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Heart of a Vampire, Book Bundle (Books 1-3)

Page 12

by Amber Kallyn

  She took him in willingly, letting him fill her.

  The sensations wouldn’t be denied. She felt everything fully, as if her senses had expanded to encompass the magic between them. Shane groaned as he moved inside her. She rose to meet each thrust, certain she couldn’t take any more, yet wanting it all.

  She clenched his shoulders, his muscles bunching beneath her grip. Their eyes locked as he continued to pleasure her. In his dark golden gaze, something shifted. Niki felt an answering pulse in her heart.

  They were connected, not just joining as a woman and a man, but as something beyond.

  Something which had no name she was willing to use.

  He eased inside her, hips undulating. She gasped as the tension built higher, faster. Then the pleasure swept her over the edge. Her breathy cries echoed from the rocky walls, mixing with his groans. He drove deeper.

  She felt as if she were being washed down a torrential river, the water swirling, caressing her, the force of it all was awe-inspiring.

  Her body shuddered as Shane pushed her further, higher, his onslaught relentless.

  And she didn’t want him to stop.

  She reached the peak and fell once more, screaming his name. Exquisite waves of fulfillment swept through her.

  His shouts echoed hers, his body stiffening. His movements slowed, tender, sweet. He lay by her side, breathing heavily. He drew her into the curve of his body and just held her.

  She should have moved. But Niki found she was enjoying the closeness too much to give it up just yet.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shane didn’t have the energy to move. He didn’t care. He was content to lay here with Niki in his arms for the rest of eternity. He smoothed his hand down her hair, surprised yet happy as she snuggled a little closer.

  Her rump wiggled against his groin and her head lay on his outstretched arm, their bodies fitting together like a key made for a lock. Tenderness swept through him. He’d been denying it since they met, but now, he had to face it. This woman had a hold on him that wouldn’t let go. He didn’t want her to.

  As she rolled over, a satisfied grin on her face, he traced a finger down her cheek. She leaned into his touch and gently kissed him.

  Niki sat up, looking out at the water. A mischievous glint lit her eyes as she stood. “Dare you.” Then she dashed into the icy lake.

  Her mood from earlier in the bar was back. Carefree and playful, she splashed in the water. He loved seeing her like this.

  He raced in after her, his breath stopping at the cold water. He caught her around the waist and lifted her high, then dropped her into the water. She came up spluttering and splashed his face. They laughed as they played. When he felt kindred to an ice cube, he lifted her in his arms and carried her from the lake. They shivered as he built the fire back up. When they were mostly dry, they dressed.

  The entire time, he could practically hear her thinking. The tension in the air changed. Rubbing her hands together, Niki stared into the flames.

  Abruptly, she asked, “What was that?”

  He tried to lighten her suddenly serious mood. “Fun?”

  Niki sent him a piercing glare.

  “Look.” He took her hand in his, refusing to let her pull away. She stared at their interlocking fingers. “There’s been an attraction between us since we first laid eyes on each other.”

  She glanced away, but not before he caught the sheen of dampness in her green eyes. “I’m not talking about the sex.”

  It dawned on him. She was feeling the same emotions, this beyond physical connection that kept tugging at his heart.

  “There can’t be anything between us, don’t you understand?”

  Before he could respond, something splashed in the lake. A howl rose just outside the cave entrance.

  Niki jumped to her feet, grabbing a dagger so fast it was a blur. A wolf stepped into the fire light, a man right behind him.

  Shane rose, moving in front of Niki. “What is this?”

  The wolf growled and behind Shane, Niki hissed. The man stepped forward.

  “Our Alpha said you wanted to talk. We were sent to find you,” the man said. “Didn’t know you’d be with a vampire.”

  “Sex,” the wolf grumbled.

  “So. The Keeper is taking sides.” The man stared at Shane.

  “No, I’m not.”

  Niki stepped forward, glaring at the shifters. Her eyes were bright red, her fangs pointy splashes of white.

  “Tell your Alpha I’ll be by tomorrow morning. But what I do in private is exactly that and none of the pack’s business.”

  “The Keeper is pack business,” the man growled, staring at Niki. His face bulged at the jaw as his teeth lengthened. “Taking sides makes traitor.”

  The word stopped Shane’s thoughts. Was that how all the Arcaine would see his relationship with Niki?

  * * *

  Niki hefted her blade, ready for the fight, as the man’s mouth grew wider. His teeth were too long, jutting grotesquely from his mouth. Beside her, Shane stiffened.

  “Vampire,” the wolf growled, taking a step forward. The man with him didn’t move, but claws sprouted from his fingers.

  She lifted the blade higher. The wolf snarled.

  Shane grabbed her arm and yanked her back. To the shifters, he said, “If you fight here, the judgment will come against you. She’s not harming anyone.”

  The wolf shook itself and backed up to the edge of the light. The man glared at Shane, before the two disappeared into the night.

  Shane sighed and Niki felt his confusion. She struggled with her anger, the urge to chase after the wolves and fight them. When she managed to calm it enough to retract her teeth, she said, “We need to go.”

  He turned, eyes blazing. But he didn’t say a word.

  They headed back to the bar parking lot, not touching, not speaking. An awkwardness grew between them. She couldn’t guess what he was thinking, but acutely felt the loss of the closeness they’d shared such a short time ago.

  They were almost to his truck when his phone rang. He picked it up. “What?”

  Someone mumbled on the other end.

  Face white, hands fisted, Shane shouted, “What? How bad?”

  Niki met his gaze.

  “I’ll be right there.” He slammed his phone shut.

  “What is it?”

  “Chase was attacked.”

  “Your deputy?”

  He nodded.

  “By what?”


  “Where is he?”

  “The ambulance is on its way to the hospital. Henry’s with Chase, says it doesn’t look good.”

  “And your other officer?”

  His gaze hardened, and she knew. The young cop was dead.

  She glanced back over the forest. Thomas hadn’t just been looping around to draw them off, but to attack someone.

  They drove in silence, Shane pushing the truck to its limits. When they got to the hospital, he slammed it in park and nearly broke the key yanking it out, then rushed into the emergency room.

  Shane spoke to nurses and doctors. When no one could give him any answers, he slumped in the waiting area. Niki sat next to him, feeling his pain and worry, but unsure how to help.

  Power flowed into the room and she watched Jordan MacDougal stride in. His eyes lit when he saw her, darkening when his gaze fell on Shane.

  Jordan sat on Shane’s other side. The three of them didn’t speak for a long while.

  Finally, a doctor came out. “Sheriff?”

  Niki stared at the vampire as everyone jumped to their feet. The doctor’s eyes widened as he saw Jordan, and he bowed, regally. Then he turned to Shane, while neatly ignoring Niki.

  He’d smell she wasn’t clan. She was nothing to him.

  “Chase isn’t looking so good. He lost too much blood. Even with all my experience, there’s not much I can do. You need to be prepared.” He looked from Shane to Jordan. “The man’s most likely going to

  Shane let out a harsh sigh, bracing his arm on the wall.

  Jordan nodded to the doctor. “Tyler, this is Nicola DeVeraux.”

  The doctor finally glanced at her, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “Say hello, Tyler. Where are your manners?”

  “Miss DeVeraux,” Tyler said, with a skimpy bow.


  “This your handiwork?” he pointed back to where he’d come from.

  She wanted to say no. But wasn’t it she who’d made Thomas run into the woods? Wasn’t it she who’d let Shane bring his deputies along to track down a vampire?

  How stupid could she be?

  The silence stretched until the doctor bowed to Jordan once more and strode away.

  The clan King took her arm and sat her down, then dragged Shane to the seat next to her. “If you both want to wallow in guilt and self-pity, fine. I’ll track this vampire down and kick his ass.”

  She started to argue, but Jordan shushed her with a look.

  “The only person who’s at fault here is Thomas. Shane, if your deputy turns, you know I’ll be there for him.”

  “Yeah,” Shane said, a spark of emotion coming back to his voice.

  “Niki, did you bring Thomas here?”

  “No.” Her cheeks burned. “If you recall, I followed him.”

  “Exactly.” Jordan smiled and strode down the hall. At the doors marked ‘No Admittance’, he turned back. “Coming?”

  Shane jumped to his feet and Niki followed. They stopped at a closed door. Shane hesitated, before slowly entering.

  Chase Campton lay in the hospital bed, gadgets hooked up to him and beeping away.

  His skin was pale, damp with sweat. His eyes rolled back, mouth gaped open. For a long moment, he seemed dead.

  Then he sat up and screamed.

  Jordan gently pushed him back down and held a cup to his mouth. Chase drank greedily. His eyes slipped closed.

  Niki took Shane’s hand. Together, they approached the side of the bed.

  His grip tightened as he looked Chase over. “Is there anything...”

  Jordan laid a hand on Shane’s shoulder. “You know there’s nothing we can do. Chase will survive, or not.”

  Shane’s fingers dug into her palm, but she didn’t pull away. She wished she could spare him this pain. On the other side of the bed, the wisps began. Soon, her family was standing next to Chase, mournfully staring down at the young man.

  Jordan nearly jumped. The Master strode to Niki’s ghosts, looking them over. When he turned to her, his eyes brimmed with sympathy. She avoided his gaze and instead stared at Shane’s white-knuckled grip on her fingers.

  Beside her, Shane began to shake. His grip tightened to the point she was afraid he might break something. The room was silent, but for the beeps of the machines. Shane dropped her hand, spun and stomped out the door.

  “Go to him,” Jordan whispered.

  She hurried after Shane, catching up to him outside. “Where are you going?”

  “Was it Thomas?” he demanded.


  Shane nodded sharply. “So we led my friend to his death.”

  She didn’t point out Chase might change and become more... undead.

  “I need to speak with my father. As soon as the sun sets, I’m going hunting. You’re not going back to the Inn and I don’t want to leave you alone at my house.”

  She wanted to argue, but he seemed so upset, she bit her tongue. “Then I’ll come with you.”

  “I thought you said there was nothing between us?”

  “I said there couldn’t be. I didn’t deny what is there.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  His parent’s house was empty. Shane led Niki to a guest bedroom, then strode away without a word. She didn’t know why his cool silence hurt so badly.

  Hours later, she woke. Her eyes were swollen, and it scared her she’d cried in her sleep. She left the bedroom, headed down the hall, and strode into the living room. Then froze, more terrified than she had been in a long time. People surrounded her, patting her hands, her shoulders. One young girl even came up and petted her hair.

  Each person seemed to think it was their duty to say hello and ask about her health, her business in Moss Creek and her history.

  Shane was nowhere to be found.

  She finally made her way to the far wall, and from there slid along to the corner of the room. She searched in vain for as escape route, even a window would do the trick. But the wall-sized window beside her didn’t open.

  She didn’t think Shane would appreciate her jumping through the glass just to get away from his overbearing—gods, they were everywhere—family.

  An old, short woman hobbled up to her, took her hand and led her from the fray. Niki thought it was Shane’s grandmother, but she’d been a bit fuzzy when she’d met the woman, and didn’t want to put her foot in her mouth. She hadn’t had to deal with family politics in two centuries. That part had been kind of nice.

  The old woman took her through a kitchen and into a small library. Niki breathed a sigh of relief at the empty room.

  “If you don’t remember me, don’t worry. I’m the boy’s grandmother, Morning Dove.” She awkwardly knelt to the ground in front of the stone fireplace and began building a fire.

  Niki headed over. “Let me do that.”

  The old woman looked up with dark eyes, knowledge and magic swirling in her gaze. She held out her hand. Niki took it without thinking and helped the woman to her feet.

  “Thank you, Dear.”

  Niki nodded and started the fire. Once head began spreading through the room, she rubbed her hands together, not sure what to do or say.

  “How is my grandson’s deputy?”

  “Not well, Ma’am.”

  Morning Dove chuckled. “Call me Dove. Anything is better than ma’am.”

  While Niki personally agreed with the sentiment, she couldn’t quite see herself calling this ancient woman Dove.

  “Have the two of you made love yet?” she asked.

  Niki stared at the old lady, mouth agape at the question. “Excuse me?”

  “Ah. You have. Good for you both. That will encourage the Fates.”

  Still stunned at the topic of conversation, Niki could barely speak. “Encourage the Fates what?”

  “Why, to make sure the two of you stay together. Don’t you realize your souls complete each other?”

  “Look...” Niki stopped, trying to keep her tone level and non-snarky. “I don’t know what you think, but there’s nothing going on between Shane and me.”

  His grandmother raised her eyebrows and laughed. “So it’s just good sex?”

  Heat crawled up her face. “Um, I need to go. Thanks and all, but... I need to go.”

  As Niki walked to the door, the old woman said, “The men in this family take a while to find their soul mates. But girl, once they do, they refuse to let go.”

  Niki strode out of the room, edged around the kitchen and headed down a hallway. She needed to find Shane, otherwise, she’d lose it and run away without him.

  His voice came from a door ahead. It was cracked open an inch, so she reached to push it the rest of the way. A girl shouted and Niki hesitated.

  “I don’t care what you think. I love Blake, and he loves me.”

  “Glory,” Shane replied. “He’s a monster. You can’t trust a werewolf.”

  A table rattled and glass crashed to the floor. Niki pushed inside, stopping short in the doorway. A young woman held a vase, hefted above her head, ready to fling it. “You don’t even know him.”

  She was a feminine version of Shane, with long dark hair, tanned skin, and golden eyes.

  Shane, his back to Niki, shook his head. “You can’t trust anyone paranormal. They’re all beasts, unable to truly love.”

  Niki couldn’t stop her gasp as something within her cracked and pain bled into her chest.

  Shane turned, paling when he saw her.
br />   Without a word, Niki headed back down the hall. She didn’t know what she felt for him. Not after making love, or his nutty grandmother talking about soul mates. Now, through the pain spreading in her heart, her mind was clear. She’d allowed herself to get involved with a man, a human.

  She raced into the trees, trying to lose herself in the running. She didn’t know how it had happened, but she must harden her heart. He too easily distracted her from thoughts of revenge.

  Even as she thought the word, her ghosts rose and ran with her.

  Far behind her, Shane screamed her name over and over. It took all her will, but she ignored him and raced faster.

  She only had one purpose in life. It was to kill Thomas, find the peace for her family they so desperately needed.

  She couldn’t afford any more distractions with Shane and what he made her feel.

  * * *

  Shane fell to his knees, gripping the dirt and crumbling it in his fingers. He hadn’t seen how his argument with his sister reflected on his growing feelings. Hell, he’d made love to Niki and had been more connected to her than any other in his life.

  Yet when Glory confronted him in their father’s study, he’d fallen back on his same argument. Now he knew how false it was.

  And he would do anything, pay any price, to have never caused the look of devastated hurt on Niki’s face.

  The ripping pain in his chest told him he might not ever be able to make it up to her. A voice whispered to him to let it be. She was a complication to his life, and was it even worth it? Could he be Keeper, neutral between the pack and the clan, and have her too?

  Shane roared into the night and the voice disappeared.

  A soft hand fell on his shoulder. “Let me guess. You made an ass of yourself.”

  He glanced up at his grandmother. “Yes.”

  “Let’s hope you’ve learned your lesson and haven’t pissed the Fates off, boy.”

  He continued to kneel, looking up into her kind face. “What do you mean, the Fates?”

  “You felt it. Don’t ask me stupid questions.”


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