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Coming Home: Baxter Springs Book 1

Page 7

by Avery Ford

  “Like a real date,” Ben said, chuckling.

  “Yeah, that’s the idea.”

  “Okay. That sounds good.” Ben nibbled at his lip and Chase caught Ben’s eyes darting down to Chase’s mouth before snapping back up to meet his gaze. “That sounds really good, actually.”

  “Perfect.” Chase leaned in, until their faces were just a couple of inches apart. “Then that only leaves one more thing I’ve been wanting to do again since last night.”

  “Oh yeah?” Ben’s voice had gone low and breathless, and his lips parted slightly as Chase moved closer and closer.

  Chase slowly brushed his lips across Ben’s, smiling as he backed away just enough to say, “Yeah, this is exactly what I’ve been wanting,” before kissing Ben again.

  And then it didn’t even matter that Eric was just a few yards away and was probably still watching. It didn’t matter that what they were doing wasn’t conventional or something that best friends would normally do.

  Nobody else had to get it or understand what they were doing. As long as Ben was happy and having fun, that’s all Chase cared about. They had both gone for years without the kind of unconditional, understanding friendship that seemed to come as easy as breathing between the two of them.

  Now they had two weeks to make up for lost time.

  Chase didn’t want to waste a single minute of it.

  Chapter 10


  Hanging out with Chase again was just like old times, but also better than any of the times Ben could remember.

  There was no doubt that they were closer now—at least, as far as Ben was concerned—than any other time in their friendship. And it wasn’t just because now there was the added benefit of kissing.

  Although Ben had to admit that was pretty damn nice, all by itself.

  He and Chase had always been a little touchy-feely, though, so that part didn’t feel particularly different, either. Maybe it was the openness that Ben felt between them now, like there was nothing that had been left unsaid, nothing they were avoiding.

  Whatever the reason, it felt good, and Ben found himself constantly wishing they had come to this sort of understanding a lot earlier in their lives.

  Who knew what might have turned out differently?

  “I didn’t expect that movie to be so good, if I’m being honest,” Chase said, idly toying with his napkin across the table from Ben.

  Neither of them had been to the cozy, little Italian restaurant in Joplin, but both had agreed that it looked like the perfect place to spend a first date.

  The lighting was soft and subtle, the music and the waitstaff were pleasant and welcoming, and best of all—they had the place almost all to themselves on a Monday night.

  Ben smiled. “You know, I wasn’t expecting a lot out of it, either. But I thought it was really pretty good. Then again, you had me sort of distracted through parts of it.”

  Chase laughed, and got a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just reaching for the popcorn.”

  “What you were grabbing was definitely not popcorn,” Ben snorted. “I might be more inclined to believe you if it hadn’t happened over and over.”

  “Hey, it was dark in there,” It was clear that Chase was struggling to keep a straight face, but it didn’t last long before he started laughing again. “It’s not my fault you insisted on keeping the bag of popcorn right there in your lap.”

  “Maybe I didn’t actually mind that much,” Ben said, throwing Chase a playful wink. “But it was a little unfair that you got to have all the fun while I held the popcorn.”

  “What if I promise to make it up to you later?”

  Ben had been mostly joking—well, sort of joking, at least—up to that point, but there was a heat in Chase’s eyes that was making Ben want to stop eating dinner and get him somewhere a little more private as soon as possible.

  And with his hard-on straining uncomfortably against his jeans, it was becoming more and more difficult to think of anything else.

  “Careful,” Ben quirked an eyebrow as his tone went low. “I might hold you to that promise.”

  “I hope you will.” Chase’s pitch matched Ben’s, and there was no doubt that they were both on the same wavelength now. And, judging by the way Chase shifted in his chair, both getting more and more horny by the minute.

  The waitress chose that moment to come to the table and drop off the check, and it was probably for the best. Without the short interruption, Ben was afraid he and Chase might have ended up on top of the table, making out and stripping naked.

  And even though that sounded like a really hot idea in theory, it would probably be best to wait until they were behind closed doors, where Ben had every intention of holding Chase to that little promise.

  Ben reached for the bill, but Chase grabbed it first. “You can pay next time,” he said. “Maybe. If you’re fast enough.”

  “Oh, now you’re gonna test my reflexes.” Ben laughed. “I think you’re forgetting that I could always beat you in a race when we were kids. You might have had the muscles, but I had the speed.”

  Chase shrugged. “I don’t know… you might have slowed down a little with age…”

  “I’ll show you.” Ben looked around quickly to make sure the waitress wasn’t within earshot. “I only go slow when it matters. You’ll see.”

  He expected Chase to laugh, but instead that unmistakable heat in his eyes flared again and he nodded, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “Now it sounds like you’re the one making promises.”

  “Maybe I am.” Ben grinned, then added, “And it’s a promise I intend to keep.”

  Without another word, they both stood up from the table. Chase took a wad of cash from his wallet and left it with the bill, then handed it to the waitress as they passed her by.

  It was hard as hell for Ben to keep from laughing and running out to Chase’s truck in anticipation of what they both understood was coming next.

  There was no doubt that the thirty minute drive back to Ben’s house was going to feel like forever. But Ben also knew that it was going to be worth it when they finally got there.

  So, so worth it.

  The drive home was every bit as excruciating as Ben had predicted. Not being able to touch Chase more than just holding hands or a little playful groping had been pure torture.

  Several times, Ben had considered asking Chase to pull over so they could have a little fun on the side of the road—and if they had been doing something like this as teenagers, that’s probably exactly what they would have done.

  Now, older and wiser, Ben knew that not only was something like that potentially dangerous with the passing traffic and the exciting-but-very-real possibility of getting caught, but that it would also be so much better if they waited the half-hour until they were back at his house.

  There, they could relax and take their time—all in the comfort of an actual bed, rather than the front seat of a pickup truck.

  By the time they pulled up in front of his house, though, Ben wasn’t sure at all if he could hold out until they made it to the bedroom.

  Chase had apparently been thinking the same thing, because his hands were on Ben before they even got to the front door. By the time they were actually inside the house with the door closed behind them, Chase already had Ben’s shirt half-unbuttoned.

  “Jesus,” Chase sucked in a sharp breath as he kissed the patch of skin just below Ben’s throat that he’d just uncovered. “I couldn’t have waited any longer for this even if I wanted to.”

  “Me, neither,” Ben agreed, reaching up to help with the buttons. “Not with the way you’ve been teasing me all night.”

  Chase batted his hands away and gave him a playful wink. “It wasn’t teasing. It was a promise, remember? But now I just want you to lean back and enjoy. I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long, long time.”

  Ben tried to respond, but then he felt Chase’s lips and tongue o
n his nipple, and the words never made it out. Just being near Chase was usually enough to short-circuit Ben’s brain, but this?

  This playful licking and nipping and caressing made speaking damn near impossible. Even thinking was becoming difficult, the lower Chase’s hands moved. All Ben could do was whimper and moan as each new sensation overtook him.

  Once he had Ben’s shirt free, Chase stood up and grinned, then playfully pushed Ben against the wall. “I’m gonna assume from those little sounds you’re making, you like what I’m doing?” he asked.

  Ben nodded. “So good,” was all he could say.

  It was apparently enough, though, because Chase bent his head again and kissed the base of Ben’s neck, the spot where his pulse was racing and fluttering from all the attention.

  Ben didn’t even notice that Chase had started unbuttoning his jeans until he felt them slide down off his hips. And when Chase hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Ben’s underwear and slid them down, letting his rock-hard cock spring up, Ben knew this was really going to happen.


  After so many years of wondering and imagining and fantasizing, he was standing here naked in front of Chase. It was literally a dream come true.

  With Ben’s pants and underwear bunched around his thighs, Chase stood back and quickly started removing his own clothes, but never took his eyes off the cock that was jutting out toward him.

  Ben reached down to stroke himself while Chase undressed, but Chase reached out and grabbed Ben’s wrist. “No, not yet,” Chase said. “Just let me look for a minute. Please?”

  How could Ben deny a request like that?

  In the back of his mind, he thought he should probably feel a little self-conscious that his best friend was staring at his naked body so intently, but Ben didn’t feel that way at all. If anything, the intensity of Chase’s gaze only made Ben hornier than he was before, if that was even possible.

  And then, once Chase was completely naked and standing in front of him, Ben forgot about everything else. God, the man was sexy as hell. His entire tanned, muscled body was on display, and he stretched, slow and long, like a cat as Ben watched.

  Ben’s cock jerked as he took in all of Chase’s body—his muscled chest and sculpted abs, the little trail of hair that led down to the thick, heavy cock that swung and bobbed between his legs like a heat-seeking missile.

  “You’re so sexy,” Chase said, finally breaking the silence and moving closer again. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling pretty well,” Ben said, his eyes darting between Chase’s face, his chest, and his cock.

  Chase pressed his body against Ben’s and caressed his cheek while he tipped Ben’s head back just a little to capture his mouth in another kiss. Ben put his hands on Chase’s shoulders, then let them trail down the man’s incredible arms until they were finally roaming over the hard planes of Chase’s chest.

  God, it felt like heaven. Ben didn’t want to stop touching, exploring, kissing and feeling.

  When he felt Chase’s hand wrap around his cock, Ben moaned directly into Chase’s mouth and was rewarded by the caress of Chase’s tongue against his own.

  Chase’s hand moved with long, slow strokes up and down Ben’s shaft. Just as Ben was starting to move his hips in time with the stroking, Chase stopped and broke away from their kiss.

  “Tell me how this feels,” he said, reaching between them to take both of their cocks into his grip, jerking them both at the same time.

  It felt…amazing. Ben didn’t even have words for it, but Chase had asked, and he wanted to answer.

  “So, good,” Ben moaned, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the wall as Chase stroked faster. “I can’t even… it’s so good… better than… anything.”

  He didn’t even know what he was saying anymore, but it didn’t seem to matter. He opened his eyes again to see Chase watching him, that familiar heat burning in his eyes.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Ben,” Chase growled. “This is the best thing we’ve ever done together. I want you to come for me, babe. Okay? Are you close?”

  Ben nodded. As much as he wanted to draw the moment out and make this last, there was no way he was going to last very long if Chase kept talking like that. He’d never been able to deny Chase anything, and he wasn’t going to start now.

  “Ready,” Ben gasped, thrusting his hips and loving every new sensation. “God, yes… please…”

  “I’m right here with you, Ben,” Chase ground out through clenched teeth. “So fucking close.” He matched the rhythm of Ben’s hips perfectly as he leaned in for another quick kiss. “Almost there, babe.”

  Ben’s breathing became shallow and his vision started to blur as the climax built inside of him. Just a few more strokes. Just a little bit longer.



  “Fuck, Ben,” Chase moaned. “Come with me. Let go, Ben. Come. Now.”

  It was all Ben needed to hear.

  He cried out Chase’s name and let go, his hips jerking involuntarily as the orgasm overtook him.

  Chase used his free hand to pull Ben closer, tighter as he came, and Ben could feel the white hot jets spill out over Chase’s hand until it coated both of their cocks.

  If Chase hadn’t been holding him so close, Ben surely would have collapsed in a heap on the floor. It felt like every bone in his body had turned to jelly, and for several seconds Ben could only rest his head against Chase’s muscular shoulder, waiting for the little tremors that ran through his body to subside.

  “That was… amazing,” Chase whispered, running a hand up and down Ben’s back as he still slowly stroked both of their cocks together with the other hand.

  Ben was speechless, not least because of how sensitive his cock had become to Chase’s touch. But Ben knew he didn’t need to say anything. He felt the same way Chase did.

  And he was sure Chase already knew.

  Chapter 11


  Chase woke up smiling.

  It wasn’t a feeling he was used to—especially not lately, with everything in his life in flux. But he was pretty sure he hadn’t stopped smiling since… well, since the week before, when he ran into Ben at the grocery store.

  And he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to stop as long as Ben was nearby.

  He stretched out in his bed, wishing that Ben was a little more close by than normal at the moment. If Chase would’ve taken Ben up on his offer to spend the night out at the ranch, he could’ve been waking up in Ben’s arms right about now.

  But Chase had reluctantly said no—one of the most difficult things he’d had to do in a really long time.

  It wasn’t that he wanted to go back to his parents’ house, or to spend the night alone in his own bed rather than with Ben.

  It was just… Chase didn’t want to push his luck too much.

  He knew his own personality, and he knew Ben’s just as well. He didn’t want to run the risk of steamrolling Ben into doing what Chase wanted, even if it was probably the best idea he’d ever had.

  A little space would be good, though.


  It would give both of them time to think about everything they said and did the night before, and to decide if it was something they wanted to try again.

  Well, it would give Ben time to think about and decide all of those things. Chase’s mind was already made up. It had been ever since he first came up with the dating-but-not-really-dating idea.

  Chase was still pretty convinced that it was the absolute best of both worlds—all the fun and none of the relationship stress—and that it was even better because it involved his best friend.

  He only hoped Ben would see things the same way. Chase was almost certain he would, but… that was the problem with giving someone time and space to think. It could end up going either way.

  Chase’s phone chirped with an incoming text, pulling him out
of his thoughts. Out of habit, he reached for it on the nightstand where he normally kept it, and then frowned as he groped around. A cursory glance in that direction confirmed that it wasn’t there.

  He smirked as he remembered how exhausted he’d been the night before. Ben had really worn him out if Chase hadn’t even remembered to take his phone out of his jeans pocket.

  Stifling a yawn, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and followed the trail of discarded clothes from the night before until he found the jeans he’d been wearing, his phone still chirping happily as he fished it out of the pocket.

  Chase’s yawn turned into a wide grin when he saw that it was a text from Ben.

  Good morning :) How did you sleep?

  Chuckling to himself, Chase tapped out a quick reply.

  Like a rock. Dreaming about last night.

  For a moment, he considered sending photographic evidence of the effect that dream was still having on his cock, but Chase thought better of it. It would only get him even more worked up, and that probably wasn’t a good idea until he found out what Ben’s thoughts were about their little sort-of-dating situation.

  Hopefully it’s a good dream. I had a lot of fun.

  Thanks for dinner and the movie, and… everything

  Chase flopped back down onto his bed, still smiling as he read the new text. So far, so good. If Ben had any regrets from the night before, he was hiding them pretty well.

  And it was definitely a good sign that Ben had sent the first text, right?

  Chase wasn’t sure what the actual dating etiquette was, especially for two guys, but he was going to consider this one a win.


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