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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 10

by Cassandra Bloom

  She bucked against his hand, and their lips found each other again—pulling at each other like never before. His tongue pushed into her mouth and she bit down hard—the pain shot through him, sending pleasure into his throbbing dick, "Fuck," he growled and he picked up the pace of his fingers.

  She cried out instantly—grabbing his shoulder to steady herself as her body bucked wildly against his thrusting hand. They stared into each other's eyes, Adrian could feel his own temperature rising—like making her come might get him to come too.

  She didn't blink as she bit her lip and held his gaze. Suddenly, her body quivered under him and she let out a cry of ecstasy—throwing her head back in waves of pleasure.

  She cried out loud as her body convulsed, and Adrian felt her juices slide down his hand. She gasped, blinking.

  "Holy hell—" she giggled. Adrian took his hand out, and looked at it like it was a trophy.

  He kept his other hand and his leg propping them up against the wall, he was breathing hard too. He looked to Veronica's dark and sleepy eyes, and he licked at his hand—slurping in the juices. Veronica stared at him, gulping.

  Beads of sweat dripped down her neck.

  He wanted to stay there for a long time—he wanted to lick at his hand and push it back into her body—he wanted to see her come again.

  But then, his phone buzzed.

  Chapter 20

  Never in her life had she felt that.Veronica had never orgasmed like that—her pussy pulsed and throbbed for more. Her sweet warmth had tried to wrap around his hand, swallowing him further—it was amazing. And she knew, she wanted more.

  He gently let her go—as he took a hesitant step back, letting her take a breath against the wall. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the screen.

  His green eyes looked to her apologetically, "Sorry—gotta take this." She nodded.

  He doesn't have to be sorry about anything.

  Her body buzzed, it was electric. She was high—and she might be addicted to this man's touch.

  Adrian pressed the phone to his ear—a stern voice floated through—but, Veronica could not make out the words.

  "Look—I was on my way..." Adrian looked annoyed. But, the voice cut him off.

  Veronica watched as Adrian's face fell from annoyance to a bit of shock and worry.

  "Wait—when, but who said that?" he ran a hand through his sweaty blonde hair.

  Did she make him sweat or was it the heat of the moment?

  He groaned suddenly, his hands balled into fists. Suddenly, the voice asked him a question and Adrian looked around, hesitant.

  "I'm uh—in the market—shopping around," his eyes fell onto Veronica's—she showed a small smile. He didn't have a problem boasting about his other ladies—why was he hesitant to talk about her.

  Not that Veronica wanted that information out there—heaven forbid her fiance find out. Guilt struck her—what did she just do? Her body immediately shut down—she felt a wave of embarrassment. She had just given in so easily to Adrian—it was like his touch melted her.

  Adrian began to pace, as he listened to the voice, "Yes—I understand, yes—I said yes—I won't do it again." His eyes looked to her briefly, but then looked away. He slid his phone off and jammed it into his pocket. He stood there for a moment, not looking at her.

  He coughed as if trying to find the words, she felt the unspoken thing between them. She felt like she knew what he was going to say.

  This can't happen again.

  And, she knew it was right—he was a prince looking for a royal bride, and she was—well, she was literally the help about to be married and live across the world.

  He finally looked up at her, his face like stone, "One of my brothers has announced his candidacy for the throne—which they're considering."

  Veronica's breath left her for a moment, Adrian's right to the heir was at risk—and here she was only thinking about her own desires, "I'm sorry—" was the only words she could say. He held up a hand, as if he didn't want to hear her voice.

  "It's my fault—I've been neglecting my duties," then he gulped and he stared into her eyes, they twinkled, "I have to go back and perform those duties—I have to finish what I came here to do it—all of it."

  His eyes looked sad, his eyebrows furrowed and his tone suggested something at her. That he was going to do everything now in his power to ensure his throne—everything.

  She felt the heat hit her cheeks—she'd been an idiot. She had been instantly persuaded by his touch—by the way he handled the repo man, and the way he cared for her, protecting her. She could practically feel her panties melt off—she had wanted him to take her right then and there. She had completely broken—and never had she done there before. She reached for him by instinct—because for some reason, her body told her that he wanted her, and she could satisfy him.

  I'm an idiot.

  She looked down, "Of course, sir."

  He looked away, extending an arm to lead her back to the crowds, "I said you could call me Adrian."

  She shook her head, "No sir, that's not a good idea."

  She heard him exhale, and then she walked forward and ahead of him out to the crowds.

  They walked in complete silence and arms distance away through the market. As if he hadn't just finger fucked her to orgasm in the back alley.

  When they approached the restaurant near the shore—they had shaken off their hot blushed cheeks and smell of sweat.


  Veronica looked up to see the group of women waving at him from within the restaurant. It was her favorite restaurant here—it was completely open, with light tents above as it looked out over the ocean. They had the best shrimp tacos around.

  The women scrambled from the table—fawning over to him, trying to steer him to each of the seats, hoping he will sit beside him. It was quite a flurry really-the dozen of hands pulling him to sit down. He looked overwhelmed and embarrassed this time, as opposed to his flirtation on the ship. His eyes looked to hers for a moment, and then Veronica looked away, walking back towards the boat.

  She barely made it a few feet when a voice called her.

  She turned to see Megan—tied up in a black suit, even in this weather—she felt the tablet tightly in her hand.

  "Can I speak with you?" Megan gestured towards the shore.

  Veronica nodded numbly—she took one look at Adrian, whose eyes were on her and Megan—his brows knit together.

  Megan grabbed Veronica by the arm—in what would have been a friendly embrace if Megan wasn't so strong. Megan led her down the rocky roads down towards the beach.

  Veronica felt her nerves spinning—what was she going to be told? Was she going to be threatened, would they make her sign a contract about visits, or worse-would they find a way to inform Brian about what happened, leaving her destitute?

  Megan let her go when they were out of the restaurant's view. But, they continued walking.

  "The prince is not normally like this—" Megan began.

  Veronica was surprised that Megan's tone was soft and nice.

  "Normally like what?" Veronica covered her bare arms—she felt a bit empty after the warmth of Adrian around her.

  Megan sighed, "I've practically been there his whole life—gone through everything with him—he's a good man and he has his flaws, but who doesn't?"

  This conversation was surprisingly kind, it was not what she expected from this woman.

  Finally, Megan turned to her, stopping Veronica in her tracks, "Adrian needs his throne—it's the only thing he has left, the only thing that really belongs to him—"

  Veronica nodded, she knew that's why he was here finding a bride—even though the feeling brought a pang of jealousy.

  But Megan held up a hand, "He will be a good king—and good for the country too—so he needs to get this right."

  Veronica's mouth dropped open and realization sunk in. Veronica felt it now—she felt like she was blind. She knew what Veronica was going to ask her—
and she wondered why she hadn't seen it before. Veronica had been blind to her attraction to Adrian—and she'd been blind to his attraction to her. But, now—that was all too late.

  Megan stared into her eyes with a hard stare, "Don't make this any more difficult for him—a prince cannot afford love like this—and for the sake of an entire country, stop now."

  Veronica felt the punch to her gut.

  Chapter 21

  They still needed her—both Adrian and Megan agreed. Veronica was the best of the best and they couldn't simply ship her off.

  Neither do I want her home so quickly—he told himself.

  Megan didn't need to threaten him anymore—when she told him about his brother—it felt like his world was ripping from his hands. And it was his fault—he was messing this up—he needed to find his bride.

  I mean—come on—how many men get to have a boat full of women opening their legs to him. He was a prince for Christ's sake—he could do this.

  The fun and games were over—he had to do it.

  The ladies surrounding him were laughing and fondling his bare arms. They grazed their fingers across his skin—his skin still felt hot earlier. And, he wondered if the women thought they were the cause of his heat.

  He grabbed his drink—he needed it, but when the glass reached his face, he could smell Veronica's sweet scent lingering on his fingers. He stopped short—his crotch bulging immediately at the smell. It smelled divine.

  He set his glass down—skimming his fingers around the rim of the glass to pick up the salt. Then, he stuck his fingers in his mouth—sucking on the salt, and sucking on the lingering sweet juices from Veronica's body.

  "I could have done that for you," a sweet said beside him. He looked to see a set of light blue eyes, she winked at him. Her fingers trailed along his lips.

  So far, Cressida was the most ambitious—usually, he would like a woman like her—but her touch was wrong in so many ways. He looked around at the rest of the ladies—studying them. All of their eyes were on Cressida's hand—jealousy burned through them. Adrian picked up Cressida's hand and pushed it away. Cressida merely shrugged—bringing the drink to her lips, obviously she would be back for more.

  With his brother's audacious request—Adrian had to make a move fast. They could not afford a week. He had to make an announcement sooner rather than later.

  His eyes glazed over the women in front of him—something painful pulled at his heart—it was like he couldn't see their faces. It was like there was no face in the world that could enter his mind right now—maybe ever. There were five women left.

  Megan approached the table as if on queue. And when Adrian's eyes met hers—he felt a sting of betrayal. It was not Megan's fault that his brother has turned on him—but he did feel that everything surrounded Veronica might be her fault.

  But, then again—I blame myself.

  Megan had warned him not to get distracted and now here he sat with the buzz of a woman's body still firing through him—and he let his brother make the next move. Megan held her tablet, purposely averting his eyes—he wondered what Megan said to Veronica. He wondered how Veronica was doing.

  A new thought swept his mind—he had gotten rid of the punk in the market—but, what about the rest of Veronica's debt. Perhaps he could help her still—maybe, he could simply apologize after leaving her in the dust.

  I'm not even sure she really wants me.

  The thought burned through him—he had practically threatened and coerced her into his hands, every single time. But, he could have sworn that she loved it—the way she came all over his hand, the way her eyes lusted for his, it looked like all she wanted was him. But, Adrian had become so clouded and so disillusioned—how could he be sure?

  "Sir—" Megan's voice broke through. Her eyes looked at him expectantly. He blinked, trying to recall what he had to do.

  I have to push her out of my mind—and my shit together.

  He should slap himself with each time his thoughts ran to Veronica.

  "Yeah—um," he perked up in his chair and pointed to a few of the remaining women. They perked up at his attention.

  "Send those home—" they instantly deflated, the tears hitting their eyes.

  Megan nodded and wagged a finger at them, beckoning them with her.

  The only ones left were a sharp Brunette—who he thought was named Gisela—and Cressida. Her wicked eyes sparkled—she was proud to make the final two. He stared at her for a moment—her intensity was obvious, she wanted this crown too, they had that in common. She was probably the top runner and she knew it too.

  He wondered what it would be like to sleep with her—but, he didn't feel the need or desire. Within him, he felt the need for Veronica's body against his—but, he had learned his lesson. He would take these women to bed—starting tonight. And if that didn't work, then he would make sure that Veronica definitely would not want him.

  There is no better way to get her out of mind, then to have someone else take her place.

  But secretly, he feared that might not be correct.

  Chapter 22

  Veronica still felt the hot sting in her eyes. Her conversation with Megan was quick. But, it burned through her. Veronica had anticipated a different conversation – perhaps one with threats or yells. But, Megan had made her point clear – the Prince was in need. And unfortunately, Veronica stood in his way.

  She tried to wrap her mind around that thought – it had not occurred to her that she was distracting the Prince.

  This whole time, she thought that he saw her as a plaything. She thought that he saw her as any other – but, within her, she figured that might not be true.

  She cleaned up on the deck – going slowly, as her mind raced.

  The smell of him still filled her nostrils – the smell of his soap and the beach air thrilled her.

  She felt hot when his arm wrapped around her – pushing her against the wall. Her breath picked up immediately as she recalled their moment. He leaned his forehead against hers– as his fingers thrust in and out of her. She felt hot all over – like her body was weakening.

  His green eyes – the way they looked into hers – as she was overcome with pleasure and a mind numbing orgasm. His eyes looked like they were taking in the most pleasure they had ever seen – like he wanted to eat all of her, along with her moans and orgasmic pulses.

  She didn't want to entirely believe it – that the two of them had, during their trip here, clung to each other like magnets – that their attraction real. It would make her life so much harder. She knew she couldn't have him.

  Veronica's felt the irony – right down to the fact that this man was about to get married, and she was too – then this whole thing happened.

  But, maybe – this wasn't about their feelings or their attraction.

  After all, his image was just as important as anything else.

  It's likely, Veronica thought, that he really did only use her as a sex thing – but that he couldn't afford to be seen with the help any longer – not if he wanted to keep his throne.

  Somehow – that seemed more reasonable then the Prince who wanted her more than any other women.

  "Girl—" she heard Dexter's voice far off, "are you OK?"

  Veronica snapped out of her thought, blinking— "Course, why?"

  Dexter stared at the phone on her hip, raising an eyebrow.

  It rang again—and she scrambled to get it off her hip—she barely had heard it.

  It was a message from Megan, Prince needs room service.

  Veronica gulped—her thoughts raced over what she would find. The prince had let go of more women—leaving behind a tall brunette and the woman with the wicked smile, Cressida.

  For some reason, Veronica figured this would not be just about food.

  Veronica gulped, and headed to the kitchen, reading the order from her phone.

  Usually, when couples ordered room service—she would make a special package, one filled with condoms, whip cream, a
nd the like. She knew she didn't want to act out of the ordinary, so as she prepped the box, she felt the knot grow tighter in her stomach.

  The chef finished up the meals and set them on a push tray for her. Dexter came around and set some covered drinks on the tray.

  He gave her a wink, "The prince likes this one."

  Veronica nodded, the weight crushing her.

  She took the tray down the halls, her stomach tightening as she got closer. She heard the noise down the hall, and she had to stop and take a breath before turning the corner towards his room.

  It was his voice, crying out along with another woman's voice—they were yelling out with moans and grunts.

  Veronica's stomach dropped entirely. She felt like she was floating above the ground—about to drift away into the sky and never reach the floor again. She felt nauseous.

  I am totally not supposed to freak out—I am a professional who is about to get married—remember what Megan said and don't act selfish.

  She took a deep breath and rounded the corner, trying on her best smile as she brought the tray to the bodyguard outside. She prayed to god that he would simply take it from her—that she didn't have to go in and disturb them.

  But, of course not.

  The bodyguard eyed the tray and then opened the door. The voices instantly got louder and Veronica grimaced as she pushed the tray inside. They didn't face her. Adrian's naked body humped deep into the woman who had her ass to him. For a second, Veronica froze.

  But, Megan's words ran through her—she had to act tough.

  She pushed the cart towards the side of the room, neither noticing her. She tried to place the dishes and glasses softly—she was completely silent.

  Adrian pumped into the woman, and Veronica could see brunette hair flying wildly around.


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