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Playing Heart to Get

Page 27

by Kara Liane

  She was administered Benadryl as a form of a sedative to help her rest comfortably. The medicine was safe for the baby, so I allowed it. She had kept waking up off and on and screaming and crying. I knew the bout would eventually pass, but she had been put through the most hellish of situations. The attending OBGYN at the hospital was a good one, and I appreciated him consulting with me on her treatment and care. I told him I was her fiancé so I was given privileges—I had no doubt that I soon would be, so at this point it was all semantics.

  My poor angel had retreated in her mind for protection, and we were giving her the time and space she needed. Being a survivor of two attacks now, she had no fucking clue how brave and strong she was. The physician had already treated her for dehydration. The bags of fluid had been given, and her color was returning. She had a couple contusions and lacerations to her wrists and ankles, but overall she was perfectly fine. There was just a scratch on her stomach, and I couldn’t even look at it without thinking how close I came to losing both the loves of my life. The emotional scars she had would take a long time to heal, even though the bruises and cuts would fade quickly.

  At least Greg was dead. I’m sure she knew this as she saw him bob in the water, but I could finally confirm it for her. I hoped she would be okay with it. I didn’t know how this would affect her because who wanted to watch a person die? In his case, though, I was over the moon that the fucker was gone.

  There were no arrests. Caleb came as soon as I called him to help be there to sort out the matters of interrogating us, and filing reports. Brent had the same story as me, and we would coach Caylan through it too. It was an open and shut case according to us and the cops. His death would eventually be ruled as an accidental drowning, and I would not be charged. The harm I inflicted on Greg was in self-defense.

  So it was finally over.

  Caylan had been asleep now for a solid twelve hours. It was the late afternoon on Sunday. Her parents, brother, my parents, Liz, Meg, Meg’s parents, and my three best friends were all stuffed in the waiting room anxious for news. We were desperate for her to wake up normally and return to a state of consciousness. I held her hand the entire time and didn’t leave her side. I kept kissing her face, her lips, and her hair. The OBGYN said that from what he could tell, the blood work indicated everything was fine, and the baby should be fine. We would wait to do a transvaginal ultrasound when Caylan actually woke up.

  I learned from Meg that Caylan had an appointment scheduled for an ultrasound this week anyway. No way in hell was I ever missing that! Thank God I found out about my child. I loved him or her so much already.

  If my calculations were correct, and based on Meg telling me that Caylan and I conceived after our first time together, then that would mean she was exactly seven weeks and two days along. At this stage, fetuses all looked like a dark blob frog-like ball, or an alien of some sort on the screen. But it didn’t matter because it was my baby. I loved the little one, and it would be fucking adorable to me. It was growing in the most amazing woman I had ever met. What more could I ask for? Well, there was just one more matter to tend to.

  Caylan finally stirred and slowly opened her eyes. Her pupils enlarged and her eyes widened in panic.

  Her hand flew to her stomach and she cried out, “Alexi.”

  “Shh, shh. Angel, it’s okay. The baby is fine,” I reassured her.

  She bit her lip and then asked, “So then you do know?” I nodded yes. She looked down and I knew she was ashamed she hadn’t told me. I had to lift the burden from her.

  “Angel, it’s okay you didn’t tell me. I’m not mad. In fact, I’m the happiest son of bitch in the entire world!” I exclaimed. She lifted her head and tilted it to the side in wonder.

  “You see, I’ve fucked this thing up from the start. I never told you because I didn’t think I had to tell you. But of course I want children. When you overheard me say that to Britney, I meant I never wanted children with her. I only ever wanted them with you. God Angel, I’m so fucking sorry I never clarified things. I’m such a fucking moron,” I confessed.

  She started laughing and crying at the same time. “Alexi, you’re a doctor, you’re the smartest man I know,” she mumbled through her tears.

  “Well, you’d think the heart would be my specialty…but I’m finding I still have a lot to learn,” I chuckled.

  She beamed and glowed at my words. I still had her hand grasped in mine. I looked down at her ring finger and hated how vacant and empty it sat. That would soon change. She didn’t know of course that I had picked up her ring from the jeweler two days ago. I had been carrying it around in the small pink velvet box as a memento. I would carry it around forever until the moment it would be on her finger. I would get to the proposal in a minute though.

  We chatted for a bit. I filled her in on the case with Greg, and the legalities involved. She would have to go to the station to give her statement, but otherwise it was finished. I also let her know all her family and friends were here. She was excited to see everyone when she felt up to it. I’m sure she was like me and we were both selfish right now, and wanted time for this reunion of ours.

  I even told her I contacted her professors this morning and they all granted her emergency extensions to get her schoolwork done when she felt better. She gave me a look of utter love and thanks. It was the best thing, besides my baby, that she could gift me with. I had two more things to tell her.

  “I want you to know that I have a bit of a confession that I hope you won’t be cross with me over,” I admitted.

  She just smiled and laughed. God, she’s fucking adorable. “I read some of your journal,” I said sheepishly.

  “You did?” was her reply. She didn’t sound mad, just shocked. I nodded yes.

  “Alexi, I’m glad you did. I was hoping you would, actually. I’m sorry I was never brave enough to share that part of me with you, but all that will change now. I want you to know every deep, dark secret. You can read it any time,” she claimed.

  I sighed with relief. “God, you’re a fantastic fucking writer. You should become one. I love your poetry. You’re amazing! Your talents are limitless. You’re going to be the best mother too,” I added.

  I bent to her stomach and gave her belly a chaste kiss. I looked back at her and she was smiling and crying again. “I love you both. You and this baby are my forever!” I explained.

  Just then, in walked the doctor. It was perfect timing because this was the second thing I wanted to tell her.

  “Well I see my wonderful patient is awake. You’re driving Dr. Graham mad with worry. Hi Ms. Peters, I’m Dr. Greene. You have an attending physician that will be in later to check on you, but I’m your OBGYN while you’re here,” he conveyed.

  He held out his hand and Caylan shook it hesitantly. I imagined she didn’t want to touch another man—my poor Angel. I would help mend her soon enough.

  The doctor clapped his hands together. “So, let’s see your baby!” he stated.

  I explained to Caylan what he would be doing. After the doctor called his nurse in and got everything set up, he inserted the probe into Caylan’s vagina. After a few moments, there he or she was on the monitor. Our baby!

  I was crying and Caylan was crying. We also got to hear his or her heartbeat. It was strong and rang true throughout the room. I didn’t care if we were having a boy or a girl, as long as the baby was healthy—I knew Caylan felt the same way. I will admit, though, I was terrified of having a girl. Having a mini Caylan run around would be the death of me! And if we had a daughter and she looked like her mother, then Christ almighty I was in trouble with a capital fucking “T.”

  The doctor printed out the picture, and Caylan and I stared at it long after he and his technician left. We couldn’t stop oohing and aahing. Now to the last piece of this heavenly puzzle. I needed to pop the question.

  She was still looking at the ultrasound photo when I pulled out the box from my back pocket. I placed it on the rolling tray table beside
the bed, and she didn’t even notice the movement. I then grabbed the EKG printout from this morning that I had written on. I stood up from the chair and this time she stirred out of her daydream. She looked up at me with those blue, gorgeous fucking eyes that I worshipped. I wasn’t a poet like her, but I’d sure try to be what she needed and deserved. I hoped to do this proposal justice. I slid the chair out of the way, trying to set the stage.

  I cleared my throat that was thick with emotion and conveyed, “Caylan, you may think that I saved you, but you saved me. You gave me purpose and brought life back into my heart. You and our baby are my angels, and I hope to watch over you. I will always protect you both and love you like no man or father has ever loved before.”

  I then opened the EKG printout like an accordion banner, and across the pages I had written, “Will you marry me?” I went down on one knee at her bedside. I reached for the pink box as she put her hands to her mouth in shock. I was trembling in excitement and joy, and I imagined it was the same for her. I reached for her left hand.

  “Marry me, please Angel?” I asked.

  She was crying and still had her one hand covering her mouth. She couldn’t speak, but nodded her head yes.

  “I need to hear the word, Angel,” I begged.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed in a broken-up tone.

  I closed my eyes and sighed with ultimate relief. I let go of her hand to open the box and there nestled inside was a platinum band with a helluva rock. The stone was a light baby pink diamond in the shape of heart.

  “You’ve always had my heart…and now I want yours,” I expressed.

  I reached for her hand again, and slid the band on her finger. I squeezed her hand and everything was right in the world.

  This Prince Charming finally found his Sleeping Beauty.



  October 1, 2016

  I healed quickly from the hospital, and my family and friends welcomed me back. They endlessly showered me with love and affection. Everyone was so excited about the baby and our engagement. Life was amazing! I caught up on schoolwork with the help of my Dr. Hotness tutor, and I was in my final semester of school now. Things were finally heading in a direction of normal around here. I was seeing a therapist to help me cope, but somehow it was easier this time around. Maybe it was because of Greg being dead. It must have been the finality of the situation that let me sleep a little easier at night.

  The one thing I knew I needed to do a better job of, though, was checking up on my brother. I think he was having a difficult time after all that was laid at his feet. The news of my attacks, kidnapping, pregnancy, and engagement, was a lot for him to take in. He was struggling with his own inner-demons, even if he didn’t want my help. I sighed thinking about him and how much I worried. But I was eternally grateful that he and Alexi came to my rescue. They were both my heroes.

  I was twenty weeks along now. The bump was a little fuller, and I adored it. The baby moved and tumbled all the time, and it was a sweet reminder of how precious life was. Alexi and I just had the anatomy scan where we found out what we were having. This was such an exciting time. The baby was perfectly healthy and growing on schedule. Our wedding would be in a few weeks, and Halloween would be right after that.

  Speaking of Halloween…tonight I happened to be dressed in an angel costume. Although, I didn’t know if this scandalous thing actually qualified as a costume—it was more of a piece of lingerie. Alexi ran out to the store a little bit ago for some ground beef to make me cheeseburgers for dinner, hee hee. So I had this surprise waiting for him. We’d make love, and then he’d grill up my favorite pregnancy dish.

  I had to seduce him these days. He was so paranoid about hurting me or the baby during sex. My overprotective doctor was so silly. He knew darn well he wouldn’t hurt me, but I couldn’t convince him otherwise. Yup, these days I was forced to seduce him. What a hardship, ha! Everyone thought his brain was directly wired to his penis, but it appeared I was more insatiable than he was. My brain was directly wired to my lady parts and I swear if they did an ultrasound scan on my body, it would prove to be true. Pregnancy sure made me horny I must confess. I heard the front door open and shut, and the lock clicked in place. He called out my name.

  I yelled back, “In the bedroom!”

  I hoped I pulled off a sultry voice. I was on the bed laid out like a temptress. I had candles flickering around the room casting a soft glow. I sprayed vanilla throughout too to set the mood. Maybe I should have worn a devil costume tonight because I was feeling quite dirty.

  Alexi walked in and he was breathing heavy.

  “I guess dinner will be delayed?” he joked. I was in no mood for joking. I stared at him and licked my lips.

  “Jesus, Angel. You’re fucking killing me here. It pains me to try and leave you alone, and then you pull something like this. Christ almighty, you’re evil sometimes,” he stated.

  My tiny bump was protruding over the itty, bitty thong I wore, and I thought it was the cutest thing. The costume was a scrap of sheer, white material. As I was gaining a little weight, my breasts were getting bigger too. I knew they’d be even fuller when I would be breastfeeding. I rubbed my nipples through the fabric, and he groaned. I knew exactly what I was doing to him, and of course I loved it! He finally stripped after debating with himself for a minute. I knew he wouldn’t deny me. Atop my head sat a tiara-like halo. I’m surprised he didn’t tease me that I should have sprouted horns instead.

  He jointed me on the bed and removed the halo. Then he slowly peeled away the costume. He kissed each breast and then my belly. God, he was going to be an amazing dad. I had no doubt of that. The way he fussed over me and Goomer was endearing. I didn’t want to tell people yet what we were having—sometimes it’s fun to have secrets. Alexi rested me back down on the bed, as he tossed my costume to the floor with the halo. I giggled thinking that he was my fallen angel from all these temptations I was laying before him.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and ravished his lips with deep, lingering kisses. He tasted and felt so good. This was home. I finally felt safe, and I finally felt loved in the arms of a man.

  I would soon be a mother, and all my dreams would come true. I was writing more these days, and I thought that one day I would pen the epic tale of Angel and Dr. Hotness. But right now we had important matters needing our attention, namely screaming down the walls of this place.

  You see, when I fell for Alexi I fell hard, and as long as we’re together, I’ll never stop falling. But I will always know that his wings will catch me if mine won’t open.



  December 17, 2016

  I, Alexi Colton Graham, married thee Caylan Bree Peters on October 22, 2016, in a dream wedding. I was thinking about our wedding day as I was sitting here among the packed auditorium crowd at Caylan’s college graduation. She told me it was her dream wedding, but she didn’t realize it was mine too. It was a small, understated affair, but beautiful nonetheless. We had it at the lake house, and it was glorious. I couldn’t wait to retreat there for vacations, or as often as we could.

  The weather definitely had a chill in the air by the water, but Caylan wore a beautiful cream, faux-fur shawl over her shoulders. I told her we couldn’t have the wedding outside unless she was warm enough. I even had the wedding planner line the pathway of the aisle runner with those tall patio heaters. Caylan once again informed me I was being ridiculous by fretting too much. She assured me she was always warm. She said the baby practically acted as a personal incubator. I still couldn’t take the chance, so in the end I won. Point for me!

  We had our closest friends and family as witnesses. Fred grinned widely as he walked his daughter down the aisle. She fucking glowed in her wedding gown under the shawl. It was a strapless, cream, lace gown that hugged every curve, paired with a fishtail bottom. It even had tiny pink rosebud accents at the hemline. Christ, Caylan and her touches of pink. I chuckled to myself at the m
emory, but secretly I loved the fuck out of her girly ways. Her still-growing, but small, baby bump was present at the ceremony. The overall sight made me tear up all the more. Our child was nestled safely in her womb, and there was nothing more poetic than having our baby there for the wedding. I’ll never forget Caylan’s words to me, though, during our vow exchange.

  “Alexi…slayer of my demons, protector of my heart. Father of our child, lover from the start. Savior of my soul and healer of my life, husband-to-be take me as your wife. I have found my equal in you as we are perfect mates, my wings remain open to fly to the gates. For you have freed me in more ways than I can say, forever we’re joined on this beautiful day. Thank you for saving me in more ways than one, forever my love and so it is done,” she said with passion.

  I was brought back to the present when I was unintentionally nudged by Brent, who was seated to my right. I was trying to focus on the list of names being read at the podium, but I couldn’t believe we were having a girl. Surprise! I felt like I still had to fucking pinch myself at times. I couldn’t wait to be a father. My angel had no idea that she was giving me another angel to love and adore.

  My beautiful, very seven-month pregnant wife, would be walking across the stage any moment. I couldn’t believe we were finally here, and I still couldn’t believe she was finally mine. We had gone through hell and come out the other side whole. She had almost been stolen away from me many times, but we never gave up.

  I bought us a big house in the suburbs that Caylan picked. I loved what she loved, so it was the best place to raise our daughter and future children. I went nuts on safety features, and Caylan just laughed at my fussing over it. I couldn’t help it. The house was huge, and the yard was even bigger. The condo was already paid for so rather than sell it, I convinced Milly and Fred to move into it. They insisted on paying me back over time, and I let them pay what they could because I knew they were proud people.


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