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The Cubby Hole (IQ Testing Book 1)

Page 14

by ipam

  I laugh folding at my waist with silliness from the funny exchange. Rincon laughs and cuddles me. I pant when he pants for air from laughing so hard at the three entertaining girls.

  He smiles. “Duchie’s entertaining. Now it’s your turn to jump. All the teens are done and gone but you.”

  “Do ya think the empty cat suit fooled the me-chee machine?”

  Rincon views the direction of the red room. “I do believe that it has worked or else the cat suit would have exploded in the air. I understand that the me-chee has full control of the electrons around us here inside the Cubby Hole environment.”

  I smile and nod. “Excellent, I feel happy and relieved for Marsilla…”

  He sweet breathes into her face. “And how’s does Ketona feel now?”

  I exhale then study the blue sky. “I feel...”

  Rincon holds her hand smiling and nodding. He drags her to the edge of the cliff. He leans over the air molecules without fear. She cringes in the stationary pose smelling the salt air. He says. “The water is clear. No drowning cat suits or cats,” winks at her. “You always enter feet first when cliff diving into the water. Cliff diving is one of the least complicated sporting activities for a teen. You do not need any special equipment, special clothing, or a special instructor…”

  “…except a preacher-man then he contacts all my heavenly angels informing them that I’m coming into the Promised Land,” I exhale with fear.

  He cuddles her dragging them away from the cliff edge. “You and your cat suit sail like a bird though the invisible air molecules from a dizzy height of 50 feet and then plunge violently into a body of water below. Image yourself, jumping off a six-story building of 55 feet or more. I know from the ancient world history books. King Kahekili leaped from the mountain of Kaunolu off a 60-feet cliff and entered the water below without causing a splash, earning him the fancy nickname of birdman,” chuckles.

  I exhale viewing the cliff edge. “I feel really scared. I can absolutely understand Marsilla’s fear…”

  He drags her further from the edge then stops. “Part of the thrill is jumping from the pretty sloped white cliff into the beautiful deep blue water. It’s exciting, excitement, existence. Free falling through the air in a spread-eagle formation, without a parachute or a wire or a partner and all alone at a dangerous speed, the big rush of the moment. Don’t blink, Ketona! Feel the excitement. Feel the rush. Feel my heart too,” places her hand over his heart then he winks and smiles. She giggles and smiles from the impromptu romantic moment alleviating my fear. He says. “During the three-second jump you will experience an invisible force of three gravity units when you hit the water and then decelerate. You travel at a speed of 53 miles per hour,” Rincon swirls her around in a circle.

  I gasp then giggle. The impromptu romantic moment alleviates my fright.

  He smiles. “When you jump from a cliff you go into a free fall pose. Earth gravity is the only force acting upon your body. You encounter no resistance from friction like ground dirt when running or snowflakes when skiing thus suffering no air resistance,” kisses her hand. “But I can’t resist you, Ketona,” he winks.

  I giggle with the impromptu romantic moment. It alleviates my nervousness.

  He smiles. “As you fall Earth gravity pulls you down into the water at a speed of 32 feet per second. The longer you fall through the air the faster you go and then hit the water.”

  He twirls me around in a circle. I giggle and like the impromptu romantic moment which alleviates my worry.

  He smiles. “A high cliff does not accelerate your full, acceleration is a constant during free falling. The pull of the gravity decreases very little at higher elevations of landmass. Earth gravity pulls you with an equal force from the first tick-tock second of time of jumping until you hit the water. Jumping from 10 feet you travel 17 miles per hour.”

  He swirls me into a circle again. I giggle with cute impromptu romantic moment alleviating my tension.

  He smiles. “Jumping at a height of 50 feet from this here cliff you travel at 38 mph. Then you hit the water your velocity or speed drops to zero point zero,” he kisses her lips.

  We twirl around and around.

  I feel happy and giddy not nervousness or worry or sad.

  He stops then smiles at her.

  Rincon extends his arms sliding his hands down to my hands. We twirl in a circle. He swirls me into a cuddle with his arms twisted and entwined with my arms and around my breasts.

  He sweet breathes into her ear facing the open skyline and the dangerous cliff rock. “We are one, darling!” Rincon lifts her from the rock then rushes towards the edge of the rock.

  He leaps into the air with his arms around me.

  I scream with fear and fright.

  We fly down from the cliff and then in the air. The air currents are softly singing into both eardrums. The wind is gently breezing across my nose bridge. Rincon cuddles me then kisses my cheekbone.

  We hit the water with a big splash.

  I open my mouth filling it with sea water. I spit then close my mouth with some partial salt water holding my breath.

  We dive deeper into the blue water from a fifty feet splash down. My eyelashes are opened. I see dark water. No hard rocks. No sea mammals. No teen bodies. No cat suit.

  Rincon kicks his naked feet and paddles upward cuddling me. We emerge into the air spitting and coughing up sea water. We giggle then cough then giggle the spit.

  He swirls me around then kisses my lips with his warm lips, forever.

  We emerge giggling and smiling with happiness.

  Rincon paddles us towards the shoreline until our naked toes hit a solid sandy surface. Rincon pulls from me grinning with a goofy smile.

  I grin and giggle with embarrassment, happiness, and relieve wiping the water from my wet face.

  Rincon and I walk from the water onto the smooth white sand chuckling with happiness.

  Duchie waddles across the sand shaking the water from her hair and waving the cat suit. “Got it. It’s all wet,” stops in front of us. “I saw ya’ll leap of the cliff edge. Wow! That was a performance, Rincon. Why didn’t ya wrap me around your biceps too, sugar?”

  Rincon chuckles and cuddles Ketona winking. “I’m a one cuddle man, darling.”

  Nephella shouts behind one of the tall rock boulders. “Help me, please! I need help over here. Someone come over, please.”

  Rincon frowns with worry then dashes away to Nephella.

  Duchie winks and blocks Ketona. “What has happened here, sugar? You and Rincon are leaping off a tall object in each other arms,” nods and smiles.

  I exhale then view the waves of the sea then wipe the water from my hair. I view her frowning with disappointment. “Buffo, I saw him in another girl’s arms through the wall barrier of the orange color tone. You saw it too. I know you did. Thanks for not saying anything to me. My heart can’t take much more breakage of pain and suffering. He is there. I am here. Buffo is happy there riding horses, eating hotdogs, and dancing with the pretty girls. He failed again, Duchie. You’re right. The four questions are too difficult for some of the teens including Buffo. He can’t answer and pass with a 75 percent score. He’s stuck inside the orange color tone forever. He’ll become a farmer for the rest of his days and nights. He likes the farming life. He talked about it all the time with me when we visited Payne Mountain, the summer visits with his grandparents. I am not stopping or halting or dropping backwards for him. I wanna be a medical technician like my BPs. I can’t be that on a crop farm or have a cool career in the city of Colfax. Nephella is correct. If you’re lazy then you didn’t get rewarded. I’m going to finish and reach the gold color tone. I wish Buffo, good luck. But he doesn’t really need it. He got what he really wanted,” exhales then view my sandy feet. I wipe the wet from my hair and face.

  Duchie pats Ketona on the forearm. “I am so sorry. I know that you loved him and were getting married…”

  “…next week,” I view her
, saying. “I am…heartbroken but Rincon is here for me.” I smile and watch the rock seeing one of Rincon’s arm or leg. “We lived on the same street and beside each other’s houses since birth. My mama and his mama are best friends. We drank from the same cup with our shared saliva until five years old,” giggles. “We bathed together until three years old. I remember him naked too,” giggles and nods.

  Duchie giggles and nods. “Well, you’ve found true love. You’re doing the right thing. You’re smart like me, Ketona. And Rincon’s a very fine catch for a husband. He’ll be standing right next to you in the gold color tone along with me. Now I understand. We all can live our dreams, permanently. I wanted out of Dookie Town. The dookie girl has accomplished that goal. I wish you good luck with your dream job and your dream man too.”

  I smile and nod to her. “Thanks.”

  Nephella and Rincon waddle to us holding the objects.

  Nephella smiles. “Good news, the sea mice survived the flight, the fall and the fishies in the ocean,” the mice crawls up her cat suit as she wrangles them around her body. She tosses one to me and Duchie. “Bad news, I need help carrying the six little creatures back up the cliff and dropping them back into their real home, the sea grass.”

  I catch the mouse then cuddle it. It claws scratch into the suit as it whiskers brush into my face when I giggle.

  Rincon pats the mice then winks at Ketona. “It is our time to leave here and go back into the Cubby Hole. All the kids are gone but us. I wanna finish this thing, since I’m in the lead,” swings and chuckles, running up the nature steps of the cliff face towards the top. He carries the mice towards home. “Don’t forget your boots for the me-chee chair…”

  Duchie leans into Ketona winking. “Go and get him, honey!”

  I gasp, smile then spin and yell. “I’m leader now,” dashing across the sand with the mouse then hit the steps, climbing after Rincon.

  The Hubby Hold…is the second e-novel.




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