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Page 16

by P. F. Kozak

Gasping, Lara arched against the pillow. A tiny moan escaped her as she worked the sensitive nubbin. Climax exploded, quickly and unexpectedly. Liquid heat trickled through her veins, a deliciously relaxing sensation. God, she could lie there and do that all day. No wonder the girls working at the Demimonde loved their jobs. Getting paid for unlimited pleasure wasn’t such a bad idea.

  “Two beautiful men making love to me,” she swooned dreamily. What more could a girl ask for?

  Her brow wrinkled with the memory. Well, kind of sex with two men. Someone always had to throw a monkey wrench into the perfect fantasy.

  While Jared hadn’t hesitated to plunge in and fuck her three times, Nick had held back from making any penetration. True, he’d kissed and licked every inch of her body, giving her oral sex. And he’d been glad to receive it. However, when it came time to get down to the real dirty deed, he’d pulled away—almost as if he was afraid he’d somehow defile her.

  That puzzled her.

  Nick wanted her. She knew by the reaction of his body to her touch, the shudder and sigh and longing in his eyes. And she wanted him. God, she’d been attracted to him from the second she’d laid eyes on him. The sudden pang of longing tearing through her chest was so powerful for a moment that she couldn’t catch her breath.

  Sitting up, she frowned. Nick’s short outburst returned full force. A vague sense of uneasiness rippled through her. His angry words reverberated like the echo of a gunshot inside her head. His outburst had shook her more than she cared to admit.

  Don’t try to control me.

  That’s what he’d said.

  Lara sensed there was more to it than control, though. Something in his psyche went a hell of a lot deeper than that. And until he admitted it to himself, she had a feeling that Nick would continue to hold himself back, hovering on the peripheral edge of unfulfilled pleasure.

  Her pulse beat strongly against the lump forming in her throat. Last night she’d been ready to surrender herself to both of them. A voyeur, Nick had watched, touched—but not penetrated.

  I’m going to have to do something about that.

  Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that almost a day had passed since she’d last bothered to eat. A shower and something to eat would be wonderful right now. She’d think about Nick later.

  Sliding out of bed, Lara padded toward the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She took a hot and steamy shower, letting the water massage every inch. By the time she emerged, she felt like a whole new woman, pink and squeaky clean from head to toe.

  Toweled but damp she emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a white robe, one of the complimentary ones. A swirl of her fingers fluffed her pixie cut into place. She liked her hair short and easy to keep. Her wig still lay discarded on the vanity, looking like something coughed up by a sick cat. It belatedly occurred to her that all she had to wear aside from the corset and stockings was the outfit she’d arrived in.

  A few boxes from the night before remained unopened. She peeked inside one. A bikini met her eyes. A very small bikini.

  She lifted it out, holding a piece in each hand. Whoa! It was little more than a few teeny triangles of fabric held together with floss. Her nipples and pubic area would barely be covered—her ass would hang out for everyone to see.

  Discarding that as inappropriate so early in the morning, Lara opened the second box. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Holy shit,” she muttered. “They expect me to wear this?” Leather bondage gear, the hardcore kind. Studded leather collar, ankle and wrist cuffs, and a few other things that prickled the fine hairs at the nape of her neck.

  “Definitely not wearing that,” she muttered. She chose the bikini, dressing in the itty-bitty pieces and then sliding the robe back on and belting it around her waist. No reason to incite a riot right away. Apparently these guys intended to keep her as close to naked as possible the entire week.

  Hunger gnawed her backbone. The smell of coffee beckoned. She needed a pick-me-up soon or she’d faint dead away.

  She found the downstairs area deserted. The television played to no one. Not that the place was totally abandoned. In the adjoining bedroom she detected activity through the half-open door. Grousing, teasing, the general disorientation of living in strange quarters.

  She headed toward the kitchenette. Freshly brewed coffee waited. Someone had ordered breakfast, too, a selection of fruit and pastries from the Ranch’s restaurant. People having sex worked up an appetite.

  Lara poured a cup of coffee, adding a packet of artificial sweetener and loads of cream. She took a small sip, then a larger one. God, it tasted good, fortifying and warming her inside. Didn’t quite fill her, though. Picking among the pastries, she selected a doughnut. She bit in, chewing. Mmm. Bavarian cream. Her favorite. Without minding her manners, she wolfed the doughnut down with a few quick bites. A second one tempted, calling her name.

  Thinking about her waistline, Lara finished her coffee instead. By time she’d swallowed the last sip, she felt like a new woman. Ah, sugar and caffeine could always be counted on to give her system a quick jolt.

  Curious as to what her hosts might be up to, she drifted toward the bedroom and peeked inside.

  Though the bed was unused, a couple of suitcases had been laid out and opened. Clothing and other personal items were scattered around; jeans, T-shirts, tennis shoes, and other things guys on vacation would travel with.

  Lara’s gaze lingered on one of the T-shirts. What she wouldn’t give to have a little more to cover herself with. The damp robe wasn’t exactly comfortable. The shower still ran, obliterating sound to whoever was inside the bathroom. No one should hear her enter.

  She eased into the room with the intention of borrowing one. Creeping like a thief, she tip-toed toward the bed. She stopped dead in her tracks.

  Jared stood in front of the bathroom door. His back was to her, his body braced against the door frame.

  Lara walked up behind him. The door was angled open in such a way as to allow a liberal view of the shower. Constructed entirely in see-through glass tile, the design gave a clear view of the person standing inside. Despite the steam, the view was spectacular.

  The air around her shifted and thickened. For an instant Lara could only stare at Nick, mesmerized, trying not to think of what it would be like to run her hands over his muscular chest, tease his flat nipples. She knew she was spying, but she just couldn’t turn away. Completely unaware he had an audience, Nick’s soapy hands skimmed over lean hips and slender thighs.

  Keenly aware of the heat suffusing her body, she flexed her fingers. Man, oh, man. Dangerous, she thought. But, oh, so very tempting.

  Unaware of her presence, Jared murmured, “God, he’s magnificent.” He was shirtless, and his jeans hugged muscular thighs. His dark hair was still wet from his shower. Lowering his head, he let out a long slow groan. “I’d give my soul to have him.”

  His words connected like a slap. The pain was so sharp that Lara had to blink her eyes and take a deep calming breath. Dear God, his words had felt like he’d torn a hole through her heart. Well, hell. It wasn’t like she was in love with Nick.

  Realizing she’d stumbled into something very intimate, Lara slowly put one foot behind the other and started to ease backward. Maybe she could escape without letting Jared know what she’d seen and heard.

  Feeling her presence, Jared glanced back. Their gazes instantly connected. High tension zinged between them like a bolt of pure electricity. As his darkened gaze met hers, the emotions written across his face said everything: He was in love with Nick.

  Jared slowly pivoted, stepping away from the door and leaning back against the wall. The barest hint of a smile flitted across his lips. “Busted.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to stumble in. I—I just wanted a T-shirt.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not like it’s any secret.”

  “So are you two, uh, together?”

  He blinked, obviously startled by her question. “Togeth
er as in partners, yeah.” A whisper of a smile touched his lips. “Together as in lovers, no.” His smile was at odds with his words. “Nick doesn’t know I’m crazy about him because he’s obsessed with you.”

  Obsessed? Her brows rose. “He’s obsessed with me?”

  Jared nodded. “He’s so freaking in love with you that he can’t even see I want him.”

  “Nick can’t be,” she spluttered. “We’ve just met.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “It’s true. He wants you, I want him.” He hesitated a beat. “Kind of a strange little triangle we’ve got going on here.”

  One nobody had bothered to fill her in on.

  Lara shook her head, confused. “He wants me, but doesn’t have a problem sharing with you. Having your gay friend doing the fucking for you is a strange way to love a girl, isn’t it?”

  Jared gave her a little wink. “I’m not gay, hon. I’m bi, and perfectly happy to bat for both teams. Enjoy the pleasures of both worlds, is my motto.”

  Lara wasn’t sure if what he told her was good or bad. She shook her head and raised her chin a notch. “So you two have never made love?”

  His reply came back, negative. “No, we haven’t. We’ve fooled around, so I think the desire’s there. But he’s very damn conflicted about it. I probably shouldn’t say this, but Nick’s not experienced, with men or women.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth. Nick had the classic all-American looks most women wouldn’t have hesitated to snatch up. How had he remained untouched at his age? “Oh, don’t tell me he’s a virgin.”

  Jared raised a knowing brow. “That wick of his has never dipped into cunt or asshole, my dear. The pressure’s building inside him, though. Just a matter of time till it blows.” His blue eyes sparkled with sudden mischief. “And I hope I have a hand on his cock when it does.”

  Unbidden, a blush rose to her cheeks. “Cut that out before you embarrass me.”

  His grin turned wicked. “You’ve just been fucked and sucked all over and you’re turning all Miss Priss?”

  Lara crossed her arms across her breasts. “I’m not Miss Priss,” she protested in her defense. “I’m just discreet.”

  Jared smiled, pleased. “And worth every dime, babe.” He tweaked the tip of her nose. “Now why don’t you get take that little robe off and get your ass into that shower?”

  “I just had one.”

  “I know, but I’m not thinking about getting all squeaky clean. I’m thinking about getting all down and dirty with you pressed between us.” He grinned and rubbed a hand against the front of his jeans. “I’m a hungry man, honey.”

  Rolling her eyes, Lara slipped off the robe. “Your libido is a psycho.” The floss bikini followed.

  Jared eyed her from head to toe. “You impress me, Ms. Green. I think I might be in love with you, too. Wouldn’t that be the perfect trio?”

  The sexy image of being trapped between two very naked and willing men wanting to please her in every way filled her mind. Her breath caught in a hitch. Be with both of them? Permanently? That was crazy thinking. Life’s harsher realities had drilled into not to put her trust in men.

  A subtle tremor rippled through her as unforeseen emotions warred inside her. Pleasure that both men desired her fought with the wariness of letting her heart rule her head. The line between work and play was beginning to blur dangerously. Hard to remind herself that she wasn’t here to get involved with either.

  For the moment, however, she had to keep the fantasy alive. Didn’t mean she had to believe it. Just perform to orders.

  “Thank you, Mister Montgomery. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Jared’s grin widened. “Thanks. Now get your ass in that shower and give my friend a nice hand job.” He paused a beat. “I’ll join you momentarily.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Lara slipped through the bathroom door, heading toward the shower and the naked, steamy man inside. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. “Hi.”

  Dark eyes met hers. “What are you doing here?” Nick made no attempt to cover his nudity. He wasn’t tall, barely six feet, but he seemed to tower over her like a god stepped down from some mystical mountain.

  Lara just stood, looking at the beautiful man standing naked in all his glory. Blond hair plastered around his face, the water sluiced around his shoulders, trickling down the thatch of hair covering his chest. She visually traced the line, fascinated by the way the water caressed his groin, the length of his penis—an impressive sight even when flaccid.

  She stared, hardly aware of her breath rushing raggedly through her lips. He was so good-looking she couldn’t think. The single coherent thought her mind managed to form centered around his gorgeous cock and the desire to feel it stuffing every last inch of her sex. The visualization of his hips sinking between her thighs broadsided her like a Mack truck.

  Aware he waited for an answer, Lara swallowed over the lump in her throat. “I thought you could use a little help washing your back,” she said, winging it.

  Nick’s gaze glittered like diamonds. A mischievous little-boy look stole across his chiseled features. “I think I could.” His deep voice vibrated.

  Gulping as though she were about to jump out of the frying pan and into a bonfire, Lara stepped into the shower. She grinned up at him, very aware that she had to tilt her head to maintain eye contact. “Hand me the soap and turn around.”

  He complied.

  Lara flipped the bar between her fingers until thick foam formed. Slowly she lifted her hands. Her palms settled on his shoulders, her fingers automatically beginning to work his tight muscles.

  A groan escaped him. “That feels good.”

  Her hands skimmed lower, inching toward his lean hips and full buttocks. “Oh, it’s about to feel better.” Exploring every inch, she lovingly caressed his sinuous planes.

  “Babe,” he grated. “I think you’re giving me a hard-on.”

  “Guess I’ll have to take care of that,” she answered, all innocence.

  Pressing her body against his, she slid her left hand around his waist. Searching fingers circled his cock. A surge of purely female appreciation swept through her. He wasn’t lying. A magnificently hard shaft pulsed under her grip. The muscles and tendons in his neck formed tense cords when her hands slid upward. His erection surged against her palm, and she reveled in the shudder rippling through him.

  “Oh, God,” he breathed. “I’ve dreamed of this so many times.”

  The motion of her arm moved her breasts back and forth against his back, chafing her sensitized nipples against his acquiescent strength. She gasped at the sensations, galvanized by the quiver of lust traveling through her fingertips and coiling in her belly. It was absolutely delightful to masturbate a man like this. Brazen and shameless, but totally delectable.

  “Dream no more.” Lara was in danger of begging him to lift her onto the shower seat and cram that cock right up her when Jared arrived. His erection pressed into her slippery crack and his arm slipped around her body.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” His fingers closed around hers. Suddenly there were two hands jacking Nick off.

  Tension rolled off Nick in thick waves as he recognized the change. He leaned forward, palms pressing against the shower wall to catch his weight. “Just do it,” he grated. What he meant by that was debatable.

  Lara took a wild guess. The possibilities spun in her skull until she could barely think straight. Abruptly she knew. With utter certainty. The three of them would create a passion so hot and so overwhelming that they’d be forever fused as one.

  Confused by the thought that seemed so perfect, but too impossible to even entertain, she released her grip. Wriggling out from between the two men, she pushed her way out of the shower. She needed time to think. Alone.

  She took a couple of deep breaths. “I think you two can handle things from here.”

  Jared’s slow-as-molasses grin unfolded. “Thanks, Sugar.” Hand stroking Nick’s cock, he dropped a ki
ss on his friend’s shoulder. “We’ll be just fine.”

  Heart filling with jealousy, Lara’s eyes abruptly brimmed with tears, swimming with misery, jealousy, and desire.

  Aw, hell. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach. This isn’t good at all.

  Turning, Lara fled the bathroom. Once again she was in danger of giving her heart away to someone who might hurt her.

  This time the danger was doubly intense because two men were involved.


  R elief at escaping Nick and Jared’s sexual escapade warred with the steady beat of desire pounding inside her. For a moment she thought about turning around and getting back into the shower with those two beautiful men, letting them make love to her all over again.

  Lara shook her head. No, she needed a moment to herself, a little space and distance to gather her erratic thoughts. There were too many things to think about, and her mind insisted on going into overtime.

  Feeling conflicted, confused, and more than a little jealous, Lara decided the best thing to do would be get out and get some fresh air. It had been ages since she’d gotten to bask outside. The suite had a big patio outside with a set of matching deck chairs. She could stretch out and just breathe. She’d think about her feelings later.

  Slipping through the sliding door, Lara walked out onto the patio. The Southwest style Saltillo tile felt warm under her bare feet, almost uncomfortably hot. Another few hours under the unrelenting Nevada sun and the tile would be blistering enough to fry an egg on. Barely ten in the morning and the day promised to be a scorcher.

  Discarding her robe, Lara lowered herself on one of the chairs. She hadn’t put the bikini back on, not that it afforded much protection or cover.

  Stretching out on her stomach, she sighed and closed her eyes. Sunlight caressed her bare skin, the rays sinking in to ease her sore muscles. The warmth felt so good she groaned in relief.

  Ah, this was just what I needed. A good dose of natural illumination to ease her tension and quiet her troubled mind.

  Years had passed since she’d even spent time outside. In her world, mornings didn’t exist. She rarely rose before noon, and was lucky if she managed to make it out of bed by two. When working late evenings and nights, a person tended to fall into a sort of twilight zone of nonexistence. Time felt suspended; the days seeming like they never changed or varied. The only things that seemed to stay the same were the pain and disappointment that dogged her.


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