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Rise of the Phoenix

Page 23

by Jamie McLachlan

  I push up from the floor and force my words out. “So that’s it?”

  “You might be able to fool everyone else, but you can’t hide from me. I know what’s in your mind. In your soul. You won’t stop until you’re free.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  I clamp my lips shut, wishing I could take the words back. How does he know what’s in my soul? The idea sends an unpleasant tremor through me.

  He responds without turning around. “You’re a fool if you think you could have lived. They would have remained your master. And you would have remained a slave, never their equal.”

  His words sting, but I narrow my eyes.

  “And what am I to you?”

  “An ally.”

  For a moment, I wonder if I had heard him correctly. Until the reality of what he said sinks in. An image of us, together, defeating the Elite side-by-side, flashes in my mind. The idea is as preposterous as the thought of forgiving Icarus.

  A cackle erupts from my throat. “You want me to be your partner? For that, you’d have to treat me like an equal.”

  “And you think I haven’t.” He turns to glare at me, and his dark eyes pin me to my spot. “Who taught you when no one else would? Who gave you power when everyone else saw you as weak?”

  I shake my head, jarring his excuses loose from my mind, and grind out my next words. “You tortured me.”

  I’m not sure what I expect to hear from him. An apology? An explanation? No answer would be good enough. His scars mar my body and mind, and nothing can ever erase them. Yet, I need something. My mind yearns for any amount of words. Not to soothe my soul, as if I were broken, but to feed my insatiable need to know. I hold my breath, waiting for him to speak, and raise my gaze in a brash stare.

  His voice holds no remorse. “I did what was needed to give you the strength to survive. Kindness would have made you soft, complacent. You would have never learned.”

  “Forgive me if I’m not overwhelmed with the need to thank you.”

  Sarcasm and bitterness hang on each syllable.

  He tilts his head, and his eyes flash dangerously. I flinch, knowing my sarcastic tongue would have earned me a punishment. My cheek tingles with anticipation. When he moves, I force my feet to remain fixed on the ground. A step back would show fear, and I’m not afraid of him. As long as I keep telling myself that, then it’s true.

  He steps around his desk and approaches me. “You’ll be given time to consider my offer. Choose wisely.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  He reaches around me and swings the door open. “It’s your death.”

  “And will you do me the honour of killing me yourself, or will you get someone else to do it?”

  He looks me in the eyes and speaks with confidence. “I won’t have to.”

  His message rings in my head. With the Elite overpowered, the other empaths won’t hesitate to execute me. I’ve bargained with the Elite, worked alongside the police, and engaged in an intimate relationship with the detective. To most empaths, these behaviours mark me as a collaborator. To them, I’ve chosen my side—the wrong side. Even if I agree to work with Scott, most will treat me like a traitor. And some, like the two blockers who had held me earlier, will refer to me as an Elite whore.

  He turns his gaze on Evan who stands out in the hall. “Take her to one of the rooms.”

  Though his voice falls silent, his eyes relay a silent message to Evan, no doubt speaking in his mind. I wonder if Evan hates it when he speaks mentally. Evan nods, and his gaze shifts on me. I unfasten my feet from the floor and storm past Scott. The door closes behind me, leaving me alone with Evan. Unable to look at him, I stare down the hall to where the Elite members still kneel. Scott and the other blockers must have persuaded them all, quieting them and forcing them to obey. A feat like that would require the ability to enter more than one person’s mind at the same time.

  Evan touches my elbow. “Follow me.”

  He leads me down the hall and into one of the offices, flicking on the light. The room fills with the unnatural glow, and the absence of a window makes the space darker. I circle around and eye the furniture. A desk occupies the back, while bookshelves lean up against the side wall. On the opposite side, a seating area allows for friendly conversation. My fatigued body pleads with me, begging me to slump into one of the chairs. I turn away and pace the open floor. The wood creaks beneath my feet and fills the room with my anxiety.

  My mind struggles to grasp my reality. Scott is still alive. The Legislature building is overthrown. Evan has been working for the Phoenix all along, but now appears to be aligned with Scott—unless they plan on waking Icarus. Keenan is somewhere out there, in pain and in trouble, believing the worst of me. And I’m stuck here, forced to choose between death and servitude once again.

  Evan closes the door behind him. “Moira, I can explain.”

  “Your actions thus far speak for themselves.” I swivel around to face him. “All I want to know is, who are you working for? Scott or Icarus?”


  My eyes narrow into a glare. “It doesn’t matter who it is. They’re both the same, and it doesn’t change the fact you lied to me.”

  His face darkens. “I hardly think you’re qualified to feel superior. You’ve kept secrets from me, as well. Besides, I helped you with exactly what you wanted. You wanted to get rid of Icarus. I helped you with that, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, by trading one evil for another!”

  “Of all the people, I thought you’d understand. There was a time when you joined Icarus, like me. He promised us freedom. Meanwhile, he continued to live the life of an Elite member while we continued to suffer and wait. He was never like us. But Scott was and always has been. He has lived the life of a slave, and he’s not wasting years playing mind games. He’s acting. In one day, he has accomplished more than what Icarus did in four years.”

  I shake my head and block out his words, but a part of me rises to its full height and listens. He speaks the truth. I’ve tried to live in Keenan’s world. I’ve tried to see it the way he does, in black and white. Confusion and frustration mix, releasing inside me as rolling thunder. How can I justify two truths that oppose one another? The empaths need freedom, and someone needs to hold the Elite accountable for their actions. But, in the process, innocent people will die. People like Rachel. Maybe even Keenan.

  Evan’s voice fills the silence, each word punctuated by years of sorrow. “In one day, Scott has fulfilled his promise. I’m free.”

  His last proclamation clears the fog in my head. “You call this freedom? He may have overthrown this building, but he has an entire city to deal with. It won’t be long before the police hear of what has happened and come charging in. You won’t stand a chance against their weapons.”

  “That’s why we need you, Moira. If we have any chance of succeeding, it’s by standing together. You, Scott, and Daniel are capable of using persuasion without touch. And I can alter people’s emotions without touch. The police won’t even have a chance to use their guns.” He lowers his voice and takes a step forward. “Help us.”

  A part of me wants to say yes, but another part of me knows you don’t always get what is promised to you.

  “You don’t know Scott and Daniel like I do.”

  “Then forget about them.” He grabs hold of my hand, and desperation hovers over him in a halo. “Help me. Help all of the other empaths who can’t stand up for themselves. Help yourself.”

  I freeze and bite down on my tongue.

  “We have a chance, Moira. A chance for freedom for all.” Cold determination leeches the warmth from his face. “It’s time to choose whose side you’re on.”

  He turns on his heel and storms out of the room. The door slams shut, and the frames on the wall tremble from the impact. His plea stirs my sympathy, yet his last words had held a hint of a command and echo the same words Daniel had once said to me. I could never justify working alongside Daniel or Scott,
but neither can I vindicate my own death if I refuse. Thankfully, Evan doesn’t know I’ve already made my decision. Whose side am I on? No one’s. I chose myself that day in the prison, and I will continue to do so. I know exactly what I want.

  Now, I have to figure out how I can get it.

  My legs drift toward one of the chairs, and I flop down into it. My body settles into the stiff back, and my muscles relax. Every fibre of my being screams for a moment’s rest, time to recover from Scott’s invasive stroll through my landscape. But I can’t afford to fall asleep for even a second. If I’m going to succeed, then I need to prepare my mind. Scott claims to know everything about me, and he has proven all of my thoughts and memories lie within his reach—everything except for what lies hidden below the water’s surface.

  An idea takes root, and I step into my landscape. My feet travel across the grass and scurry down the many steps. Staircases shift and adjust, creating an easy route to the bottom. As soon as my feet touch the last step, I fall to my knees. Without my love and my desire for freedom, my true intentions will remain hidden from Scott. I visualize a small chest with the most intricate lock system. The trunk appears, open and ready. I gather all of my love for Keenan, along with my affection for Devin, Rick, and Christine. The emotions coalesce in the palms of my hands and take form. An ache blossoms in my chest as loss settles over me. I open my hands and place the heart-shaped pendant inside the box. The clear surface of the ornament glimmers and reflects various shades of light.

  I move onto my decision for freedom—liberation from the Elite, the revolution, and people like Scott, Icarus, and Daniel. The emotions flare hot against my palms. I bite down on my lip and stifle my cry. Hard grooves press against my skin as the feelings morph into shape. I open my hands and stare down at the bird-shaped pendant. Unlike the heart, the bird’s centre shimmers a deep crimson. Gold, orange, and yellow entwine inside the bird’s outstretched wings. I rub my thumb over the sharp edges before placing the ornament inside the trunk.

  After lowering the lid, I watch the chest lock shut. The embossed metal weaving around the box shifts over the opening’s crease and interconnects in a series of clicks. With one last chime, the trunk falls silent. I try to lift the box, but it doesn’t move away from the ground. I shift my position, bracing my feet against the bottom step. Once in place, I push the chest outwards toward the water. The metal scrapes along the cement in a loud screech. After three bursts of strength, I slide the trunk over the edge. I crash to the ground, and water splashes in my face. As the chest sinks, a weight lifts off my shoulders.

  One word echoes in my mind: freedom.

  And everything sharpens into clarity.

  I push off the ground and rise to my feet. Before I can turn away, a ripple on the pool catches my eye. Small pockets of air rise to the surface and break open. I crouch low and touch the water. The moment my finger grazes the surface, an image flashes before me. Icarus lies on the bottom of the pool. His suit billows around him, and his blond curls float around his face. He looks tranquil, as if he’s been caught in time. His eyes snap open, and his lips move.

  Though I can’t hear him, I know what he says. Moira.

  The image vanishes the moment I remove my finger from the water. A larger ripple stirs the surface, and a wave of relief settles deep inside. Until I remember the look on his face and the sound of his voice. Thoughts flutter on the surface, and my brows furrow. Doubt wraps around me, spinning a dozen questions. Before I can fully absorb the thoughts, they sink to the bottom of the pool where they simmer safely away from Scott’s prying mind. My lips curve upwards of their own accord, and my excitement causes the sky above me to shift. A gust of wind dances and howls in my ear.

  Along with the wind comes a voice. Use them as they’ve used us.

  My smile twists with deviant thoughts.

  The office door swings open, the sound jarring me from my mind. I force my eyes open and stare at the bookshelf across the room. My body and mind hang heavily, yet a jolt of adrenaline rushes through my veins. I turn my head, and the sight of Scott standing in the doorway increases the thrill of excitement bursting from inside. I sit up and straighten my spine. My bones pop as they realign. How long was I slouched in this chair?

  Scott steps into the room and pauses in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ve decided.”


  His dark eyes narrow as he probes deeper into my mind. “What about your lover?”

  “He was a distraction, a pleasant one at the time. But without my freedom, he means nothing to me.”

  “How rapidly your mind changes.”

  My head swims in a dizzy haze as I jolt up to my feet. “If you don’t believe me, read my mind. I enjoyed his company. But he could never offer me what you’re offering me now. I still don’t like you. But all I’ve ever wanted is to be free.”

  “So until we’re free…”

  He breaks off, letting the rest of the question fall silent. Allies for now.

  I nod. “Until we’re free.”

  An emotion flashes across his face, vanishing within a second. “I’ve always admired your spirit, Moira. Making threats when you’re in no position to do so.”

  I wait for his answer.

  He turns away from me and heads for the door. “I’ve made arrangements so the police aren’t aware we’ve taken the Legislature building. We overthrow the station in an hour.”

  My body hums with anticipation. A mantra resounds from deep within the pool inside my mind. I will be free.

  Scott opens the door and scrutinizes me. “Follow me.”


  Scott leaves my side and approaches the assembled Elite members. Everyone’s gaze falls on him as they wait for further instructions. Everyone except me. I turn my head a few inches to the right, careful not to draw attention to my movements. In the corner of my eye, I inspect the three men standing off to the side. One of the empaths stands with his arms crossed over his chest, while the other keeps the end of a revolver on the third man’s neck. My attention slides to the beaten man in the middle. His hat lies on the ground, abandoned. Dry blood leaves a stained trail over his mouth and down his chin. Ruby specks mar the front of his suit. He lifts his head, and a pair of vibrant green eyes pin me with their intensity. His chest rises and falls in quick succession. Despite the distance between us, his seething breaths scream in my ears.


  His eyes pierce through the fog in my head. Small fractures splinter my drive for freedom and reveal my deepest desire. Inside my landscape, the water’s surface trembles.

  I reach for his mind and utter an oath. I will set you free.

  He lowers his head, and a deep furrow settles between his brows. I shift my attention back on Scott, and the fissures in my mind seal up. Thoughts of Keenan fade into my subconscious, sinking to the bottom of the pool. The need to survive flares bright and colours my landscape in vibrant hues of red and orange.

  Scott’s voice rings through the foyer in a sharp command. “Follow me. Disobey or try to escape, and you die.”

  The Elite members stare at him in rapt attention, every single one of them except the dead man on the floor. Their obedience exceeds their fear of death. Scott’s command settles over them, tethering them to his will. As soon as he moves, the crowd follows behind him. We march out of the Legislature building and into the courtyard. Someone sidles up beside me and grazes my arm. I glance sideways at Alyssa. Her dark eyes transfer a silent message: she didn’t know Scott was still alive. I glance away in disinterest, knowing one of Scott’s blockers could be watching us.

  I look straight ahead and catch sight of Keenan. He walks near the front with his back rigid and pulled tight by the binding of his hands. Two blockers stroll by his side, one with a revolver pressed into his back, urging him forward with the threat of death. The sight of the weapon stirs my subconscious. My desire for freedom propels me forward, and I march with renewed vigour. Citizens strolling by th
e shops pause and stare at us, unaware that the group of Elite herding together are mindless and under Scott’s control. Motor vehicles idle to a full stop as we cross the street, and the drivers shoot us curious stares. Scott leads us until we arrive at the police station. We pause and crowd on the sidewalk, waiting for his instructions.

  He turns around, and his eyes lock with mine. Come here.

  My fists clench at my sides as his voice echoes in my head. I leave Alyssa’s side and push my way to the front of the crowd. Evan gives me a reassuring smirk as I walk by. My shoulder bumps into one of the blockers, and I look up to see Daniel leering at me. Revulsion forces my feet to move away with haste. I step in front of Scott, knowing what’s expected of me. Together, we enter the station, followed by Evan, Daniel, and two other blockers. The constables seated at their desks lift their gazes from their work. Their eyes slide over me to look at the others. Curiosity and confusion intermix in a beige and purple cloud until they notice Daniel. An external wave of rage floods my senses, and I stumble back a few steps.

  Two constables jump to their feet and reach for their revolvers. Before they can even remove the weapon from around their waist, Scott enters their minds and plants a seed of persuasion. The mood in the room shifts and settles into a forced calm. I peek back at Evan and know the deep creases between his brows means he’s affecting everyone’s mood. The tension between my shoulders eases, and I face the room again.

  The Chief storms out of his office and halts the moment he sees me. “Moira, what’s going on?”

  Ignoring his question, I dive into his mind. His thoughts spin around me in confusion.

  I shove them aside and plant a seed of persuasion. Be quiet and don’t resist.

  His mouth snaps shut, and his expression settles into one of obedience.

  I turn to Scott and gesture to the men around us. “They’re all yours.”

  Scott steps forward and lowers his arms. “This is a takeover. We’ve already overthrown the Legislature building. The Elite are under my control. Disobey my orders and you will be killed. Do we understand one another?”


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