Chasing Desire
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Copyright © 2014 Jennifer Domenico
All rights reserved.
Formatting by Inkstain Interior Book Designing
ISBN: 1499376928
ISBN-13: 978-1499376920
—To dreamers and the people that support them.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
About the Author
During the process of writing this book, I’ve learned that I have a ton of really supportive, caring people in my life. I have an amazing group of friends, both in my book world and my everyday world that helped and encouraged me along the way and I am grateful for your friendship.
To my beta team- without you this book literally wouldn’t be finished and certainly wouldn’t be the book it finally became. I went through many rounds with this book and each part of that journey helped mold the story into what it is today. I appreciate the candid, enthusiastic, sometimes constructive criticism as it helps me improve my craft. Thank you to everyone who even read one page of this book and provided feedback.
There was a small group that read this book at least three times and did so with a willing spirit. Allison, Emma, Megan, and Beth- I can’t thank you enough.
To my PA, Beth who sacrifices sleep and puts up with me and my countless visions for trailers and teasers. She produces a consistently amazing product every time. You’re the best!
To my PR, Damaris. I really thank you for everything you’ve done to support me and my work and I’m happy our paths have crossed.
To my friend, N, that inspired this book. It was a crazy talk one day that planted the initial idea in my mind and eventually resulted in Brayden’s story.
Finally, to the women that make the book beautiful. Nadège Richards with Inkstain Interior Book Designing for amazing formatting, Ashley Argyle with Inktip Editing that took my words and polished them into something shiny, and Laura Hidalgo with Bookfabulous Designs for the amazing cover design. Along with those ladies, I’d also like to thank Brittany and Leland Hertig for modeling and photographing the beautiful cover image that graces this book.
“It’s over, Savannah.” My words are slow and measured. I know this isn’t going to go well, but I have no choice. I’m done.
“What?” she asks, her voice nearing a shriek.
Averting my eyes, I sign the credit card slip and start planning my exit. Some would say it is cowardly of me to dump a girl in public, but I say it’s just smart. I have no time or interest in a drawn out goodbye over a relationship that should have ended weeks ago.
“You heard me. We had a good time, but it’s run its course. We both know it.”
“No, I don’t know it. Is that why you took me out tonight? To dump me?”
I glance around the room as curious patrons begin to notice the building drama.
“Essentially, yes.” I stand and motion for her to join me, but she remains seated. This isn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped. “Let’s step outside, Savannah.”
“No. You can’t tell me what to do.” She crosses her arms like a spoiled child and glares at me.
“Don’t make a scene,” I say through gritted teeth.
I pull her by the arm in an attempt to escort her out. As soon as she stands, a smirk crosses her lips as the palm of her hand comes into direct contact with my face.
The stinging sound resonates through the small restaurant dining room. I place my own hand over the tingling skin where Savannah just smacked the shit out of me. Looking around, I am greeted with interested and concerned expressions and I see the restaurant manager heading towards me, his lips pursed and brow furrowed. I look back at the woman who just thought it necessary to slap me in public.
“I thought we had something!”
“This is not the time or the place to discuss this.”
“I think it is!” She pulls away from me. “Everyone,” Savannah loudly calls. “My boyfriend is breaking up with me!”
I rub my forehead. Seriously? I don’t know when fuck buddy turned into boyfriend.
“Sir, you’ll have to take this disturbance outside,” the manager says.
“I’m trying.”
“He’s done, he says!” she screams again. “What kind of man dumps his girlfriend in public?”
“Sir!” the manager repeats.
Frowning, I grab Savannah’s arm and drag her out the door.
“How dare you embarrass me like that!”
“Embarrass you? I’m the only who was humiliated. Tell me why, Brayden. Why wasn’t I good enough to keep?”
I have a million reasons in my head, but they all end in the same result. Me and relationships don’t mix. The only reason Savannah lasted as long as she did was her creative games in the bedroom.
“I told you in the beginning that I wasn’t ready to settle down and all you ever talk about is marriage ideas and how many kids you want. This little show didn’t help your cause.”
“Okay, so I’ll stop. Just give me another chance.”
Her eyes begin to well with tears as my frustration mounts. This scene needs to end, and quickly.
“It’s best if we just part ways.”
Savannah rushes me in another attempt to smack me, but I move out of the way to avoid it. She falls forward and is quickly caught by a valet attendant. Now, my usually attractive dinner date is a crying, angry mess.
“I hate you, Brayden! I never want to see you again!”
Ah, the exact response I was hoping for.
“That’s fine. I wasn’t expecting more.” I hand the valet attendant several twenties. “Call her a cab, please?”
He nods and I walk to the other side of the sidewalk to wait for my car. When I look back, Savannah is wiping her tears and talking on the phone to someone. Just as I get into my car, she looks up and flips me off. I chuckle to myself, knowing I deserve it.
Driving back to my place, I think back to what just took place. Shaking my head, I can’t believe she fucking slapped me. I knew she had a hot temper, but I underestimated it. Doesn’t she know it could have been worse? I could have had sex with her again and then dumped her. I let her keep her dignity. Most of it, anyway.
At least I’m done with that. She was getting too clingy and thinking we were becoming a thing, even though I warned her I wasn’t Mr. Right. I warn every woman and they all think they can change me. I don’t know what it would
take or what kind of woman would make me want to commit to just her, but I honestly don’t think she exists.
That’s fine with me, anyway. The last thing I want is to be tied down and miserable with one woman. Perfect love exists only in movies. I’m cool being me and living my life. I learned at a very early age that love is for assholes, and no one has been able to convince me otherwise. No one ever will.
Standing on my balcony, I drink my coffee and stare at the nearby ocean. These morning hours are when I clear my head and plan my day. Today is my presentation to Stunning Lady Cosmetics and I know that I need to ace it. I close my eyes and rehearse it in my head. Every detail has to be perfect.
I walk back inside at the sound of my phone alerting me to a text. Sighing, I glance down and read another hostile message from Savannah. She wavers from begging me to give her a second chance to calling me every cuss word in her vocabulary, which turns out to be extensive.
I wish women would realize that begging and dramatics only pushes me away. There’s nothing attractive about this behavior. If she had a chance, which she doesn’t, she would be blowing it anyway.
I continue to ignore her attempts to gain my attention. I’ve learned that they give up a lot faster if I stop responding. Placing my phone down on the counter, I shuffle to my bedroom to prepare for the day.
“Morning, Macy,” I say as I walk past my assistant.
“Morning. Charles wants to see you in his office when you get settled in.”
“No idea.”
I roll my eyes. It’s never good when my boss wants an unplanned meeting. This has to be about the pitch for the new account I am presenting this afternoon. Sighing, I gather a few folders to bring with me before starting my walk to the elevators. I wonder if he knows his office nickname is bosshole. Knowing him, he would be proud of the moniker.
I press the button for the penthouse, admiring the group of lovely women passing by me. My eyes linger on the redhead in the bunch. Birth or bottle, I’m a sucker every time. I think she needs to be added to my collection. I’ll ask Macy later what her name is. If I’m lucky she just became my Saturday night and I’m always lucky.
The elevator reaches the top floor and I take a deep breath before stepping out into the foyer. Charles’s assistant, Nancy, smiles when she sees me.
“Hello, Brayden,” she says in her sweet little girl voice that belies her considerable age.
“Hello, Nancy. You’re looking lovely today, as usual.”
“Always a charmer. You can go in. He’s expecting you. Word to the wise, he’s in rare form today.”
“Great.” This ought to be fun. I knock softly on the door to Charles’s office and walk in. He looks up at me and nods towards the seat he wants me to take. I admire the guy even though he can be a complete tool. The man is well into his fifties, but he looks much younger. He worked hard to get where he is and it shows in his tailored suits, expensive watches, and trophy wife number four. With his white teeth, tanned skin, and blond hair, he is the quintessential San Diego poster boy. In many ways, I think of myself as a younger version of Charles with a little less asshole to me, but just a little.
“I was looking over your planned presentation for this afternoon,” he starts. “If you think you’re going to land the deal with this shit, you are mistaken.”
I scoff. “How is it shit, exactly?”
“Your data is off. What do you have to substantiate that 30% of women are dissatisfied with their current moisturizer?”
“We did the random survey last month, remember? I sent three interns out to interview women on the street. There is a footnote about that.”
“I don’t think it’s a compelling argument. Why would they pick us to represent them?”
“Because I’ll win them over like I do everyone. Do you really doubt me all of a sudden, Charles?”
He looks up at me and narrows his eyes. “You have a lot to prove right now. If you want to make partner, you need to close every single account you quote. I just don’t know if this is strong enough.”
“I got this, boss.”
“I don’t think you do. The Christiansen Agency is meeting with them this morning, right now as a matter of fact. Stunning Lady will be coming here after talking to them so you will need to do whatever you can to erase what they just heard or make it sound pale in comparison. Talking to a hundred women in the Gaslamp District hardly qualifies as a study.” Charles makes quotation marks with his fingers when he says the word study.
“I don’t get it, Charles. This is a common practice and what I have is solid. Why are you riding my ass so hard today?”
“You think this is hard? You have no idea. Your arrogance has gotten you in a lot of doors and your closings are strong, but you need to always be pushing harder. I didn’t get here by resting on my laurels.”
Here we go again. The ‘How to succeed in business’ speech. Personally, I think it’s more of a ‘How to brag about my career’ speech, but I sit and listen anyway. What choice do I have? He’s the boss. For now.
After listening to him drone on for at least ten minutes, I think I know what I can do to get out of here. “How’s this? Instead of storyboards, why don’t I throw together a video clip like a mock commercial? I can do that in about an hour.”
Charles smiles and I know I’ve got him. “Yes, do that. You just need something more powerful than what you have now. Give them an idea of how we can captivate women.”
I stand to leave, knowing it’s going to take me well over an hour and I will need the help of at least two interns to pull this off by two. “Got it, boss. I’m on it.”
“Oh, and Brayden. Some of the executives are women so do you what you do.”
“What does that mean?”
“Women like you. Use that to your advantage.”
“I always do, Charles.”
I turn around and walk out, thinking about how I’m going to pull this off. This is a big account. If I get it away from Christiansen, I’m practically golden for that promotion. I head down to my floor and ask Macy to follow me into my office.
“What’s going on?” she asks.
“I need you to find me two available interns who know their stuff with video work. I’ve got three hours to pull off a miracle. See if Brian is free, he’s really good. Shannon, too.”
“No problem, boss.”
“Tell them I’ll buy them lunch. Interns love that shit.”
“Yes, they do.” She laughs and goes back to her desk.
I honestly don’t know what I would do without Macy. She keeps my calendar straight and my women even straighter. She runs a lot of interference for me. When I get my promotion, I’m bringing her along for the ride. She is due for a huge raise.
Ten minutes later, Brian and Shannon arrive, notebooks in hand, with that hungry intern look in their eyes that I love. It reminds me of how I was almost ten years ago, especially Brian. He’s a miniature me in training.
“Glad to see you both. I need you to create a video for me. I need some clips of women of different ethnicities and make sure you represent Hispanic women strongly. That’s the company’s primary target audience.”
Shannon nods and writes furiously while Brian focuses on me as I speak. “We’ll add in signs of aging and then we’ll do a time progression over six weeks on each woman to remove those signs of aging. Look for women mid-30ish. Clear?”
“Yes,” Shannon says. “What kind of music do you want? Hip? Adult contemporary?”
“Good question.” I think for a moment. “Let’s go with something dramatic but neutral for most age groups.”
“Got it,” she replies.
“I need it by one. Can you make that happen?”
They both look at me and then at each other. Brian whispers something then turns to me and smiles. “Of course we can. If that’s the deadline, then that’s what we need to do.”
“That’s what I like to hear. I’ll be working on rewriting so
me of my speaking points and finding background images that I’ll email you. Oh, and when you do the progression, don’t do that weird morphing thing. Audiences don’t like it.”
“No problem, Brayden,” Brian says. “We got it.”
They leave and I sit down to start fine-tuning my presentation. I buzz for Macy.
“Yes, boss,” she says, appearing in the doorway.
“Can you order lunch for everyone, please? I’ll just have a sandwich from the deli downstairs.”
“Of course. I already asked Brian and Shannon what they want. If you don’t mind, I told Simon I would have lunch with him today.”
“I don’t mind.” I stop what I’m doing for a moment to look up at Macy and smile. She’s a pretty woman, with light caramel colored skin and big blue eyes. She’s been dieting for six months and looks great. Not that she was fat, but women always seem to want to be thinner than they are. “How’s the wedding planning coming along?”
“Really good, thanks for asking.” Macy’s face lights up. “You’re coming, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Hey, do you know the name of the redhead that was walking by with that group of women this morning? I don’t think she works on this floor.”
“No, but I’ll do my best to find out.” She turns to leave. “I’ll secure the phone number, too, if she’s available.”
I smile. “You’re the best, Macy.”
“I know.” She grins and exits the room.
I go back to my work, focused on winning this account. The more closings I have, the higher the expectation gets. I just need to pull off a few more wins. I put the finishing touches on my presentation. There are so many products out there that it’s hard to make something really stand out, but I think they’ll like the angle I’m going with for this.
A few minutes later, Macy walks in with lunch and an update. “Brian said they found the clips they want to use and the music so they are already starting the editing.”
“That’s fantastic. I think my speaking points are coming along. The company is trying to target working women so I’m going to focus on all the things women have to do in a day. The one thing she shouldn’t have is a difficult skin care regime.”