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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 1

by Cassandra Bloom

  His Royal Majesty

  Cassandra Bloom

  Blue Jay Publishing, LLC


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  37. Dear Reader

  38. Bonus! Knocked Up Under Her Boss

  39. Bonus! One Night Only

  40. Bonus! Barista & The Billionaire

  To my Sassy Angels.

  Thank you for all of your support. I hope you enjoy this one

  Chapter 1

  Prince Adrian had to admit that this was one hell of a plan.

  "You sure about this?" he eyed Megan, his assistant. Her face didn't break one bit—she was a statue, as always.

  "Of course sir—my talk with the ambassador shows this is the right plan for you."

  She looked back down to her tablet, returning to fixing and rearranging his schedule.

  "So, what's on my calendar, then—get Adrian a royal to marry?" he said with a side smile.

  She didn't look up at him, "That's at 2 PM today, your Majesty."

  His jaw dropped. Seriously?

  "I'm kidding sir—" her face didn't even crack a smile, "But, really, that's what our trip is for."

  Adrian felt relieved that Megan was taking charge in this—but, he still couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. This was all happening so quickly—he didn't think that he was going to get married so quickly, and especially under these circumstances.

  His thoughts raced back to the palace, of the engagement ring his mother had left him when she passed. She had told him to give it to his love. He never opened it—he hoped his mother would be around when he ready to pull out the ring. But that time was drawing near.

  He adjusted himself in the back of the seat, trying not to feel the closeness of the limo walls as they drove towards the harbor. He looked out the window, ready to say goodbye to his home country. He always liked driving through the streets. He enjoyed watching the people, watching his people, and feeling the kind of responsibility over them, to protect them. This was also his duty, to get married—but, he had hoped his mother would be around to see it. He slumped down further into the seats. Adrian never thought he would be pressured to get married once his mother passed, and now that his step brothers were threatening the crown.

  "This is all so stupid," he muttered. He felt like a child right now, being told what to do—he hadn't felt like that since his prep school years, he wasn't used to it anymore.

  Megan placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, she always had a solid and firm grip, she probably still had muscles from her pro wrestling years. Adrian looked to her, she was the closest thing he had to a mother now.

  "Sir, everything will work out—this is just a hiccup."

  He scoffed, "A hiccup—is when you can't find the peace treaty, not when your step brothers are intentionally sabotaging your throne."

  She clicked her tongue as she went through her tablet, "Don't you worry sir—this is just a precaution, to ensure your throne sir..."

  He had heard it a thousand times. It was like a broken record—his years of community service, charity galas, or the damn straight fact that he was the blood heir—did not give him the crown right away.

  Nope. His brothers thought it was their turn, and god dammit, they had managed to pull their own strings.

  "I should have let them go when I had the chance," he growled. It was tearing at him. He was the sole prince, the crown heir, and a grown man—and now, he was put in this stupid predicament.

  Either way pointed to public opinion.

  "The public wants a romance," he mimicked Megan just as she said it.

  She eyed him over her red, wire glasses, with a smirk and then returned to the screen.

  "We're here, your Majesty," his driver said.

  Megan got out of the car first and Adrian followed. As soon as he stepped out, his bodyguard, Max, was at his side.

  Adrian looked around the harbor—it was overcast now, but it almost always was. He took in a deep breath, noting the scents of salt and fish.

  "Some of my last days as a free man," he muttered.

  "We're lucky that we even have the chance, sir, your brothers have the upper hand right now—and it's against you," Megan grabbed an umbrella and shifted it above Adrian's head. It wasn't raining yet, but she always took precautions.

  He began his walk towards the boat, it was a tall and large yacht. It was shining despite the lack of sun, and it was streaked with gold and silver, indicating luxury. He had been on plenty before, but he always loved life at sea—it reminded him of freedom.

  "We're a bit early for our reservation—I wonder if the ladies will be able to find the boat OK..." Megan muttered out loud.

  He knew what she meant, would his entourage of women be able to find their to way to the boat, without making it obvious they were there for Adrian,

  Usually, he didn't care of a boat full of half-naked woman and himself were all over the tabloids—but, this time was different.

  "I don't see why my own preferences have to surround my right to the throne," he spat, his temper was rising again. It wasn't anyone's right to exploit his escapades or his many, many girlfriends. Who cares if he didn't have a serious girlfriend—there were so many fish in the sea, so to speak.

  Suddenly, a flash of flights erupted in his vision. He barely had time to turn around before they were surrounded.

  A dozen voices filled the air.

  "Prince Adrian—is it true you're losing the crown?"

  "Your Majesty—do you really think your past of sexual escapades will hurt your chances to become king?"

  "Sir! Your brothers say you're crazy and a philanderer—what do you say?"

  Adrian closed his eyes and tried not to grit his teeth as the paparazzi went crazy around him.

  He shielded his eyes, and tried to see his way through, to make it to the boat. He was outnumbered. They weren't supposed to know that he was there.

  Megan called out to him, using her arms to create a protective circle around him, "Sir—get to the boat!"

  This wasn't the first time he would have to high tail it alone.

  He picked his sunglasses from his pocket and flicked them on, making a duck around his bodyguard and behind the crowd. He was quick, his years of training in the best gyms all over the world had made him more nimble than most princes.

  Within seconds, he was walking around the group of photographers and hidden by the carts and street vendors that lined the city. They had lost sight of him instantly. He bobbed and weaved through the throngs of people, city dwellers and citizens. He was so comfortable like that, without anyone noticing him.

  He ducked a few more times, and looked across the plaza to where Megan and Max still held the photog
raphers at bay. That was also their downfall, with their blinding lights, photographers couldn't even tell when their subject was there or not, they simply kept snapping away—hoping for a good shot.

  He found his way to the entrance of the boat.

  He looked up at the climbing rail that led into the boat—he felt like his life was about to change. He had it easy up to now, he had everything he wanted. But now, they were going to give it to him, whether he wanted it or not.

  He climbed the railing into the boat alone.

  Chapter 2

  Veronica adjusted her skirt for the hundredth time. She checked on the place mats and silverware, she checked the decor and the lighting, and of course, her files. This was not like her usual clients.

  She considered herself the best in her industry, but right now she was sweating bricks. She had never been so disorganized. They had barely given her any notice, and now she was scrambling trying to get all the details squeezed in before the Prince arrived.

  She heard the printer running in the other room, but there was not much time—she should look over his profile, see his photo, and his information—but, she was running late. Usually, she would have packets and photos, and secrets, ready to please any of her guests

  She ran through the ship's halls, knowing every corner. She had been working on board for five years, she was the epitome of customer service, no one left the boat dissatisfied.The ship was almost tidy, and she could see all the crew working quickly to make sure it was ready. They would each have to report to her as soon as possible that their area was clean.

  She practically ran into the bridge, her breathing ragged from running around wildly.

  "Everything OK in here?"

  Brian, the ship's captain turned to her with a raised brow, "Would you calm down—we have everything under control."

  She could have simply buzzed him, but she had to check for herself. The captain and his officer seemed to have everything under control. Cody barely looked at her, returning to the dashboard to let Brian and Veronica talk.

  "I just need to make sure—this came out of nowhere." she said to Brian.

  He sighed and walked to her, his frown seemed to both understand and patronize her, "Sweetie, don't sweat it."

  He grabbed the sides of her shoulders, his big hands wrapping around her sleeves, he was a tall and rugged man. But, still, Veronica felt a distance between them. Or, maybe she had kept her distance.

  He gave her a peck on the cheek, "Honey, this is the last trip for you—don't worry about it so much, after this—you'll be at home for good."

  She averted her eyes, "About that..." she still wanted to talk about it.

  He groaned, "Not this again—look, Veronica, we talked about this a hundred times—once we're married you're going to be the perfect stay at home wife." He winked at her, but her stomach rolled with unease.

  "But—we still have time before we—"

  He raised a finger between them, "None of that—we already decided, only two weeks until the wedding and then it's bon voyage."

  She grimaced, and looked into his eyes, they were a brilliant blue—like the ocean. But, she felt more like drowning than anything.

  She sighed, giving in, she couldn't say no to the man who was going to change her life for the better—and protect her from her past.

  Veronica nodded, and he gave her a quick peck on the forehead and she left—trying to get the last minute things together.

  She ran to the front of the boat, entering the dining area. The dining room was small, about the size of a small house, and allowed for plenty of people—but this would be a private party. The room was close to the entrance of the boat, and she paced the room, as she did when she was nervous.

  Suddenly, she heard the doors opening on the other side of the hallway, the doors that lead from the outside. She checked her watch, it wasn't time yet for them to arrive.

  She walked towards it, hoping it wasn't more free loaders. She didn't need this right now, not all people who came aboard were free loaders, but there had been plenty of times when men and women would come aboard and asked for passage in exchange for work. Some were simply drifters, but others cost more than they could give. She groaned, pinching her nose. She pushed at her bun, making sure it was nicely and tightly packed into place.

  But then, a man walked in.

  As soon as he entered into the dining room – Veronica's eyes glazed over his body. He was tall and lean – with some tan skin and blond hair. It looked like he had been kissed by the sun. He ducked under the large door frame and into the dining room. And as he looked up, Veronica was met with a pair of shining green eyes. He was muscular and although he was nicely combed – he looked like he was a bit rugged.

  Her first thoughts were to take in his whole body – eyeing him from head to toe.

  Holy heaven— I would love to touch that.

  Veronica shook her head, completely taken aback by her sudden change of thoughts. In an instant, she was flooded with thoughts of this stranger's lips, his green eyes looking into her as he mounted her, his muscles around her head as he plunged into her. She felt her face get hot.

  She hadn't experienced an onslaught of emotions like that before—Get a grip, girl.

  "Excuse me sir," she reached out to him, blocking the rest of his path, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave – this is a private boat."

  He stared at her – his eyes taking in her body, all the way down to her toes and back up.

  She tingled.

  He opened his mouth for second – then closed it, as if rethinking what he was about to say.

  A smile pulled at his lips.

  "So, I can't just walk in then?" His eyes glittered – as if he was telling a private joke.

  She shook her head, his gaze was intense. It focused all over her body.

  "No sir – this is a private boat, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

  She took another step towards him. He took a step back, but then he eyed a dining chair beside him. In an instant, he plopped down into it. He looked around – and whistled. He set his feet on the table.

  "Make me," he grinned.

  Veronica gasped – she had never so bluntly declined like that. But, she wasn't afraid to get physical.

  He cocked an eyebrow, enjoying her hesitation.

  "I think I'll just have a look around first," he stretched his arms behind his head.

  She didn't have time for this – as sexy as he was, she needed to get him out ASAP.

  She reached for him – a look of surprise came across his face.

  She got him by the elbow and pulled him up easily.

  His mouth made a small O, as if he was in shock – like no one had ever touched him like that before. She could feel his hard muscles flexing under her hand.

  She led him by the elbow easily – he blinked as if he wasn't sure what to do.

  This will show this freeloader.

  "If you wanted a job – you definitely shot yourself in the foot," she stuck her nose up.

  Just as they were about to go through the door – he shot out his arm, placing it on the door frame. He blocked her from going through.

  He didn't seem threatening – instead, there was a smile on his lips.

  Who the hell was this guy?

  She took a step back and rolled her sleeves, eyeing him, "Look – we don't have to do this, but I'll use force." She reached for his arm to push him out.

  His eyes widened in surprise, and he laughed. He had a deep laugh.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing to the Prince?"

  Veronica looked up to meet the dark eyes of a stoic and husky woman.

  She held a tablet her hands – and her eyes darted between the man and Veronica, in surprise.

  Realization dawned on Veronica.

  She looked back to the man – and his smile got wider. He looked down at her, his green eyes flashing, "Did I forget to mention that?"

  Veronica dropped her arms imme
diately, "Oh my –"

  A dozen thoughts ran through her head – was she going to get fired, did she hurt the Prince, was she going to get thrown off of the boat?

  She opened her mouth – but a stutter of apologies escaped. Her words made no sense in her flurry.

  He laughed, and held up a hand, "You're fine miss –"

  "Veronica," she blurted out.

  Her stomach burned with embarrassment.

  Suddenly, more people showed up behind him – a large and muscular man, followed by a dozen beautiful and striking women. They all looked between Veronica and the Prince – filling up the large doorway.

  The Prince smiled at her, not even minding the group around them, "I'm Adrian."

  Oh shit—of course it's Prince Adrian.

  Veronica blushed – he must think she's a total idiot, "Your Majesty – I am so sorry – I thought you were someone else."

  He smiled and looked down at her.

  One of the woman from behind them asked what was going on. All the woman seemed to to chatter at once – asking what was going on and what was the hold up.

  The stoic woman behind Adrian said, "Miss Veronica practically rough handled the Prince."

  Veronica heard their laughter from behind him. She could hear their snickers and she felt the embarrassment rise in her cheeks.

  "I cannot possibly apologize enough sir –" she must've been as red as a tomato.

  The woman around them started to laugh uncontrollably now, taking in her pitiful looks.

  The woman behind the prince said, "I am Megan – the Prince's personal assistant."


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