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Too Big Taboo Bundle: Naughty Brats, Forbidden First Time, Man of the House

Page 18

by Veronica Vaughn

  He had strong arms and silver hair.

  Wait, silver hair? As in *his* hair? The instant I realized who I had been fantasizing about, it filled me with horror and shame. That kind of attraction was forbidden, even if it was just a fantasy.


  I was in the middle of scolding myself when I heard my mom pounding on my door.

  “Just a minute!” I pleaded, scrambling to pull my T-shirt back over my taut nipples and wet panties.

  Mom threw open the bedroom door just as I had finished covering myself. “What the hell were you doing in here?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Just getting ready for bed.”

  “Well, you’re not sleeping in here,” Mom replied.

  I must have had a puzzled look on my face, because Mom rolled her eyes. “My back can’t take another night in that awful bed,” she said. “I’m bunking in here tonight.”

  “But, in my room?” I protested. “My bed’s not big enough for both of us.”

  “I didn’t say anything about us both sleeping in here. Take the couch, take my bed for all I care. Just get out so I can get a good night’s sleep for a change.”

  Mom barged into my room, and I got out of her way just as she was crawling into the bed. My bed.

  “Turn out the light on your way out,” she said, fluffing my pillow and rolling onto her side, the wide curve of her ass mounding in the air. I could picture all the drool she was about to drip on my pillow, a disgusting image indeed.

  Shutting the bedroom door, I made my way to the living room and lay on the couch for a while, but my legs were draped at a weird angle over the armrest and I couldn’t get uncomfortable. I sat in the recliner, but that wasn’t much better. I couldn’t believe Mom had booted me from my own room. It didn’t seem fair. Plus, there weren’t any extra blankets, and I was wearing nothing but a T-shirt and panties. The night air was beginning to feel really cold against my skin.

  Forget this recliner. I gave up and went to Mom and Daddy’s bed. It was one of those massive California king-size beds that are as wide as they are long. Soft sheets and a fluffy comforter were bunched up where Mom had not bothered to make the bed that morning. Luckily the maid had changed the sheets yesterday, so I didn’t feel too gross lying between fabric that was full of my mom’s dead skin cells.

  I pulled the sheets and comforter up to my chin and luxuriated in the softness. My mom was absolutely insane—this bed felt amazingly comfortable. In no time at all, I had drifted off to sleep, and I did not wake up until the middle of the night … when someone flipped on the lights.

  I blinked through the haze as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. There was a man in the doorway.


  Daddy’s voice.


  “Daddy?” I asked sleepily. “What are you doing home?”

  “We wrapped up early, so I caught the red eye out of San Francisco International. Where’s your mother? And what are you doing in my bed?”

  Daddy rolled his suitcase into the room and unpacked a few things as I explained how Mom had claimed my bed for the night. I told him that I had come to his bed after trying and failing to sleep in the living room.

  “I’ll go back to the living room if you want,” I said.

  “Nonsense,” Daddy replied. “My bed is more than big enough for both of us and a few more people, to boot.”

  Daddy flicked the lights off so I could go back to sleep, and he went into the bathroom to change out of his suit. However, I remembered my naughty thoughts from earlier and was far too anxious to even think about sleeping, knowing that I would soon be sharing a bed with Daddy. I had to be strong and not do anything foolish or forbidden.

  When Daddy had changed into his jammies, he slid between the sheets and gave me a big goodnight hug. I loved the way his arms felt around my waist. He liked it too, holding me tightly, just a little longer than usual.

  “Wow,” Daddy said, easing his grasp around my waist. “For a second there I mixed you up with the wife I married a long, long time ago. Believe it or not, when we first met, your mom was as slender as you are now. She had little curves just like yours.”

  I paused for a moment. I was overcome by guilt and not sure what to do about it.

  “Daddy,” I finally said. “I have to tell you something.”

  “Anything, sweetheart,” he encouraged.

  “Anything?” I asked hesitantly. “I … I had naughty thoughts about you earlier.”

  The room was too dark to make out Daddy’s expression, but his body stiffened. “What kind of thoughts?” he asked. His arms were still around my waist. He pulled me in a little tighter, until my body was enveloped by his large, tight frame.

  “It’s bad,” I said. “I’m ashamed to admit it.”

  My mind was racing. Should I confess or not? I knew he wouldn’t be mad at me. Even so, I was reluctant to admit my feelings, afraid it would alter our relationship in a way that could not be taken back. What if he wouldn’t love me anymore?

  Daddy spoke before I could work up the nerve to respond. “I think I know what you were going to say,” he said. “It’s only natural for a young woman to have confusing feelings for the man who raised her. But they’re just that—feelings. They will go away when you meet a young man and fall in love.”

  He was saying all reasonable things, but his body language betrayed him. Even in the dark, his eyes smoldered with anguished passion. His body remained clasped to mine, holding me in his loving embrace, and I could feel something stiffening down below, pushing ardently into my backside. My breath quickened, reacting to the pressure of Daddy’s hardness. The thin fabric of his pajamas did nothing to obscure the rigid contours of Daddy’s cock.

  Everything he said was level-headed. It made sense. But there was no doubt in my mind, my Daddy was just as turned on by me as I was by him. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I snuggled into his crotch, making him even harder. A barely audible moan escaped his lips. Hearing his voice turned me on so much. My pussy was getting wet, imagining Daddy stuffing his meaty cock inside me, filling me up. I was taken away by my own fantasy, grinding my little ass into Daddy’s hardness.

  “Stop, Laura. Your my daughter.”

  “STEP-daughter,” I corrected.

  “I raised you since you were a baby. I bottle-fed you, changed your diapers.”

  “I’m a grown woman now,” I whispered.

  Daddy couldn’t take anymore. He grabbed my face and turned it toward him, and mashed his mouth against mine. Our lips pressed together, his tongue dipped into my mouth and his hands groped my body, running up and down my small curves. He grabbed my tiny breast and squeezed. My nipples hardened to his touch. It hurt a little but was so exhilarating.

  His mouth pulled away from mine. He nibbled my ear and my neck. Daddy’s hand was up my T-shirt, his fingers tweaking the hard nubs of my nipples. His big, rough hand ran down my firm little belly, to the mound between my legs. I gasped in surprise. My pussy ached for Daddy’s cock. His hand slid beneath the hem of my cotton panties and his fingers caressed the folds of my pussy. I was slick with desire for him. His fingers found my little clit and he teased it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I was overcome by lust for Daddy. I wanted his cock inside of me so badly that I reached for his crotch and freed his dick from his pajamas. It sprang from the opening, and I squeezed it in my small hands, not sure how to please a man. Suddenly I wanted to have him in my mouth, to taste him.

  I rolled onto my knees and tentatively kissed the throbbing head of Daddy’s cock. My hands grasped the long hard shaft. When I licked the tip, Daddy groaned with pleasure. It was a little salty and I breathed in the subtle musky scent of his crotch. I slid my lips over the tip. It barely fit in my mouth. Daddy’s body was rocking gently as he fucked my mouth. I looked up to his face, with his dick still in my mouth, and our eyes locked.

  As I watched, the expression on his face began to change. The lust in his eyes melted and
was replaced by a look of shock mixed with guilt.

  “Stop,” he ordered. “We can’t do this.”

  “But I love you,” I said.

  “I love you too, but this is wrong. You may not be mine biologically, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re my little girl. I’m sorry.”

  I began to cry softly on his bed. He muttered another apology and got up, pushing his diminished cock back into his pajamas and leaving the room. I felt rejected and was even more confused than ever. Nothing had ever felt more right than having Daddy’s hard cock in my mouth, and his hands all over my body. My pussy was drenched, aching for him, and now he was gone.

  Tears streamed down my face for what seemed like an eternity, until I nodded off to sleep. In the morning I found Daddy in the kitchen, looking worn and haggard from his own restless night. He was scrambling eggs and still wearing his pajamas.

  I heard Mom’s footsteps thundering down the hallway. She waddled into the kitchen and plopped down at the table.

  “What is wrong with the beds in this house?” Mom complained. She turned to me. “Your bed is even worse than mine. My back is in ruins.”

  Then she noticed Daddy.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded. “Why aren’t you dressed yet? Don’t you have a job to do?”

  Daddy flinched ever so slightly. Mom didn’t notice because she had turned her attention to a pile of biscuits on the table. She was used to her questions being ignored.

  Daddy was quiet as we ate breakfast. The tension between him and Mom, and him and me, was almost unbearable. I couldn’t stop thinking about the things Daddy and I had done last night, about his fingers exploring me. Reliving the experience, I could feel dampness gathering between my legs.

  “Laura,” Daddy said, snapping me from my wet daydream.

  “Yes, Daddy?”

  “I want you to come to work with me. I’ll go in a little later than usual, so you can get ready.”

  Daddy had never invited me to work with him. I was a bit startled. It didn’t make any sense, after rejecting me in bed last night. Did he want me to get a job? I had a million questions, but I didn’t ask a single one. Instead I said, simply, “Yes, Daddy.”

  After breakfast, I showered and changed clothes, deciding on a white blouse and a simple, elegant skirt that clung to my narrow curves. I looked at myself in the mirror. My high heels made my butt look rounder than it had any right to be. I looked good. Daddy might have rejected me, but that didn’t mean I had to feel sorry for myself and not look my best.

  I made my bed, something Mom had not bothered to do, and found Daddy waiting for me in his leather chair in the parlor, beside the front door. A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  “You look lovely,” he said quietly.

  He looked very dapper as well. Despite his sleepless night he had cleaned up well in a gray, expensive-looking suit and an elegant blue tie. He drove us to work. The silence permeating the car made me feel extremely awkward, and I could not think of anything to say to break the quiet. He parked in his reserved space at the front of his gleaming office tower, all steel beams and dark tinted windows. Inside the marble-floored lobby the security guard scrambled from his desk to punch the elevator button for us.

  Daddy nodded his thanks to the guard, still not uttering a word. Why was he being so quiet? Where was he leading me?

  Daddy hit the button for the top floor and we whooshed upward, not stopping until we opened on the twenty-second level. The sign on the wall said Daddy’s name. Beneath it was written “President and CEO.” I couldn’t believe I had never been to Daddy’s office before. The foyer walls were made of exquisitely smooth wood, and an impeccably dressed blonde was seated at a desk.

  “Good morning, Mr. Vaughn,” the woman chirped. “Welcome back!”

  “Good morning, Clarissa,” Daddy said. “Hold my calls.”

  “Yes sir,” she said, smiling.

  Daddy had not introduced me to his assistant, which seemed odd to me, but I didn’t dare question him. He guided me through a wide, wooden door, his hand resting in the small of my back. His office was huge, with floor-to-ceiling glass walls offering panoramic views of the surrounding city. We towered over the rest of the landscape. Without thinking I walked to the windows and looked down. The view made me swoon a little, seeing cars drive like busy ants on the tiny streets.


  I turned, and suddenly, without warning, Daddy’s lips were against mine. Despite his ardor he was gentle this time, his lips nuzzling mine, softly kissing me. My mouth opened slightly to accept him, and his tongue searched mine. I was so taken aback I was powerless in his arms. I started to fall backward, but he caught me in his strong arms and pushed my body up against the cold glass wall.

  Pinned to the glass, the city streets a dizzying twenty-two floors below, I wrapped my legs around Daddy’s waist and gave in to his passion. He groped between my legs, his fingers slick with my gathering wetness. I tried to unzip his trousers and he helped me, and I pulled his long cock from his pants and stroked him to almost instant hardness.

  “Take me, please, Daddy,” I said.


  Daddy thrust himself inside of me and I screamed in shock. His cock was so big, it stretched me more than I thought possible. My raw pussy throbbed with pain and pleasure as he slid in and out, in and out, over and over, pressing my body against the cold clear wall. My head was spinning, all my attention focused on the sensation of Daddy filling my tight little pussy, burying every inch of his cock inside me. My entire body shook with every thrust.

  I pulled off my blouse and grasped at my tiny breasts, tugging at my nipples through my bra, as waves of pleasure washed over me. Daddy was fucking me harder now, driving himself deep inside my pussy, ramming me against the wall. I moaned uncontrollably, giving in to his assault. Powerful orgasms rocked my body. My body shook and convulsed with each one, my twitching pussy massaging Daddy’s shaft.

  Daddy let out a ragged groan as he pounded into me. His sweat was beginning to run down his face, falling on my face and tits, and I could taste his salt. Then his body clenched and he roared like a wild animal, filling me with his cum. It shot to the back of my pussy, hot and wet, as my pussy tightened. I was so sore, aching from Daddy’s punishment, but I wanted him to stay inside of me forever. I squeezed my legs around his waist, trying to draw every last drop from his dick, letting his jism slide deep inside me.

  Daddy sighed with satisfaction. My body was wrecked and sore, exhausted but satisfied. He lingered in my embrace, against the glass wall, before softly pulling out of me. His shirt was falling off and one of the buttons was torn. His expensive suit pants were drenched from my wetness. I’m sure I looked even more ragged, the way Daddy had abused my aching body.

  We slumped into a nearby leather couch, and Daddy held me as we struggled to catch our breath. Daddy kissed me tenderly on the mouth.

  “I’m the one who was wrong last night, Laura,” Daddy said. “You and I belong together. I don’t give a damn what anybody else has to say. Let them say it. I love you.”

  “And I love you,” I said, gazing intently into Daddy’s eyes.

  “Good,” he replied. “From now on, I’ll never let you go.”

  Naughty Little Brat

  The debutante’s ball is only days away, but innocent Abbi never was much of a dancer. Now she’s learning some new moves from the man who raised her. In Christoph’s strong arms, Abbi tries to put aside her forbidden feelings. She doesn’t want to give in to temptation, but she can’t help herself when Christoph is so close ... and feels so right.

  Poor little Abbi. In spite of the dancing lessons, her high-society debut is an absolute disaster. Only Christoph can save his sweet and naive princess from total humiliation. Abbi is so grateful, she submits to her taboo desires, and Christoph gives Abbi a night that neither of them will ever forget.

  And Abbi is far more fertile than Christoph ever expected.

sp; I.

  My stepfather twirled me in his arms, patiently teaching me to dance. His moves were graceful, elegant, and smoldering with sex appeal. I tried to ignore the fit of his expensive, dark suit—a suit that had been tailored to complement my stepfather’s tight, athletic body. If I’m being honest, it drove me absolutely wild.

  Focus, Abbi! I scolded myself.

  It wasn’t fair that I shared a roof with such a gorgeous man. I’d been smitten with Christoph ever since I was a little girl. But right now, I had to put all of those naughty thoughts aside. I needed to learn everything from him as soon as possible because the debutante’s ball was coming up in less than a week. Unfortunately, I was born with two left feet.


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