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Colony (Terran Chronicles Book 3)

Page 13

by James Jackson

  Igor motions to Pavel, who speaks up, “We can’t publically recognize your actions, as I am sure you’re all aware.” Pavel casts his gaze at the seated men, a small smile creeping across his features. “But we can still honor you all.”

  At this comment, the Russian President stands, and walks toward the group of men. He takes his time and shakes hands with Radclyf, Hayato, Paul, Henry, and then Chokichi. When he comes to Peter, he smiles warmly, then slaps him on the shoulder, “Well done comrade.”

  Peter takes the wallet containing the Red Star from his pocket, then offers it to the President, “I thank you for the privilege of having this.”

  The President looks over his shoulder at the seated men, then turns back to Peter, “Petrovich, you keep it, you have earned the right.” He then turns to the others and states, “You have all earned my gratitude, gentlemen.”

  Paul gulps involuntarily, the Russian President’s gratitude, wow! He turns to Henry, raising his eyebrows in surprise. The others are equally stunned, this is no small thing. While they all wait, the President astounds them once more. He claps his hands twice, at which time, a side door opens.

  All of them are stunned, even Peter, when two well dressed men enter the room. One is clearly Asian, the other Anglo Saxon. Both men wear well-tailored suits. All six men are handed medals, the Victoria Cross from the United Kingdom, and the Military Medal of Honor from Japan. The later medal having only recently been reinstated.

  Before any of the men can begin to comprehend the surprising events of this day, the Russian President address the newly adorned men. “We are awarding you all with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal, but not for your actions on the field.” He pauses, smiles, then continues “It’s for getting Pavel and Igor to work together!”

  The quiet committee members begin to laugh. The solemn tone in the room has been broken.

  Minutes later, serving men and women enter the room. They quickly lay out a feast of mammoth proportions. The men enjoy their well-deserved moment of glory.

  Peter takes a deep breath, now to find Emma, apologize, and to tell her I have retired. The thought gives him great satisfaction. Another comes to mind, causing him to frown, I hope John didn’t get into too much trouble, his shuttle was trashed.

  Chapter Five - Test of Wills


  Starship Terran

  Space Station Unity

  Earth orbit

  Admiral Spenser stands on the bridge of the Terran, a proud man. His repair crews have worked frantically, and not only completed the installation of the Gamin Power module, but also the two rail guns. In addition to this, the ship’s computer system has been completely overhauled, and all twenty nuclear reactors are now operating at peak efficiency. Not bad for a few days work, he realizes.

  The Admiral sits in his command chair, then with an air of confidence, issues his orders, “Power up all systems.”

  Technician Jeff occupies one of the four main chairs in front of the Admiral. He gingerly taps the console before him. It powers up immediately, various symbols seem to stare back at the man, none of which make any sense. He stares at the Gamin Symbols for a moment completely perplexed, then refers to his laptop that is connected to GUS.

  A few minutes go by before Jeff is satisfied he has the right control. The second he touches the symbol, the main screen lights up. The resolution is all blotchy and blocky. He stares back at his console, and is startled to see a number of other symbols lighting up, then fading out. Glancing back up, he is amazed to see the screen is now clear, and looks just like a window. The space station’s support arms can be seen holding the ship in place, while distant stars sparkle brightly. The scene is awe inspiring and takes his breath away.

  Spenser is surprised by the clarity of the screen. It looks as though you could just reach out and, what the...? Gulping involuntarily, his heart skips a beat while the blood drains from his face.

  Filling the screen is an alien head, its green leathery skin screams extraterrestrial. Its yellow eyes, with their vertical irises blink. Its short, snout like crocodilian mouth opens, revealing an array of teeth. A speckle of saliva drips from a sharp upper tooth.

  The face noticeably changes expression, it creases, then the creature speaks. “Who are you?” the alien demands, its voice booming from the bridge speakers.

  Spenser stares at the screen, bewildered, and wonders. How did that come through in English? Quickly regaining his composure, he stands up, “I am Admiral Spenser, commander of the starship Terran, and you are?”

  The face leans in closer, its alien eyes narrow, “I am Regent Voknor of the Gamin, and that is MY SHIP.”

  Spenser sits down confidently, then pats the chair’s armrest, “I beg to differ. We found it abandoned and incomplete.”

  The screen goes blank, and stays that way for many minutes. Just when Spenser and Jeff were thinking that the alien had gone for good, its face reappears.

  Regent Voknor questions matter-of-factly, “Where’s George?”

  Spenser frowns, “George... George who? “You’re speaking to the commander of the Terran.”

  “I will speak to George, or that female leader he respects,” the Regent’s tone becomes more demanding.

  Spenser’s frown deepens for a moment while he thinks, then realizing who the female is, he replies, “Cindy? She’s no longer in command.”

  Voknor’s voice blares out, “I will say who is in command of that ship!”

  Spenser glances around the bridge, he sounds pretty pissed off, he realizes, but what can he do about it? This is my ship now. “I don’t think so,” he replies, a smirk covering his face.

  The screen suddenly goes blank. Spenser’s smirk expands, “I told him where the...”

  Spenser stops mid sentence, the barely noticeable movement of air from the ventilation ducts has stopped. Jeff lifts his hands from the dead console. Spenser feels a little unnerved as he asks, “What did you do?”

  Jeff turns to Spenser, concern in his voice, “Nothing, it just stopped working.”

  The Admiral stands up, then cries out involuntarily as his feet leave the deck. Floating up to the ceiling, he collides with it softly.

  Jeff stands gingerly, then states the rather obvious, “Ah, internal gravity has failed.”

  Down in the hangar bay, things become unbelievably chaotic. People begin to float as they panic and move. Undisturbed objects remain where they are, but as people grab crates, chairs, or any other unsecured item, these are simply added to the airborne flotsam.

  Inexplicably, the Gamin power grid shuts down, preventing any system from either adding to it, or drawing from it. Reactor control operators quickly scramble to shut down the nuclear reactors. With power having nowhere to go, systems quickly begin to feed back upon themselves, overloading electrical circuits. The Gamin power unit has its own built in battery storage, but this too, will eventually reach capacity. Seconds later, the lights go out ship wide, leaving everyone in the dark.

  A few minutes later, the lights come back on, along with the gravity. Those who are floating in the air, come crashing down, including Spenser who collides with the command chair. Just as people on board are getting their wits about them, a voice sounds out from every speaker onboard, “Evacuate while you can, humans.”

  The main ramp opens in the hangar deck, revealing the soft glow of the dampening shields. Pilots quickly and fearfully prepare shuttles. Crew members from all areas of the ship run as fast as they can toward the hangar deck, their only escape. A kitchen hand sits on the floor, staring nervously at a knife that is buried into a wooden chopping board that somehow found its way between his legs. He quickly scampers away from his close call, and joins those fleeing toward the shuttles.

  Admiral Spenser’s eyes narrow as he makes his own demands, “Find out how that,” he stares at the blank screen hatefully, “that thing, is controlling my ship.”

  Jeff gulps, then looks at the three consoles that were just activated. He walks
over to them, and to his dismay, finds that they too, are blank. He turns back to Spenser then slowly shakes his head from side to side, “There is nothing I can do.” Glancing nervously at the speakers, a feeling of dread suddenly overcomes him. He stammers, “I am out of here!” He bolts for the doorway.

  The Admiral angrily clenches his jaw over and over, then finally leaves the bridge as well. As soon as he steps out of the room, the lights behind him go out. As sections of the ship are abandoned, they also go dark. This provides those who witness the spectacle renewed incentive to hurry up.

  Spenser arrives at the hangar deck to find a single shuttle is all that is left. A man wearing overalls beckons for him to hurry. Spenser steps onto its ramp, then turns back to look at the hangar. The sneer on his face meets a pitch black area. “I will be back,” he says to himself with the confidence of a man who is used to getting his way.

  The pilot closes the shuttle’s ramp, then skillfully maneuvers them out and into space. They barely exit the Terran, when its ramp closes.

  Elsewhere on the ship, the Gamin power cell increases its power output, but with the power grid being shut down, all the surplus power simply charges the units internal capacitor. Once this is full, the power will have nowhere to go, the results could be catastrophic.


  White House

  Washington DC

  Robert McKnight has been reviewing his latest press report, then sighs when he comes across yet another section that has been blacked out, in the interests of national security. He picks up his morning coffee to take a drink, then almost drops it when a metallic sounding voice fills the air.

  “I am Regent Voknor of the Gamin, I will speak with George, NOW!”

  Robert quickly gets up from his table and switches on his laptop. A nervous twitch crosses his face as he quickly checks a variety of news and social media websites, the message went global, in just about every language. He gulps as he ponders what is happening, just like when they first appeared in our skies. He frowns as he hastily considers what could have prompted this message. He glances up at the ceiling, what have we done to piss the Regent off? The thought comes unbidden, and with it, comes a mixture of fear and trepidation.



  Czech Republic

  George and Lisa are sitting together enjoying a quiet lunch when Johnny dashes into the room, “Dad… Dad, you’re on the news!”

  George sighs, “I thought all that media rubbish was over. What is it this time?”

  Before Johnny can reply, the phone rings. Lisa stares at it nervously, the timing is too coincidental to be anything but bad news. Reluctantly, she gets up and answers the incessant ringing.

  George watches as his wife listens to whoever is on the other end of the line. Lisa’s shoulders sag, her lips tremble, finally a single tear wells up, and rolls down her cheek. She lifts her gaze to look at George, then replies into the phone, “Yes.”

  Putting the phone down solemnly, she says with anger building in her voice, “I knew it was too good to be true.”

  George frowns, gets up from his chair, and holds her close, “Whatever that was, I am not going anywhere. I promised you that.”

  She pushes him away, her emotions a mixture of fear and anger, “You might have to, but this time we’re coming with you.” Her eyes blaze with a fierce determination that George has not seen in a long time.

  George’s frown deepens all the more, “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  Sirens can be heard in the distance, they are getting closer. Lisa glances out the window, then replies, “Johnny, get some decent clothes on, we’re going on a trip.” She glances at George, “It seems the Gamin want to talk to you, something about the Terran.”

  George’s gaze falters, his reply is devoid of emotion, “I told them I was done.”

  Outside in the city streets, a speeding motorcade approaches the villa belonging to the Stantons. It is escorted by a heavy military presence. Suddenly George is the most important person on the planet, and thus, could be in danger.

  The villa across the street had been purchased mere days after the Stantons moved in, its single occupant has been diligently following their every move. Peter’s contact, and old friend, is extremely alert as he scans the nearby rooftops for any threats. His mission has always been one of invisible observation and protection.

  The motorcade comes to a screeching halt, heavily armed soldiers jump from hummer style vehicles and quickly establish a perimeter. Curious onlookers are kept at bay.

  Lisa lifts her head stoically, then says, “Let’s go then.” She walks with purpose, leading Johnny and George out onto the street.

  A soldier spots the three of them, then quickly points over Lisa’s head, “George, you’re to come with us.”

  Lisa stops, places her hands on her hips and replies sternly, “We’re all coming.”

  The soldier shakes his head, “No ma’am. Those are not my orders.”

  George steps past his wife, takes her hand into his, and boldly states. “Then change your orders, Mister.” Stopping, he adds, “If Regent Voknor wishes to speak with me, and it’s this important,” he waves his hand past the dozens of military vehicles in the street, “then my family comes with me.”

  The soldier is agitated, then glancing around, replies quickly, “It looks like I have no choice, but please hurry, and get out of the open.”

  George, Lisa, and Johnny, step into an armored vehicle, and are whisked away. Once again, the motorcade speeds through the city streets.

  The other man is also packing, his duty to Peter knows no limits. He doubts that he will have any trouble finding out where the Stantons are being taken. He would literally follow them to the ends of the Earth.

  Within thirty minutes of Regent Voknor’s global message, George and his family are deep in an underground facility, flanked by protective soldiers. Lisa and Johnny are sitting close by. While Johnny is excited by the day’s unexpected events, Lisa is quite concerned. George takes stock of his surroundings and is somewhat disappointed. The wooden table he is sitting at is small and gouged, from years of abuse. His chair creaks as he shifts his weight, and he is not that heavy.

  An old military man, his chest covered in medals, speaks to George in a gravelly voice, “The starship Terran has been shut down by the aliens. We want you to convince them to turn it back on.” He smiles unconvincingly.

  George shrugs his shoulders, “Well since no one has told me what’s really going on, how about we get Regent Voknor on the line and find out?”

  The old man’s smile wavers, “Uh, we thought you would be able to contact him, somehow.”

  George shakes his head in disbelief, wondering, what rumors are spreading about me now. He says bluntly, “Just provide me with a microphone, and connect me to the Gamin satellite grid.”

  Minutes later a wireless microphone is brought to George, and to his surprise, the wall panel houses a large flat screen monitor, which is used for video conferences. The old military man seems rather agitated by something, which also bothers George. He wonders what he is not being told.

  George stands, picks up the microphone, and simply says, “Regent Voknor, are you there?”

  The old man shakes his head in contempt, he had told his superiors that involving George was a bad idea. His heart skips a beat when the screen suddenly displays the alien features of a Gamin, one wearing a flowing robe. The old man gulps, sweat begins to run down his back and from his arm pits, as fear fills him; fear of the unknown.

  Regent Voknor stares at George intently, then says firmly, “You are surrounded by military once again George.”

  George glances around at the soldiers, shrugs his shoulders, then smiles, “Thank you for helping us get home Regent Voknor, we are forever in your debt.” George bows his head slightly.

  The Regent replies solemnly, “Ah yes,” he pauses, then turns his head to one side. Pointing to someone out of sight, he says
plainly, “This is your problem, you fix it.”

  Another alien steps into view. George smiles broadly when he recognizes his old friend, “Sharz, how the heck are you?” His voice is filled with genuine happiness which causes the old soldier to step back, the hairs on the soldier’s neck raising.

  Sharz does what passes for a smile to a Gamin, which looks more like a tooth-filled sneer to everyone else, except George. Sharz glances back at Regent Voknor, who waves an arm at him to proceed.

  Taking a deep breath, he begins somberly, “George, your people look very similar to our mortal foes, the Atlans, with whom we have been at war for thousands of years.”

  George nods in understanding, “We found one of your damaged ships. It had been abandoned thousands of years ago.”

  Sharz nods his head, “Good, then you understand our unwillingness to let your planet’s military have any control over one of our spacecraft.”

  Sharz pauses, then glances at Regent Voknor one more time before proceeding. “George, the Atlans have escalated their attacks, as they do just before their religious clerics reveal each prophecy. The last time they did this, we were goaded into attacking their home world. We are still reeling from the losses of that day. You see, each Atlan Prophecy is actually information regarding some new technology. Where they are getting these amazing advances from is unknown, nor is it known why they have to wait a thousand years between each prophecy.” He stops, then glances away.

  A chill runs up and down George’s spine, Sharz is terrified, “What’s wrong?”

  Sharz stares intently at George from the screen, “The twelfth and last prophecy, the one that has been foretold will release the Atlans from obscurity, is soon to be revealed. George, our home world is in ruins, our culture is all but gone, and with each battle the dead pile up. We are on a path to oblivion, and very soon the Atlans will gain a yet another advantage.”

  George tries to smile, but he is filled with dread, “Is there anything we can do to help?”


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