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Rise of the Phoenix

Page 21

by Jamie McLachlan

  He rises, forcing me onto my feet, yet he grabs my hand and leads me out of his office. We climb the steps to the second floor and tread down the hallway to his bedroom. The darkness inside wraps around us as we enter. After a few steps, the rope around my waist loosens, and my housecoat slips off my shoulders and falls to the ground. Fingers trail up my bare thighs, traveling beneath the hem of my chemise. The fabric moves across my skin, a ripple of sensation that tickles my stomach, nipples, and arms. He removes the layers of clothing off his body, letting them collect in a heap on the floor.

  A nervous flutter stirs in the pit of my stomach as he stalks toward me. Soft kisses press against my forehead, nose, and cheek and roam down the curve of my neck, over the swell of my breasts. A swirl and flick of his tongue, then a gentle suck hardens my nipples into twin peaks of pleasure. His lips travel farther down, marking my stomach with affection, while his hands caress the dip of my back. I stand on unsteady legs as his touch explores the insides of my thighs, sending wave after wave of desire through me.

  He rises to his feet and lifts me up into his embrace. I wrap my legs around his waist and hug his neck. He walks us to the bed and slips beneath the covers, placing his weight on top of me. His skin caresses my own, melting the chill of the room, as our lips and tongues converse in a language only he and I know. He glides into me, and we move against each other, with each other, slow, as if we have an eternity to make love. The pleasure inside me builds, pushing me closer and closer to the edge. Our breaths quicken as our pulses race, beating against our chests, until our bodies tighten with our combined release.

  A lazy smile graces my face as my body relaxes against the bed. I haven’t felt this happy in my entire life.

  He kisses both corners of my lips. “I love you, Moira.”

  “I love you, too.”

  His expression sobers as his voice deepens. “No more lies. I don’t care if you think the truth will hurt me or that I won’t understand. Either way, I want nothing but the truth from you.”

  “I promise.”

  He rolls onto his back and pulls me onto his chest. My head rises a little with each breath he takes, and his fingers dance along my spine. Though my body hangs in the aftermath of my orgasm, my mind awakens with fear as dangerous thoughts rush through me. He wants nothing but the truth, but I’ve already lied by keeping a part of my past hidden. With Jonathan dead and Icarus unconscious, Keenan won’t ever discover the truth of how far my involvement with the Phoenix had gone. Despite knowing this, guilt hooks its claws into my heart and drags it down.

  I’ve already broken my promise.

  His fingers wind in my hair. “Though I don’t agree with your decision, I understand why you didn’t tell me. You felt you had no choice. If it had been me and he had threatened your life, I would have done everything in my power to protect you. Mr. Hayes forced you to kill Mr. Harrison.”

  He pauses, and his frustration and anger burn my flesh. “I was upset because, despite all that, you chose not to confide in me. I could see something was wrong, yet I had no way of helping you. I don’t like feeling that way, Moira.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” I bury my face into the crook of his neck. “I won’t do that again.”

  I awake a second time that night with a startled gasp. My fists clench the blanket as my heart gallops to the sound of my frantic breathing. Keenan stirs beside me, reminding me I’m not alone. I turn over and curl up against him, drawing comfort from the heat of his body. While still lost in sleep, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. My muscles relax, and my previous anxiety fades as my mind drifts back into unconsciousness. Sleep tugs, beckoning me into the beginnings of a dream.

  My eyes snap wide open as I recall a piece of the dream that had woken me.

  All I remember are words—Icarus’s voice.

  You can’t keep me here forever, Moira.

  I mentally shake the words and the sound of his voice away from my thoughts as a whispered mantra slips from my lips. “Only a dream, only a dream, only a dream…”


  Raindrops gather on the windowpane. I trail after them with my finger as they trickle down the glass. My body, bloated with satisfaction, leans against the curtains. For the first time in my life, I don’t have any desire to move, to run away to some faraway place. For once, I’m content to stay. The dreary clouds outside make me want to snuggle beneath a blanket, preferably with Keenan in his bed. I close my eyes as images of last night play in my head. The memory of his touch sends a shiver through me. The rest of my body awakens, responding to the ghost of his hands roaming over my curves.

  In the distance, someone approaches. My eyes snap open and dart to the intruder. Keenan enters the parlour room, and I offer him a lazy smile. His brows pinch together as he gives me a curious look. I widen my lips into a devious grin and push away from the window, sauntering toward him.

  “I was thinking about you.” I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. “I was remembering everything we did last night.”

  His voice lowers to a deep whisper. “Were you?”

  I nod and lift onto my toes. He meets me halfway and presses his mouth against mine. Our kiss is short, but an echo of the passion we had shared last night.

  My lips brush his cheek as I approach his ear. “Can’t we stay in? We can go back to bed. I can do that thing you like. You know, the thing that drives you crazy.”

  “Moira, you know we can’t. We’re expected at the Legislature building.”

  His words say no, but his body says yes. One hand lowers, while the other finds my hair. His fingers entwine with my dark strands and massage my scalp. I fidget with his collar and trail my tongue along his neck. The taste of him lingers in my mouth, a pleasant musk reminding me of satin sheets and bare skin. The gears inside his mind slow, and his thoughts mimic my own. Victory is within reach. His breath quickens and tickles the side of my face, yet he doesn’t move. I graze my teeth and lips over his earlobe, ever so gentle.

  He jerks his head back to look me in the eyes. “Moira, the Elite are waiting for us to discuss your future. The sooner we get it resolved, the sooner we can come back home.”

  “You’re right.”

  I release him with a heavy sigh of regret and follow him into the foyer. He holds my coat out for me, and I slip my arms through. His back presses into mine as he plants a single kiss on my neck. Desire spreads throughout my body. My chest rises, and an ache builds beneath the layers of cloth as my nipples tighten. The sensation vanishes as quickly as it had arrived, chased away by a burgeoning memory. Instead of Keenan, Icarus stands behind me. He whispers in my ear, while his proximity teases my senses.

  I draw in a shuddering breath and step away from Keenan. Heat stains my neck and cheeks as the blood rushes to my head. I hate that the memory of Icarus still lingers, even after everything I’ve been through. More importantly, I hate that, even in sleep, he continues to nudge his way between me and Keenan. I lower my head and stare down at the floor to hide my guilt.

  He caresses the side of my cheek. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes.” I nod and plaster on a fake smile. “I want to get this over with.”

  “Then we better leave.”

  He seizes a large umbrella and opens the door. Once outside, he expands the umbrella, creating a shelter for me to walk under. I step out and close the door behind me. Together, we scurry toward the vehicle. Rain batters the canopy above us and drips off the sharpened corners. He stops by the passenger side and helps me into my seat. As soon as I’m safely beneath the vehicle’s cover, he rushes toward the driver’s side. He closes the umbrella and, after two quick shakes, sets it aside in the back seat. A blanket of calm settles over me as I inspect him. A stray raindrop distracts me, falling from the brim of his hat to stain the fabric of his trousers.

  He starts the vehicle and keeps his eyes on the road. “Have you decided yet?”

  “I have.”

r />   My lips tilt up into a smirk. “It’s a surprise. You’ll have to wait.”

  We fall silent as we head out of the west district and onto Churchill Road. The peaceful atmosphere of the city reflects the tranquility inside me. For a brief moment, I wonder how long both will last. The Phoenix no longer plagues the city, but Braxton will never stay safe. There will always be some other crime, some person who is determined to ruin another. The police will return to their usual demands, and the Chief will assign Keenan to another case. Thinking of the Chief reminds me of the phone call that had interrupted us during breakfast.

  Curiosity draws a question from my mouth. “What did the Chief want to talk to you about?”

  “He called to ask if I’ve seen either Constable Smith or Constable Jamieson. Apparently, neither one of them returned to the station after they had checked up on the Memory House.”

  “Maybe they went home.”

  “Perhaps. But when the Chief called Jamieson’s house, Christine said her fiancé had missed breakfast this morning.”

  My brows furrow, yet my shoulders lift in a dismissive shrug. “He might have left early to get Christine a wedding gift.”

  He parks along the sidewalk.

  “I’m sure you’re right. I told the Chief not to worry and promised him I’d stop by Jamieson’s house after we’re done here. So our previous plans will have to wait until later.” He glances at me sideways, a playful glint in his eyes. “Do you think you can manage?”

  I scowl at the hint of mockery in his voice and sweeten my tone. “It’s you I’m worried about. You can barely keep your hands off me. And let’s not forget this morning when you tried to seduce me back into bed. Shame on you, you wicked scoundrel!”

  A flash of his dimple wrenches my heart into two.

  “Am I to blame for your loss of innocence, as well?”

  My eyes widen in feigned outrage. “You most certainly are! You’re ten years my senior, Mister. And we’re not even engaged.”

  “And here I thought it was you who was seducing me.”

  “Most men do.”

  A small impression appears on his cheek. “Well then, I will desist immediately. I wouldn’t want to tarnish your reputation.”

  I lean across the seat and plant a kiss over his dimple. “I rather enjoy your naughty ways, Mr. Edwards.”

  “And I yours.”

  He dips his head and traps my mouth between his. A sigh of annoyance leaves me when he leans back out of my reach. He jumps out of the motor vehicle and snatches the umbrella from the back seat. Once the canopy extends above him, he rushes to my side. I take his proffered hand and step out beside him. With each second that passes, my jubilation swells, brimming over my landscape. After everything that has happened, the past finally lies behind us where it belongs and will remain.

  More than once, I contemplate on whether or not I should tell him the whole truth. And, each time, I bite my lip in silence. He understands why I have kept Icarus’s identity a secret and believes Icarus forced me to kill Mr. Harrison. But can he possibly understand why I had joined the Phoenix’s cause all those years ago? Why I had persuaded Madame Del Mar to commit suicide? Guilt pricks my chest and threatens to pull my gaze downward. The only person forcing my hand then was myself with my desire for revenge.

  I swallow the distasteful emotions rising within me and slip my arm around his. If I intend to have a future with him, then I need to tell him the truth, even if it might break us apart. Tonight. When everything has settled and we’re alone in his townhouse, I will expose all of my secrets and hope he can forgive me.

  We walk, side-by-side, toward the Legislature building. As we enter the courtyard, I notice several blockers. Three stand by the statues. Their mouths move, but the pattering of the rain muffles their voices. One of them catches my eyes and watches me and Keenan make our way to the entrance. Their keen attention sends a wave of suspicion through me. I try to swallow the emotion, but another pair of blockers standing guard by the doors only fuels my unease. My stomach twists as a knot forms. They fix their gazes on us, and a faint touch brushes my mind.

  My hand tightens on Keenan’s sleeve, clutching the fabric of his coat in my fist.

  I tilt my head downward and whisper beneath my breath. “Do blockers usually stand guard outside the building?”

  “Normally, no.” He rests his hand over mine and squeezes in reassurance. “The Elite are most likely taking extra precaution after all the deaths.”

  “Seems rather late.”

  We continue up the stairs, and I try to ignore the unsettling tightness in my stomach. With my mind, I reach out toward the blockers and encounter a wall. Their thoughts, and even their emotions, are blocked from me. I could thrust my way through their barriers, but then, they’d know. Still, the way they watch me and Keenan raises my suspicion. My heart quickens, and various images flash in my mind: the blockers restraining me, the Elite throwing me back in prison, and, finally, my execution. Was the Elite’s offer all a lie?

  The question draws my breath short, forcing more words from my mouth. “Something’s not right.”

  “Everything is fine.”

  The monotone of his voice draws my gaze upwards. I examine the planes of his face, skimming over the slight overgrowth of hair along his jaw. His expression mimics the blandness of his words. My steps falter. Realization crashes in, pulling along a wave of panic. Someone else’s will controls Keenan’s, persuading him to remain calm. My heart clamours in my chest, and I stumble toward his mind. As I step onto the grate surrounding the gears, someone in the courtyard grabs my arms and wrenches me away from Keenan. The movement jars me out of his landscape.

  The blockers from the courtyard surround us, enclosing me and Keenan in the tight centre.

  One of the empaths behind me presses his hand on my back and urges me forward. “Resist, and we’ll kill the detective.”

  My brows furrow as I struggle to understand his words. The Elite would never threaten Keenan’s life, which means the blockers are acting on someone else’s orders. But whose? Icarus’s? Daniel’s? Or their own? Curiosity and fear war within me, battling for dominance. We’re rushed into the Legislature building, and the harsh voices inside wither to a faint whisper. I peer around, but the men in front of me block my view. Keenan remains eerily calm at my side, and I skulk toward his mind. His landscape tastes unusual, altered by another empath’s persuasion. I draw closer to the buried words, prepared to override them, but a familiar voice draws me back to the Legislature building.

  “Moira, so good to see you.”

  The crease between my brows deepens as curiosity gives way to anger.

  So he’s finally decided to show his face.

  The two blockers standing in front of me step aside, and I focus on the man who had spoken. Daniel’s expression mimics a polite greeting, yet the euphoric glint in his eyes twists the welcome. Though he looks as before, small creases line his suit, and his ginger hair curls around his ears and falls past his eyebrows. He pushes the unruly strands aside. The movement causes my gaze to drift to the man who flinches behind Daniel. The elderly man lies on the ground, clutching his side as blood oozes from between his fingers and spreads beneath him. A gurgle bubbles up from his throat. Behind him, row after row of Elite members crowd the foyer. Every single one of them kneels on the marble floor with their heads bowed.

  A chill rattles my core as my eyes absorb the sight. I tear my gaze away from the Elite and focus on Daniel. He stands, poised like an Elite member. The blockers surrounding the foyer wait upon his command, leaving me with only one conclusion. Disbelief grabs hold of my neck and jerks my head into a small shake. Impossible. Daniel isn’t a leader. He’s a follower.

  “You look surprised to see me.” He steps away from the dying man at his feet and slinks forward. “I told you the Phoenix couldn’t be defeated.”

  My brows furrow as confusion continues to muddle my thoughts. I flick my gaze from side to side, searching. Did he so
mehow manage to wake Icarus?

  “Are you saying you’re the Phoenix?”

  He talks over my question. “It’s a shame the way things turned out. I almost believed you were on our side again.”

  Fear grips my spine, rendering me frozen. I glance sideways at Keenan as my heart rises to my throat. I had planned to tell him everything, but Daniel’s loose mouth will ruin my chance. Keenan’s expression remains calm, except for the tightness around his mouth. A gentle brush against his mind reveals a trickle of his thoughts. He thinks Daniel refers to when I had persuaded Mr. Harrison. His agitation increases, rebelling against the persuasion subduing his mind. In a second, the blocker’s command will sever. And once Daniel exposes my past, the outrage marring Keenan’s face will transform into one of betrayal. The thought sends a knife into my chest, and my helplessness twists the blade deeper.

  “He doesn’t know?” Daniel follows my gaze, and his grin widens. “Of course, he doesn’t. His face says it all.”

  He steps in front of Keenan so only a foot separates them.

  The muscles in my legs twitch, forcing me to take a step forward. A threat forms on my tongue, but falls silent on my lips. What could I say that would stop him from exposing the truth?

  He leans close to Keenan and speaks low. “Let me tell you a story. It’s about a young concubine who fell in love with a man. That man had a plan, one that would overrule the Elite. One day, he confided in her and asked her to join him. Can you guess what her answer was? She said yes. And together, along with other empaths, they killed the people who had enslaved them. Who are they? Why, our own Moira and Mr. Hayes.”

  A thunderous roar echoes in my ears as my pulse races. Keenan clenches his jaw, a minute shift in his expression. His eyes, void of accusation, shift in my direction. He seeks the truth, but I know what answer he wants to hear. My lips part, wishing I could offer him my innocence. And my mind cries out at my helplessness, reminding me of the lava I had poured into Jonathan’s landscape. I search for the outrage simmering beyond the surface, but the emotion slips from my grasp, drowned out by an overwhelming sense of remorse. I can no longer deny the truth, not now. The darkness I’ve tried so hard to keep from him is now laid bare for him to see.


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