Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 24

by Iris Bolling

  “Is she okay?” JD asked, concerned.

  “Yeah, but I’m not staying in that room with her,” Brian yelled.

  JD sat up in the bed. “What’s happened, B, did you upset her?”

  “Did I upset her?” Brian could not believe JD had the nerve to ask him that. “Hell no, she upset the hell out of me,” Brian yelled and hung up the phone.

  Brian walked the hallway a little longer, and then went back into the room. Tracy was still sitting on the sofa with her legs folded up under her chin. She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. “I’m sorry, Brian. I didn’t mean to put you in the middle. I don’t know what to do.”

  Brian wanted to help her and JD with this one, but not in the way she asked him to. He walked over to the sofa, took her in his arms and held her. “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to yell. But right now what you need is to hear some facts of life. First, never ask anyone but your man to teach you anything about sex. Second, you need to understand, there is a distinct difference between sex and making love. What went on between JD and Vanessa was an attempt from her to have sex with him, nothing more. The reason women like Vanessa and Carolyn have to resort to the things they do is because they have not been fortunate enough to meet that one person God put on this Earth for them to love. You and JD have been blessed with that. I know JD knows that and I believe you do, too.” He kissed the top of her head. “You two are going to go through situations like this, and believe me, it will make your relationship stronger.”

  “Does it have to hurt so much?” she asked.

  “Anything that has to do with the heart will hurt from time to time,” Brian replied, “but the feelings you get when things are right outweigh the hurt.” He smiled at the thought. “Now, what you saw tonight was one of the hardest things for a man to resist and Vanessa knew that. Any man, with the exception of the man above, would waver at the thought of a beautiful woman giving him head.”

  “What is that?” she asked.

  He looked down at her with a frown on his face. “A blow job,” he said. She still looked at him as if she did not understand. He thought for another moment. “Okay, oral sex,” he said.

  “Oh!” Tracy said, and settled back down on his chest.

  Brian was pleased he was able to clarify that for her. He continued, “Vanessa took advantage of that and used it against JD tonight.”

  “But he fell for it, Brian,” Tracy said. “How do I stop that from happening again? I don’t know how to give him—” she hesitated, “what you said.”

  “A blow job?” Brian said, smiling and thinking, It’s going to be a long time before JD gets that, hell she can’t even bring her self to say it.

  “Yeah, that,” she said.

  “You give JD so many other things, Tracy. If he wants that from you he will teach it to you. But don’t ever ask a man like me to teach you.”

  “Why, you’re not that bad?”

  “Because I will turn your ass out, girl,” he said shaking his head back and forth. “You wouldn’t know what in the hell hit you.” They both laughed.

  He put her head back down on his chest and rested his chin on top of her head. If she only knew what he was thinking at that moment she would not be laughing, she would be running out that damn door, he thought. “It’s late, let’s get some sleep.”

  He adjusted himself and held her until she dozed off. Brian had not understood why JD had given up all women for this one until now. This is the type of woman you are supposed to leave the single life for. Brian smiled, envying his friend. JD had the best thing a man could ask for: the love of a good woman. Brian fell asleep with his friend’s woman in his arms.

  Chapter 20

  The arraignment of Juan Cortez was scheduled for 9 a.m. and JD had not gotten any sleep. He was up all night worried about the situation with Tracy. Ashley called around 6 a.m., concerned when Tracy did not come home. She was hoping JD had been able to calm Tracy down and she was with him, but that wasn’t the case. JD gave Ashley the rundown on what had actually happened. Ashley knew Carolyn was involved in some way, but did not know about Vanessa.

  When JD finished his call with Ashley, he called Tracy’s cell; she didn’t pick up. JD never felt so guilty about anything in his life and he vowed he would never hurt her again, it hurt too damn much.

  JD went to the office early, thinking it would take his mind off Tracy. She did not believe him and that cut him deep. Why would she doubt his word? He had never lied to her about anything. How could she doubt him now? JD didn’t notice the elevator door open, and it began to close on him, but he caught it. Damn, he needed to concentrate today. The Cortez case was at a critical point; he needed to clear his mind. But he didn’t know how. The only thing that would calm him was talking to Tracy, but that wasn’t happening.

  He went into his office and put his briefcase on the desk. Calvin walked in behind him. “You’re in early this morning,” he said.

  JD turned. “Hey, Calvin.” He put his hands in his pockets and walked over to the window.

  “What’s going on, JD?”

  “I think I lost Tracy last night.”

  Calvin laughed. “I don’t believe that; Tracy is crazy about you.”

  JD hung his head. “She walked in on Vanessa at my place last night.”

  “Man, what is wrong with you? Why in the hell did you have Vanessa at your place?”

  “I didn’t, man. She used the key I keep outside the door and let herself in. She undressed and was lying across the bed when I got out of the shower. She left the front door open; Tracy walked in, as if on cue.”

  “Where is Tracy now?”

  “At the Omni with Brian.”

  Calvin raised an eyebrow. “What is she doing at the Omni with Brian?”

  JD put his hand up. “Long story.” Exhaling and frustrated, JD asked, “How do I fix this, Calvin? She didn’t believe me when I said nothing happened.”

  “Did anything happen?”

  “No!” JD replied. “Well, it might have looked that way.” He hesitated. “Vanessa had just gone down on me when Tracy walked in. It took me a minute to push her away.”

  “But not soon enough for Tracy not to see.” Calvin smirked.

  “Right,” JD replied.

  “Have you talked to Tracy?”

  “I tried; she’s not listening, yet.” JD sighed.

  “Then give her time. Tracy loves you; she will work through it.”

  JD unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat in his chair. “I can’t lose her, Calvin. Not now.”

  “Have you called her this morning?”

  “Yeah, she’s not picking up.”

  “Have you heard from Brian this morning?”

  “Not yet.”

  Calvin cleared his throat. “Don’t you think you should call Brian, just to make sure Tracy’s okay?” JD looked at Calvin then picked up the phone to dial Brian.

  “She’s okay,” Brian said walking through the door. JD hung up the telephone as Brian closed the door. “Don’t be trying to put no shit in that man’s head,” he said to Calvin. He looked at JD. “Don’t you ever put me on detail with that woman again.”

  “Is she okay, Brian?” JD asked anxiously.

  “Yeah, she’s hurt as hell, but she is okay. Give her a little time, both of you will be okay,” Brian said, taking a seat.

  “Why did you close the door?” JD asked, puzzled.

  “Because I didn’t want anyone to overhear what I am going to say to you.” Brian shook his head and sat forward. “Man, you have my sympathy. I understand why you have lost your mind over that woman. She’s beautiful, intelligent and green as hell.” He pointed at JD. “You have been keeping secrets, my brother. Tracy was a virgin before you….” JD did not respond. “You don’t have to answer; she told me,” Brian said, sitting back in his chair. “That’s why she is taking this petty shit so hard, man. She doesn’t think she knows how to satisfy you sexually. She believes you will eventually turn to Vanessa or Carolyn for t
hat satisfaction.”

  “Damn, Brian, she told you all of that?” Calvin asked.

  “Oh, we had a sister-to-sister kind of talk. But wait, it gets better.” JD sat there not saying anything. “Then she asks me to teach her how to satisfy you,” Brian said, looking at JD with a firm look on his face. JD stood up as if he was going after Brian. “Sit your ass down; I ain’t for no shit out of you after what your woman put me through last night!” Brian demanded firmly.

  “What did you do, B?” JD yelled at Brian.

  “Not a damn thing; I got the hell out of that room. It took me damn near an hour to talk myself down.”

  Calvin started laughing and couldn’t stop. JD and Brian just looked at him. Calvin almost fell out of the chair, he was laughing so hard. Brian turned to Calvin. “That shit wasn’t funny.”

  JD sat down, put his head in his hand and began laughing. “I can’t believe Tracy actually asked you that,” he said laughing. At that moment, JD was grateful Calvin was finding the humor in this situation. If he had been alone with Brian, JD wasn’t sure they would all be laughing. JD looked at Brian. “You all right, B?” he asked, understanding Brian’s experience with Tracy.

  “Man,” Brian said, “I gave her a good talking to and told her not to ever ask a man some shit like that. You better start teaching that girl and I mean like right damnit now.”

  Calvin was out of the chair on the floor.

  JD was still laughing. “She can be a little frustrating. But man, if I teach her anything else right now, I wouldn’t be able to stand it. She wears me out.”

  “Then why does she think different?” Brian asked.

  “I don’t know, man,” JD said laughing.

  Calvin was up now. “All right, man, I’m sorry. But I would have paid money to see you with her last night.”

  “I’m sorry, too, B. Man, I should have warned you,” JD apologized.

  “You mean she was telling the truth about the virgin shit and all?” Brian asked.

  Sitting back in his chair, JD replied, “Tracy is a very honest person; she wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “Then you need to fix this shit as soon as possible and keep me away from her. You lucky you’re my boy, I know that. I’m going home to take a shower. Shit, two or three of them,” Brian said as he walked out the door.

  Calvin, still laughing, said, “It’s time for court, JD, you ready?”

  “Yeah, let’s do this,” JD replied.


  In court, Juan pleaded not guilty on all counts and a trial date was set for a month later. On his way out of the courtroom, a bailiff gave JD a note. The note said, “An eye for an eye.” JD asked the bailiff who left the note, but the bailiff did not know. Brian read the note and set the security team in motion immediately. JD’s home and office were set up with surveillance. Brian and two alternates were assigned to JD personally. Gavin was advised of the heightened security level then Magna, Dan and Calvin each had an agent assigned to them until the trial ended.

  Two days had passed and Tracy still was not responding to JD’s calls. Her absence from his life was taking a toll on JD and everyone around him. It was simple: a part of him was missing and it was the very heart of him. JD begun lashing out at everyone for the smallest things, but when that fury was directed towards his mother, Brian knew things had to change.

  JD’s mom went to his house to cook dinner for him. Ashley told her about Tracy and Martha was worried about her son. While cooking dinner, she decided to clean up a little, and started with the bedroom. When JD got home that evening he ate dinner with his mom and went upstairs to shower and change clothes. Martha was clearing the table when JD ran downstairs yelling about the bed linens. The smell was different; Tracy’s scent was gone, now he had nothing. Martha smiled at her son and softly said, “Anger will not change what happened; only love will. Tracy touched your heart, and you touched hers. Neither of you have forgotten the other. Fix this, Jeffrey Daniel, and fix it now.”

  Brian went by the hotel to see Tracy, as he had for the past two nights. He told her what happened and that she had to go home before Mama Harrison killed JD.

  JD was in his office going over security details when Tracy called. Seeing her number on his cell phone prompted him to answer immediately. “Babe, where are you?” he asked.

  “At the park across from your office.”

  JD walked over to the window and looked out, then smiled when he spotted her. “I’ll be right there, just stay there; babe, please, just stay there.”

  “Brian, I got to go. You all stay here and finish this,” JD said and headed out.

  “Stay on this,” Brian said, rushing to catch up with JD.

  “What’s that all about?” Magna asked Calvin.

  “A personal matter,” he replied. Calvin walked over to the window. He saw JD as he entered the park and spotted Tracy. Calvin smiled. “Magna, watch this.” Magna walked over to the window and watched.

  Tracy saw Jeffrey walking towards her and her heart began to beat faster as he closed the distance between them. She put her arms up around his neck; he grabbed her around her waist and just held on.

  “I love you, Tracy. I’m sooo sorry,” he said as he kissed every inch of her face. “I should have warned you about Vanessa. But I swear I did not touch her, Tracy. I did hesitate for a moment, but it would not have happened, please believe me,” he pleaded.

  “I believe you.”

  He held her face cupped in his hands and smiled. “You do?” he asked, emotionally drained. JD Harrison, who had the respect of the governor, senators, powerful people, knew that to have this woman believe him meant more than everything in the world to him.

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “Brian explained some things to me.” She lowered her head. “I’m not going to pretend I understand all of it, but I’m not willing to give up on us just yet.”

  JD kissed her with all the passion he had within. “Don’t ever leave me, Tracy.” JD sighed heavily. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “Okay,” she said in that voice that drove him crazy.

  He took her by the hand. “We have some things to talk about,” he said, “starting with Brian.”

  They walked through the park and talked for a while. Brian stayed right behind them every step. He saw his men as they joined in flanked on both sides of the couple at a distance. JD explained what had happened with Vanessa. He tried to explain what she did to Brian and the position she put him in with her request. Tracy told JD about the conversation she had with Brian. JD was a little surprised; he never would have thought Brian could be that patient. But it did let him know just how much of a friend he had in Brian. JD told Tracy undoubtedly that he was more than satisfied with their lovemaking and he had no thoughts of being with anyone else. Tracy asked him if he would teach her to do “that blow job thingy.” JD shook his head and smiled at her. “I have to keep you away from Brian.” When JD and Tracy left the park that night, there was no separating them. Their bond was tight, impenetrable, and both of them knew it.


  Tracy returned to work the next day and was revealing the details of her nights away with Ashley. Ashley was looking at Tracy in disbelief; she couldn’t believe Tracy would ask Brian, of all people, to teach her anything. They were laughing so hard, neither of them noticed James was standing in the doorway. “Hello, ladies.” James smiled.

  They both turned towards him. Tracy continued to laugh and said, “Hello, James.”

  Ashley stopped laughing and seemed to tense up. “James,” Ashley said and turned away.

  Tracy noticed the change in Ashley’s disposition but did not comment. “Did we have an appointment?” Tracy asked James.

  “No, I decided to stop in to check on you two,” he replied while looking at Ashley.

  Tracy got a strange vibe from Ashley and James. She remembered getting the same feeling at the dinner the week before. “That was very thoughtful of you,” Tracy said, attempting to make small talk. “Wa
sn’t it, Ashley?”

  “Yes, well, James has shown signs of being a thoughtful person, at times,” Ashley responded without looking up.

  Okay, now Tracy knew something was up. Ashley was not her normal throw-everything-to-the-wind, flirty self. Tracy looked from James to Ashley and then back to James. James had a frown on his face telling Tracy to leave, while Ashley’s signs were telling her to stay. “You know what, I left, umm…something out front. Would you excuse me for a minute, James?”

  “Sure,” James replied as Tracy left the room. “She’s not a good liar.”

  “No, she never has been,” Ashley said. “What can I do for you, James?”

  “You have not returned my calls and I would like an explanation.”

  “I have returned all calls related to the project. There is nothing you and I need to discuss.”

  “I disagree,” James responded. “I think we need to discuss what happened between us, maybe over dinner?”

  “Why, because Tracy is unavailable?”

  “Tracy’s not unavailable,” James stated. “She’s not married; she’s not dead.”

  “No,” Ashley said, “she’s just in love with another man.”

  “This has always been the case, for what I can ascertain. But that does not make her unavailable,” James replied.

  “Why were you calling, James?”

  “I have missed talking with you. Your calls had become a nice routine in the morning.”

  “I’m sorry, James, I don’t play second,” Ashley stated as she went to walk by him.

  James gently grabbed her arm. “I never asked you to play second to anyone and I’m not asking you that now. Yes, I was interested in Tracy. I will never deny that. She will always have my friendship. But that is all it is, a friendship. I want more than that from you.” He kissed her gently. “The ball is in your court. You know the numbers.” James walked out of the office.


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