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Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)

Page 20

by Betsy Anne

  She’s exasperated with me. Melanie seems to understand what I mean, without seeming distressed. “You know, with all those crazy dreams you've had, this doesn’t surprise me. You have a strong sixth sense when it comes to Jason. If you feel like he’s in danger, I believe you.”

  She grabs her cell and punches in a number. She speaks quickly and quietly to whomever she called.

  “All right, now, don’t look at me like I’m nuts. This is a good friend of mine, and she’s on her way over,” she says to us.


  “Her name is Sienna, and she’s my psychic.”

  Colleen bursts out laughing. She’s not even trying to hide her disbelief. “Are you fucking crazy? What the hell is she going to do here? Katie doesn’t need this crap right now.”

  Melanie looks crushed. “Do you want me to call her back, Kat?” She seems hurt, but she understands Colleen’s skepticism. I’m sure she hears this a lot.

  “No, no. It would help, in some strange way. The feelings that I have right now are overwhelming, and I don’t know why. Can’t hurt, right?”

  I look at Colleen; her mouth is hanging open. She throws up her hands in a half-hearted gesture of defeat. “Fine. She just better not read my mind, or she won’t like it!”

  Melanie glares at her. It’s the first time I’ve seen them disagree on anything. Colleen is used to getting her way, so it’s refreshing to see her acquiesce.

  About ten minutes pass, and the doorbell rings. We all jump, and it makes us giggle. Melanie answers the door, and I think Colleen is going to have a meltdown. Sienna is wearing a long, red caftan with beads sewn haphazardly all over it. She’s wearing a beaded blue headscarf, and probably fifty gold bracelets. She is the perfect caricature of a psychic.

  Colleen excuses herself to go to the bathroom, but I know she’s going to have a good laugh, one of my best towels shoved into her mouth. I have to admit, this whole scene is surreal: It’s the icing on the bizarro cake.

  She strolls over to me, and takes my hand. She leads me to the sofa, and sits down with me, not letting go.

  “My dear, I can see that you’re upset, your aura is disturbed. Who is in distress? Is it your husband?”

  She’s asking me, and telling me. I can tell she’s trying to hurry to figure out what is going on.

  “Well, yes. I don’t know why, but I have a strong feeling that he’s in danger right now. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  She continues to hold my hand, as she looks all around me but not in my eyes. “You have a powerful connection to this man,” she says. “You’ve known him a long time. Your relationship appears symbiotic, and you know each other very well. Is this the first time you've had intuitive sense about him?”

  I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. “Well, no, not exactly. I don’t think it was intuition because I’ve had dreams about him with another woman, and I know it’s not true.”

  “Yes, I see that. Your connection to him is so strong that it seems you may have been ‘seeing’ someone else's fantasies about him. Your extra sense picked up on him being coveted by this person. Do you know this person?”

  “No, but I have seen her and spoken with her.” My voice is quiet.

  “Did these dreams become more vivid after meeting her?”

  Whoa. “Yes, they did, much more so. What does all this mean?”

  She releases my hands, and places one of hers on my leg.

  “It means that someone is trying to do your husband harm, and God has blessed you with the ability to ‘see’ it. You should go to him now, while the feeling is strong.”

  With that she picks up her bag, waves to Melanie and leaves. Colleen comes back into the room, having been snooping from around the corner. She has a serious look on her face.

  “Look, I know I’ve made fun, and I don’t really buy that mumbo-jumbo, but that was pretty freaky. Let’s go find him.”

  Melanie has a smug look on her face. “Let’s go already!”

  We race out the door.

  Chapter 41


  Jason’s face is priceless, and gorgeous. I should have woken him up with a nice kiss. Watching him sleep for the last few minutes was pretty good, too. This man is perfect; his wife doesn’t deserve him. He was made for me, and I’ve been waiting long enough. I was thrown by how quickly he accepted my invitation tonight. I just want to make sure he isn’t going to stand me up.

  He’s starting to toss and turn, I better make myself known. I go back to the door, and open and close it so it will wake him. I saw his grandma of a bookkeeper go in before; he’ll just assume it’s her again. What a nice surprise for him to be able to see my face instead. She didn’t even lock the door behind her when she left. Easy for me, I didn’t have to use my key.

  When I first came to his office years ago, I befriended the receptionist. We hung out a couple of times, and I took advantage of the fact that she had keys to the place. She passed out one night at my place, and I slipped the key off, made a copy and returned it to her key ring the next day before she knew it was missing. Once I could access the office on my own without her, I stopped seeing her. I’ve always hated hanging out with women, and she was no longer useful to me.

  I also learned how to disengage the security system, and shut down the cameras: Never need my pretty face getting caught here. I’m much too smart for that. I walk back toward his office, and I hear him rousing. He’s grumbling about something, I think he’s upset about being disturbed again. He won’t be when he sees who it is this time. We meet at his office door at the same time. God, that face. How he never became a model is a mystery. I see him register my face through the fog of sleep and he looks… scared? Bewildered?

  “Hey, sexy, I didn’t think I could wait until tonight to see you. My pussy’s wet just thinking about you all day. Maybe you should make me feel better right now.”

  I approach him, and he stumbles backward toward the couch. Perfect.

  “Do you want a quick taste? I’m happy to oblige.” I start to pull up my skirt so he can see me, but his hands grab mine as I reach my hips.

  “Wait,” he spits out fast. “We have cameras here. I can’t be filmed.”

  “It’s OK baby, I turned those off. It’s just you and me. Even though I would kill to have this on film.”

  I continue to lift my skirt and he stops me more forcefully this time.

  “No! I mean, not now. I want you at the hotel, later. I have things to do first.”

  He’s sweating and he looks nervous. My sweet, sexy man. He really does want me. He’s just scared.

  “There’s no one here, Jason. We’re totally alone.”

  “Well, my bookkeeper came by earlier, what if she stops by again? This would ruin my reputation.”

  He’s right about that. I can’t come and go as I please if she knows who I am.

  “OK. I’ll expect you at my room in one hour. Don’t be late, or I’ll come looking for you. My pussy can’t get any wetter.”

  I grab his hand and quickly stick it up my skirt. I’m not wearing any panties, and his fingers graze my slick spot. He’s so cute, turning bright red. He yanks it back quickly.

  “OK, OK. An hour.”

  “You’re going to show up, right Jason? You wouldn’t do anything stupid would you, like tell your little wifey? You know I watch her like a hawk. Don’t be selfish and get her hurt. When we’re together, she’ll come to understand that it’s for the best.”

  “Of course, I know that. She doesn’t know a thing. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  He’s trying his best to look convincing but I don’t know. It’s OK; I have a plan. I always have a plan.

  Chapter 42


  Holy shit. My heart is racing. Why is she here? Who am I kidding; I know why she’s here. She doesn't think I’m going to show up tonight. This was a dangerous move for her; she must be getting desperate. If I weren’t so worried about what this crazy woman is capable, this would have be
en over long ago. To be honest, I really thought it would have been. I thought that if I just left everything alone, she would tire of the chase.

  I know from the private investigator that she’s hardly been celibate. I truly believed she would disappear, and Katie and the kids would be safe. The hatred I feel for this person is palpable. I feel the blood pounding in my head, and it takes everything in my power not to strangle her here and now. But Katie deserves better than a killer for a husband. I have to end this right, and permanently. I stumble a little as she approaches. Come on, brain, work! Be convincing and hold her off. The security system! That might work.

  I feel sweat on my brow.

  “It’s OK baby, I turned those off. It’s just you and me,” she informs me after I tell her about the cameras.

  Of course she did. Fuck! Jesus, she’s lifting her skirt. I have to stop this. I put her off by telling her I want her at the hotel later.

  She’s staring at me blankly. I wish I knew what she’s thinking. She grabs my hand quickly and shoves it up her skirt straight into her naked crotch. I feel her wetness, and she’s completely shaven. I pull back like my hand is on fire.

  I tell her I’ll see her at the hotel within an hour. She seems skeptical, but agrees. I don’t trust this bitch as far as I can throw her. Of course, right now I feel like I could throw her body across Lake Michigan, so maybe that’s a bad analogy. I’ve put her off for now, but I have to face her later.

  Chapter 43


  Colleen, Melanie and I go looking for Jason. The feeling has subsided a little bit, but I can’t tell if the danger has passed or if I just feel better after having my session with Sienna. Either way, I’m desperate to find him and make sure he’s all right.

  He said he was going to his office. No one is there this time of day on weekends, so he and I can talk in private. I’ll have the girls wait in the car. We get to his office in record time, but no car. Jason said he was going to be here! I stop the car in the parking lot, and shoot him a text: Hey, sweetheart, where are you?

  No answer. That’s not like him. I wait a couple more minutes, and then send another: I’m worried about you working too hard honey. I wanted to stop by and say hello. Where are you?

  Still no answer. I sit and stare at my phone, willing it to produce a response from him. Colleen disrupts my thoughts.

  “Tom just sent me a text. Says he just saw her at the bar in the hotel. He and his colleagues are having an early dinner before the festivities tonight. He said she came in alone, downed two shots and got a bottle of wine and two glasses that she took with her to the elevators. She must be expecting someone.”

  Jason must be on his way over there. Maybe that’s why I felt he was in distress.

  “OK, let’s go.”

  Chapter 44


  My hands are wet, and they’re shaking on the steering wheel. The rage I feel exceeds every other emotion in my life. If she thinks I’m letting her get away with this, she’s crazier than I realize. Katie will understand, I know she will. Once I get a chance to explain everything to her, I know she’ll believe me.

  I’m upset with myself that I ever let this get so out of control. My personal and professional reputations mean everything to me. How my wife, my kids and my colleagues view me is more important than anything. I’ve been willing to suppress my disgust for this woman and ignore what she’s done just so everything didn’t come out in the open. Sure, I’m innocent, but she would definitely make the case that we had consensual sex and that plants doubt. I’ve worked too hard to let lies ruin me.

  I kept a distant watch on her for a while with the hopes that she would move on to someone else. There were a few stretches of time where I didn’t hear anything from her, and my P.I. didn’t have much to tell, either. Just when I would get my hopes up or forget, she would pop up or contact me, and the crazy cycle would start again. I have to make her see that chasing me is fruitless. I know that restraining orders and police involvement rarely help in the case of stalkers. This has to be done the right way to keep her out of my life for good. I just pray my temper doesn’t get the better of me.

  Chapter 45


  He should be here soon. I didn’t think I could get more turned on than I was seeing him at his office, but I am. The two tequila shots at the bar helped settle me down, but didn’t slow my need. My pussy is so ready for him.

  This will be the night.

  I’m so glad he finally came to his senses and agreed. I was beginning to think I would have to step things up to get him to notice me. I really thought that our night in the hotel had changed his mind, but the problem with “ruffies” is that he couldn’t remember how sexy we were together. Such a shame, too. I printed those photos, and they hang proudly on my wall. Too bad I couldn’t get his cock to work. Not that I didn’t try. Poor thing was too passed out that night. Not tonight. He’ll be alert and hard. His dick was everything I had imagined it to be, even better. If he was that big soft, I can only begin to imagine how huge he’ll be when he’s hard. Hard, and wanting me, just me, not his little bitch of a wife. I almost come just thinking about his dick. My hand slips into my panties, and the heat is intense. Maybe I should masturbate before he gets here, so I don’t come too quickly.

  I grab my pussy, and shove three fingers deep inside. My thumb rubs against my clit, and my hips buck against my hand. I come quickly and loudly. That should slow my heart rate enough so that I can enjoy our foreplay. He’s in for the best night of his life. Assuming, of course, he’s coming here to cooperate. Any sign he’s here for the wrong reason, and I may just have to show him my newest toy. I’ve been taking lessons for “protection,” but I’m not the one who’ll need it. I’m tired of his dicking me around, changing his number, not showing gratitude for the sexy pictures I send, and ignoring me when I know he knows I’m close him. I know I won’t have to use it though. It just took time for him to come around.

  The best things are worth waiting for, and he’s now mine after all this time. We’ll finally be together.

  Chapter 46


  “Tom is expecting me to go with him tonight to the cocktail hour and dinner. This is really the best time for the spouses to schmooze and befriend potential clients and bosses. Can you two handle everything without me?” Colleen asks, with genuine concern. I feel guilty enough that I’ve ruined her trip with all this craziness; I’m surely not going to ruin Tom’s, too.

  “Of course, we’ll be fine. I just want to confront her with him and hear the whole story. We’ll show her that our love can’t be broken, no matter what she tries to do. I’ll also threaten her with a little blackmail about her past if I have to. I hope she’ll see I mean business. Melanie’s enough of a backup, right Mel?”

  She’s staring at me blankly, as if she wasn’t listening.

  “Yeah, OK. I may feel like a bit of a third wheel, though. Are you sure you even want me there? This is between the three of you. How about I stay in Tom and Colleen’s room, and you can call me if you need me.”

  That probably would be the best option. If I come in there with my friends, it might look as if I don’t trust Jason. I can’t show that bitch a hint of weakness.

  “OK, you’re right. I’ll call if I need you for anything. You two are my only witnesses of the evidence against her, though, so keep your phones on,” I say with half a smile, indicating I’m aware how nuts this situation really is. We pull into the hotel parking garage, and it’s packed with cars and people. It will take forever to get a spot and get inside.

  Chapter 47


  I pull into the semicircular portico in front of the hotel. I can barely get my door open before the valet appears. The kid is excited to get behind the wheel of my car.

  “Thanks. I won’t be here long, so don’t park it too far away.”

  I throw him the keys and a twenty so he’ll cooperate. After I speak with her, I want to get the hell out o
f Dodge as fast as I can.

  I should have changed clothes. I’m out of place here, especially with the big event going on tonight. I know some people who will be here; I’m just praying they don’t see me. Luckily, the elevator banks are in the opposite location from the main ballroom where most of the guests are headed. Being tall has its advantages, but blending into a crowd isn’t one. I drop my head low, and keep my sunglasses on. Fortunately, no one seems to care. The attendees are preening about in their gowns and tuxedos; no one is paying attention to me.

  I make it to the elevators, and punch the “up” button. Shit! I can’t remember her fucking room number. No way am I going back down to the crowded lobby and ask registration: “Excuse me sir, room of the crazy bitch?” Then I remember: She texted it to me. I pull up the messages and see it: Room 532. I press “5” and wait. My heart is racing; I’m trying to calm down. I don’t want to show my hand too quickly; she’ll just get on the defensive. This has to work. This is my last chance to get away from this nonsense without anyone getting hurt. At least, anyone I care about.

  The elevator is quick, and arrives at her floor while I’m still trying to catch my breath. I head down the long hall, and find 532 almost at the end. I raise my hand to knock, and the door behind me opens.

  “Hi, sexy,” she says, like a purr. I’m thrown off a little.

  “I thought you said 532?”

  “I did, sweetheart. I just needed to make sure you would be alone. If you had shown up with someone else, I would've been able to see. I’ve been watching for you for a while. Would you like some wine? I got a bottle to celebrate this night. I’ve already made myself come once, so I can hold back a little. I need tonight to last. I’ll try not to make you come too quickly, either. But don’t worry, I have my ways of getting it hard again, fast.”


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