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Through the Zombie Glass wrc-2

Page 31

by Gena Showalter

  “This is my fault,” Reeve said with a trembling chin. “I never should have trusted Ethan.”

  “We all made mistakes,” Kat said, and with a confident smile added, “But Frosty will come. He’ll save the day. He won’t let anything happen to me. Or us. Mostly me.”

  Reeve played along, saying, “Maybe he’ll bring Bronx and I can beg for his forgiveness.”

  “Beg while naked,” Kat suggested. “He’ll agree to anything then.”

  I patted Kat’s hand. It was limp, cold. I couldn’t wait for Ethan to grow a conscience or a pair of balls. Couldn’t wait for the boys to find us, or food to strengthen me. I had to act now.


  I moved to Jaclyn’s side of the cage and studied the lab, searching for things I might have missed. Anyone coming or going had to flash an ID badge over the box on the door. There was a glass case on the far wall with several tranq guns inside. I’d seen the lab coats use those weapons on the collared zombies.

  The guards had the keys to the cells. Maybe the lab coats did, maybe they didn’t, but I couldn’t see evidence either way. The guards were the sure thing.

  I needed to steal a key the next time they came for me.

  “What are you thinking?” Jaclyn asked.

  “Probably the same thing you are.”

  “Yeah. Blueberry pancakes would be awesome.”

  I almost grinned. “No. I’m thinking it’s time to go.”

  We both looked at Kat. She yawned and rested her head on Reeve’s shoulder.

  “She shouldn’t be this bad this quickly,” Jaclyn whispered, unable to mask her worry.

  “It’s the stress of the situation,” I replied. “It’s making everything worse.”

  “I can hear you, you know,” Kat said. Then, “What are we going to do?”

  “Let me worry about that.” I held Jaclyn’s stare until she nodded.

  “I wish there was something I could do,” she said, “but they don’t even open my cage anymore. I could try, but they’re used to me, expect my tricks and just ignore me, whatever I say.”

  I motioned Reeve over.

  She eased Kat’s head to the floor and closed the distance. I put my mouth to her ear and whispered, “When the guards come for me, and they will, I want you to attack one. He might hit you, and I’m sorry for that, because it’s going to hurt, but I need him out of the way for just a few seconds. Can you do it? Can you remember what Veronica taught you?”

  She gave a determined nod.

  “Enough of that, you two,” a hard voice snapped. A stick was rubbed against the bars.

  I looked over. One of the guards stood at the door of our cage.

  “We’re hungry and thirsty,” I spat at him. “Why don’t you reduce the number of crimes you’ve committed against us and fix that?”

  He looked us over, lingering a bit too long on Reeve, before pivoting on his booted heel. “Get them something to eat and drink,” he commanded one of the lab coats. “Now.”

  We were each given a bag of peanut butter crackers and a bottle of water, even Jaclyn.

  As hungry as I was, it was like a four-star meal. How sad was that?

  “Protein isn’t good for me right now,” Kat mumbled. “Makes my kidneys have to work too hard.”

  “We’ll scrape off the peanut better and you can eat the crackers,” I replied, “because you’re eating something.” Words Cole had once spoken to me. I got it now.

  Kat and Reeve fell asleep soon after they’d eaten, and I paced the cell, watching the clock. As the day wore on, the labs coats thinned out, just as before. By 2:00 a.m., there were only two people left in the lab. Again, just as before. By six, the others returned. Hello, pattern.

  I’d have a four-hour window to act.

  I wondered how many guards were stationed at the monitors at 2:00 a.m. One or two I could take. Any more than that, and I’d have big-time problems.

  I’d have to risk it. Tonight.

  Tomorrow, Kelly would try to use Kat against me.

  The guards returned for me at 10:00 a.m.

  “You two,” said the one who—pressed his thumb into a keypad. Crap! No actual key to steal. “Get against the back wall.” His attention moved to me. “You, stand in the middle.”

  “Forget my plan,” I whispered to Reeve, and she blinked with surprise.

  Her eyes were wide, her body quivering as I was cuffed and led out of the cell. I knew she wanted to help me in some way, any way, but I couldn’t cut off the guy’s thumb, so there wasn’t anything to do.

  I was escorted into the torture chamber. Kelly was already there, sitting, waiting for me.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Gotta admit I’ve had better days.” As I looked him over, another plan took shape. It was dangerous. It was stupid. But there was no other way.

  “I’m sure you have,” he said, and nodded to the guards.

  Have to act now. The moment I was uncuffed, I lunged for Kelly, purposely slamming my body into the cart of syringes and scalpels along the way.

  We hit the floor, and I grabbed the first thing my fingers found and shoved it into his neck. As the guards scrambled to catch me, I grabbed the second thing my fingers found and shoved it into my pocket.

  Everything happened in two, maybe three seconds.

  A hard fist slammed into my temple, throwing my body to the side. Stars. Pain. A heavy weight crashed into me, forcing me to my stomach. My arms were roughly twisted behind my back and the cuffs reapplied.

  “Get her...out of here...” Kelly gasped.

  As I was hauled to my feet, I watched him sit up and pull a syringe out of his neck. Only a syringe. Too bad.

  The guard shoved me forward, and I tripped my way back to the cage. Once inside, I did the same thing I’d done yesterday. I threw myself into the far corner, hiding my face—and my actions. As stealthily as possible, I reached into my pocket. Felt...a scalpel.


  Whatever’s necessary.

  Reeve approached, placed a soft hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? Your hand is bleeding.”

  I looked down and realized the scalpel had sliced through my palm. My adrenaline must be riding high, because I didn’t feel it. “I’ll take care of it.” My shirt was already torn and easy to rip with my teeth. I tied a strip of material around the wound, applying pressure.

  “Get some rest,” I told her. For what came next, she was going to need it.

  * * *

  As I paced the cage, watching the clock yet again, waiting, waiting, I felt as if my everything hung at the end of a horribly frayed rope. Any second the threads would snap, and I would fall, crack open and all the darkness inside me would spill out.

  Death and destruction would ensue.

  No one would be safe.

  I just... I had to hold it together for Kat, Reeve and Jaclyn.

  Fatigue rode me harder than ever, but I forced myself to look past the burning eyes, the quivering limbs and the aches and pangs. I could sleep when the girls were safe.

  Finally 2:00 a.m. arrived. The moment of truth.

  All but one lab coat had left. The straggler was a heavyset man around forty years old. I could take him in a fight, no problem. The only unknown was how many guards were monitoring the camera feeds.

  Actually, no, that wasn’t true. I also didn’t know how many people were in the building. Or how many security clearances I’d have to go through to reach the front doors.

  That wasn’t going to stop me. Whatever’s necessary.

  I glanced back at the girls. Kat was asleep, though not at rest. Her eyes rolled behind her lids, and violent shivers racked her body.

  Though Reeve was awake and watching me, she lay behind Kat, arms curled around her, offering warmth.

  Jaclyn sat at the edge of her cot.

  Now, I mouthed, then faced Lab Coat.

  “Let us out,” I shrieked, the sound startling the guy enough that he actually gla
nced over at me. I rattled the bars with every bit of my strength. “My friend needs help. Where’s your heart? How can you leave us like this? To starve? To face torture?”

  The shrillness of my voice awakened the zombies. Moans and groans erupted all around me.


  Eat. Must eat.

  Lab Coat pushed to his feet and stomped from the room. If he failed to bring back a guard...

  The side door opened, and Lab Coat stalked inside with a tired-looking guard at his side.

  I did my best to hide my relief.

  Frowning, the guard pointed a finger at me. “Be quiet,” he barked.

  Smells so good.

  Him. Want him.

  Must eat...drain...empty...

  Zombie thoughts...or Z.A.’s?

  “I’m through being quiet,” I shouted. Bang, bang, bang. I punched at the bars, unconcerned by the sting in my already sore hands. “I’ll never be quiet again. You’ll have to make me.”

  Reeve rushed to my side, her voice harmonizing with mine. “We want out. Let us out. Let us out.”

  I laughed, but it wasn’t a nice sound. “So brave out there, aren’t you?” I taunted the guard. “Doubt you’d be so confident in here. I could take you down in seconds.”

  “This is your last chance to be quiet,” he snarled, hand curling around the stick hanging at his waist. Then his gaze landed on Reeve and narrowed. He licked his lips. “But please, do me a favor and refuse it. I’ll come in there and show you just how brave I can be.”

  “Let us out. Let us out.” Reeve.

  “Coward!” Me.

  Grinning a terrible grin, he pressed his thumb against the lock. When he pulled the door open, I shoved Reeve behind me and backed her toward Kat, who had woken up and now leaned against the far wall. All the while, I gripped the scalpel I’d stolen, the blade hidden by my arm.

  He stomped toward us, his eagerness to get his hands on Reeve making him stupid. He grabbed me, probably intending to toss me to the side, but I struck without hesitation, stabbing him in the neck.

  Howling, eyes going wide, he stumbled away from me. His knees buckled before he could exit the cage, and he went down. Blood gushed from the wound, leaking through his knuckles as he applied pressure.

  Whatever’s necessary, remember?

  “Scalpel,” Jaclyn shouted, jerking me out of the daze.

  I tossed it to her, wondering why she needed it, then rushed out of the cage, closing in on Lab Coat. He remained on his feet, as if frozen.

  “Don’t hurt me,” he pleaded.

  “Like you didn’t hurt me?” I punched him in the throat with a blood-covered hand, and he, too, went down. I tore the badge from around his neck before stalking to the glass case where the tranq guns were stored.

  In the hallway, an alarm erupted, screeching through the airways. Dang it. There was at least one more guard.

  “Get Kat and get out of here,” I instructed Reeve, and pounded my fist into the glass. “I’ll get Jaclyn.”

  Shards rained to the floor; my knuckles stung and bled. I grabbed the gun as the side door burst open, a single guard rushing through. Just before he reached me, I managed to turn and squeeze the trigger. He fell—right on top of me.

  Struggling to breathe, I wiggled out from under him and turned to finish off Lab Coat, only to realize he’d already regained his bearings, found another badge to use on the door and rushed out of the room.

  “Ali.” In the cage, Reeve was struggling to hold up Kat. I pocketed as many tranq darts as I could hold and rushed over to help, passing Jaclyn along the way.

  She’d freed herself.

  I looked around and computed how. The guard’s arm had been close enough for her to reach through the bars, and she had removed his thumb with the scalpel. We think alike. Then she’d used what she’d taken to unlock the door.

  The guard had stopped writhing, was motionless in a pool of his own blood. Unblinking eyes stared off in the distance.

  I’d taken a life.


  A sob escaped me, a testament to the still-fraying rope holding back my emotions. It wouldn’t last much longer now. Shaking, I removed his badge and handed it to Reeve, just in case we were separated.

  “Got another tranq gun.” Jaclyn came up beside me and gently removed Kat from my hold, wrapping her arm around the girl’s waist to remove half the burden from Reeve.

  “You’re strongest. You lead the way.”

  “I’m just going to slow you guys down,” Kat panted. “Leave me here and come back for me later.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I said. “I’d rather stay here than leave without you.”

  “Seriously, Ally Kat,” Jaclyn said. “Shut it.”

  “Now follow me.”

  I used Lab Coat’s badge to open the door to the hallway. We entered a long, narrow passage I was relieved to find empty. Maybe I’d disabled the only guards. Please, please.

  “Where should we go?” Reeve asked, her voice strained.

  I ripped the emergency exit map from the wall, considered the corridors and said, “This way.”

  Down the hall. Around a corner. Another hall, another corner. In the stairwell, our breathing and footsteps echoed off the walls. But those were the only sounds. No one was following us. Others would be here soon, though. I was certain the alarm had already been reported to Kelly, wherever he was.

  Kat’s head lolled to the side as the girls carried her down, down, down the steps. As fatigued as I was, as undernourished, as wounded, my trembling seemed to magnify with every new inch of ground I gained.

  Finally we reached the end of the well, and I used the key card to open the door.

  “—remote camera show they entered the stairwell.” Kelly’s voice rose above a symphony of pounding footsteps.

  Dang it! How had he gotten here so quickly?

  Jaclyn and I shared a look of absolute, utter panic.

  “I want you six to comb every inch of it. And I want a man posted on every floor. We’re dealing with four half-starved teenage girls. You should have no trouble finding and subduing them.”

  As yet unnoticed, we dragged Kat to the side of the now-abandoned security desk.

  Perfect timing. A group of men whisked past us. Six entered the door we’d just left, and one muttered, “We aren’t paid enough for this.” Some entered the elevators. They were all dressed haphazardly, as if they’d been roused from sleep and had had to hurry. There must be a facility close by. Like army barracks, maybe. We’d have to be careful to avoid it.

  I gazed longingly at the wall of glass doors leading outside.

  “You two,” Kelly said as he entered the elevator, “wait here.” There was a white bandage wrapped around his neck. He was pale, almost as shaky as I was. “Call me if they make it this far.”

  The doors closed on him.

  The two men he’d left behind assumed their positions, forcing us to inch our way around the desk to continue to hide our presence. I sat for a moment, trying to decide on our next move.

  There was only one thing to do, really.

  “Wait here,” I whispered, and crawled to the end of the desk. I peeked around the edge, noting the exact positions of the guards. Then I set a dart beside my thigh, readied my gun, aimed.

  Deep breath in...hold...ouuut...I squeezed the trigger.

  There was a gasp, a rustle of clothing—then a heavy thump. The first guard had just gone down.


  “What’s wrong?” the other asked, racing to his side.

  He saw the dart in the man’s thigh, frowned and glanced up.

  Before I could finish loading the gun for round two, he was placing a walkie-talkie at his mouth.

  “Mr. K, I found—”

  I fired.

  His knees buckled, and he went silent.

  “Found what?” Kelly demanded over the walkie-talkie.

  So close! “Come on,” I said, and Jaclyn and Reeve tugged Kat to her

  Together, we rushed forward. We stepped on the guards, too tired to leap over them, and shoved our way past the glass doors. Frigid air enveloped us, worse because we were without coats, hats and gloves. We wore only T-shirts and jeans.

  Since our captivity, the snow had continued to fall, and there were now several inches covering the sidewalk and parking lot. Kat wouldn’t last long. “Hang on,” I said, going back inside the building, meaning to take a coat from one of the guards. But pulling the garment off a deadweight proved to be too much for me. Failure!


  A cell phone had just fallen out of one of the pockets. Silver lining. I picked it up and rushed outside. With Kat tucked between us, Reeve and I angled away from the lamps in the parking lot and toward the darkness of the landscape.

  A treacherous-looking hill loomed ahead. It was covered in ice, but there were also trees. We could hide there. Maybe we’d freeze to death. Maybe we wouldn’t. I didn’t care anymore, as long as we were out of Kelly’s clutches.

  As we ran, I dialed Cole’s number. Or rather, I tried to. The motion—on top of my trembling—caused me to misdial. Come on, come on. You can do this. I tried again, succeeded.

  He answered on the third ring, demanding harshly, “Who is this?”

  “Cole,” I panted.


  “That’s Ali?” I heard Frosty say in the background. “Ask her about Kat.”

  “Ask her about Reeve,” Bronx rushed out.

  “Help us,” I interjected. “Have us.”

  “We are, sweetheart,” Cole said, and I heard the worry in his voice. “We are. We finally tracked your location, and we’re almost there. Hang on just a little longer.”

  “Escaped building...headed for...hill. Kat, medical attention. Kelly...after us. Cold. Jaclyn...alive.”

  “Faster,” he commanded whoever was driving. “We’re two minutes away, baby. Just hang on,” he repeated.

  “Miss Bell,” Kelly suddenly called out, and in my panic, I dropped the phone. “I know you’re out here.”

  Reeve gasped.

  Jaclyn growled.

  Forget the phone. I picked up the pace, soon bypassing the first line of trees. Wind gusted, and, I thought, sliced at my skin. Two minutes. I could outwit my enemy for two minutes. Actually, one minute, forty-five seconds now.


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