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Kytrima_Wrong Side of the Dragon

Page 11

by Rinelle Grey

  Maybe Nate would even help her. That thought warmed her blood.

  Brad though, looked at her with concern. “I think we should wait until tomorrow.”

  Lyrian turned to stare at him in shock. “I’ve been searching for my clan for a year, and you think I should wait?” she demanded.

  Brad waved to Kyrian. “She’s injured. She needs to heal.” His voice sounded uncomfortable, and it took Kyrian a few moments to realise that was because he felt guilty.

  Which was not a reason to wait.

  “I will be fine,” Kyrian said firmly. “Dragons heal quickly.”

  Princess Lyrian stared at her, and Kyrian almost wished she could disappear.

  The princess’s expression was concerned too now. She gave an almost inaudible sigh. “You’re right,” she agreed. Then she looked over at Nate. “Will you help her?”

  That made Kyrian blush.

  Nate too.

  He nodded quickly though. “Of course.”

  Kyrian’s heart gave a leap.

  The thought of performing the Mesmer ritual with Nate sent a tingle of anticipation through her. That wasn’t what she was most excited and nervous about though.

  Performing the ritual together would give them a chance to be alone. A chance to talk about what had happened.

  A chance to figure out where they wanted to go next.

  The princess had spoken of her and Nate mating, as though it were a foregone conclusion. Kyrian wasn’t quite sure it was. She had to ask Nate first.

  Brad waved his hand towards an open door, his eyes averted. “Spare bedroom’s that way.”

  Kyrian and Nate didn’t need to be told twice.

  Once they were alone though, Nate was all business. “I know what to do this time,” he said. “So let’s get started.”

  “Not yet,” Kyrian said, patting the bed next to her. “First we need to talk.”

  Nate frowned. He did sit down next to her, but he took one of her hands and stared at the injuries.

  That must look pretty bad to a human. There were large rips in her skin, and both of her arms were covered in blood. Most of it was dried now, and the wounds only seeped slightly.

  “We can talk later,” Nate said firmly. “You need healing first.”

  How could she explain? How could she tell him that she wanted this sorted first, so she could enjoy their coupling?

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that dragons needed to have any issues sorted before entering the Mesmer sleep, or it would impede the ritual, but she stopped herself. It simply wasn’t true.

  And she was done with lying.

  Time to tell the truth, even if it was scary.

  She took a deep breath. “I want to be sure you want to do this first. I need to know what this all means. Do you…” her voice wavered. “Do you care about me?”

  It wasn’t the question she wanted to ask. She wanted to ask if he loved her. But she was too scared to hear him say no.

  Nate gave her a smile. “That one’s easy. I love you.”

  He said the words so openly, with such conviction.

  Kyrian felt tears prick at the back of her eyes. “Really?”

  Nate gave her a lopsided grin. “I would have thought that one was obvious by now.” He leaned in and gave her a tender kiss that melted her heart. “Kyrian, I…” he stared into her eyes, and Kyrian’s heart pounded in her chest. “I think I want to mate with you.”

  His voice sounded awed, and a little uncertain, maybe even a little surprised.

  Kyrian understood. She felt exactly the same way. “I want that too.”

  Nate gave her a big smile. “Let’s do this then.” Then he paused. “It won’t… we won’t be mated immediately, will we?”

  Kyrian shook her head. “No. This is only our second time sleeping together. It will take one more time.” She hesitated, then added, “And perhaps it is best to wait, and have a ceremony with Rian clan. If they accept me.”

  Nate kissed the tip of her nose. “Sounds perfect. Although I’m already sure they will accept you. They’re lucky to have you.”

  Kyrian found it hard to believe he meant it. How could he?

  “But… I lied to you. I used you to try to get to the princess. Can you really forgive all that?”

  Nate’s expression grew serious then. “I was pretty angry that you lied to me,” he admitted. “That hurt more than you wanting to get the princess.” He shrugged. “I get that your clans are at war, and if my brother weren’t involved, if I wasn’t, then she’d still be your enemy. I just wish you could’ve trusted me, that’s all. Maybe we could have figured this out sooner if you had.”

  He picked up her hands and examined her wrists. “Maybe you wouldn’t have had to get hurt to prove that you’d changed.”

  He wasn’t saying anything Kyrian hadn’t already thought. “I know,” she said quietly. “I don’t even know why I did it. I could have told you the truth, and it would have made no difference. I just… it seemed easier.” She took a deep breath. “But it won’t happen again, I promise.”

  Nate stared into her eyes, then brushed her hair out of her face. “I believe you.”

  Kyrian felt her heart beating in time with his, and her breath sync almost without thought.

  The connection between them was so strong, so automatic, that the Mesmer came easily.

  Without even needing words, they lay down, side by side on the bed, and she felt herself slipping into the Mesmer sleep, her hands holding Nate’s.


  They were still holding hands when she woke, some time later.

  Kyrian felt the urge to mate surge through her, and she rolled closer to him, enjoying the feel of his body pressed up against hers. She had a smile on her face even before she opened her eyes.

  She found herself looking straight into Nate’s.

  His eyes were deep and serious, and even though Kyrian could feel his body responding readily, his hands didn’t move from where they held hers. “Are you sure you want to do this, Kyrian? It’s a big ask. You’re giving up your clan, your family, hell, even your name, all for me. Is it really worth it?”

  Kyrian’s heart plummeted into her chest, dampening the urge from the Mesmer bond just slightly. Was he having second thoughts? He’d seemed so certain earlier. So sure that he loved her.

  If he could have second thoughts now, while they were in the grip of the Mesmer bond, the need to mate thick in their veins, then could he really care for her? Was he not feeling the same surge of need that she was?

  How could he think about talking, when all she wanted to do was mate?

  But there was something else in his eyes, calling to her through the beat of his heart. Not doubt about his feelings for her, or even her feelings for him. But about sacrifice.

  He was worried about her, about what he thought she was giving up.

  What he didn’t realise was that she was gaining far more than she lost.

  “I love my clan,” she said softly. “It has always been the one place I belonged, where I knew people would accept me, no matter what. I mean, it’s not like it ever occurred to me I could belong with a human. But the way I feel about my clan is no match for what I feel for you. With you, I not only feel like I belong, but like I’m complete for the first time in my life. It’s as if up until now a piece of me was missing. A piece I didn’t even know to search for. Now I have found it, nothing else matters.”

  Nate smiled then. His arms went around her, and he pulled her close against him, his body strong and firm.

  And Kyrian found herself smiling back.

  Nate gave her a long, lingering kiss that sent desire arcing through every part of her body, until it was on fire. Good. The talking was done. Now he would be ready to mate. She rubbed her body against his, and he gave a groan.

  But still he held himself back. He stared deep into her eyes. “I know exactly what you mean,” he said quietly. “I thought I was more than happy with my life as it was. I had my fam
ily, Brad, and then Lily. I thought all I craved was more adventure. And I searched for it everywhere. But no mountain I climbed, no ocean I sailed, no desert I photographed, ever seemed to fill that need. I searched for more, and more…”

  One arm released her waist, and he lifted up her hand, taking a second to turn it over and examine the fact that the wounds were completely gone. The way he rubbed the ball of his thumb over her wrist, right where her pulse was still beating in time with his, sent a shiver of anticipation through her.

  Kyrian wanted to hear everything he had to say. But couldn’t it wait until after they’d mated?

  But Nate kept talking. “Until I found you. When I’m with you, it makes the rest of my life feel dull and empty. You light up my life with excitement and adventure, even when we’re lying here alone in a room together.”

  For some reason, his words of adventure caused a hitch in her heartbeat. The last few days had certainly been full of adventure. But the future in her new clan might not be. If that was what he loved about her…

  “This chase has certainly been exciting, but it’s over now,” she pointed out. “I suspect life could be pretty quiet after this.”

  Nate gave a low laugh that sent delicious tendrils of excitement swirling through her belly. He ran his hand down her side, coming to rest on her hip, then he ground his body up against hers.

  “You’re a dragon. How could a dragon ever be boring?” He lifted his hand up to cup her face, kissing her hungrily before saying, “I’m hoping you’ll let me photograph you some time. I can’t imagine a more beautiful subject.”

  Kyrian blushed. “Okay.” She stared at him a minute, her heart overflowing with love so strong it almost overwhelmed her.

  Too much talking. Too much sentiment.

  Time for some sex.

  Her body hummed in anticipation.

  She leaned forwards and kissed him, intending it to be light and teasing. Intending to pull back and leave him wanting more. But Nate grabbed around her waist and pulled her hard up against him.

  Kyrian didn’t object.

  She kissed him with an eagerness that was only seasoned by the Mesmer bond. In fact, she was pretty sure the desire created by the bond was minor in comparison to what she felt for Nate on a normal day.

  She was looking forward to having this every day.

  For the rest of her life.

  She hooked her leg over Nate, pulling him closer, breathing in his scent, imprinting him on her heart.

  She was still naked from her transformation. Later she would need to borrow some clothes. But right now, it was just as she wanted to be.

  Of course, it would be even better if Nate were as naked as she was.

  She pulled back a little to pull his shirt up, running her hands over his chest. Nate helped her by wriggling out of it. That was better.

  Kyrian pressed her body up against his, feeling her skin heat where it contacted his.

  Better, but not good enough. Nate helped her divest him of the rest of his clothes.

  They lay and kissed, their bodies pressed up against each other. Kyrian could have sworn their hearts were still beating in time. She’d never felt this kind of connection to anyone before. Never even imagined that it existed.

  She threw her leg over him, hooking it around him, and pulling him close. Opening herself up to him.

  Nate groaned, and buried himself in her, rocking back and forth. He kissed her neck, his hands running over her body with a fierce need.

  The intensity peaked, sending surges of energy arcing through Kyrian.

  She was on top of the world. She could face anything with Nate by her side.

  Chapter 20

  She tried to remember that feeling. To hang onto it and use it to keep her back straight and to banish the fear from her eyes as she stood next to Nate and watched the Rian dragons flying down from their lair en masse.

  Nate’s hand, warm and strong in hers, helped.

  But nothing could stop the thoughts that tumbled over in her head as she watched Prince Taurian and Prince Verrian land in front of Princess Lyrian.

  Up until a day ago, they had been her enemies. It was hard not to react to the adrenaline that flooded through her when she saw them.

  What would they think of her? Would they see her as a traitor to her people? Could she ever find acceptance here?

  She wouldn’t change her choices for anything. She was committed to this decision, but it was only natural that she feel uneasy.

  The Rian princes didn’t notice her at first, they were so caught up in reuniting with their sister and meeting the new baby princess.

  But eventually, their eyes turned to her, narrowing in suspicion.

  “Who’s this?” Prince Taurian demanded.

  Brad was the one who stepped in. “This is my brother, Nate. And his chosen mate, Kyrian.”

  Prince Taurian looked at Lyrian sharply.

  She gave a laugh, and explained. “She will be an asset to our clan, I’m sure. I know what you’re thinking, how can we ever trust a Trima dragon, but I believe her love for Nate is stronger than her tie to her clan. She has agreed to renounce Trima and return to Rian clan, and I have accepted her. The first of many I hope.”

  Her words were confident, but Kyrian could see that her straight back was stiff and awkward.

  She was uncertain of their reception of her news.

  Kyrian held her breath. Would the two brothers accept her pronouncement?

  The exchanged looks, and it was Prince Verrian who said, “There’s someone I think you should meet.”

  He looked up at the entrance to the lair, and Kyrian followed his gaze.

  Another dragon emerged from the cave. This one not Rian.

  Her snow white scales were instantly recognisable.

  “Latrima,” Kyrian breathed. Then she turned to the princes. “Or should that be Latrian?”

  If the life dragon had switched sides, then perhaps Trima clan’s days were numbered.

  But Prince Taurian shook his head. “Latrima is still Trima clan. We have brokered a truce. Hopefully a more permanent one. I hope your switch will not risk it.” He gave her a stern look, though what Kyrian could do she wasn’t sure.

  The graceful life dragon swooped down and landed in front of them, transforming smoothly into her human form. She regarded Kyrian thoughtfully for a few moments.

  Kyrian felt like the Trima life dragon was staring into her very soul.

  She tried not to flinch, tried to present her case as best she could. She thought about her love for Nate, and how much it meant to her. Of how her love for her clan would always remain, but that it could not overcome this other love.

  She tried to project her respect for Latrima, and Ultrima.

  Hopefully the life dragon would see her switch for what it was—not a rejection of her clan, but her choice to live by its principles, choosing love over all else.

  The life dragon’s severe face blossomed into a smile.

  “I am pleased that you have found love, child,” she said quietly. “And I would no more stand in your way than I stood in the way of the Rian prince’s love.”

  She glanced over at Prince Verrian as she spoke, and he took the hand of the woman next to him and smiled.

  “But I’m sure that in the spirit of our newfound agreement, it would be possible for you to remain with your clan, and nurture your love, if that is what you wish.

  Kyrian hesitated. Somehow, she felt that how she replied to this was important, for more than just her.

  She glanced around her. At the Rian dragons watching her intently. At Brad and Princess Lyrian. At Prince Taurian and Prince Verrian and their human mates.

  At Nate, who waited for her answer, prepared to accept whatever she chose.

  All around her all she could see was love. Love between mates, love between brothers, love between family and clan.

  This was right where she wanted to be.

  “I will remain with my new clan,” she sa
id firmly. “Maybe I can help smooth this truce between our clans.”

  Latrima stared at her for a few moments, her eyes whirling. Then she inclined her head in acceptance.

  “I sense a change in the wind,” she said quietly, looking around at the Rian dragons. “The princess’s arrival means that half of the Rian princes and princesses are awake. That half has committed to choosing love over war. I believe your choice represents another turning point, Kyrian. Maybe there is hope for a reunion of our clans after all.”

  She nodded to the princes and princess. “I will return to my clan now, and work on our truce from there. Kyrian can be our contact point. An ambassador between our clans. May peace and love be in our future. All our futures.”

  And with that, she transformed into her dragon form, and lifted into the air.

  Kyrian watched her go, her heart soaring on the wind.

  “Welcome to Rian clan,” Prince Taurian said solemnly, bringing Kyrian’s heart back down to the ground. “Is there anything we can do to help you feel welcome?”

  Kyrian turned and smiled at Nate. “A mating ceremony would be wonderful.”

  For a moment, there was silence, then suddenly, all the Rian dragons cheered.

  Kyrian felt tears prick at the back of her eyes.

  Nate pulled her into his arms, and hugged her fiercely.

  “Perfect,” Prince Taurian said with a smile. “It shall be my pleasure.”

  Kyrian transformed into her dragon form, and Nate climbed onto her back, and together they flew up the cliffs to her new home, surrounded by her new family.

  The End

  Ostrian's story is next! Find out what has changed the grumpy old dragon's tune!

  Dragon Elder Ostrian is concerned about the increasing number of dragons who are choosing to mate with humans. He's sure there's something strange going on, and he's determined to get to the bottom of it. he's certainly not going to let the pretty human distract him.

  Mary is equally determined to prove that nothing is wrong. The fact that she just might be starting to understand the grumpy old elder's motivation is not going to stop her from protecting the place of humans in the clan, no matter how blue Ostrian's eyes might be.


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