole there ever was! Why the fuck would you keep the letter from my parents?” His voice boomed throughout the tiny space.

  Clearly Fred or Milly told Brent everything; I suspected it was Fred. I looked at Caylan’s father and his eyes were the saddest I’d ever seen them. I looked at Milly and she was bawling into her hands. This was all of our worst nightmares in this moment. I finally looked Brent in the eyes and tried to explain somehow.

  “I know I fucked up. I’ll never forgive myself. I was wrong. If something happens to her…,” I couldn’t even finish the sentence.

  I slumped down to the floor in a kneeling position and hung my head. Shame, fear, anger, hurt, and failure overwhelmed me. It was all my fault. If only I pursued the threats from Greg. If only I told her parents, no one would have ever left her alone. If only I’d been here. Milly stopped crying and knelt down next to me and hugged me fiercely.

  “It’s not your fault,” she sniffled.

  Fuck, I didn’t even realize I had been talking out loud. I knew I was so defeated. I still couldn’t look up at the men standing above me. They were the judge, jury, and executioners as far as I was concerned.

  I mumbled out, “I want to marry her. I love her. She is my life. I want to have children with her and grow old with her. I’m sorry….”

  Milly’s head shot up. “What did you just say?” she asked in surprise.

  I looked at her tear-stained face just as perplexed. I didn’t know which part of that confession she was referring to.

  She prompted, “What do you mean you want to have children?”

  I could hear skepticism in her voice that I didn’t understand. I couldn’t even fucking process the question. I shook my head to arrange my thoughts.

  My tongue felt dry and twisted as I conveyed, “Of course I want children with her. You have no idea how badly I want that with her. When she’s ready, of course. I’m sure she told you why we broke up all those weeks ago, but thankfully that all got resolved. Christ, she doesn’t think I don’t want kids, does she?”

  Milly had tears streaming as she smiled sadly and rested her palm upon my cheek. “My dear boy, that’s why she ran from you. She said you never wanted children. She said you told that to Britney,” she explained.

  Christ, I tried to wrack my fucking brain for that train wreck of a conversation with Britney, and I do remember saying something like that. But that’s not what I meant. Fuck!

  “Milly…Jesus, of course I want kids. But I told Britney I didn’t want them with her. I will only ever want them with Caylan. Fuck, why couldn’t Caylan talk to me about this?” I asked.

  Fred cleared his throat and I looked up at Brent and Fred. They both had expressions of sorrow. What the fuck was going on? Milly rubbed my cheek again and it brought me back to focus on her.

  “Alexi, Caylan thought she betrayed you. She left you because she loves you,” Milly said grief-stricken.

  This didn’t make any sense. I’m sure I looked like the most clueless, lost, confused man there ever was. Then it occurred to me. Christ, she was pregnant! I’m a fucking doctor and I couldn’t even read between the lines. It dawned on me she was having my baby, and when all three sets of eyes realized that I had this epiphany, I was in total shock. I still had to say the words, though.

  “She’s pregnant?” I asked, but it was more of a statement.

  Milly nodded sadly. Fuck, I was happy, but that happiness was cut off by crazed worry and anger that she was missing. She was missing and she now carried my baby. I didn’t think the situation could get even more scary or worrisome. I had to get my shit together and think. I hugged Milly back one last time and whispered my thanks. I was thanking her for telling me, for being my cheerleader all along, and for loving her daughter the way she did. My first order of duty as her protector and the father to our child, would be to save her. I couldn’t just sit here.

  I turned to Pike and barked, “What’s being done to track her phone? Can you get a ping on her location?”

  Pike looked confused and replied, “We didn’t find her phone here yet, but we assumed she left it behind too. We didn’t even track her phone, I’m sorry to say.”

  He looked guilty and sheepish. Now I was even more pissed. Christ, we needed to unfuck this situation. “I’ll get on it right away,” Pike claimed, as he scampered away. I’m sure he realized he made a fucking mistake and he was costing us more precious time.

  After two hours, there was still no update or news. Most of the cops that were originally here had already left. Milly convinced me not to go out and look for Caylan only because she was hoping Greg would reach out to us to gloat or something. After all, this was his sick fucking game. I couldn’t underestimate him again. He had the upper hand anyway.

  I think Fred was secretly hoping to use me as bait to draw Greg out, especially since the lunatic wanted me eliminated from the picture anyway. So here I fucking sat like the biggest fucking loser. Brent was simmering with just as much impatience as me on the other side of the room. I couldn’t even think about what Caylan could be going through right now. I actually prayed and hoped she was still unconscious wherever she was. Fuck, I couldn’t even think about the possibility that that bastard could succeed in raping her. With her being pregnant, I was out of my mind crazy thinking that he could end up hurt
ing Caylan and my child. I couldn’t lose either one of them.

  I couldn’t fucking sit here a moment longer. Pike had just left too to head back to the precinct. They were having a hard time cutting through all the red tape to ping her phone. I couldn’t believe that a young, beautiful, pregnant, missing college student didn’t warrant more fucking urgency. Heads would roll soon! We had only one officer outside in his car by now, in case we heard from Caylan. Everything had been a dead end so far. There was no news from hospitals, highway patrol, or any other avenue for that matter. The Texas precinct sent their report, but it was already everything we already knew. Pike did put out an APB on Greg and his vehicle, but there was no luck so far.

  Greg Walters was a fucking wanted man now! If I had it my way, he would be a dead man soon. I already had Caleb ready to go to come to my defense once I was arrested and read my rights. It would be well worth it. We all just sat around the living room in various stages of anger, grief, worry, frustration, and devastation. I thought more and more about her cell phone and how the photo I took of her asleep on my bed started it all. Once again Greg had gotten to her because of me. If I could track her myself I would.

  Fuck! I screamed at myself.

  “I can’t believe I fucking forgot I put that fucking tracker app on her phone the night after she got Greg’s letter. I never told her because I didn’t want her to think I was a fucking stalker. But I worried too much,” I announced.

  Goddamnit, I wish I would have remembered sooner because I would have tracked her down this past week wherever she was staying. But I’d fucking dwell on that later. Fred and Brent sprang into action, and I pulled out my phone. We all huddled around the coffee table as I pulled up the app. There on the screen was the blue dot indicating me, and another dot showed up near the Delaware River. She wasn’t far from us at all, if she was in fact wherever her phone was. I enlarged the area, and it appeared the location was by the water somewhere in Penn’s Landing. Brent and I looked at each other at the same time, and we knew it was go-time.

  We looked at Fred and told him to stay with Milly. They were both to stay put in case there was any news. He reluctantly agreed, but grumbled severely about it. Milly didn’t want us to go but we had to, and she knew it. I’m glad Fred and Milly also realized they were to wait for Meg to arrive, and she would help keep vigil. I was grateful for Brent’s assistance, even though I couldn’t voice it right now. Two-on-one was better anyway. If Greg had a weapon of some sort, I knew Brent’s military training would come in handy. Fred disappeared for a minute and returned with a gun. He held out his hand with the gun to us.

  “Take that. Be careful. I’ll give you a head start before I call Pike. Don’t get yourselves hurt or be stupid. But God almighty, bring my baby girl home?” he begged.

  Milly sniffled at his side. We both nodded we would, and walked out of the apartment. Brent drove us away in his Ford F-250, and we sped into the sunny night. The sun would be setting soon, and it would go down with my hopes and dreams if we didn’t find her quickly.



  My body felt stiff. My lids felt heavy. I felt like I was laying on a board or something. I tried to take calming breaths remembering the horror of what I had passed out to. Breathe in through my nose, and exhale out through the mouth.

  Through the haziness in my brain, I could remember now what transpired. I was on the phone with Alexi and then the line went dead. Greg was behind me. I dropped the phone. After making myself turn around and shielding my stomach as soon as I looked at him, I threw up. He tutted loudly and waggled his finger in front of his face, as if scolding a naughty child. He moved toward me. Due to the stress of the situation, and I’m sure for preservation purposes too, I passed out.

  He must have caught me, though, because I didn’t feel like I was bruised anywhere from hitting anything. I couldn’t bring myself to be grateful, but at least so far I didn’t suffer any damage. As long as my baby remained safe, that’s all I cared about. Maybe I could talk to Greg to distract him long enough until Alexi would find me.

  I knew without a doubt that Alexi was out there looking for me. My love was just about to tell me he thought the roses were from Greg—I was sure of it. Thank God he knew about the letter because otherwise no one would know to look for me, or at least look for me being with Greg—I don’t know if Meg would have put two and two together. I was so stupid to keep the letter and threats from my parents. I was especially stupid to keep everything from my brother.

  God, I hoped I survived this to tell everyone my sorry’s, and to tell Alexi he was going to be a father. Maybe we could work through everything after all? No, I couldn’t worry about that right now.

  I forced myself to pry my eyes open, and I tried to take in the scene without drawing attention to myself. I was hoping Greg was not nearby because I didn’t hear any movement. There was very low-lighting in the place and as I stared up at the ceiling, it appeared I was in an abandoned warehouse of some sort; the industrial lights and tall structured ceiling gave it away.

  I snuck a look to my right and sure enough it was a big, empty, filthy warehouse. I picked up a hint of fish smell somewhere in the air. I didn’t know if this place once involved seafood or something. But no matter, I chanced a look to the left and there was a bay door at which Greg stood, staring up at the sky.

  I could hear water lapping near me, which was odd. How the heck could there be water in here? Maybe the warehouse was on the water or something. I still wasn’t sure where we were, though. Were we still in Pennsylvania?

  I shuddered, and then looked down the length of my body. Thankfully I was still clothed. I was in fact laying on a board. It must have been propped up as some kind of a makeshift workbench. As I tried to move my hands, I realized they were tied down and secured to the board. How the hell did I not notice sooner? I moved my hands back and forth but the thick, sturdy, brown rope was just cutting into my wrists. I knew I had to be doing damage to my skin. It was like the worst rug burn. If only I could get free. After a few minutes of trying to no avail, I was tired out. My breathing became erratic, and I attempted to move my feet. No luck, as they were tied too. Oh God.

  Okay, I must remain calm. Jesus, where was my pepper spray when I needed it? As I was laying there trying to not have a panic attack or throw up again, I wiggled my butt cheeks and realized that my phone was still wedged in my back pocket. How or why Greg didn’t take it from me, I didn’t know—of course I didn’t care either. Maybe he didn’t feel it, so this could be my ticket out. I didn’t even have the vibration mode on, so at least it was completely silent. This had to be my saving grace, if I could just get my hands free. I would call for help and save me and Goomer.

  I began pulling at my wrists again while looking down, and hadn’t realized Greg had moved from his position at the door. Now a shadow loomed over me and I froze. I couldn’t bring myself to look up. He didn’t say anything at first. I just felt him staring. God, please don’t let me be sick again. I couldn’t afford to pass out, and I knew Greg would be pissed off if I did. He then moved his arm out to me and rested his hand on my belly—right where my blueberry-sized Goomer rested. I didn’t want that evil hand anywhere near my precious fetus.

  Then he spoke paralyzing words that crippled my soul, “You dirty little slut. So you’re pregnant, huh?”

  There was so much menace and contempt to his words. I couldn’t respond. He didn’t give me a chance to anyway.

  He continued with, “Don’t worry. I’ll fuck it out of you, or I’ll make it mine. Either way, it’s not his. It will never be his.”

  I wanted to be strong. I so wanted to hang on, but I broke down in tears and screamed in agony. I’m so sorry Goomer….

  Chapter 26: The Hand that Robs the Cradle


  After I screamed, he removed his hand from my stomach and proceeded to clamp his hand over my mouth. I bit down into his palm, and he smacked me across the face. I could feel my cheek and
lip swell instantly. Damn, I didn’t even draw blood from him. I was a weak, sorry excuse.

  “God that fucking hurt. Sometimes you can be such a bitch! All I’ve ever done is love you, and you treat me like shit. You get me in trouble, move away from me, and get fucking knocked up by another man!” he seethed.

  My face stung like a mother eff’r, but I blinked away the tears and pain. I had to go about this better, or it would not end well. I would have to placate him, even if it went against the grain.

  I tried to cajole him with, “I’m sorry Greg. Please forgive me? Please don’t hurt me or the baby. If you really want this little one to be yours, you don’t want to hurt the baby, do you?”

  God, please don’t let him want to hurt my munchkin. He seemed surprised by my pleading, but then smiled with a full, shiny set of white teeth. He reminded me of a shark; the razor-looking teeth in his mouth were creepy, just like the rest of him. He still looked the same, and I hated that I remembered any part of him. He was just under six foot, with shaggy brown hair. He had cold, dark brown eyes that were framed with those hipster glasses I didn’t care for. I always felt like he was trying to fit in, but it never quite worked. He had a square jaw, big nose, and goofy ears that stuck out the sides.

  I hated everything about his face. Well, I just plain loathed him. He wasn’t muscular by any means, but he could still overpower me with his tall, lean build. I knew he wouldn’t be any match for Alexi unless he had a deadly weapon. Greg wore jeans and some kind of a promotional band t-shirt. His sneakers looked old and worn, and he shoved his hands in his pockets as he stood there analyzing me right back. We didn’t even look right together. It would never be. Good Lord, he wasn’t even right in the head. In fact, he was beyond batshit crazy!


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