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Dream of Me

Page 10

by Magenta Phoenix

  Lines of confusion deepened along Rurik’s brow as he absorbed her words. Resting his forearm on the table top as well, he regarded her with interest. “So you are saying that Kieran has no claim to you?” After asking, he seemed to hold his breath, awaiting her response.

  She scoffed, shaking her head, “Of course not, I belong to no one.” Rurik’s thin lips softly curved into a slight grin at her words.

  “Lady Elena—” Without finishing, he shut his mouth with a sharp snap as his eyes raised above her head.

  Suddenly, the weight of two heavy hands settled on her shoulders from behind. Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw it was Kieran. He didn’t look down at her; instead his eyes held a coldness that was focused entirely on Rurik. Why would he be upset with Rurik? Both seemed to just stare at each other in a hard silence. The air around her suddenly felt heavy with tension.

  “Rurik,” Kieran acknowledged curtly.

  Smirking coldly, Rurik replied, “Greetings Kieran, I was asked by the Gu’an to take Lady Elena to get some food, since she hadn’t had any yet today.” She watched as Rurik gave Kieran a knowing look. In a way it almost seemed like he was goading Kieran. Briefly she felt Kieran’s hands tighten on her shoulders before he relaxed them.

  Lowering his head to meet her eyes, his gaze softened against her questioning look. He smiled down at her, “Have you eaten enough?”

  Curling her nose in disgust, she shook her head. “I’m not eating any of that,” she stated, indicating to the roasted carcass in the middle of the table.

  Strangely, his tense expression melted to mirror Rurik’s confusion from earlier. “The meat is not to your liking? It’s good meat, I promise you.”

  When he reached around her to rip off a piece, she took the opportunity to rise to her feet. Turning around to face him, she was only mildly surprised to see him holding out the obtained meat in offering. As the smell of the putrid meat hit her once again, her stomach clenched painfully. Whether it was hunger pains or nausea, she didn’t know.

  Covering her mouth, she turned and fled from the dining hall to get away from the smell of the bizarre meat. Voices around her picked up at her sudden flight from the room, but she didn’t care. She needed to get away and get some fresh air before she became ill.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Surprised, Kieran watched as his mate suddenly turned a sickly shade of gray before she frantically covered her mouth and ran. His first instinct was to stop her, but his bewilderment stopped him. Had he done something to encourage this reaction? Looking down at the meat still pinched between his fingers, his brows furrowed with thought. Was it the meat? Popping the small chunk into his mouth he slowly chewed the sweet morsel.

  It was good meat. Twice a day, the best hunters from the lower villages were selected to venture into the Greenwood and bring back game for the warriors and the higher officials. Lyra’der meat was coveted by the warriors as the best meat. Only the best of hunters were able to track and successfully catch one. Lyra’ders were known for being swift and sometimes aggressive creatures. Perhaps Elena didn’t know that it was an honor to be served such meat? Or was it possible that her kind couldn’t tolerate meat?

  Ignoring the watchful eyes of the other warriors and staff around him, he moved to follow his mate.

  Leaving the dining hall, he moved down the dark corridor. Sniffing at the cool air, he located Elena’s soft musk. Turning to follow it, he was stopped as someone called to him.


  His jaw clenched tightly when he turned to see Rurik standing a short distance behind him. Clenching his fists, he couldn’t repress the urge to growl at his presence. His earlier words hadn’t gone unnoticed by Kieran for a second. The Gu’an may have ordered Rurik to take Elena to the dining hall, but it seemed like he’d taken it upon himself to label himself as Elena’s protector, a duty that belonged only to one person — her sou’tali.

  Rurik had suddenly become his opponent in the battle to claim his mate. His lip curled into a snarl at the mere idea. Not saying anything to acknowledge him, Kieran turned and began following his mate once again.

  “Don’t turn your back on me, sentinel,” Rurik’s dark voice warned.

  Stopping, his body slowly turned around to face his scowling opponent. It didn’t escape him at how Rurik’s words were filled with disdain at his title. As one of several sentinels, it was his job to patrol their boarders along the Greenwood and making sure their enemies never crossed their borders. It was too lowly of a job for Rurik.

  Ever since they were younglings, Rurik enjoyed exploiting his birth status that raised him above so many among the warriors. Where many were born of the lower Garmorian people of the villages, Rurik was born within a high ranking family within the Gu’an’s advising court. After adolescent training most warriors moved up in the ranks by proving themselves worthy. Rurik on the other hand was immediately assigned to the Gu’an’s personal guard with help from his high ranking sire.

  His eyes narrowed dangerously at his opponent. “You do not command me. Perhaps you need to remember you are one of the Gu’an’s guards, Rurik and not the Gu’an himself.”

  Chuckling, Rurik took a step forward. “I only wish to talk about Lady Elena or should I go and talk to her myself?” Giving Kieran a knowing smile, Rurik attempted to step around him.

  Springing forward Kieran’s hand shot out to grip Rurik’s throat in a punishing hold. Shoving him backwards, Kieran pinned his gloating opponent against the cold stone wall. “Listen to me, very carefully. You will stay away from Elena. She’s mine.”

  “You haven’t claimed her yet.” Shoving Kieran’s hands away, Rurik pushed away from the wall. His eyes never left Rurik as he edged away from the wall to stand behind him. Slowly turning with his opponents movements, he held himself ready should Rurik decide to attack.

  “What do you want?” Kieran asked when Rurik’s eyes began drifting in the direction of his wayward mate.

  “Your lady informed me that you have no claim on her. Is that correct?”

  “Of course it isn’t! She is my sou’tali; the Goddess led me to her. She is mine and by the new moon, I will claim her and prove it,” he answered, taking a threatening step forward.

  “That’s not what she thinks. In fact, something tells me that she doesn’t think of you in that way at all.” Flashing a knowing grin, Rurik’s finger rubbed absently at his chin in thought. “That means, she is unclaimed…”

  Kieran’s eyes blazed with the same rage that boiled within his veins. Unleashing his beastly form he allowed his human mask to melt away. His face changed as his fangs lengthened to deadly points making him hunger for the taste of his rival’s blood. Unsheathing his razor sharp claws, Kieran moved in for the attack. He would kill any that thought they could claim Elena instead of him. Seeing his intention to attack, Rurik released his inner beast. Slashing his claws through the air threateningly, Rurik parted his mighty jaws and roared with a challenge. Before the two could engage, a dark voice thundered from behind them.


  The sound of heavy boots echoed through the dark corridor behind them, before the newcomer stepped into the light. Seeing his commander, Kieran slowly took a step back but he refused to revert back to his humanoid form until he was sure that Rurik was no threat. Arlen’s hard gaze shifted between the two that still yearned to shred each other to bits.

  “Revert,” his harsh voice ordered. When neither made a move to follow his command, he shouted, “Now! Or I will personally make sure you regret it!”

  Reluctantly, Kieran allowed his features to shrink back to normal as well as his claws. Rurik turned around to glare threateningly at Arlen, refusing to do as ordered. Kieran watched as Arlen’s eyes began to glow as his beast fought to break to the surface. Arlen was the oldest and strongest of all of the warriors. None would dare challenge him and hoped to live.

  “Stand down, Guard,” Arlen ordered. The force of his words carried power that nearly pushed both w
arrior’s to their knees. Snapping his mouthful of fangs at him, Rurik refused to stand down. Without warning, Arlen struck. Curling his clawed hand into a fist, his powerful fist flew out at Rurik, striking him across the face and throwing him to his knees. Once on his knees, Arlen stepped forward, striking Rurik again. Falling onto his hands as Rurik’s beastly features unwilling reverted back to normal.

  Stumbling onto his feet, Rurik glared at Arlen with hatred as a thin trail of blood fell from his split lip. Turning to face Kieran, he sneered, “This isn’t over. You’ll be hearing from me soon, sentinel.” Without another word he shoved passed Arlen with a snarl before he disappeared into the shadows.

  Allowing his features to relax and melt back to normal, Arlen focused his hard gaze on the warrior remaining. “What was that about?”

  “He threatened to take my sou’tali. I am within my right to challenge him,” Kieran seethed.

  “Perhaps; however this is neither the time nor the place for such things. Have you begun the Malrai Hin?”

  Nodding his head, Kieran rumbled out his reply, “I have.”

  “You cannot afford any distractions during this time. We have more pressing matters than claiming your sou’tali,” Arlen stated, looking at Kieran with skepticism.

  Shaking his head, Kieran paced away from his commander. “My mind is clear.”

  Nodding, Arlen grimaced. All this dream seeking was causing his warrior’s to lose their senses and composer. He was satisfied that he had yet to dream of his mate, allowing him to still remain sane. “Very well, go to your mate. Win her before your time runs out.”

  Dipping his head in respect, Kieran turned to continue on his way to catch up to his mate. Arlen’s voice called out to him once more, stopping his pursuit. Turning to look over his shoulder, Kieran met the hard gaze of his commander as his grave words echoed around them.

  “Remember, once the Malrai Hin begins, there is no going back. If you fail — you will die.”

  Chapter Seven

  Elena ran blindly from the smells that churned her stomach. Rushing outside, she lifted her face to the dark sky, inhaling deeply; she allowed the cool air to fill her lungs. Quickly, her rolling stomach calmed, nevertheless the fresh air did nothing to calm her hunger pains as they began anew.

  Leaning against the stone doorway, she couldn’t prevent the sadness that washed over her. What would she do if she couldn’t get back home?

  “Elena?” The sound of Kieran’s voice from behind her had her jumping with surprise. Moving from the shadows, his face came into view as he moved closer. His concern filled eyes locked on hers, making it impossible for her to look away. His hand reached toward her but dropped when she moved away from the wall at her back.

  Enfolding her arms around herself, she turned around to face him. “Kieran, I want you to send me home. Just listen to me,” she pleaded, holding up a staying hand as he moved to argue. “I just want to go home, home to my friend and home to my job. I don’t belong here and I never will.”

  “You belong with me.”

  “How can you keep me here, when you know that I won’t be happy? Are you really that selfish?”

  He flinched from her words as though he’d been struck. Was he being selfish wanting to keep his mate with him? No, this was the way things were done. There was no such thing as being selfish when claiming ones mate. She was meant for him just as he was meant for her. Everything about the Malrai Hin was about the happiness of his mate. She’d adjust.

  And if she doesn’t? The forbidden thought slipped through his steel resolve that held firm to everything he’d been taught. What if she came to hate him? She couldn’t have dreamed of him if she wasn’t destined to be his.

  “I will find a way to go home, but I’m giving you the chance to help me.” Her pleading expression began to mix with a healthy dose of stubbornness as she met his grimacing face. Reaching down, his large hand engulfed hers tenderly.

  “Come with me.”

  Seeing that he wasn’t taking her plea serious, she attempted to jerk away from him. “Kieran listen to me!”

  “No, listen to me now. Let me take you back to our place again. There is more I have yet to tell you.”

  His innocent plea instantly weakened her resolve. She wanted to go home to everything that made sense to her and to all that gave her comfort. Instead she was stuck in a strange world with dangers she didn’t even want to understand. Her tired mind and hungry body were weighing heavily against her.

  Turning her sad eyes back to Kieran’s searching ones, she realized that he must have seen something lurking within their depths. The next thing she knew she was tossed up into his arms again as his large wings emerged. Leaping into the air, his wings spread out behind him as the ground disappeared from beneath their feet. Gasping in fear, Elena tightened her arms around his neck while she squeezed her eyes tightly closed.

  “Don’t you people walk anywhere?” she complained. Feeling the wind shift her hair over her shoulders, she knew Kieran was carrying them away from the stronghold and closer to their place of seclusion.

  Chuckling, Kieran shook his head at how she made no effort to hide her dislike of flying. “Don’t you like flying? Open your eyes and look at the beauty that you would miss from the ground,” he said in effort to tempt her tightly closed eyes to open.

  “No, thank you,” she stated firmly.

  There was nothing he could do to convince her to open her eyes. She could pretend that she wasn’t flying through the air at a dangerous height if her eyes remained closed and that’s the way she was going to keep it. As if hearing her stubborn thoughts, Kieran’s arms loosened briefly around her back and beneath her knees causing her body to nearly tumble out of his loose hold.

  Crying out as she felt herself nearly falling out of his arms, her eyes jerked open as she clawed at his skin for leverage. At seeing his smirk she felt the urge to claw it off of his face. Narrowing her eyes at him, she pressed her lips into a tight, angry line. “Keep smiling, because the next time you drop me or pretend to drop me, I’m going to introduce you to a bikini wax,” she threatened, her voice rising with her barely restrained fear.

  “What is bikini wax?” he asked with interest.

  “It’s a type of human torture that someone like you would never hope to survive,” she grumbled under her breath.

  The smirking jerk had the balls to laugh at her so-called threat. Shaking her head, she risked looking over her shoulder at the scenery below them. They flew over a sea of trees and a wide river that reflected the silvery moon light in the calming darkness. He was right, it was beautiful up here but her fierce desire to not grow attached to anything of this new world made her dismiss it. Sighing, she turned her face back toward Kieran’s warm chest. Sorrow began to fill her at the thought of never returning home. How would she get home if he wouldn’t listen to her?

  She flinched in surprise as Kieran shifted her in his embrace as the rhythmic beating of his wings slowed. Looking back over her shoulder, she released a breath of relief as she saw the ground growing closer. Once Kieran’s feet touched the ground, she instantly tried to move out of his arms.

  Holding his mate close gave him a peace that he never knew existed. As she moved impatiently in his embrace he found that he was reluctant to let her go but nevertheless he released her. Her soft form slid against his as he lowered her onto her feet; ever brush of her body against his urged him to grip her tightly to him.

  His desire for her had not waned since bringing her to his side, instead it had grown. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close, to feel her skin against his and claim her as his in every way possible. Images of her naked pale form entwined with his against the furs of his bed surfaced in his mind. No. Shaking his head he forced the images from his mind. The hunger to claim his mate was powerful, but he had to push such hungers aside. He couldn’t risk claiming her without obtaining her acceptance of the Malrai Hin or he could risk losing her forever.


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